1. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) - Release Dates
12/20/2012 ; Theatrical (limited) ...
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Mari women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous Republic of the Marij El serves as a backdrop for the collective history of a people of ancient tradition. A journey into a mysterious and unknown part of the world.
2. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) - What is my movie? - Item
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) ... This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Marij women, a sort of Decameron suspended between ...
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3. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) - The Movie Database
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Mari women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous ...
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Mari women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous Republic of the Marij El serves as a backdrop for the collective history of a people of ancient tradition. A journey into a mysterious and unknown part of the world.
4. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) - Letterboxd
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Mari women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous ...
This is a collection of portraits: 23 short stories about the Mari women, a sort of Decameron suspended between magic and realism, in which the Autonomous Republic of the Marij El serves as a backdrop for the collective history of a people of ancient tradition. A journey into a mysterious and unknown part of the world.
5. Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari (Nebesnye Ženy Lugovykh Mari)
This film is a collection of 22 very short stories about Mari women. Most (maybe all) of the stories relate to their roles as wives or brides-to-be.
SIFF's capsule summary: "From Aleksey Fedorchenko, the director of SILENT SOULS, comes a wholly original, humorous, beautiful folk tale-told in the native tongue of the nature worshiping Mari-about 22 strong independent women whose names all begin with the letter O." (Russia, 2012, 106 minutes,…
6. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (2012) - Cinema Paradiso
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (aka Nebesnye zheny lugovykh mari) (2012) film. This is 22 short stories about women of Mari. The Mari, are a Finno-Ugric ...
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (aka Nebesnye zheny lugovykh mari) (2012) film. This is 22 short stories about women of Mari. The Mari, are a Finno-Ugric ethnic group, who have traditionally lived along the Volga and Kama rivers in Russia. Almost half of Maris today live in the Mari El republic, with significant populations in ...
7. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari | New East Cinema Symposium
Apr 20, 2014 · Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari is the third film in the tandem between the writer Denis Osokin and director Aleksei Fedorchenko. The film ...
See AlsoWhats A Who Is Paul[Небесные жены луговых мари]
8. Alexei Fedorchenko's Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (Nebesnye ...
Alexei Fedorchenko's Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari (Nebesnye zheny lugovykh mari, 2012) ... With his new Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari, Russian director ...
With this piece, director Alexei Fedorchenko references and responds to his earlier film Silent Souls.
9. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Weeds • Movie - TvProfil
23 short stories about the Mari women. Stories joyful and sad, ridiculous and terrible. It is the movie ornament, the movie calendar telling about philosophy, ...
23 short stories about the Mari women. Stories joyful and sad, ridiculous and terrible. It is the movie ornament, the movie calendar telling about philosophy, traditions and today of the Mari people
10. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari | mBank New Horizons
Niebiańskie żony Łąkowych Maryjczyków / Nebesnye zheny lugovykh mari. Russia 2012, 106'. director: Alexey Fedorchenko screenplay: Denis Osokin
This country fascinates. As Scottish 'anti-tourist' Daniel Kalder writes in Lost Cosmonaut: after much reading and analysis, I decided to travel to the Republic of Mari El which borders Tatarstan in the south. My decision was influenced by the fact that the Mari, the local inhabitants, are the last authentic pagans in Europe […] I felt that it must be a unique place: victims sacrificed in the shadow of nuclear reactors, the naked bodies of women swollen with fertility, ritual acts of deflowering. Even if such images are missing from this film by the Russian ‘anti-documentalist’, what remains is more than appealing. The Mari Decameron consists of 26 stories of various lengths featuring female protagonists whose names begin with the letter ‘O’. What viewers will see are the dead rising from the grave, the punishment of sacred trees, a forest spirit demanding sex and vaginas speaking in their own voices! Erotica intertwines artfully with folklore, rituals and beliefs, permeating post-Soviet housing and villages from another era. The director builds another cinematic monument to the dying minorities of the Russian Federation, which includes traces of Pasolini or Parajanov – not a statue made of bronze, but constructed with astonishment, sensitivity and humour.
11. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari - Maryland Film Festival
In the follow-up to his breakout 2010 film Silent Souls, Aleksey Fedorchenko once again examines the lives and customs of the indigenous Mari people of Russia, ...
2012, 106 minutesRussia
12. Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari | Festival International de Films ...
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari. Back to listing. Year of release. 2012. Length. 106. minutes. Category. Language. Subtitles. Section. Genre Cinema: Terra ...
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CELESTIAL WIVES OF THE MEADOW MARI · Screenplay: Denis Osokin · Cinematographer: Shandor Berkeshi · Editor: Roman Vazhenin · Music: Andrey Karasev · Cast: Yuliya Aug ...