DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ... · DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary Institutions: Academic Year 1992-93. Tuition and Required Fees and Room and Board Charges at 4-year, 2-year, and Public Less-than-2-year Institutions. Statistical Analysis Report. INSTITUTION National Center for Educatiot. Statistics (ED), Washington, DC. REPORT NO NCES-93-315 PUB DATE Dec 93 NOTE 161p.; For the 1991-92 report, see ED 351 983. PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Fees; Graduate Study; Higher Education; In State Students! Out of State Students; *Private Colleges; *Public Colleges; Tables (Data); *Technical Institutes; *Tuition; *Two Year Colleges; Undergraduate Study IDENTIFIERS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ABSTRACT This report lists the typical tuition and required fees and room and board charges for academic year 1992-93 at nearly 5,000 4-year, 2-year, and public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions in the United States and its outlying areas. Included are tuition and fee charges to in-state and out-of-state students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, along with the costs for room and board, and the number of meals per week covered by the board charge. Data were collected through the 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics Survey of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)." The report includes tables with national statistics on tuition and require fees at postsecondary institutions. These are followed by tuition and required fees and room and board charges at individual institutions. Four tables provide the following data: costs at public and private 4-year institutions; costs at public and private 2-year institutions; costs at less-than-2-year institutions; and tuition and required fees for first-professional programs by institutions. Schools are listed alphabetically by stale. Cost data for schools in the outlying areas (American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Island, Palau, Puerto Rico, and the "irgin Islands) follow state listings. (Author/JB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********************************************************************

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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (3)


ED 365 261 HE 027 054

AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B.TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary Institutions:

Academic Year 1992-93. Tuition and Required Fees andRoom and Board Charges at 4-year, 2-year, and PublicLess-than-2-year Institutions. Statistical AnalysisReport.

INSTITUTION National Center for Educatiot. Statistics (ED),Washington, DC.

REPORT NO NCES-93-315PUB DATE Dec 93NOTE 161p.; For the 1991-92 report, see ED 351 983.PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS *Fees; Graduate Study; Higher Education; In State

Students! Out of State Students; *Private Colleges;*Public Colleges; Tables (Data); *TechnicalInstitutes; *Tuition; *Two Year Colleges;Undergraduate Study

IDENTIFIERS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

ABSTRACTThis report lists the typical tuition and required

fees and room and board charges for academic year 1992-93 at nearly5,000 4-year, 2-year, and public less-than-2-year postsecondaryinstitutions in the United States and its outlying areas. Includedare tuition and fee charges to in-state and out-of-state students atthe undergraduate and graduate levels, along with the costs for roomand board, and the number of meals per week covered by the boardcharge. Data were collected through the 1992-93 "InstitutionalCharacteristics Survey of the Integrated Postsecondary Education DataSystem (IPEDS)." The report includes tables with national statisticson tuition and require fees at postsecondary institutions. These arefollowed by tuition and required fees and room and board charges atindividual institutions. Four tables provide the following data:costs at public and private 4-year institutions; costs at public andprivate 2-year institutions; costs at less-than-2-year institutions;and tuition and required fees for first-professional programs byinstitutions. Schools are listed alphabetically by stale. Cost datafor schools in the outlying areas (American Samoa, Federated Statesof Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Island,Palau, Puerto Rico, and the "irgin Islands) follow state listings.(Author/JB)


Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be madefrom the original document.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (4)


Statistical Analysis Report December 1993

Basic Student Charges atPostsecondary Institutions:Academic Year 1992--93

Tuition and required fees androom and board charges at 4-year, 2-year,and public less-than-2-year institutions






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U.S. Department of EducationMice of Educational Research and Improvement NCES 93-315

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (5)


Statistical Analysis Report December 1993

Basic Student Charges atPostsecondary Institutions:Academic Year 1992 -93Tuition and required fees androom and board charges at 4-year, 2-year,and public less-than-2-year institutions

Susan G. BroylesFrank B. MorganPostsecondary Education Statistics Division

U.S. Department of EducationOffice of Educational Research and Improvement NCES 93-315


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (6)

U.S. Depart-nent of EducationRichard W. RileySecretary

Office of Educational Research and ImprovementSharon P. RobinsonAssistant Secretary

Natonal Center for Education StatisticsEmerson J. ElliottCommissioner

National Center for Education Statistics

"The purpose of the Center shall be to collect, and analyze,and disseminate statistics and other data related toeducation in the United States and in othernations."Section 406(b) of the General EducationProvisions Act, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1221e-1).

December 1993

Contact:Susan G. Broyles(202) 219-1159


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (7)


This report lists the typical tuition and required fees and room and board charges for academicyear 1992-93 at nearly 5,300 4-year, 2-year, and public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions inthe United States and its outlying areas. Included are tuition and fee charges to in-state and out-of-statestudents at the undergraduate and graduate levels, along with the costs for room and board, and thenumber of meals per week covered by the board charge. This information should be especially helpfulto students, guidance counselors, and parents in evaluating the basic costs of attending specificpostsecondary schools.

Basic Student Charges was prepared by the National Center for Education Statistic: (NCES),U.S. Department of Education. The data were collected through the 1992-93 "InstitutionalCharacteristics" survey conducted annually by NCES as part of its Integrated Postsecondary EducationData System.

Paul Planchon William H. FreundActing Associate Commissioner ChiefPostsecondary Education Statistics Division Institutional Surveys Branch



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (8)


The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) appreciates the in-depth review of thisreport by the following adjudication panel members: Charles Anderson, American Council onEducation; Marge Machen, National Science Foundation; and the following staff within the Departmentof Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement: Norman Brandt, Office of the DeputyAssistant Secretary for Operations (OERI) and Michael Cohen and Charlene Hoffman of NCES.William Freund, Chief of the Institutional Surveys Branch Ca SB), and Marilyn McMillen, SeniorStatistician for the Postsecondary Education Statistics Division, contributed useful recommendations.Austin Lin, Systems Analyst (ISB), provided extensive technical support in computer programming andanalysis, while Geneva Davis added her expertise through maintaining the universe.

Creation of the final database used to generate the institutional listings in this report wasaccomplished through an interagency agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of theCensus. The staff of the Economic Surveys Division and Governments Division, Bureau of the Census,and a network of state coordinators shared responsibility for data collection and processing, nonresponsefollowup, and resolution of data inconsistencies. While their names are too numerous to mention here,their time, effort, and commitment toward making this an accurate database are gratefullyacknowledged.

The authors of this report are indebted to all the individuals who completed the survey formsand thus provided the information that made this report possible.


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PageForeword iii

Acknowledgments iv

Introduction 1

Codes Used in the Tables 3

Summary Statistics on Tuition and Required Fees Chargedby Postsecondary Institutions 4

Glossary 157

Introductory Tables

Table A.-- Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at publicpostsecondary institutions, by level of institution, and by student level and residencestatus: 50 states and the District of Columbia, academic year 1992-93 6

Table B.-- Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at private, nonprofitpostsecondary institutions, by level of institution, and by student level and residencestatus: 50 states and the District of Columbia, academic year 1992-93 6

Table C.-- Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at private, for-profitpostsecondary institutions, by level of institution, and by student level and residencestatus: 50 states and the District of Columbia, academic year 1992-93 7

Basic Tables

Table 1.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, bystudent level and residence status, control of institution, state or other area, anainstitution: Academic year 1992-93 11

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, bystudent residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution:Academic year 1992-93 71

Table 3.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondaryinstitutions, by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academicyear 1992-93 129

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and controlof institution: Academic year 1992-93 141


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (10)


Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary Institutions: Academic Year 1992-93 lists tuition andrequired fees and room and board charges for academic year 1992-93 at nearly 5,000 schools in theUnited States and its outlying aims.' These are the typical charges for these items that a full-time, full-year student should expect to/pay to attend the institution. For the benefit of the user, a glossary ofterms used in this report appdars on page 157.

The student charges listed in this report should be used for reference and comparison purposesonly, and not as a quote of actual charges at an institution. Tuition and fees may vary at an institutionby student enrollment level or program and allowances should be made for increases that may havetaken place since these data were gathered. In addition to these charges, a student should plan for othercosts such as books and supplies, laboratory fees, transportation, and personal expenses.

There were 5,685 4-year, 2-year, and public less-than-2-year institutions in the United Statesand its outlying areas in the 1992-93 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)universe; of these, more than 5,200 responded to the IPEDS 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics"survey for a response rate of 92 percent. Nearly 5,000 institutions provided data cn basic studentcharges. The remaining schools either did not respond to the questions or did not offer programs to full-time students and, thus, were not required to respond. Tuition and fees and room and board chargesare not imputed for nonrespondents to these items, so all columns are blank for these schools.Nonrespondents are indicated on the listings with a double asterisk (**); schools with no full-timestudents are also noted.

All institutions listed in this report were in operation during the 1992-93 school year. Thestudent charges reported by the institutions were edited for reasonableness and consistency with chargesfor the previous year (1991-92). Large variations in charges from the previous year were verified withthe institution; otherwise, the data were accepted as reported. For institutions that did not respond theprevious year, data were accepted as renorted although data that appeared questionable were verifiedwith the institution. Zero charges represent actual reported responses.

Organization of this report

Basic Student Charges includes several tables with national statistics on tuition and required feesat postsecondary institutions for academic year 1992-93 (tables A, B, and C). These data are followedby tuition and required fees and room and board charges at individual institutions (tables 1, 2, and 3)and tuition and required fees for first-professional programs (table 4). Table 1 lists public and private4-year institutions, that is, those offering a t Fhelor's degree or higher award; table 2 lists public andprivate 2-year institutions, that is, those offering a postsecondary award of at least 2 but less than 4academic years; table 3 lists public less - than -2 -"ear institutions, that is, those offering a postsecondaryaward of less than 2 academic years; and table 4 provides tuition and required fees for first-professional

'The outlying areas of the United States are American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam,Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

1 0

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programs, by institution.' Private less-than-2-year institutions are not included in this report becausethe data requested on student charges from these schools are requested by program and thus are notcomparable to the academic year data presented in this report.

Schools are listed alphabetically by state in tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 (U.S. Service Schools are listedseparately following Wyoming3). Schools in the outlying areas, such as Puerto Rico, follow the statelistings. At the beginning of each state and outlying area in tables 1, 2, and 3, the user will noteaverages for the various student charges. These averages were calculated using data from therespondent institutions only, and no imputations were performed for nonresponse. The state averagesreported here may differ from the state averages for all institutions to the degree that respondents arenot representative of nonrespondents.4 For the convenience of the user, an explanation of th,- codesused in the tables is provided in the next section of this publication and at the bottom of the last pageof each table.

The institutional names in this report were transferred directly from the survey data tape. Thus,names may be abbreviated to accommodate the maximum number of 50 tape positions for this variable.Branch campuses may be further identified by their city location to aid the user of this report.

'Due to space limitations in this report, private nonprofit and private for-profit institutions are identified onlyas private institutions in the institutional listings in tables 1, 2, and 3. However, the introductory tables B andC provide selected national statistics on nonprofit and for-profit institutions.

'The U.S. Service Schools are listed separately in tables 1 and 2, so that their tuition and fees and room andboard charges do not impact on state averages. Their actual locations are as follows: Community College of theAir Force (Alabama); Naval Postgraduate School (California); United States Air Force Academy (Colorado);United States Coast Guard Academy (Connecticut): United States Army Command and General Staff College(Kansas); Uniformed Services University of the Health ScienCes and United States Naval Academy (Maryland);United States Merchant Marine Academy and United States Military Academy (new York); and Air ForceInstitute of Technology (Ohio),

°The state/outlying area averages are based on actual institutional charges, that is, they are not weighted bystudent enrollment at institutions. Combined room and board charges are not included in the calculation ofaverage charges for room and average charges for board.

A small number of institutions provide tuition, icotr, and/or board free of charge. These "zero-dollarcharges" were verified with the institution and are included in the calculation of the state/outlying area averagesand in the summary statistics in introductory tables A, B, and C. If tuition, room, and/or board data were notprovided by an institution (due to voluntary nonresponse or nonapplicability of the item to the institution), these"missing data cases' were not included in the calculation of averages or in the summary statistics.


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Codes Used in the Tables

(H) Found to the left of an institution's name "(H)" identifies the school as an institution of highereducation. That is, the institution is accredited at the college level by an agency or associationrecognized by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education.

* Many institutions reported a combined room and board charge. The combined charge is listedunder "Room" and an asterisk (*) is entered under "Board." Combined charges were not includedas part of the calculation of state averages.




Institutions with a double asterisk (**) to the right of their name did not respond to any of theitems on student charges. Almost half of these institutions were total nonrespondents to the 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics" survey which collected these data. The remaining schoolsresponded to the survey but id not answer any of the items on student charges in this report.

The items on student charges in this report were not applicable to some schools because they offeronly first-professional programs'. Tuition charges for first-professional students are found in table4, and are included in this report for the first time.

Institutions with a triple asterisk (***) to the right of their name reported tuition and required feesfor in-district students that were at least 10 percent lower than the charge to in-state students. Onlytables 2 and 3 carry this code, as in-district charges are generally a phenomenon of public 2-yearand public less-than-2-year schools.

Found to the right of a state name or other area, "(#)" indicates that no postsecondary institutionswere identified at the 4-year, 2-year, or public less-than-2-year level. Although there may be suchinstitutions in the state or area, they must respond to the "Institutional Characteristics" surveybefore they can be included in the universe of postsecondary institutions maintained by theNational Center for Education Statistics. (Institutions that did not respond to the "InstitutionalCharacteristics" survey were verified to be in operation during the 1992-93 school year.)

$$ Found to the right of the institution's name, "$$" indicates that the school has one charge thatincludes tuition, fees, room, and board.

V A "V" in the number of meals per week column means that this number varies by student or bymeal plan.

@ Found to the right of the institution's name, the "@" denotes the institution indicated there wereno full-time students enrolled, thus no tuition data were to be reported.

+ Indicates that the state average is the average of respondent institutions only. It will differ fromthe state average for all institutions to the degree that respondents are not representative ofnonrespondents.

'Examples of first-professional programs include medicine (M.D. degree), law (the LL.B. or J.D. degrees),dentistry, pharmacy, and theology (the M.Div., M.H.L., B.D. degrees, or Ordination), as wcl' as first-professionalcertificates (post-degree) in these fields.


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Summary Statistics on Tuition and Required Fees Chargedby Postsecondary Institutions

The summary data on tuition and required fees found in tables A, B, and C are presented toinform prospective students of the wide variation in these charges among different types of institutions.The total cost of attending a postsecondary institution can be significantly reduced by taking tuitioncharges into consideration when choosing a school. As a general rule, tuition is much lower at publicinstitutions than at private institutions, and public institutions generally offer in-state students lowertuition rates than students attending from out-of-state.

Tuition and required fees at public postsecondary institutions

Public 4-year institutions

Generally speaking, public 4-year institutions charge much lower tuition and required fees tostudents who attend these schools in the state where they legally reside (table A). For example, inacademic year 1992-93 the mean (i.e., average) institutional charge was $2,324 for an undergraduatestudent who attended a public 4-year school in the state where he or she legally resided, compared to$5,954 for an out-of-state student. Average institutional charges to graduate students were also muchlower for in-state resident.; than for out-of-state residents ($2,593 compared to $5,936).

The median charge for tuition and fees was $2,146 for undergraduate, in-state students, fallingsomewhat below the mean charge. (The median charge lies at the midpoint when charges are arrayedin order from lowest to highest, or highest to lowest). In other words, half of all responding institutionsreported tuition and fee charges to undergraduate, in-state students above $2,146, while half reportedcharges below this amount. The mean charge of $2,324 was higher than the median charge due to asmall number of relatively higher-priced institutions.

There was a broad spread of tuition and fee charges when all public 4-year institutions wereconsidered. For example, while 25 percent of these institutions charged $2,871 or more toundergraduate, in-state students, the bottom quarter charged $1,600 or less to such students. In-statetuition and fees charges ranged from $0 (at 5 institutions) to $7,056 (at the most expensive institution).

Public 2-year institutions

On average. public 2-year institutions charged in-state residents $1,305 for tuition and requiredfees in 1992-93, compared to the average out-of-state charge of $3,032. The median in-state charge

was $1,070. Twenty-five percent of public 2-year schools charged $600 or less to in-state students fortuition and fees, while schools in the top quarter charged $1,744 or more.

Public less-than-2-year institutions

In-state residents attending public less-than-2-year institutions were charged an average tuitionand required fees of $1,851 in 1992-93. However, 25 percent of all such institutions charged $486 orless to in-state students for tuition and fees, and the top 25 percent charged $3,000 or more. Unlikepublic 4-year and 2-year institutions, out-of-state and in-state charges did not vary much at most public

less-than-2-year institutions.


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Tuition and required fees at private postsecondary institutions

At private institutions, the charges for tuition and required fees seldom vary by a student's in-state vs. out-of-state status; however both charges are presented in this report.

Private 4-year institutions

Undergraduate tuition and fees at private, nonprofit 4-year institutions averaged $8,060 for in-state students ($8,068 for out-of-state) in academic year 1992-93 (table B), almost three and one-halftimes the average charge of $2,324 to undergraduate, in-state students at public 4-year institutions. Thedifference was somewhat less for out-of-state undergraduates (l,4 times higher at private, nonprofitschools). At the graduate level, private, nonprofit 4-year schools charged an average of $6,470 fortuition and fees to in-state students ($6,506 to those from out-of-state). Again, these charges arenoticeably higher than those at public 4-year schools.

Tuition and fees at the 4-year for-profit institutions, although high, varied considerably less thanthose at private, nonprofit 4-year institutions. For example, undergraduate in-state tuition varied from$0 (at 8 institutions) to $22,900 at the 4-year nonprofit schools, while the for-profit institutions variedfrom $2,195 to $11,500. Charges for tuition and fees to graduate students also varied widely.

Private 2-year institutions

Nonprofit 2-year institutions charged in-state students an average of $3,407 for tuition andrequired fees in 1992-93 (table B), almost half that charged by for-profit institutions ($6,106).

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Table A.--Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at public postsecondaryinstitutions, by level of institution, and by student level and residence status: 50 states

and the District of Columbia, academic year 1992-93

Selected measures

Public institutions

4-year 2-year

Undergraduate students Graduate students All students

1n-stateOut-of-state In-state

Out-of-state In-state



All students

Out-of-In-state state

Total institutions*.... 583 583 499 499 1,256

Responding 572 572 489 489 1,203

Mean $2,324 $5,954 $2,593 $5,936 $1,305

75th percentile 2,871 7,087 3,371 7,495 1,744

50th percentile (median) 2,146 5,876 2,375 5,720 1,070

25th percentile 1,600 4,356 1,620 4,287 600

1,256 261 261

1,203 231 231

$3,032 $1,351 $2,1323,969 3,000 3,221

3,000 1,485 2,000

1,811 486 668

*The total number of public 4-year institutions is 612 (not shown in table); 583 institutions offer full-timeundergraduate programs and 499 offer full-time graduate programs. Thus, numbers have been adjusted to include only

those schools that were asked to provide tuition and fees data. Since many institutions offered programs at both

levels, these numbers for 4-year schools are not additive.

Note: Tuition and required fee charges are not weighted by student enrollment at the institutions.Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education

Data System (IPEDS), 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics" survey.

Table 8.--Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at private,nonprofit postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, and by student

level and residence status: 50 states and the District of Columbia, academic

year 1992-93

Selected measures

Nonprofit institutions

4-year 2-year

Undergraduate students Graduate students


Out-of-state In-state


All students


Out-of-In-state state

Total institutions*.... 1,482 1,482 1,054 1,054 610 610

Responding 1,307 1,307 901 901 525 525

Mean $ 8,060 $ 8,068 $ 6,470 $6,506 $3,407 $3,478

75th percentile 10,624 10,624 8,460 8,470 5,200 5,295

50th percentile (median) 7,980 7,990 5,700 5,700 2,850 2,920

25th percentile 5,040 5,040 3,750 3,750 1,000 1,050

*The total number of nonprofit 4-year institutions is 1,937 (not shown in table); 1,482 insti-tutions offer full-time undergraduate programs and 1,054 offer full-time graduate programs.Thus, the numbers have been adjusted to include only those schools that were asked to providetuition and fees data. Since many institutions offered programs at both levels, these numbers

for 4-year schools are not additive.

Note: Tuition and required fee charges are not weighted by student enrollment.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated

Postsecondary Education Data System ( IPEDS), 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics" survey.

61 ti

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Table C.--Tuition and required fees charged to full-time, full-year students at private,for-profit postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, and by studentlevel and residence status: 50 states and the District of Columbia, academicyear 1992-93

Selected leasures

For-profit institutions

4-year 2-year

Undergraduate students Graduate students

Out-of- Out-of-In-state state In-state state

ALL students

Out-of-In-state I state

Total institutions*.... 92 92 59 59 718 718Responding 87 87 43 43 584 584

Mean $6,139 $6,139 $6,230 $6,230 $6,106 $6,10975th percentile 7,415 7,415 7,860 7,860 7,213 7,21350th percentile (median) 5,800 5,800 5,458 5,458 5,576 5,57625th percentile 5,180 5,180 3,789 3,789 4,500 4,500

*The total number of for-profit 4-year institutions is 146 (not shown in table); 92 insti-tutions offer full-time undergraduate programs and 59 offer full-time graduate programs.Thus, the numbers have been adjusted to include only those schools that were asked to providetuition and fees data. Since some institutions offered programs at both levels, these numbersfor 4-year schools are not additive.Note: Tuition and required fee charges are not weighted by student enrollment.Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, IntegratedPostsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 1992-93 "Institutional Characteristics" survey.

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4-year institutions

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Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institution










State average+ - 4,717 1,865 3,319 3,952 1.762 3,317 1,355 1,673 19

(H) Alabama ABM University 1,800 3.150 2.136 4.272 1,108 1,242 21Alabama Bible Institut*

(H) Alabama State University 1,608 3,108 1,836 3,540 1.100 810 20(H) American Ind Psychotherapy-Grad Sch Prof Psych

AOH Theological Seminary@(H) Athens State College 1,880 3,210 825(H) Auburn University at Montgomery 1,699 4,797 1,599 4,797 1,500(H) Auburn University Main Campus 1,755 5,285 1,755 5,265 1.638

Baptist Medical Center 2,500 2,500Birmingham Baptist Bible College 450 650

(H) Birmingham Southern College 10,308 7,000 1,860 2,100 14Easonian Baptist Seminary 100Faith College 980 1,080

(H) Faulkner University 5,100 1,000 1.900 19(H) Huntingdon College 7,140 1,280 2,300 19(H) International Bible College 2,352 900(H) Jacksonville State University 1,550 2,328 1.600 2,400 1,004 1.398 20(H) Judson College 5,190 1,798 1,198 20(H) Livingston University 1,809 1,809 1,728 1,728 975 1,208 14

M L Cummins School of Nurse Anesthesia 2,940 2,940(H) Miles College 3,800 900 1,400 19(H) Mobile College 5,550 6,000 1,237 2,062 21(H) O&kwood College 6,216 1,764 2,160 19(H) Samford University 7,064 5,858 1,618 1,838 19(H) Selma University 3,320 1,800 2,480 19(H) Southeastern Bible College 4,300 700 940 1,500 15

Southeastern Institute of Technology**(H) Southern Christian University 4,085 4,065(H) Spring Hill College 10,763 2.835 2,210 2,164 19(H) Stillman College 4,460 1,071 1,883 20(H) Talladega College 4,166 1.124 1,240 21(H) The University of Alabama 2,068 5,188 2,088 5,168 1.914 1.550 15(H) Troy State University at Dothan 1.617 2,749 1,090 2.181(H) Troy State University in Montgomery 1.617 3,234 1,090 2,181(H) Troy State University in Phenix City 1,260 1,890 1,080 1,620(H) Troy State University-Main Campus 1,817 2,518 1,500 2,340 1,068 1,588 20(H) Tuskegee University 6,535 6,535 3,270 20(H) United States Sports Academy 6,250(H) University of Alabama at Birmingham 2,238 4,248 2,448 4,668 2,316(H) University of Alabama In Huntsville 2,328 4,656 2,238 4,476 1,290 1,785 19(H) University of Montevallo 2,100 4,140 2,220 4,380 3,054 21

(H) University of North Alabama 1,460 2,080 1,604 2,204 1,098 1,484 20(H) University of South Alabama 2.295 2.895 1,983 2,583 1,280 1,745 21

(H) University of South Alabama-Baldwin 2.295 2,895 1,983 2,583

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (19)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students











State average+ - 4,699 1,706 4,645 8,948 2,325 4,413 1,711 1,947 20

(H) Alaska Bible College 2,830 1,650 1,650 21

(H) Alaska Pacific University 8,930 8,948 1,820 2,400 19

Covenant Life College**Saint Herman* Theological Seminary 2,025 1,100 1,400 21

(H) Sheldon Jackson College 7,012 2,050 2,585 20

(H) University of Alaska Anchorage 1,548 4,330 2,242 4,330 2,300

(H) University of Alaska Fairbanks 2,030 5,046 2,810 4,898 1,320 1,700 19

(H) University of Alaska Southeast 1,542 4,558 2,122 4,210 1,940


State average+ - 4,778 1,549 8,703 8,511 1,549 6,703 1,406 1,333 17

(H) Al Collins Graphic Deeign School 11,500

(H) American Graduate School of International Mgmt 14,425 1,750 2,380 19

(H) American Indian Bible College 3,052 1.e80 1,120 19

(H) Arizona College of the Bible 4,570 1,450

(H) Arizona State University 1,590 6,998 1,590 6,996 2,373 1,861 14

t' :) Devry Institute of Technology 5,249

(H) Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture 6,000 8,000 0 0 21

(H) Fuller Theologic! Seminary in Arizona* '(H) Grand Canyon University 6,330 8,330 2,800 18

(H) Keller Graduate School of Management Inc 5,680

(H) Northern Arizona University 1,528 8,180 1,528 6,180 1,430 1,520 15

(H) Nova University**(H) Ottawa University 3,380 4,880

(H) Prescott College 8,600 6,750

Southern Arizona Bible College 1,400 900 1,100 19

(H) Southwestern Conservative Baptist Bible College 4,920 1,550 650 5

Southwestern School of Missions/Indian Bible Col 145 1,192

Sweetwater Bible College(H) University of Arizona 1,528 6,934 1,528 8.934 1,737 2,231 21

(H) University of Phoenix-Phoenix Campus 4.864 5,371

Western Bible Institute 1,110

(H) Western International University 5,780 6,980

Western Seminary-Phoenix 2,400


State average+ - 5,017 1,807 3,452 4,950 2,083 4,225 1,311 1,487 19

(H) Arkansas Baptist College(H) Arkansas College 7,603 1.300 2,038 21

(H) Arkansas State University Main Campus 1,610 3,060 1,790 3,240 2,800 2,880 20

(H) Arkansas Tech University 1,560 3,0e0 1,692 3,324 1,070 1,230 20

(H) Central Baptist College 2,410 840 1,200 19

(H) Harding University 5,4e0 5,460 1,484 1,720 18

(H) Henderson State University 1,550 3,000 2,000 3,750 1,050 1,100 15

(II) Hendrix College 7,710 1,080 1.815 20

See footnotes at end of table.

112 7

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (20)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic -

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees___

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students








Arkansas- confirmed

(H) John Brown University 5,930 3,210 21Missionary Baptist Seminary**

(H) Ouachita Baptist University 5,800 1,090 1,520 20(H) Philander Smith College 2,780 1,207 1,207 19(H) Southern Arkansas University Main Campus 1,380 2,150 1,580 2,448 1,120 1,080 19(H) Unix ersity of Arkansas at Little Rock 1,902 4,638 2,488 5,204 2,500(H) Univ osity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 1,728 4,332 2,964 8,344 1,596(H) University of Arkansas-Fayetteville 1,838 4,718 2,600 5,660 3,225 15(H) University of Arkansas-Monticeilo 1,500 3,324 2,050 4,400 780 1,300 19(H) University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff 1,451 3,275 1,584 3,768 834 1,271 21(H) University of Central Arkansas 1,548 2,966 2,118 4,110 1,300 1,180 19(H) University of the Ozarks 4,220 4,440 1,150 1,500 21(H) Williams Baptist College 3,262 2,116 20


State average+ - 7,748 1,933 8,443 6,669 2,048 8,625 2,429 1,963 18

Academy of Art College 6,000 7,200 5,200 20Academy of Chinese Culture and Health SciencesAgape Bible College*

(H) American Baptist Seminary of the West 6,045American College of Law@American Commonwealth University 8.300 8,300

(Ii) American Conservatory Theater 7,350 7,350(H) American Film Inst/Ctr Advanced Film & TV Studies 10,500

American Graduate University*American Institute of Hypnotherapy 2.700 3,300American-Armenian International College 11,935Anaheim Christian College-Anaheim*Anaheim Christian College-Orange"

(H) Antioch University-Los Angeles Branch 8,100 8,10?(H) Antioch University -Santa Barbara Branch 7,200 7,500

Armstrong University 7,080 6,620(H) Art Center College of Design 12,610 12,810(H) Art Institute of Southern California 8,100

Assoc for Adv Training in the Behavioral Sciences 945(H) Azusa Pacific University 9,992 4,320 1.650 2,050 V

Bay Cities Bible Institute"Berean Bible College**Bernadean University 0 0

(H) Bethany College of the Assemblies of God 7,104 3.120 20Bethel Theological Seminary West 5,780Bethesda Christian University 1,705 1,705Biblical Christian College and Graduate School"Biofeedback Institute of Los Angeles 2,450

(H) Bide University 10,756 10,758 2,468 2,080 20Booker T Crenshaw Christian Col & Sch Ministry Inc 1,800 1,196

(H) Brooks Institute of Photography 11,450 11,450(H) California Baptist College 7,700 7,700 1,800 2,094 19

California Christian College 2,250 800 1,456 14

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (21)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








California - continued

California Coast UniversityCalifornia College for Health Science@

(H) California College of Arts and Crafts 12,080 12,080 2,300

(H) California College of Podiatric Medicine 1,100

(H) California Family Study Center 9,940

California Graduate Institute 3,800

California Graduate School of Psychology 8,333

California Graduate School of Theology"California Institute for Clinical Social Work 7,000

(H) California Institute of Integral Studies 7,500

(H) California Institute of Technology 15,080 14,999 2,580 2,116 10

(H) California Institute of the Arts 12,935 12,935 2,700 2,600 21

California International University 3,420 3,380

(H) California Lutheran University 10,800 4,160 2,500 2,500 19

(H) California Maritime Academy 1,978 6,588 4,770 19

California Missionary Baptist InstituteCalifornia Pacific University

(H) California Polytechnic State Univ -San Luis Obispo 1,618 7,688 1,618 7,688 4,575 19

(H) California School of Prof Psych at Alameda 13,180

(H) California School of Prof Psych at Fresno 13,180

(H) California School of Prof Psych at Los Angeles 13,180

(H) California School of Prof Psych at San Diego 13.180

(H) California State Bakersfield University 1,444 7,516 1,444 7.516 3,599 19

(H) California State Polytechnic University Pomona 1,384 7,456 1,384 7,456 4,758 19

(H) California State University-Chico 1,452 7,624 1.452 7,524 4,880 15

(H) California State University-Dominguez Hills 1,399 7,471 1,311e 7,471

(H) California State University-Fresno 1,446 7,514 1.446 7,514 4,508 19

(H) California State University-Fullerton 1.480 7,552 1,480 7,662

(H) California State University-Hayward 1,423 7,425 1,423 7,495

(H) California State University-Long Beach 1,426 7,497 1,425 7,497 4,700 19

(H) California State University-Los Angeles 1,427 7,499 1,427 7,499

(H) California State University-Northridge 1.520 7,522 1,520 7,592 5.410 19

(H) California State University-Sacramento 1,400 7,532 1,480 7,632 4,825 16

(H) California State University -San Bernardino 1,443 7,615 1,443 7,515 4,941 19

(H) California State University-San Marcos 1,369 7,431 1,359 7,431

(H) California State University-Stanislaus 1,434 7,506 1,434 7,506 4,200 19

California Theological Seminary* *

California Union University(H) California Western School of Law**

Calvary Chapel Bible College 2,100 1,200 300 21

Capital Bible Institute"Cathedral Bible College 1,890

Center for Psychological Studies 5,940

Central University of Southern California 1.000 2,350

(H) Chapman University 15,396 6,120 5,346 14

(H) Chapman University Academic Centers@(H) Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science 2.400

(H) Children's Hospital of LA School of Phys Therapy 8,700

Chong Shim College & Theological Seminary 2,200 2,800

(H) Christ College Irvine 9,316 4,883 2,430 1,155 10

(H) Christian Heritage College 6,900 1,450 2,000 21

Christian Life College"Christian Witness Theological Seminary 2,800 1,320

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (22)

Table 1.--Sasic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and Institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









California - continued


(H) Church Divinity School of the Pacific 8,800 1,800 1,400 15Citrus Belt Law School"City University-Los Angeles and Schcol of Law 2,395 3,495

(H) Claremont Graduate School 14,880(H) Claremont McKenna College 15,500 2,600 2,880 19(H) Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles@(H) Cogswell Polytechnical College 8,800(H) Coleman College 8,925 8,000(H) College of Notre Dame 11,015 5,525 3,800 1,700 19(H) College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific 7,900 2,800

College of Theology and Urban Studies**(H) Columbia College-Hollywood 5,100

Columbia Pacific University 3,780 3,980Design Institute of San Diego 8.400

(H) Devry institute of Technology, Los Angeles 5,249(H) Dominican College of San Rafael 11,280 9,210 5,410 19(H) Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology 5.040 5.040

Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine"Episcopal Theological School@Eubanks Conservatory of Music and Arts**Five Branches inetitute

(H) Franciscan School of Theology 5,320Fresno Community Hosp & Medi Ctr/Sch of Med Tech T.

(H) Fresno Pacific College 8,982 2,840 1,420 1,980 19(H) Fuller Theological Seminary 7,208 6,338

Glendale University College of Law@(H) Golden Gate Baptist Seminary"(H) Golden Gate University 5,216 5,844

Golden State School of Theology"(H) Graduate Theological Union 9,100

Great Commission Theological Seminary 2,880Great Western University"Grossmont Hospital School of Medical Technology"Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, School of Medical Tech 0 5

(H) Harvey Mudd College 15,920 3,010 3,150 19(H) Heald institute of Technology - Martinez"(H) Heald institute of Technology-San Francisco**

Heartwood: CA College of Natural Health"(H) Hebrew Union College California Branch 0,000(H) Holy Names College 9,98e 0,898 2,192 2,498 19(H) Humboldt State University 1,487 7,539 1,487 7,539 4,201 19(H) Humphreys College 4,388 4,880 21

Immaculate Heart College Center@Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality 7.300Institute for Creation Research"Institute for Medical Studies Incinstitute of Buddhist Studies, Inc 3,040 3,000

(H) Institute of Transpersonal Psychology -_- 8.820---------Institute EvangellcoInstitute Teologico Nazareno 2,925Interior Designers Institute 7,268International Bible College"International Christian Education College 2,550 2,550

See footnotes at and of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (23)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fine

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








California -continued

(H) International School of Theology**International Theological Seminary 2,400 100 150 16

International University for Nutrition Education 1,100 1,800

(H) ITT Technical Institute 8,078

(H) ITT Technical Institute of West Covina 5,7?.(H) Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley 6,200 3,634

(H) John F Kennedy University 7,322 7,452

KPC A Presbyterian Theological SernInaryKennedy - Western University*Kensington University@Kernel University 2,400 5,200 4,1u1

La Jolla University 6,000 7,200

(H) La Sierra University 10,900 11,640 1.950 1.635 21

Larei 5,000

(H) Life Bible College 4,300 2,600 19

(H) Lincoln University 4,400 3,800

Linda Vista Baptist Bible College & Seminary**Living Word Bible College"Logos Evangelical Seminary 2,880 3,008 18

(H) Loma Linda University 10,140 9,360 1,635

(H) Louise Salinger Academy of Fashion 12,180

(H) Loyola Law Scoot"(H) Loyola Marymount University 12,272 3,768 3,470 2,460 20

Marin Bible College"Medical Advancement Center@Meiji College of Oriental Medicine-

(H) Menlo College**(H) Mennonite Brethren Bible Seminary 5,355

(H) Mills College 14,100 7,750 6,000 19

Monterey College of Law@(H) Monterey Institute of International Studies 12,245 12,245

Montessori Teacher Training Center of North CA 5,000

More University(H) Mount Saint Mary's College 10,030 3,300 4,825 20

(H) National University 6,895 8,120

New Col for Adv Christian Studies/New Col Berkeley"(H) New College of California(H) New School of Architecture 8,000

Newport University"'Northern California Bible College*Northern California Bible College-Pleasanton"

(11) Northrop University**Northwestern California University School of Law"Northwestern Polytechnic University 7,530 6,780

Nyingma Institute ""(H) Occidental College 15,243 15,243 2,724 2,670 20

Ola Grimsby Institute"Ola Grimsby Institute 4,760

(H) Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design(H) Pacific Christian College 6,100 4,050 1,350 1,480 10

(H) Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College 1,684 1,056 2,112 20

(H) Pacific College of Oriental Medicine 5,458

(H) Pacific Graduate School of Psychology 15,360

See footnotes at end of table.

16 2i

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (24)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutiois, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









California - continuedDOCKS

(H) Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary 3,800 1.350 900 5(H) Pacific Oaks College 8,303 5,000(H) Pacific School of Religion 5,600 1,016 1,756 15

Pacific Southern University**Pacific States University 5,700 6,300

(H) Pacific Union College 10,680 10,680 2,055 1,470 VPacific Western University 2,195 2,495Pacifica Graduate Institute 7,800 1,870 8

(H) Patten College 4,340 1,964 2,937 21

Peoples College of Law*"(H) Pepperdine University 16,260 12,240 3,470 2,780 20(H) Pitzer College 17.170 2,848 2,416 19(H) Point Loma Nazarene College 8,838 7,648 3,830 21

(H) Pomona College 15,700 6,825 19Professional School of Psychological Studies"Professional School of Psychology* *

(H) Rand Graduate School of Policy Studies 12,000

Reformed Presbyterian Seminary 1,800 1,800

Rosebridge Graduate School of Integrative Psych 8,000Rosenberg Rand Inst of lnteg Body Psychotherapy@Royal University of America 5.000

Rudolf Steiner College 5,950 870 5

Ryokan College 5,400 11,800(H) Saint John's Seminary College 5,000 2,000 2,000 21

Saint Johns Seminary 6,400 0 0 21

Saint Joseph Hospital School of Medical Techn 300 0

(H) Saint Mary's College of California 11,968 10,048 2,882 2,882 19

(H) Saint Patrick's Seminary 5,250 2,000 2.000 21

(H) Samra University of Oriental Medicine 4,320(H) Samuel Merritt College of Nursing 11,365 15,290 5,110 * 21

San Bernardino Bible College 948San Diego Bible CollegeSan Diego Psychoanalytic Society and Institute@

(H) San Diego State University 1,500 7,572 1,500 7.572 4.658 14

(H) San Francisco Art Institute 12,400 12,400

(H) San Francisco Conservatory of Music 10,050 10,050

(H) San Francisco State University 1.444 7.516 1,444 7,516 5.528 13

(H) San Francisco Theological Seminary 5,300(H) San Joaquin College of Law 3,055 5,015

(H) San Jose Christian College 5,532 3,240 16

San Jose Medical Center-School of Medical Techn 800

(H) San Jose State University 1,556 7,628 1,556 7,828 5,292 19

Santa Barbara College of Law"(H) Santa Clara University 12,150 8,586 3,216 2,340 19

(H) Saybrook Institute 7,700

School of Applied Theology**School of Med Techn California Pacific Med Center

(H) School of Theology at Claremont 6,500 1,935 80 V

Scripps Clinic & Res Fdn Sch of Medl Techn"(H) Scripps College 15,500 3,1E) 3,520 19

(H) Scripps Memorial Hospital School of Medl Techn 0

(H) Shasta Bible College 3,182 1,575Shiloh Bible College 800

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (25)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required lees

Room Board


Undergraduate IIIKINIts Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








Oattfarnief - txxstinued

(H) Sierra University 4,400 4,400

(H) Simpson College 8,738 8,598 1,610 1,960 20

Son Light School of Theology 0 0

(H) Sonoma State University 1,474 7,546 1,474 7,546 5,073 19

(H) South Baylo University 7.020 7,260

South Baylo University 1,360

Southern California Bible College*(H) Southern California College 8,164 3,960 1,890 1,750 20

(H) Southern California Collette of Chiropractic 10,125

(H) Southern California College of Optometry@Southern California Conservatory of Music Corp 7,400

Southern California institute 8,000 8,000

(H) Southern California Institute of Architecture*Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute*Southern California Univ for Prof Studies@Southern States University@St Mary Med Center School of Med Tech/Clin Lab "'

(H) Stanford University 16,635 16,635 2,983 3,330 19

(H) Starr King School for Ministry@The Advertising Ms College 8,200

The American College for the Applied Arts 8,040 3,825

(H) The Fielding Institute 8,350

The Grad Ctr for Child Day and Psychotherapy 3,750

(H) The Master's College 7,790 5,618 2,960 1,200 19

(H) The National Hispanic University 3,050 3,290

The School for Deacons"The Simon Greenleaf School of Law 3,100

(H) The Wright institute 12,500

(H) Thomas Aquinas College 11,980 4,960 19

Tien Tao Chong Hue University 3,000 1,900

Trinity College of Graduate Studies 5.109

Trinity Life Bible College 2.475

Union Institute"University Consortium for Continuing Education"University for Humanistic Studies@

(H) University of California-Berkeley 3,248 10,947 3,282 10,981 6,285 19

(H) University of California-Davis 2,980 10,679 3,271 10,970 5,290 19

(H) University of California-Irvine 3,074 10,773 3,841 11,340 5,383 19

(H) University of California-Los Mgelee 2,903 10,602 3,457 11,156 5,580 19

(H) University of California-Riverside 2,943 10,644 3,459 11,1e0 sAao * 19

(H) University of California-San Diego 2,463 10,164 2,838 10,534 6,152 19

(H) University of California-San Francisco 3,127 10,826 3,127 10,826 3,840

(H) University of California-Santa Barbara 2,983 10.682 3,554 11,253 5,582 20

(H) University of California-Santa Cruz 3,129 10,828 3.610 11,309 4,326 1.710 14

(H) University of Judaism 8,970 8,970 3,000 2,850 19

(H) University of Laverne 11,940 5,250 2,300 2,240 16

University of Metaphysics@University of Northern CA - Lorenzo Patino Sch Law**

(H) University of Redlands 15,105 5,856 3,140 2,580 19

(H) University of San Diego 12,240 10,370 3,380 2,880 14

(H) University of San Francisco 11,816 8,318 3,380 2,100 14

University of Santa Barbara"University of Santa Monica 3,500

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (26)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required tees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate






Out -of-state

Catalonia - continued

(H) University of Southern California(H) University of the Pacific 14,990 14,990 2,305 2,995 21(H) University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law 14.138(H) University of West Los Angeles*(H) US International University 10,350 7,140 4,789 19

Ventura College of Law"Vision Christian University"Weimer College* *

Wed Coast Christian College"(H) Wed Coast University 7,060 5,300

Western Graduate School of Psychology 7,985Western Institute for Social Research 3,900 3,900Western Schools"

(H) Western State University Colleg- of Law Irvine"(H) Western State University College of Law Orange Co 10,960 10,980(H) Western State University College of Law San Diego 10,960(H) Westminster Theological Seminary**(H) Westmont College 12.768 2,796 2,054 21

White Memorial Medical Center School of Nursing'(H) Whittier College 14,880 7,380 2,770 2,450 19

William Carey International University 3,000 2,100 1,811 1,215 10William Howard Taft University"

(H) Woodbury University 11.190 10,280 2,985 2,520 20World Mission Theological Seminary 2,400 2,400World University of America"

(H) Yeshiva Ohr Elohonon Chabad West Coast Tal Sere(H) Yeshiva University of Los Angeles`

Yosan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4,300Yuin University 4,800 3,000


State average+ - 7,248 2,291 7,383 7,218 2,850 8,578 1,783 1,753 18

(H) Adams State College 1,849 4,539 1,915 5,375 1,500 1,510 19Belleview Christian College 1,448 3,060 8

(H) Beth El College of Nursing 4,350College for Financial Planning@

(H) Colorado Christian University 5,880 8,820 1,800 1,240 10(H) Colorado Christian University Foothiile Campus 8,400 500(H) Colorado College 14,760 9,780 2,030 1,910 20(14) Colorado School of Mines 4,288 11,204 4,288 11,204 1.900 1,780 19(H) Colorado State University 2,511 7,677 2,813 7,985 3,818 21(H) Colorado Technical College 4,885 5,220

Cornerstone Baptist Bible College"(H) Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary 5,328 2,250(H) Denver Technical College 5,750

Denver Technical College at Colorado Springs 5,750Economics Institute 14,350 14,350 2,360

(H) Fort Lewis College 1,701 8,073 1,488 1,760 14(H) Iliff School of Theology 6,888 2,790(H) Interior Design Institute 9,000

See footnotes at end of table.

19 r

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (27)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary instftutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivW








Colorado - continued


(H) ITT Technical Institute 6,858

(H) Mesa State College 1,684 4,006 1,518 1,738 15

(H) Metropolitan State College of Denver 1,709 5,869

(H) Nampa Institute 8,110 8,110

(H) National College-Colorado Springs Branch 5,718

(H) National College-Denver Branch 5,718

(hi) National Technological University@(H) National Theatre Conservatory 7,750

(H) Nazarene Bible College 3,120

Penrose Hospital Medical Tech Educ Program 1,000 1,000

(H) Regis University 11,450 3.870 2.870 2,670

(H) Regis University-Teikyo Loretto Heights 11,110 3,259 2,687 20

(H) Rocky Mountain Cal:ege of Art & Design 8,460

Rocky Mountain Montessori Teacher Training Program"(H) Saint Thomas Seminary 6,210 2,512 2,512 21

(H) University of Colorado at Boulder 2,560 11,352 3,216 11,768 3,684 21

(H) University of Colorado at Denver 1,917 8,065 2,795 8,935

(H) University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 3,992 11,15C 3,844 10,540

(H) University of Colorado-Colorado Springs 2,167 6,845 2.609 7,681

(H) University of Denver 13,572 13,572 2,580 1,620 15

(H) University of Northern Colorado 2,027 6,888 2,340 7,310 1,810 2,066 19

(H) University of Southern Colorado 1,833 6,385 1,833 6,385 1,584 2,096 19

(H) Western State College Colorado 1,745 5,517 1,612 1,792 21

(H) Yeshiva Toms Chaim Talmudical Seminary 4,100 3,750 1,700 2,700 21


State average+ - 11,833 3,083 7,862 8,026 4,682 9,752 2,808 2,161 19

(H) Alhertue Magnus College 11,017 2,438 2,642 19

(H) Bale Binyornin Academy**(H) Bridgeport Engineering Institute 5,880

(H) Central Connecticut State University 2,804 7,180 3,175 7,511 2.232 1,922 21

(H) Charter Oak College"(H) Connecticut College 17,200 5,320 2,63:: 3,070 21

(H) Eastern Connecticut State University 3,154 7.510 3,546 7,882 2.210 1,700 19

(H) Fairfield University 13,720 5,580 5,650 * 19

(H) Hartford Seminary@(H) Holy Apostles College and Seminary 3,850 3,650 5,400 21

(H) Paler College of Art Inc 9,800

(H) Quinnipiac College 11,070 0,960 4,160 1,270 19

(H) Sacred Heart University 9,740 3,800 1,500 21

(H) Saint Joseph College 11,000 4,320 1,945 2,210 15

Saint Raphael- Hose Sch of Nursing/Anesthesla 8,000

Saint Thomas Seminary**(H) Southern Connecticut State University 2,848 7,002 2,920 7,088 2,250 1,879 19

(H) Teikyo Post University 10,100 2,352 2,548 19

(H) The Hartford Graduate Center 6,930

(H) The University of Connecticut Sch of Med & Dental 10,575 17,600

Tri-State Inst of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture 5,300

(H) Trinity College 17,820 5,810 3,210 1,950 19

(H) University of Bridgeport 12,880 12,425 3,450 2,900 19

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (28)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institution








Odiusocticut -acetinued

(H) University of Connecticut 3,902 10,374 4,580 10,798 2,442 2,430 21(H) University of Hartford 14,228 13,300 3,482 2,1-(2 21(H) University of New Haven 9,870 7,095 3,040 1,890 18(H) Wesleyan University 17,190 17,200 3,040 2,140 13(H) Western Connecticut State University 2,910 7,266 3,297 7,633 1,980 1,586 21

Yale New Haven Hospital, Dept of Food & Nutrition 1,200(H) Yale University 17,500 15,920 3,270 2,930 21


State average - 6,511 2,755 6,864 5,580 2,510 5.832 2,238 1,355 19

(H) Delaware State College 1.788 4,346 1.368 2,352 2,046 1,418 19(H) Goldey-Beacom College 5,550 2,757 395 19(H) University of Delaware 3,722 9,382 3,052 9,312 2,060 1,706 19(H) Wesley College 8,755 2,100 1,900 19(H) Widener University/Delaware Campus 6,090(H) Wilmington College 5,050 5,580

District of Columbia

District average+ - 9,630 415 1,495 7,094 775 1,495 3,111 2,401 17

(H) American University 14,594 12,284 3,772 2,200 14(H) Catholic University of America 12,986 12,906 3,370 2.500 16(H) Corcoran School of Art 9,980 3,748(H) De Sales School of Theology 4,000(H) Defense Intelligence College 0 0 0 0(H) Dominican House Studies 4,000(H) Gallaudet University 4,194 4,194 2,810 2,000 21

(H) George Washington Unive bliy 16,080 9.940 3,960 2,330 14(H) Georgetown University 16,589 13,709 4,163 2,270 19(H) Graduate School of Political Management**(H) Howard University 6,981 7,921 2.650 1,750 19(H) Mount Vernon College 12,600 3,400 3,045 19(H) Oblate College 4,050 4,( 50 3,000 3,000 21

(H) Southeastern University 8,868 8,240(H) Strayer College 4,950 5,400

The Washington Montessori Institute 5,000(H) Trinity College 11,230 10,890 2,900 3,530 19(H) University of the District of Columbia 830 2,990 1,550 2,990

Washington Hospital Center School of Medical Techn 2,000 2,000 1,620Washington Psychoanalytic Institute 1.945

(H) Wesley Theological Seminary 6,900 1,940 1,320

State average+ - 5,525 1,693 6,406 4,460 3,021 8.237 1.761 1,893 18

(H) Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale 7,950 1,100

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (29)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









Florida - continued

Baptist Fellowship Bible College of Tampa(H) Barry University 10,180 5.960 6,200 20

(H) Barry University-Brevard County Branch@Bay Medical Center School of Nurse Anesthetists 8,000 8,000

Beacon College 7,600 2,000 2,800 19

Beacon College and Seminary**(H) Bethune Cookman College 4,a65 1,569 1,488 21

(H) Caribbean Cent, for Advanced StudieelMiami Inst PyChristian International 1.140 1,140

(H) Clearwater Christian College 5,100 1,280 1,020 21

(H) Eckerd College 13,725 1,530 1,970 21

(H) Edward Waters College 3.500 1,800 1,600 19

(H) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 6,810 6,090 3,200 19

Evangelical Bible Seminary"Faith Bible College"Faith Theological Seminary &Christian College 750 1,200

(H) Flagler College 4,710 1,180 1,800 20

(H) Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 1,749 6,509 2,624 8,699 1,590 1,178 19

(H) Florida Atlantic University 1,733 6,493 1,947 6,602 1,768 2,150 15

Florida Baptist Schools 600 600 1,000

(H) Florida Baptist Theological College 1,920 1,350

(H) Florida Bible College 3,990 1,300 550 5

Florida Christian Bible College* *(H) Florida Christian College Inc 3,468 1,230

(H) Florida Institute of Technology 11,817 9,576 1,560 2,163 20

(H) Florida International University 1,701 6,460 2,585 8,658 2,390 1.974 15

(H) Florida Memorial College 2,225 2,800 19

(H) Florida Southern College 7,080 1,900 2,600 21

(H) Florida State University 1,679 6,438 2,563 8,625 2,080 1,712 V

(H) Fort Lauderdale College *Gulf Coast Seminary 625 1,631

Gulf Shore Baptist SeminarGulf Shore Christian College 1,080

Heed University School of Theology**Heritage College"

(H) Hobe Sound Bible College 3.415

Institute of Graduate Physical Therapy Inc@(II) International Academy of Merchandising & Design 7,100

(H) International College 4,860 4,860

International Seminary 1,600 2,160

(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,535

(H) Jacksonville University 9,320 5,638 1,870 1,940 0

(H) Jones College Jacksonville'Landmark Baptist College 3,700 3,700 1,060

Lighthouse Bible College@(H) Lynn University 12,200 5,000 2,600 2,100 19

Miami Bible Institute**(H) Miami Christian College 6,170 1,8110 1,200 V

Nassau Baptist Seminary 1,400 1,400

(H) National Education Center-Bauder College Campus 6,845

(H) National Education Center-Tampa Tech Inst Campus 7,416

Northwood Inst-Fla Education Center 8,712 2,001 2,490 21

(H) Nova University 8.230 4,900 2,880 1,862 14

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (30)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academicyear 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required foes

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








Florida - continued!

(H) Orlando College'Orlando College South 3,850 4,111

(H) Palm Beach Atlantic College 8,400 3,690 1,570 1,550 20Pensacola Bible Institute'Pensacola Christian College*Reformed Theological Seminary 4,000

(H) Ringling School of Art and Design 9,665 2,500 2,600 19(H) Rollins College 14,974 14,500 2,610 2.106 21

Rollins College Brevard Campus 3,826(H) Saint John Vianney College Seminary 8,500 6,600 1,000 2,600 20(H) Saint Leo College 8,840 1,890 1,990 19(H) Saint Thomas University 8,900 3,890 4,300 19(H) Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary 6,500 2,250 2,250 21

South Florida Baptist Bible Institute(H) Southeastern College Assemblies of God 3,630 1,400 1.540 20

Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies 0 0Southern College of the Seventh Day Adventiste

(H) Spurgeon Baptist Bible College 3,200 900 1,050 20St Petersburg Theological Seminary 1,050 1,060

(H) Stetson University 11,110 4,230 2.230 2,045 21(H) Talmudic College of(H) Tampa College**(H) Tampa College - Lakeland'(H) Tampa College - Pinellas 3,731 3,674

Tampa College-Brandon 3,919 3,789(H) The Universityof West Florida 1,654 6,413 2.533 8,805 1,760 1,500 18

Trinity Baptist College 2,550 1,090 1,540 21(H) Trinity College of Florida 2,850 3,840 2,500 21

Trinity School of Biblical Studies`Ultra Sound Diagnostic School@Union Institute 6,626 7,542United Bible College & Seminary 1,920 3,500United Bible College and Seminary 1,800 3,240

(H) University of Central Florida 1,713 6,472 2,597 8,670 2,160 1.985 19(H) University of Florida 1,660 6,410 2,530 8,600 1,800 2,150 15(H) University of Miami 15,050 11,082 3,470 2,460 20(H) University of North Florida 1,534 6,880 2,176 7,278 3,200 V(H) University of Sarasota"(H) University of South Florida 1,821 6,580 2.666 8.739 1,765 1,888 20(H) University of Tampa 11,890 6,240 2.0e0 2.180 15(H) Walden University 10,000(H) Warner Southern College 0,330 1,450 1,590 13(H) Webber College 5,390 885 1,800 19

West Florida Baptist Institute 750 800Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College 4,600 4,600 6,000 aZoe College Inc 1.960 1,980


See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (31)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required ins

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students





in- Out-of-state state




State average+ - 6,431 1,728 4,598 5,095 1,710 4,524 1,849 1.804 19

(H) Agnes Scott College 11,625 5,875 4,825 " 21

(H) Albany State College 1,731 3,072 1,731 3,072 1,605 1,350 21

(H) American College for the Applied Ms 7.440 3,475

(H) Armstrong State Col!ege 1,521 4,203 1,72f 1,425 17

Atlanta Bible College 7,515 1,280

(H) Atlanta Christian College 3,980 2,730 20

(H) Atlanta College of Art 8,441 2,856

Atlanta Law School 2,000

(H) Augusta College 1,542 4,224 1,642 4,224

(H) Berry College 7,500 6,760 1,870 1,870 14

(H) Beulah Heights Bible College 2,140 1,300

(H) Brenau University 8,384 2,700 5,538 19

(H) Brewton-Parker College 3,000 1,020 1,290 19

Carver Bible Institute and College 1,440 952

(H) Clark Atlanta University 6,000 5,380 1,878 1,876 21

(H) Clayton State College 1,440 4,122

(H) Columbia Theological Seminary 5,286 1,421 2,212 18

(H) Columbus College 1.545 4.227 1,545 4,227 2,780 10

(H) Covenant College 8,550 1,551 1,720 1,930 21

Covington Theological Seminary 810 1,090

(H) Dewy institute of Technology 6,249

(H) Emmanuel College 4,000 1,424 1,520 21

(H) Emory University 15,800 15,800 3,042 1,760 V

(H) Fort Valley State College 1,650 4.230 1,650 4,230 1,080 1,290 19

Georgia Baptist College-Georgia Baptist College of Nursing*"Georgia Baptist Hospital Clinical Pastoral Ed Ctr 1,500

(H) Georgia College 1,632 4,314 1.832 4,314 1,230 1,260 10

(H) Georgia Institute of Technology Main Campus 2,205 6,531 2,205 6,531 1,878 2,430 14

Georgia School of Professional Psychology 11,957

(H) Georgia Southern University 1,638 4,218 1,038 4,218 1,380 1,155 21

(H) Georgia Southwestern College 1,660 4,332 1,650 4,332 1,110 1,410 21

(H) Georgia State University 1,952 6.258 1,350 4,230

Immanuel Baptist Theological Seminary 2,030 2,700

(H) Institute of Paper Science and Technology 7,941

(H) Interdenominational Theological Center 3,855 1,430 1,430 19

(H) Kennesaw State College 1,512 4,194 1,281 3,963

(H) La Grange College 5,950 4,500 1,350 1.980 21

(H) Life College 3,800 0,7e0

Luther Rice Seminary 2,700 2,700

(H) Medical College of Georgia 2,031 5.613 2,031 5,613 1,044

(H) Mercer University 10,287 3.510 1,773 2,034 21

(H) Morehouse College 7,430 2,850 2,030 21

(H) Morehouse School of Medicine(H) Morris Brown College 7,032 4,146 " 21

National Center for Paralegal Training 3,650

(H) North Georgia College 1,620 4,302 1,620 4,320 1,080 1,284 21

(H) Oglethorpe University 11,150 4,100 " 19

(H) Pains College 5,46e 1,085 1,654 19

(H) Piedmont College-(H) Savannah College of Art and Design 8,476 8.475 3,100 1,950 18

Sse footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (32)

Table 1.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fess

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









Georgia - continuedDoifitrs

(H) Savannah State College 1,686 4,368 930 1.275 21(H) Shorter College 8,220 3,160 1,44* 2,160 21(H) Southern College of Technology 1,548 4,230 1,548 4,230 1,215 1,425 15(H) Spelman College 7,077 2,850 2,150 21(H) Thomas College 3,024(H) Toccoa Falls College 5.486 3,396 21(H) University of Georgia 2,175 5,757 2,175 5,757 1,485 1.620 20(H) Valdosta State College 1,689 4,371 1,889 4,371 1,290 1,560 20(H) Wesleyan College 10,495 1,384 2,482 20(H) West Georgia College 2.067 4,749 2,087 4,749 1,200 1,314 15


State average+ - 5,181 1,192 3,542 7,640 1,817 5,337 2,103 1,557 15

(H) Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus 2,125 3,840 20(H) Chamimtde University of Honolulu 7,600 4,680 3,020 1,840 V(H) Forest Institute of Professional Psychology 14,880(H) Hawaii Loa College 5,500 2,800 * 14(H) Hawaii Pacific University 5.500 5,500 2,800 * V(H) International College and Graduate School"

Japan-America Institute of Management Science"Oriental Medical Institute of Hawaii"Redemption Bible College"

(H) Tai Heuan Foundation-Col of Acupuncture & Herb Met 6,500 2,250(H) University of Hawaii at Hilo 1,280 3,770 1,408 1,619 10(H) University of Hawaii at Manoa 1,437 4,167 1,817 5,337 1,648 1,412 10(H) University of Hawaii at West Oahu 860 2,800


State average - 7,551 1,379 4,012 4,050 1,833 4,567 1,053 1,786 16

(11) Albertson College of Idaho 11.118 1,200 1,825 10(H) Boise Bible College 3,374 710 2.130 18(H) Boise State University 1,618 4,168 1,910 4,580 1,578 1,396 15(H) Idaho State University 1,454 4,104 1,862 4,512 1,200 1,520 16(H) Lewis-Clark State College 1,248 3,580 ego 2,246 19(H) Northwest Nazarene College 8,160 4,050 NO 1,800 14(H) University of Idaho 1,298 4,196 1,728 4,628 20


Stattraverage+ - 8,318 2,521 8,305 7,173 2,824 6,685 1,986 1,880 19

(H) Adler School of Professional Psychology 7,920Aero-Space Institute**

(H) American Conservatory of Music 6,800 6,800(H) American Islamic College 2,930 2,250(H) Augustana College 12,009 1,985 1,884 20Se* footnotes at and of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (33)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








Illinois - continued

(H) Aurora University 9,180 9,180 1,659 1,899 20

(H) Beret College 9,180 3,800 19

(H) Bethany Theological Seminary 4,608 2,000

Bible Missionary Institute"(hi) Blackburn College 7,750 500 19

(H) Blessing Rieman College of Nursing 7,400 1,600

(H) Bradley University 9,680 5,904 2,380 1,780 20

Brisk Rabbinical S'ollege 3,100 3,100 1,800 18

C G Jung Institute of Chicago"(H) Catholic Theological Union at Chicago 7,470 3,450 2,475 20

Center for Psychoanalytic Study 4,800

Chicago Baptist Institute**(H) Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 10,190 2,940 1,404 12

Chicago National College of Naprapathy"(H) Chicago School of Professional Psychology 13,240

(H) Chicago State University 1,868 5,204 1,984 5,492

(H) Chicago Theological Seminary 4,680 3,906

Christian Life College 1,730 2,000

(H) College of Saint Francis 8,600 1,762 2,020 19

(H) Columbia College 6,664 6,581

(H) Concordia University 8,000 4,440 1,371 2,436 20

(H) Depaul University 10,014 8,310 3,255 1,434 21

(H) Devry Institute of Technology 5,249

(H) Dewy Institute of Technology 5,24.9

(H) East-West University 5,920

(H) Eastern Illinois University 2,533 8,229 2,629 6,517 1,360 1,496 18

(H) Elmhurst College 9,050 1,872 1,800 20

(H) Eureka College 10,325 1,435 1,895 21

(H) Forest Institute of Professional Psychology 14,010

(H) Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary 3,000 1,470 2,145 15

(H) Governors State University 1,978 5,674 2,074 5,962

(H) Greenville College 9,180 1,800 2,110 21

(H) Harrington Institute of interior Design 8,020

Hebrew Theological College"(H) Illinois Benedictine College 9,300 1,520 2,300 20

(H) Illinois College 7,050 1,550 1,900 20

(H) Illinois College of Optometry 2,370 1,155 14

(H) Illinois Institute of Technology 13,070 13,480 2,065 2,545 21

Illinois Missionary Baptist Institute 420 420

(H) Illinois School of Professional Psychology 12,137

(H) Illinois State University 2,871 5,073 2,897 6,705 1,376 1,534 18

(H) Illinois Wesleyan University 12,220 2,205 1,710 V

Industrial Engineering College 4,420

(H) Institute for Clinical Social Work 5,500

Institute for Psychoanalysis@(H) International Academy of Merchandising & Design 6,9e5

(H) John Marshall Law School 4,600

(H) Judson College 8,780 2,147 2,147 21

KAES College 8,884 3,000 2.400 21

(H) Keller Graduate School of Management 8,800

(H) Kendall College 7,358 2,194 2,474 15

(H) Knowledge Systems Institute 8,000 1,800

(H) Knox College 13,077 1,710 2,142 20

See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (34)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academicyear 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









Illinois -continued

(H) Lake Forest College 15,085 1,900 1,636 20(H) Lake Forest Graduate School of Management@

Lakeview College of Nursing 5,628(H) Lewis University 9,538 5,654 1,900 2,320 20(H) Lincoln Christian College and Seminary 4,062 3,350 2,610 18(H) Loyola University of Chicago 9,840 6.648 3,78'.1 1,394 21(H) Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 4,830 172(H) MacMurray College 8,620 MAO 1,880 19(H) McCormick Theological Seminary 4,605(H) McKendree College 7,086 1,750 1,600 15(H) Meadville-Lombard Theological School 11,725 285(H) Mennonite College of Nursing 7,200 1,650 510 21(H) Millikin University 10,590 2.052 1,904 20(H) Monmouth College 12,800 1,690 1,920 21(H) Moody Bible Institute 754 3.889 2,430 1,620 20(H) NAES College 4.520(H) National College of Chiropractic 8,380 2,107(I-1) National-Louis University 8,550 6,720 1,950 2,415 19(El) North Central College 10.641 6,788 2,316 1,623 20(H) North Park College and Theological Seminary 11,295 5,88D 2,235 1,785 15(H) Northeastern Illinois University 1,834 5,170 1,898 5,426(H) Northern Baptist Theological Seminary 3.960(H) Northern Illinois University 3,084 7,572 2,853 6,861 2,918 14(H) Northwestern University 15,075 15,075 2.902 2,177 18(H) Olivet Nazarene University 7,050 1,744 2.082 21(H) Parks College of Saint Louis University 7,720 1,542 2,292 19(H) Principle College 11,910 2,100 2,790 21(H) Quincy College 9,160 1,546 2,120 19(H) Ray Coliege of Design 7,610(H) Robert Morris College 7,650(H) Rockford College 10.025 10,025 1,608 1,966 19(H) Roosevelt University 6,576 5,688 3,850 1,100 V(H) Rosary College 9,940 5,580 4,236 15(H) Rush University 8,840 9,966 4,550

Saint Anthony College of Nursing 5,500 750Saint Elizabeth Hospital 1,000

(H) Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing 5,740 1,150(H) Saint Joseph College of Nursing 8,180(H) Saint Xavier University 9,850 8,320 2.338 1,718 14(H) Sangamon State University 2,092 5,425 2,116 5,781 1,600(H) School of Art Institute of Chicago 12,450 13,350(H) Seabury-Western Theological Seminary 7,660 4,050 15(H) Shimer College 9,500 1,000(H) Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville 2,158 5,610 2,187 5,885 1,395 1,299 14(H) Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 2,556 6,156 2,552 6,152 1,792 1,248 19(H) Spertue College Judalca 5,475(H) St Johns College-Department of Nursing 5.600 1,850

St Johns Hospital School of Dietetics 325Swedish American Hospital School of Med Tech 800 480

(H) Tolehe Yeshiva-Chicago 300 7,300 1,390 925 21(H) Trinity Christian College 8,910 1,860 1,780 21(H) Trinity College 9,050 2.000 2,030 20(H) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 6,915 1,425 2,160 20See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (35)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








Illinois -continued

(H) University of Chicago 17,376 17,730 3,060 2,880 20

(H) University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical Sch 13,780 12,326

(H) University of Illinois st Chicago 3,371 7,823 3,998 9,500 2,848 2,000 14

(H) University of Illinois Urbana Campus 3,458 7.970 3,988 9.500 1,630 ' 2,412 20

(H) University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Sem 9,025 2,994 20

(H) Vandercook College of Music 8,600 4,500 21

(H) West Suburban College of Nursing 8,960

(H) Western Illinois University 2,454 6,150 2,550 6.438 1,713 "..280 18

(H) Wheaton College 10,280 6,240 2,300 1,670 20


State average+ - 8,302 2,264 5,933 5,895 2,312 5,547 1,333 1,572 19

(H) Anderson University 8,780 4.600 1,680 1,300 21

(H) Ball State University 2,464 5,872 2,608 6,016 3,168 21

(H) Bethel College 7,950 3,830 1,250 1,650 21

Bristol University 6,000 6,320

(H) Butler University 11,340 11,340 1,680 2,250 20

(H) Calumet College of Saint Joseph 3,200

(H) Christian Theological Seminary 3.990 471

(H) Concordia Theological Seminary 3,630 2,820 * 17

(H) DePauw University 13.000 2,320 2,320 19

(H) Eariham College 14,403 1,815 2,079 19

(H) Franklin College of Indiana 9,440 1,805 2,045 19

(H) Goshen Biblical Seminary 3,644

(H) Goshen College 8,310 1,660 1,840 21

(H) Grace College 7,512 1,870 1,810 20

(H) Grace Theological Seminary 8,080 460 20

(H) Hanover College*(H) Huntington College 8,730 5,100 3,480 ' 19

Hyles-Anderson College"Indiana Baptist College dba/Heritage Baptist Univ 2,180 2,180 2,090 20

Indiana Bible College"(hi) Indiana Institute of Technology 7,350 3,440 18

(H) Indiana State University . 2,452 5,960 1,890 4,230 1,726 1,725 11

(H) Indiana University Bloomington 2,794 8,506 2,807 7,683 1,717 1,850 20

(H) Indiana University East 2,105 5,300 2,206 4,932

(H) Indiana University Kokomo 2,099 5,294 2,200 4,926

(H) Indiana University Northwest 2,105 5.300 2,206 4,932

(H) Indiana University South Bend 2,105 5.300 2,238 4,964

(H) Indiana University Southeast 2,115 5,310 2,216 4,942

(H) Indiana University-Purdue Univ Indianapolis 2,461 7.324 2,634 7,511

(H) Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne 2,144 5,222 2,185 4,892

(H) Indiana Wesleyan University 8,120 8.120 1,452 2,078 20

(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,202

(H) ITT Technical Institute 5,900

(H) Lutheran College of Health Professions 4,641 1,600

(It) Manchester College 8,960 8,960 1,680 1,760 20

(H) Marian College 8,594 3,412 20

(H) Martin University 4.800

(H) Mennonite Biblical Seminary 3,644 1,215 1,080 21

See footnotes at end of table.

28 rI),)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (36)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, bystudent level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required bee

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









Indiana - continued

(H) Oakland City College 6,726 3,000 900 1,820 15(H) Purdue University Calumet Campus 2,145 5,289 2,165 4,922(H) Purdue University Main Campus 2,620 8,192 2,520 8.192 1,550 2,210 20(H) Purdue University North Central Campus 2,127 6,277 2.165 4,922(H) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 11,580 11,580 1,821 1,974 12(H) Saint Francis College 7,987 4,448 1,130 2,500 21(H) Saint Joseph's College 10,030 3,700 20(H) Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College 9,010 3,870 1,500 2,470 20(H) Saint Mary's College 11,454 2,488 1.756 19(H) Saint Maimed College 5,766 4,064 21(H) Saint Melnrad School of Theology 8,473 4,084 21(H) Taylor University-Fort Wayne 7,500 1,200 1,800 21(H) Taylor University-Upland 10,000 1,750 1,900 21(H) Tri-State University 9.443 3,900 19

Trinity Theological Seminary & Coll of the Bible 1,245 1,405(H) University of Evansville 10,700 6,720 1,670 2,300 19(H) University of Indianapolis 9,820 9,240 1,884 2,038 21(H) University of Notre Dame 14,650 14,530 3,900 * 21(H) University of Southern Indiana 2,082 4,922 2,325 4,587 1,582(H) Valparaiso University 10,840 2,790 1,700 1,240 20(H) Wabash College 11,500 1,320 2,470 19

World Harvest Bible College 1,600 1,500


State average+ - 8,291 2,228 6,586 6,718 2,574 6,968 1,442 1,745 20

Allen College 3,509 1,548(H) Briar Cliff College 9,300 1,674 1,758 20(H) Buena Vista College 11,683 1,685 1,642 19(H) Central University of Iowa 9.875 1,600 1,962 21(H) Clarke College 9,580 9,580 1.650 1,817 17(H) Coe College 11,535 1,855 2,235 20(H) Cornell College 13,129 1,840 2,200 20(H) Divine Word College 5,635 800 600 21(H) Dordt College 8,000 1,050 1,320 21(H) Drake University 11,780 12,060 2,200 2.015 20(H) Emmaus Bible College 2,020 3,280 '' 21(H) Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary 4,438 4,304 1,122 1,842 20(H) Gracieland College 8,336 1,000 1,780 19(H) Grand View College 9,150 1,800 1,600 20(H) Grinnell College 14,632 1,900 2,238 21(H) Hamilton Technical College 6,010(H) Iowa State University 2,228 6,996 2,818 7,288 1.480 1,564 20(H) ;owa Wesleyan College 9,300 1,500 1,800 19(H) Loras College 9,978 4,200 1,755 1,810 18(H) Luther College 11.000 1,650 1,750 20(H) Maharishi International University 7,800 8,812 1,084 1,096 21

Marian Health Center School of Medical Technology 2,050Mercy Hospital School of Clinical Lab Science Tech 1,000 1,600Mid-America Reformed Seminary*

(H) Morningside College 9,890 1,512 1,880 , 19

See footnotes at end of table.


:3 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (37)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate

Public PublicIn-.


Out-of-state Private



Iowa - continued

(H) Mount Mercy College 8,430 1,305 1,890 20

(H) Mount St Clare College 8,330 1,410 1,990 21

(H) Northwestern College 8,700 1,225 1,675 20

(H) Palmer College of Chiropractic 4,285 7,600

(H) Saint Ambrose University 9.170 5,148 3,650 19

Saint Lukes Hospital Medical Technology Program**(H) Simpson College 10,230 1,690 1,980 20

(H) Teikyo Marycrest University 8,996 5,652 1,348 1,946 20

(H) Talky° Westmar University 9,000 1,500 1,750 19

(H) University of Dubuque 9,940 5,040 1,625 1,740 18

(H) University of Iowa 2.228 7,192 2,618 7.490 1,636 1,512 20

(H) University of Northern Iowa 2,228 5,570 2,488 6,126 1,188 1,440 20

(H) University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Set 6,000 8,400

(H) Upper Iowa University 8,840 1.380 1,700 19

(H) Vennard College 5,042 664 1,766 21

(H) Wartburg College 10,250 1,480 1,790 20

(H) Wartburg Theological Seminary 3,100 945 1.555 19

(H) William Penn College 9,875 1,200 1,730 20


State average+ - 6,487 1,758 5,068 8,485 2,079 5,340 1,331 1,769 19

(H) Baker University 7,350 8,838 1,750 2,050 19

Baker University Sch of Prof & Grad Studies (Spga) 8,775 7,350

Baker University School of Nursing 6,200

(H) Barclay College 0,425 800 1,850 21

(H) Benedictine College 8,600 1,740 2.070 20

(H) Bethany College 7,340 1,496 1,862 18

(H) Bethel College 7,980 1,300 1,700 20

(H) Central Baptist Theological Seminary 4.260 1,344

(H) Central College 6,650 1,150 1,830 21

(H) Emporia State University 1,684 4,484 1,892 4,820 1,270 1,520 18

(H) Fort Hays State University 1,308 3.612 1,165 2,925 1,458 1,323 15

(H) Friends University 7,655 4,900 1,120 1,710 19

Kansas City College and Bible School 2,925 1,105 1,365 21

(H) Kansas Newman College 6,636 5,736 1.340 1.992 19

(H) Kansas State University of Agriculture and App Sol 1,841 6,013 2,219 6,439 2,840 20

(H) Kansas Wesleyan University 7,420 1,300 1,800 18

(H) Manhattan Christian College 3,700 1.124 1,432 15

(H) McPherson College 7,500 1,380 2,040 19

(H) Mid-America Nazarene College 6,006 7,715 3,318 * 21

(H) Ottawa University 6,900 1,300 1.8703 19

(H) Ottowa University/Kansas City"(H) Pittsburg State University 1,564 4,444 1,872 4,800 2,704 19

(H) Saint Mary College 6,600 6,800 1,500 2,000 20

(H) Southwestern College 5,600 1,350 1,910 19

(H) Sterling College 7,230 1,350 1,750 20

(H) Tabor College 7,520 1,300 1,900 19

Topeka School of Medical Technology 1.320

(H) University of Kansas Main Campus 1,798 6,970 2,176 6,396 1,540 1,540 19

(H) University of Kansas Medical Center 1,588 5,700 2,026 6,246

See footnotes at end of table.

30 3

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (38)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1 2- --

State or other area and Institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









Kenos continued

(H) Washburn University of Topeka 2,402 4,232 3.032 4,822 1,260 1,635 18(H) Wichita State University 1,875 6,048 2,253 6.472 3.005 19


State avemge - 4,835 1,849 4,499 4,402 1,788 4,928 1,320 1,820 19

(H) Alice Lloyd College 0 0 1,100 1,380 18(H) Asbury College 7,863 1,120 1,494 21(H) Asbury Theological Seminary 5,870 968 1,551 20(H) Bellarmine College 7,580 6,858 1,780 800 19(H) Berea College 183 1,188 1,386 21(H) Brescia College 8,260 2,790 15(H) Campbellsville College 5.400 1,100 1,790 19(H) Centre College 10,925 2,000 2,030 21(H) Clear Creek Baptist Bible College 2,100 800 1.300 15

College of the Scriptures 360(H) Cumberland College 5,880 3,000 1,270 1,906 20(H) Eastern Kentucky University 1,540 4,220 1,880 4,640 1,070 1,680 20

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing 13,500 4,200 21(H) Georgetown College 6,780 1,200 1,740 1,750 20(H) Kentucky Christian College 3.434 1,520 1,370 1,740 19(H) Kentucky Mountain Bible College 2,970 680 1.850 21(H) Kentucky State University 1,440 4,120 1,580 4,540 1,226 1,456 10(H) Kentucky Wesleyan College 7,170 1,73(1 2,300 19

Lexington Baptist College 1.010(H) Lexington Theological Seminary 3,770 190(H) Lindsey Wilson College 5.652 1,270 2,010 20

Louisville Bible College 958 1,182 960(H) Louisville Pre& 'Arian Theological Seminary 5,322 1,764 1,010 10(H) Mid - Continent Baptist Bible College 1,560 1,312 1,800 19(H) Midway College 6,240 1,778 1,926 19(H) Morehead State University 1,630 4,310 1,770 4,730 1,270 1,390 19(H) Murray State University 1,600 4,280 1,740 4,700 1,170 1,810 17(H) Northern Kentucky University 1,580 4,240 1,700 4,880 1,710 1,500 19(H) Pikeville College 4,000 2,550 19

Portland Christian School 750Simmons Bible College 480

(H) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1,358(H) Spalding University 7,296 4,390 1,650 1,200 15(H) Sue Bennett College 4,190 1,140 2,100 21(H) Sullivan College 6,480 2,610(H) Thomas More College 8,400 1,520 1,592 15(H) Transylvania University 10,000 2,284 1,858 21(H) Union College 8,200 6,200 760 1,980 19(H) University of Kentucky 1,908 5,358 2.158 5,838 2,752 21(H) University of Louisville 1,880 5,240 2,040 5,720 1,500 2,000 14(H) Western Kentucky University 1,544 4,224 1.620 4,680 1,180 1,080 21

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (39)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, bystudent level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required foss

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students










State average+ - 5,616 1,791 3,785 4,684 1,746 3,632 1,512 1,557 18

American Christian Schools of Religion'(H) Centenary College of Louisiana 7,550 500 1,330 1,710 14

(H) Dillard University 6,100 7,100 21

Evangel Christian University of America 1,150 1,200

(H) Grambling State University 1,788 3,338 1,537 3,087 1,574 1,062 19

(H) Grantham College of Engineering@Louisiana Baptist University 2,200 2,200

(H) Louisiana College 4,870 1,260 1,884 21

(H) Louisiana St Univ & Agri & Mech & Hebert Laws Ctr 2,173 5,473 2,178 5,476 1,090 1.210 15

(H) Louisiana State University Medical Center 2,209 5,209 2,328 5,328 1,300

(H) Louisiana State University Shreveport 1,480 3,670 1,480 3,670

(H) Louisiana Tech University 1,888 3,023 1,866 3,023 1,125 990 19

(H) Loyola University in New Orleans 9,785 8,975 2,810 2,210 19

(H) McNeese State University 1,628 3,178 1,816 3,106 1,110 1,200 15

(H) New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 1,000 1,000 800

(H) Nicholls State University 1,081 3,481 1,661 3,461 1,150 1,400 19

(H) Northeast Louisiana University 1,825 3,209 1,631 3,216 1,980 15

(H) Northwestern State University of Louisiana 1,771 3.571 1,727 3,527 980 1,174 19

(H) Notre Dame Seminary Graduate School of Theology 4,881 4,100 21

(14) Our Lady of Holy Cross College 4,500 5,040

(H) Saint Joseph Seminary College 5,530 1,950 2.250 21

(H) Southeastern Louisiana University 1,610 3,410 1,136 2,336 980 1,140 10

(H) Southern University and A & M Col at Baton Rouge 1,588 3,110 1,006 2,762 1,508 1,358 19

(H) Southern University-New Orleans 1,456 3,014 1,478 2,868

(H) Tulane University of Louisiana 18.185 18,185 3,040 2,650 19

Union Baptist Theological Seminary 274 294

(H) University of New Orleans 2,618 5,935 2.618 5,749 1,550 1,566 14

(H) University of Southwestern Louisiana 1,597 3,397 1,584 3,384 2,054 15

World Evangelism Bible College and Seminary*"(H) Xavier University 6,250 4,5e0 1,550 1,850 19

State average - 10,945 2,833 6,608 7,083 4,426 9,514 2,061 2,179 19

(H) Bangor Theological Seminary 6.041 6,041 1,638

(H) Bates College $$ 22,850 20

(H) Bowdoin College 17,035 2.005 3.250 19

(H) Colby College 16,810 2,830 2,e50 21

(H) College of the Atlantic 12,435 12,435 2,385 1,000 14

(H) Husson College 7,320 1,720 3,870 21

(H) Maine Maritime Academy 3,670 6,390 7,550 7,550 1,485 2,760 21

New England Baptist Bible College 3,7109,960 2,980 1,900 15(H) Portland School of Art

(H) Saint Joseph's College 9,000 4,550 21

(H) Thomas College 8,000 2,050 2,200 19

(H) Unity College 7,726 1,810 2,714 20

(H) University of Maine 3,086 7,970 3,891 10,251 2,267 2,095 19

(H) University of Maine at Augusta 2,585 6,105 3,815 9,945

(H) University of Maine at Farmington 2,870 8,210 1,876 1,090 21

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (40)

Table 1.- -Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required less

Room. . - .. Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









Maine .. continued

(H) University of Maine at Fort Kent 2,580 6,120 1.825 1,720 20(H) University of Maine at Machias 2,605 6,145 1,035 1,775 20(H) University of Maine at Presque Isle 2,670 6,210 3,540 9,900 1,814 1,680 20(H) University of New England 10.595 8,135 1.662 3,087 19(H) University of Southern Maine 2,814 7,704 3,564 9,924 2,056 1,982 19(H) Westbrook College 10,200 4,650 21

Usitylwid .

State average+ - 9,471 2,765 5,641 7,614 2,999 3,991 2,485 2,058 18

(H) Baltimore Hebrew University 3,220 1,520

(H) Ekowle State University 2,514 4,689 2,189 2,189 1,910 1,532 15(H) Capitol College 7,404 2,600(H) College of Notre Dame Maryland 10,050 5,100 19(H) Columbia Union College 9,180 1,950 1,100 21

(H) Coppin State College 2,633 4,527 2,007 2,151Eastern Christian College 2,700 1,500 1,120 10

Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences@(H) Frostburg State University 2,328 4,558 2,407 2,407 2,100 1,990 19(H) Goucher College 13,445 3,915 1,854 15(H) Hood College 12,208 3,110 2565 19

Institute for Advanced Montessori Studies"(H) Johns Hopkins University 17,420 17,170 3,830 2,770 19(H) Loyola College 11,270 4,140 5,800 * 21

(H) Maryland Institute College of Art 12,300 12,300 3,700 1,200 15Mercy Medical Center Dietetic Internship Program

(H) Morgan State University 2,438 4,780 2,385 2,385 2,820 1,820 19(H) Mount Saint Marys College 10,675 4,200 2,875 2,875 14(H) Ner Israel Rabbinical College 7,200 7,200 1,700 2,300 21

(H) Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University 13,000 13,000 2,780 2,870 15Potomac College 4,950

(H) Saint Marys College of Maryland 3,880 5,980 2,350 1,950 19

(H) Saint Marys Seminary and University 6,530 6,830 5,154 21

(H) Salisbury State University 2,754 5,074 2,520 2,830 2,300 1,990 19(H) Sojourner-Douglas College 4,785(H) St John's College 15,400 9,135 2,440 2,700 21

(H) Towson State University 2,828 6,002 2,610 2,682 2,560 1,700 14(H) Traditonal Acupuncture Institute 14,560(H) University of Baltimore 2,582 4,558 3,863 3,860(H) University of Maryland Baltimore County Campus 2,856 8,082 3,319 5,587 2,210 1,930 14(H) University of Maryland Baltimore Professional Schs 2,675 7,575 4,184 7,209 2,100(H) University of Maryland College Park Campus 2,778 8,382 4,327 7,447 2,819 2,184 19(H) University of Maryland Eastern Shore 2,450 0,739 2,370 4,170 2,080 1,500 20(H) University of Maryland University College 3,284 3,384 3,810 4,980(H) Villa Julie College 8,320(H) Washington Bible College 4,169 4,434 1,300 1,820 20(H) Washington College 13,226 1,980 2,283 2,840 14(H) Washington Theological Union 7,350 4.800 21

(H) Western Maryland College 13,130 3,080 2,340 2,810 20

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (41)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students










State average+ - 11,961 3,501 8,078 10,447 3.631 6,694 2,744 2,284 19

(H) American International College 8,298 4,728 1,922 2,380 19

(11) Amherst College 17,900 2,400 2,400 21

(H) Andover Newton Theological School 5,820 1,210 2,662 18

(H) Anna Maria College 10,380 3,228 4,850 21

Art Institute of Boston**(H) Arthur D Little Management Education Institute 23,200

(H) Assumption College 10,320 6,000 3,180 2,250 19

(H) Atlantic Union College 10,625 1.870 1,500 20

(H) Babson College 15.666 16,030 4.150 2,310 19

(H) Bay oath College 9,050 5,580 21

(H) Bentley College 12,000 11,200 3,338 2,603 17

(H) Berklee College of Music 9,950 6,560 19

Berkshire Medical Center School of Anesthesia 5,700

(H) Boston Architectural Center 3,064

Boston Cntr for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies Inc 2,070

(H) Boston College 15,002 10,634 3,550 2.920 19

Boston Institute for Psychotherapy Inc@(H) Boston University 18.837 18,750 3,550 2.770 14

(H) Bradford College 12,415 3,380 2,590 19

(H) Brandeis University 17,728 17,610 3,210 3,295 21

(H) Bridgewater State College 2,952 6,816 3,300 6,900 2,050 1,500 19

(H) Cambridge College 12,180

(H) Clark University 16,200 15,800 2,300 2,200 19

(H) College of Our Lady of the Elms 9,975 4,590 3,079 1,58e 20

(H) College of the Holy Cross 16,300 2,850 2,850 21

(H) Conway School of Landscape Design 14.275

(H) Curry College"(H) Eastern Nazarene College 7,735 7,736 3,300 21

(H) Emerson College 13,817 10,338 4,358 3,126 19

(H) Emmanuel College 10,966 8,088 5,528 19

(H) Endicott College 10,310 5,610 19

(H) Episcopal Divinity School 8,880 1,600 2,030 15

(H) Fitchburg State College 3,206 7,070 1,980 1,252 19

(H) Forsyth School for Dental Hygienists 11.616 6,815 * 21

(H) Framingham State College 2,995 6,859 3,343 6,943 2,110 1,256 19

(H) Gordon College 12,000 2,350 1,400 21

(H) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary 7,092 1,130 1,900 19

(H) Hampshire College j 18.385 3,095 1,780 15

(H) Harvard University 16,454 16,454 4,295 2,785 20

(H) Hebrew College 3,670 2,770

(H) Hellenic College /Holy Cross Grk Orth Sch of Theol 6,325 8,325 4,480 19

(H) Lase!! College 10.125 5,800 * 19

(H) Lesley College 11,825 7,830 3,110 2,015 19

Life Laboratories School of Medical Technology 950 950

Longy School of Music 8,160 9,660

(H) Massachusetts College of Art 4,771 9,511 4,928 4,928 3,350 1,825 12

(H) Massachusetts College of Phar & Allied Filth Sci 10,560 5,088 6,495 21

(H) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 18.000 18,000 2,970 2,595 21

(H) Massachusetts Maritime Academy 2,784 8,489 1,610 2,390 21

(H) Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology 12,800

(H) Merrimack College 11,000 3,450 2,750 14

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (42)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students






state ,In-



Massaoflutetts- continued

(H) MGH Institute of Health Professions 13,100(H) Montserrat College of Art 7,900(H) Mount Holyoke College 16,870 8,480 2,540 2,640 21(H) Mount Ida College 9.305 6,540 * 19(H) New England Conservatory of Music 13,700 13,700 4,440 2,160 14

New England Dance Conservatory 5,790 2,393 1,970 20(H) Nichols College 8,355 2,480 2.480 19(H) North Adams State College 3,345 7,209 2,220 1,720 19(H) Northeastern University 11,489 11,243 3.555 3.225 19(H) Pine Manor College 14,961 3,050 3,050 21(H) Radcliffe College**(H) Regis College 11,100 2,600 2,800 19(H) Saint Hyacinth College and Seminary 7,560 4,500 20(H) Saint John's Seminary**(H) Salem State College 3,073 6,937 2,440 2,980 2,050 1,585 21(H) School of the Museum of Fine Arts"(H) Simmons College 14,924 10,848 8,380 21(H) Simons Rock College of Bard 16,590 2,740 2,880 19(H) Smith College 16,985 16,985 3,050 3.050 21(H) Springfield College 9,870 9,155 2,100 2,520 19(H) Stonehill College 10,820 2.837 2.837 21(H) Suffolk University 9,150 12,700(H) The Boston Conservatory 10,500 10,500 5,700 * 19

The Gordon Institute 18,500(H) Tufts University 17,897 17,970 2,750 2.683 20(H) University of Massachusetts at Amherst 5,062 11,165 5,155 10.721 2,081 1,632 14(H) University of Massachusetts at Boston 4,094 10,197 4,868 10,232(H) University of Massachusetts at Lowell 4,513 9,424 4,881 9,424 2,390 1,703 19(H) University of Massachusetts Dart-nouth 3,163 8,049 3,518 8,049 2,537 1,882 15(H) University of Massachusetts Medical Sch Worcester 3,328 8,894

VAMC School of Medical Technology"(H) Wellesley College 17,015 2,880 3,025 20(H) Wentworth Institute of Technology"(H) Western New England College 8,426 3,388 2,600 2,800 20(H) Westfield State College 3,025 6,889 1,980 2,160 2,210 1.231 19f'; Weston School of Theology 8,300(H) Wheaton College 18,e50 2.850 2.980 19(H) Wheelock College 11,776 8,700 3,918 1,306 19(H) Williams College 17.840 17,685 2,670 2.740 21

Womens Theological Center"(H) Worcester Polytechnic Institute 14,555 9,710 2,540 2.340 21(H) Worcester State College 2,532 6,396 2,400 2,400 2,530 1,140 19


State average+ - 7,121 2,936 7,310 5.060 3,520 7,482 1,693 2.018 20

(H) Adrian College 10.020 1.425 1.890 21(H) Albion College 12,294 2,106 2,210 21(H) Alma College 11,232 2,000 2.108 19;H) Andrews University 10,380 8,003 1,725 2,085 21(H) Aquinas College 9,722 4,392 1,810 2.280 20See footnotes at en(' of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (43)

Table 1.--Basic charges for hill-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students




State or other area and institutionPrivate





Michigan - continued

:. l7aiiare

(H) Baker lollege of Cadillac 3,852

(H) Baker Ci..!lege of Flint 3,852 1,575

(H) Baker College of Muskegon 3,852 1,575

(H) Baker College of Owosso 5,138 1,575

(H) Baker College of Port Huron 3,852

Black Forest Hall"(H) Calvin College 8,630 8,630 1,570 1,050 21

(H) Calvin Theological Seminary 4,680

(H) Center for Creative Studies Col of Art and Design 10,570 1,400 2,443 19

(H) Center for Humanistic Studies 8,400

(H) Central Michigan University 2,652 8,488 2,794 5,302 1,750 1,974 20

(H) Cleary College 5,790

(H) Concordia College 8,600 1,400 2,350 20

(H) Cranbrook Academy of Art 8,600 2,000

(H) Davenport College 6,435 1,875

(11) Davenport College Kalamazoo Branch 6,435

(H) Davenport College Lansing Branch 6,435

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary 1,080

(H) Detroit College of Business 6,815

(H) Detroit College of Business 6,615

(H) Detroit College of Business 6,815

(H) Eastern Michigan University 2,471 6,175 2,726 8,278 1,870 1,980 20

Ecumenical Theological Center@El Ballet Folkorico Estudiantil**

(H) Ferris State University 2,970 8,015 3,897 7,749 1,324 2,233 20

(H) GMI Engineering and Management Institute 10,240 10,820 1,948 1,040 15

(H) Grace Bible College 4,420 1,110 1,790 20

(H) Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary 6,860 4,088 1,730 2,008 21

(H) Grand Valley State University 2,508 5.710 3,530 7,840 1,710 1,880 19

(H) Great Lakes Christian College 3,984 1,114 1,810 18

(H) Hillsdale College 9,960 1,880 2,350 21

(H) Hope College 10,792 1,784 2,162 21

(H) Jordan College 5,640

(H) Kalamazoo College 13,785 1,935 2,472 20

(H) Kendall College of Art and Design 8,850

(H) Lake Superior State University 2,694 5,280 2,970 2,970 1,305 2,510 19

(H) Lawrence Institute of Technology`(H) Madonna University 4,410 3.408 1,572 1,890 21

(H) Marygrove College 7,045 4,931 3,530 15

(H) Michigan Christian College 4,812 2,970 19

(H) Michigan State University 3,878 9,648 4,558 8,827 1,570 1,998 20

(H) Michigan Technological University 3,249 7,328 3,249 7,328 1,686 1,938 19

Midrasha College of Jewish Studies"Munson Medical Center School of Medical Technology 0

(H) Northern Michigan University 2,451 4,495 2,459 3,487 1,892 1,735 20

(H) Northwood Institute 8.822 1,835 2,400 20

(H) Oakland University 2,545 7,105 3,426 7,382 3,715 19

(H) Olivet College 8,291 1,340 1,550 19

(H) Reformed Bible College 5,670 3,100 " 21

(11) Sacred Heart Major Seminary 3,630 4,830 4,000 ' 21

(H) Saginaw Valley State University 2,820 5,386 3,000 5,772 1,414 2,121 21

(H) Saint Mary's College 4,800 1,800 1,700 21

(H) Siena Heights College 8,100 4,860 3,550 * 19

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (44)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required tees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









*Neon - ;willow,,

(H) Spring Arbor College 8,006 1,500 1,900 20Ss. Cyril and Methodius Seminary 4,635 1,000 2,800 21Tri-City Dietetic Internship Consortium

(H) University of Detroit Mercy 10,180 6.588 1,888 1,830 19(H) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 4,583 14,570 7,391 15,023 2,224 1,985 13(H) University of Michigan-Dearborn 2,888 9,354 3,400 10,960(H) University of Michigan-Flint 2,700 8,800 3.180 0,528(H) Walsh College of Accounting and Business Admin 3,576 3,630(H) Wayne State University 3,030 6,584 3,142 6,682 2,848(H) Western Michigan University 2,807 6,620 3,081 7,029 1,562 2,265 20(H) Western Theological Seminary 4,309(H) William Tyndale College 5,080 2,040(H) Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College 2,800 2,800 1.400 1,200 21

At mola&

State average+ - 9,025 2,558 5,562 5,856 2,810 4,412 1,763 1,676 19

(H) Alfred Adler Institute of Minnesota 10,800Apostolic Bible Institute Inc

(H) Augsburg College 10,148 5,304 2,084 1,938 19(H) Bemidji State University 2,413 4,360 2,535 3,571 1,708 1,215 21

Bethany College of Miscions(H) Bethel College 10,540 2,090 1,700 20(H) Bethel Theological Seminary 4,320 2,610(H) Carleton College 17,380 1,452 2,088 21

Central Baptist Theological Seminary-(H) College of Associated Arts 7,100(H) College of Saint Benedict 10,578 2,025 1,862 15(H) College of Saint Catherine-Saint Catherine Campus 10,024 6,203 1,980 1,870 20(H) College of Saint Scholastica 10,859 6,540 1,959 1,539 20(H) Concordia College 9,000 1,440 1,740 21(H) Concordia College at Moorhead 9,200 1,300 1,600 21

(H) Crown College 7,224 1,792 1,798 17(H) Dr Martin Luther College 3,580 410 1,380 20(H) Gustavus Adolphus College 12,600 1,500 1,725 20(H) Hemline University 12,344 3,120 1,964 2,048 19

Inter Lutheran Theological Seminary(H) Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary 3.600 1.575 1.980 19(H) Macalester College 14,125 2,188 2,020 19(H) Mankato State University 2,322 4,312 2,552 3,555 2,640 21

(H) Mayo Graduate School 8,500(H) Mayo Medical School 9,325(H) Mayo School Of Health-Related Sciences 1,000 7,300(H) Metropolitan State University 2.033 4,022 2,264 3.267(H) Minneapolis College of Art and Design 11,090 2,180

Minneapolis School of Anesthesia 1,500

Minneapolis VA School of Anerthesia'(H) Minnesota Bible College 4,288 1,395(H) Moorhead State University 2,299 4,288 2,530 3,633 2,664 21

NAES/Twin Cities'(H) National College-St Paul Branch 5,716

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (45)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Roan Board



Undergraduate students &Musts students

State or other area and InstitutionPrivate


Private. .



Out-of-state (




141intIstaata,-; ;continued .

(H) North Central Bible College 5,370 1,580 1.450 14

(H) Northwestern College 9,825 1,850 1,095 15

(H) Oak Hills Bible College 4,336 2,400 21

(H) Pillsbury Baptist Bible College 3,700 1,470 1.410 20

(H) Saint Cloud State University 2,270 4,259 2,501 3,504 1,704 921 21

(H) Saint John's University 10,678 7,580 1,790 1,995 14

(H) Saint Mary's College of Minnesota 9,710 3.000 1,700 1,550 21

(H) Saint Olaf College 12,750 1,680 1,920 21

(H) Southwest State University 2,350 3,960 2,500 14

(H) United Theological Seminary 6,400 3,150

(H) University of Minnesota Duluth 3,044 8,449 3,853 7,034 1,431 1,782 19

(H) University of Minnesota Morris 3,248 8,979 1,320 1,755 19

(H) University al Minnesota Twin Cities 3,158 8,684 3,787 7,148 1,403 2,020 21

(H) University of St Thomas 11,204 6,384 2,197 1,650 14

(H) Winona State University 2,448 4,435 2,877 3,880 1,749 1.215 21


State average+ - 4,140 2,289 4,249 3,812 2,344 4,303 1,148 1,232 19

(H) Alcorn State University 2.370 4,336 2,858 4,818 929 1,049 21

(H) Belhaven College 8,300 2,420 * 21

(H) Blue Mountain College 3,556 580 1,390 21

Cooks Institute Of Electronics Engineering"(H) Delta State University 2,194 4,154 2.194 4,154 780 1,010 21

Jackson College Of Ministries"(H) Jackson State University 2,230 4,190 2,230 4,190 1,546 1,220 20

(H) Magnolia Bible College 2,720 800 790 4

(H) Millsaps College 10,280 7,200 2,122 1,880 21

(H) Mississippi College 6,315 4,584 1,150 1,470 21

(H) Mississippi State University 2,474 4,432 2,474 4,432 1,200 1,830 15

(H) Mississippi University For Women 2,239 4,199 2,239 4,199 1,027 1,190 19

(H) Mississippi Valley State University 2.184 4,123 2,171 4,130 850 1,050 21

North Mississippi Med Ctr-Medical Technology Pr 0 0

(H) Reformed Theological Seminary 4,215 990

(H) Rust College 4,152 898 1,050 21

(H) Southeastern Baptist College 2,220 760 950 15

(H) Tougaloo College 4,835 890 950 21

(H) University Of Mississippi Main Campus 2,435 4,394 2,435 4,394 1,430 1,400 21

(H) University Of Mississippi Medical Center 2,101 4,060 2,101 4,080 1,710

(H) University Of Southern Mississippi 2,392 4,352 2,392 4,352 1,530 1,080 21

(H) Wesley Biblical Seminary 3,810 1,500

(H) Wesley College 1,900 880 1.320 21

(H) William Carey College 4,200 1,800 1,525 1.350 21


State average+ - 6.720 2,137 4,745 5,540 2,427 5,304 1,832 1,574 18

(H) Aquinas Institute Of Theology 0,400

(H) Assemblies of God Theological Seminary 4,248

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (46)

Table 1.- -Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4---,1, r_y_witescondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area. and institution: Academicyear 1992 -93-- continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate Wickets Graduate students






,irateIn-slate.. .


Lamour' - continued. , .

(H) Avila College 7,980 3,000 3,350 '' 21(H) Baptist Bible College 2,230 802 2,000 21(H) Barnes College 6,190 1,000

Berean College(H) Calvary Bible College 3,500 3,090 1.080 1,550 20(H) Central Bible College 3,736 2,750 19(H) Central Christian College of the Bible 3,509 1,170 1,220 18(H) Central Methodist College 7,050 1,650 1,820 19(H) Central Missouri State University 2,040 3,990 2,280 4,488 1,938 1,108 20

Christian Outreach School of Ministries"(H) Clayton University(H) College of the Ozarks 100 600 1,000 21(H) Columbia College 7,166 1,992 1,244 21(H) Conception Seminary College 4,704 1,016 1,958 21(H) Concordia Seminary 5,825 3,160 19(H) Covenant Theological Seminary 4,500 1,300(H) Culver-Stockton College 7,175 1,350 1,725 20(H) Deaconess College of Nursing 5,594 1,756 10(H) Dewy Institute of Technology 5,240(H) Drury College 8,460 3,600 1,570 1,710 20(H) Eden Theological Seminary(H) Evangel College 6,480 705 775 19

Evangelical Theologiat Seminary`Finlay Engineering College 5,370

(H) Fontbonne College 7,750 7,750 3,940 14(H) Forest Institute of Professional Psychology 14,850(H) Hannibal-Lagrange College 5,236 805 1,495 20(H) Harris-Stowe State College 1.296 2.553(H) ITT Technical Institute 5,905(H) Kansas City Art institute 12,060 3,960 19(H) Keller Graduate School of Management Inc 7,250(H) Kenrick Glennon Seminary 6,830 3,100 3

Lester E Cox Medical Center of Radiologlc Teohn 500(H) Lincoln University 1,742 3,484 2,130 4,272 2,694 * 19(H) Lindenwood College 8,480 3,610 2,270 2,200 19(H) Logan College of Chiropractic@(H) Maryville University of Saint Louis 8,200 4,230 3,990 20(H) Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary"(H) Missouri Baptist College 8,220 2,800 19(H) Missouri Southern State College 1.598 2,990 2,490 20

Missouri Technical School 5,940(H) Missouri Valley College 8,200 2,425 2,425 19(H) Missouri Western State College 1,822 3,460 1,180 1,292 20(H) National College 5,716(H) Nazarene Theological Seminary 1,953(H) Northeast Missouri State University 2,235 3,939 2,371 4,219 1,432 1,432 20(H) Northwest Missouri State University 1,860 3,342 1,782 3,255 1,328 1,490 18

Ozark Bible institute(H) Ozark Christian College 3,016 1,170 1,430 19(H) Park College 7,160 3,510 1,500 2,100 19(H) Research College of Nursing 8,850 1.740

Research Medical Center Clinical Pastoral Ed Ctr(H) Rockhurst College 8,830 4,538 1,710 2,008 19See footnotes at end of table.

39 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (47)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and mquired fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









falesouri ... continued

Saint John's Mercy Medl Ctr-Sch of Medi Techn 3,600

Saint Johns Regional Medical Ctr Sch of Medi Techn

(H) Saint Louis Christian College 3,630 1,100 1,320 12

Saint Louis Rabbinical College(H) Saint Louis University Main Campus 9,880 6, e0 2,300 2,170 14

(H) Saint Paul School of Theologyr 7,460 2.445 0 4

(H) Southeast Missouri State University 2,113 3,777 2,260 4,083 1,986 1,100 20

(H) Southwest Baptist University 6,401 1,500 1,100 1,270 20

Southwest Missouri School of Anesthesia 700

(H) Southwest Missouri State University 1,752 3,384 1,434 2,748 2,550 900 20

(H) St Louis College of Pharmacy 8,030 3,900 " 14

(H) Stephens College 12,400 2,800 2,250 21

Truman Med Center Sch for Nurse Anesthetists 3.100 6,200

(H) Universityof Wraith Sclences(H) University of Missouri-Columbia 2,812 7.672 2,821 7,263 1,584 1,451 14

(H) University of Missouri-Kansas City 2,841 7,701 2,847 7,289 1,795 1,500 14

(H) University of Missourl-Rolla 2,932 7,792 2,912 7,354 1,960 1,506 20

(H) University of Missouri-Saint Louis 2,740 7,600 2,748 7,188 2,378 1,634 14

(H) Washington University 16.918 16,750 3,216 2,178 20

(H) Webster University 8,000 7,260 1,590 2,240 19

Western Baptist Bible College(H) Westminster College 8,960 1,530 2,020 19

(H) William Jewell College 8,970 1,080 1,870 21

(H) William Woods College 8,950 1.980 1,940 20


State average+ - 4,413 1,772 5,286 1,540 1,710 5,052 1,235 1,647 16

(H) Carroll College 7,070 1,390 2,100 14

(H) College of Great Falls 4,790 3,080 140 890 10

Columbus Hospital School of Medics! Technology**

(H) Eastern Montana College 1,835 5,139 1.835 6,139 1.810 1,424 10

Montana Bible College 2,160 1,280

(H) Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology 1,61:2 6,406 1,467 4,657 3,500 19

(H) Montana State University 1,839 6,683 1,822 4,814 3.224 21

Mountain Staten Baptist College 2,205

(H) Northern Montana College 1,732 5,036 1,732 5,038 1,210 1,968 15

(H) Rocky Mountain College 7,966 3,600 20

Saint James Community Hospital School of Medl Tech 0

(H) University of Montana 1,892 5,616 1,896 5,618 1,713 1,ne 15

(11) Western Montana College University of Montana 1.650 4,954 1,500 1,874 15

Yellowstone Baptist College 2,290 750 1,600 18


State average - 8,408 1,746 3,811 5,032 1,760 3,594 1,273 1,510 18

(H) Bellevue College 2,920 0,860

Bryan Memorial Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia 3,598 1,820

(H) Chadron State College 1,675 2,670 1,198 2,007 1,184 1,332 15

See footnotes at end of table.


4 t)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (48)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, bystudent level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and requited terse

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and InstitutionPublic Public



state PrivetsIn-



Nebraska - oontinued

(H) Clarkson College 5,280 4,500 1,e70(H) College of Saint Mary 8,680 3,320 * V(H) Concordia Teachers College 8,090 8,090 3,030 * 21(H) Creighton University 9,670 6,140 2,190 1,810 19(H) Dana College 8,050 1,224 1,70e 19(H) Doane College 8,770 2,250 050 1,750 19(H) Grace College of the Bible 4.100 1,000 1,600 20(H) Hastings College 8,720 3,789 1,230 1,780 19(H) Midland Lutheran College 8,800 1,050 1,650 20(H) Nebraska Christian College 2,170 860 1,420 17(H) Nebraska Methodist College of Nurs & Allied Health 5,214 1,150(H) Nebraska Wesleyan University 8,430 1,720 1,350 19(H) Peru State College 1,671 2,83e 1,210 1,380 19

Platte Valley Bible College 1,308 855(H) Union College 8,100 1,430 1,080 19(H) University of Nebraska at Kearney 1,720 2,770 1,564 2,536 1,130 1,250 15(H) University of Nebraska at Lincoln 2,187 5,367 2,298 5,172 1,280 1,635 20(H) University of Nebraska at Omaha 1,467 3,765 1,803 4,173(H) University of Nebraska Medical Center 1.994 5,174 2,105 4,979(H) Wayne State College 1,599 2,694 1,802 2.694 1,140 1,350 15(H) York College 4.140 1,100 1,650 19


State average - 8,225 1,487 5,462 7,600 1,364 5,339 2,643 1,660 17

(H) Morrison College/Reno Business College 4,950(H) Sierra Nevada College 7,500 7,500 2,400(H) University of Nevada-Las Vegas 1,665 5,715 1,395 5,445 3,150 1,630 1E(H) University of Nevada-Reno 1,308 5,208 1,332 5,232 2,380 1,690 19

New Hampshire

State average - 10,595 3,027 7,375 9,225 3,130 5,694 2,383 2,123 19

(H) Antioch New England Graduate School (Nh) 8,955(H) Colby-Sawyer College 12,775 2,830 2,290 19(H) Daniel Webster College 11,188 2,170 2,284 19(H) Dartmouth College 17,229 17,229 2,979 2,667 20(H) Franklin Pierce College 12,430 2,300 1,950 19(H) Franklin Pierce Law Center 11,435(H) Keene State College 2,845 7,325 2,845 3,205 2,450 1,322 19(H) Magdalen College 4.950 4,000 20(H) New England College 11,990 2,680 2,390 19(H) New Hampshire College 10,218 8,512 2,655 1,980 19(H) Notre Dame College 8,966 4,086 2,140 2,495 19(H) Plymouth State College 2,926 7,406 2,664 2,934 2.446 1,310 19(H) Rivier College 9,330 4,122 1,536 3,064 19(H) Saint Aneelm College 10,970 5,200 18(H) School for Lifelong Learning 2,574 2,814(H) Thomas More College of Liberal Arts 6,600 4,800 19

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (49)

Table 1.--Basic charges for hill-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required lees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









Newitimipshire -.continued

(H) University of New Hampshire at Manchester 2,850 8,330

(H) University of New Hampshire-Main Campus 3,941 11,001 3,882 10,942 2,128 1,600 19

NON Jenny

State average+ - 9,916 3,173 4,922 8,092 4,376 5,925 2,837 2,122 17

(H) Beth Medrash Govoha 3,150 2,300 3,800 21

(H) Bloomfield College 7,750 3,900 19

(H) Caldwell College 8,080 4,300 21

(H) Centenary College 10,911 5,130 20

(H) College of Saint Elizabeth 9,970 4,700 ' 19

(H) Drew University 17,294 17,448 2,924 2,170 20

(H) Fairleigh Dickinson University (Alf Campuses) 10,483 9,295 2,936 2,824 19

(H) Felician College 7,430

(H) Georgian Court College 7,875 4,265 1,600 2,150 20

(H) Jersey City State College 2,878 3.638 3,588 4,212 2,800 2,200 14

Jersey Shore Medical Center School of Medical Tech 0

(H) Kean College of New Jersey 2,469 3,241 3,391 4,111 2,490 1,200 21

(H) Monmouth College 11,160 6,534 2,280 2,400 13

(H) Montclair State College 2,688 3,808 3,540 4,380 2,978 1,584 19

(H) New Brunswick Theological Seminary 6,510 2,200

(H) New Jersey Institute of Technology 4,624 8,642 8,136 8,808 3,478 1504 15

New School for Music Study**(H) Princeton Theological Seminary 6,403 1,094 2,436 20

(H) Princeton University 17,750 17,850 2,517 3,000 V

(H) Rabbi Jacob Joseph School 4,000 3,250 21

(H) Rabbinical College of America 7,000 2,500 3,500 21

(H) Ramapo College of New Jersey 3,024 3,774 3,176 1,450 19

(H) Rider College 12,010 6,962 2,600 2,382 19

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School at Camden"(H) Rowan College of New Jersey 2,870 3,990 3,116 4,480 2,760 1,875 20

(H) Rutgers University Camden Campus 3,857 7,227 5,114 7,271 2,690 1,750 19

(H) Rutgers University New Brunswick 4,040 7,410 5,136 7,293 2,874 1,750 19

(H) Rutgers University Newark Campus 3,871 7,241 5,121 7,278 2,710 1,750 V

(H) Saint Peter's College 8,390 6,1:88 2,630 2.295 19

(H) Seton Hall University 10,980 8,1122 4,064 1,894 14

(H) Stevens Institute of Technology 15,425 10,200 2,760 2,290 15

(H) Stockton State College 2,857 3,297 2,825 1.520 19

(H) Talmudical Academy - New Jersey* *(H) The School of Music of Rider College 12,200 12,200 2,300 2,950 20

(H) Thomas A Edison State College@(H) Trenton State College 3,781 5,363 4,988 6,566 2,700 2,364 19

(H) University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 1,975 2,634 4,301 8,229

(H) Upsala College 11,500 6,520 2,280 2,320 19

(H) Upsala College-Wirths Campus 5.000

(H) William Paterson College of New Jersey 2,832 3,728 3,708 4,572 2,830 1,530 15

See footnotes at end of table.

42 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (50)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academicyear 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institution









New Mexico

State average+ - 7.095 1,489 5,184 4,689 1.658 5,426 1,272 1,327 16

(H) College of Santa Fe 8,968 3,458 1.320 1,628 20(H) College of the Southwest 3,800 1,358 1,190 9

College of the Southwest-Carlsbad 5,760 0 0(H) Eastern New Mexico University Main Campus 1,356 4,914 1,512 5,064 1,120 1.290 15(H) International Institute of Chinese Medicine 5,080(H) National College-Albuquerque, NM Branch 5,716

Nazarene Indian Bible College 2,926 1,200 270 4(H) New Mexico Highlands University 1,344 4,920 1,008 3,690 1,022 1,270 14(H) New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 1.666 5,386 2,445 7,483 1.346 2,060 19(H) New Mexico State University Main Campus 1,708 5,838 1,828 5,752 1,416 1,402 17(H) Southwest Acupuncture College"(H) St John's College 15,400 5,490 2,440 2,760 21(H) University of New Mexico-Main Campus 1,656 5,880 1,830 6,060 1,705 1,574 19(H) Western New Mexico University 1,204 4,384 1.324 4,504 1,070 1,160 18

World Institute of Religious Education Corresp Sch"

New York

State average+ - 9,490 2,986 6,462 8,118 4,225 7,047 2,691 2,024 18

(H) Academy for Creative Learning for Adults"Academy for Jewish Education 2.800Academy for Jewish Education 2,800Academy for Jewish Education 2,600Academy for Jewish Education 2,600Academy for Jewish Religion 5,500Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy@

(H) Adolph' University 11,420 11,500 3,200 2.800 20Advanced Institute for Analytic Psychotherapy@

(H) Albany College of Pharmacy 8,000 2,800 1,600 10(II) Albany Medical College 19,850 2.475(H) Alfred University 14.998 14,998 2,460 2.276 21

All Saints University of America, Inc. 1,500 1,500(H) American Center for yhe Alexander Technique 6,075(H) Associated Beth Rivkah Schools"(Ii) Audrey Cohen College 10,580 11,295(H) Bais Fruma*(H) Bais Medrash L' Torah"(H) Bank Street College of Education 12,525(H) Bard College 18,180 5,200 2,880 2,950 19(H) Barnard College 16,854 4,328 2,682 14

Be'Er Shmuel Talmud Acad(H) Belzer Yeshiva-Machzikei Seminary(H) Beth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher Institute 3,800 3,600 1.000 ' 17(H) Beth Hatalmud Rab C.::ege(H) Beth Jacob Hebrew Teachers College 3,300

Beth Joseph Rab Seminary*(H) Beth Medrash Eeyun Hatalmud(H) Beth Medrash Emek Halacha(H) Beth Roche! Seminary"

See footnotes at end of table.

43 4

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (51)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate



PublicIn- i Out-of-

stale I state



New York - continued I


Blanton Peale Graduate Institute 8,000

(H) Bnos Jerusalem Seminary**(H) Boricua College 5,600

(H) Brooklyn Law School(H) Canislus College 9,502 7,700 2,500 2,400 19

Catholic Medical Center School of Med Tech

(H) Cszenovia College 8,592 2,194 2,194 21

Center for Modem Psychoanalytic Studies**(H) Central Yeshiva Tomchel Tmimim Lilbavitz(H) Christ the King Seminary 4,662 1,850 3,200 21

(H) Clarkson University 14,510 8,689 2,381 2,696 19

(H) Colgate Rochester-Bexley-Crozer 6,332 1,130 2,100 18

(H) Colgate University 17,415 17,415 2,575 2,700 19

(H) College of Aeronautics 6,045

(H) College of Mount Saint Vincent 10,460 7,080 5,250 19

(H) College of New Rochelle 10,200 4,500 2,620 2,000 19

(H) College of Saint Rose 9,038 7,800 2,353 2,621 14

(H) Columbia University in the City of New York 16,918 16,676 3,407 3,021 19

(H) Concordia College 9,370 1,870 2,480 20

(H) Cooper Union 300 300 4,320

(H) Cornell University Medical College 14,650 2,780

(H) Cornell University-Endowed Colleges 17,276 17,252 3,284 2,392 20

(H) Cornell University-NYS Statutory Colleges 7,058 13,306 8,232 8,232 3,284 2,392 20

(H) CUNY Bernard Baruch College 2,552 5,152 3,375 5,875

(H) CUNY Brooklyn College 2.607 5,207 3,442 5,942

(H) CUNY City College 2,547 5,147 3,383 5,883

(H) CUNY College of Staten Island 2,558 5,158 3,458 5,958

(H) Cuny Graduate School and University Center 3,371 5,871 6,869

(H) CUNY Hunter College 2,555 5,155 3,368 5,868 1,730

(H) CUNY John Jay College Criminal Justice 2,551 5,151 3,413 5,913

(H) CUNY Lehman College 2,562 5,162 3,462 5,962

(H) CUNY Medgar Evers College 2,154 2,730

(H) CUNY New York City Technical College 2,500 5,100

(H) CUNY York College 2.534 5,134

(H) D'Youville College 8,320 6,504 2,340 1,800 19

(H) Daemon College 8,330 2.075 2,075 19

(H) Darkei No'Am Rabbinical College 4.100 4,100 1,300

(H) Derech Ayson Rabbinical Seminary**(H) Dominican College of Blauvelt 7,430 3,130 2,120 19

(H) Dowling College 8.750 9,990 2,915

(H) Elmira College 12,700 7,950 2,200 1,900 21

(H) Fashion Institute of Technology 2,795 5,630 4,210 7,528 2,635 2,020 20

(H) Five Towns College 8,150

Folk Art Inst of the Museum of American Folk Art 4.590

(H) Fordham University 12,170 9,630 6,900 19

(H) General Theological Seminary 9,059 2,565 1,840 7

Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training@(H) Graduate School of Figurative Art 10,500

Greater NY Chapter American Inst of Banking@

(H) Gruss Girls SeminaryHadar Hatorah Rabbinical Seminary'

(H) Hamilton GIllege 17,650 2,400 2,350 19

Harlem Hospital Center School of Anesthesia*

See footnotes at end of table.

44 43

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (52)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required toes

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









New York - continued

(H) Hartwick College 14,350 2,100 2,350 21

(H) Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion(H) Hilbert College 6,400 1.670 2,680 17(H) Hobart William Smith Colleges 17,291 2.700 2,658 21

(H) Mortara University 10,490 8.694 3,240 2,200 19(H) Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary 1,000 500 500 21

(H) Houghton College 9,230 1,530 1,730 21

Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy 1,000

Institute for Expressive Analysis(H) Iona College 9,500 5,200 8,000 ' 21

(H) Ithaca College 12,870 9,872 2,700 2,812 20(H) Jeeode Hatorah(H) Jewish Theological Seminary of America 6,240 7,780 3,800 V

(H) Kehilath Yakov Rabbinical Seminary-(H) Keuka College 8.770 4.170 21

King County Hospital School for Nurse Anesthetists 4,500 4,500(H) Kol Yaakov Torah Center(H) Laboratory Institute of Merchandising 8,950(H) Le Moyne College 9,620 2,560 1,700 19

(H) Long Island Seminary of Jewish Studies(H) Long Island University Brentwood 10,810 8,460(H) Long Island University Brooklyn Campus 10,670 8,470 2,750 1,980 12

(H) Long Island University C W Poet Campus 10,810 8,550 2,880 2,280 12

(H) Long Island University Rockland Campus 8,160(H) Long Island University Southhampton College 10,850 8,590 2,890 2,440 15

(H) Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College*(H) Manhattan College 11.900 7,120 4,500 1,750 19

(H) Manhattan School of Music 11,000 11,000

(H) Manhattanville College 13,005 7,150 5,900 21

(H) Meinnes College of Music 11.000 11,000 4.940(H) Marist College 9,820 7,658 3,360 2,180 19

(H) Maryknoll School of Theology 4,900 5,400 21

(H) Marymount College 10,720 3,162 2,588 19

(H) Marymount Manhattan CollegeMax Weinreich Center for Advanced Jewish Studies@

(H) Medaille College 7,750 2,300 1,800 18

(H) Mercy College Bronx Branch Campus 7,200(H) Mercy College White Plains Branch Campus 7,200(H) Mercy College Yorktown Heights Branch Campus 7,200(H) Mercy College-Main Campus 7,200(II) Meelvta of Eastern Parkway-Yeshiva Zichron Meilech 4,200 4,200 1,200 1,200 16

(H) Mesivta Torah Vodaath Rabbinical Seminary 4,165 4.465 1,700 1,800 21

(H) Meeivtha Tifereth Jer AmrMethodist Hospital School of Medical Technology 2,500Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary 900

(H) Miner Yeshiva Cent Institute*(H) Molloy College 8,390

(H) Mount Saint Mary College 7,810 0,366 3,000 1,830 20(H) Mount Sinai School of Medicine 4,750

National Institute for the Psychotherapies Trng@(H) Nazareth College of Rochester 9,790 7.680 2,480 2,180 19(H) New School for Social Research 12,600 10,200 4,600

New York Center for Psychoanalytic Training

See footnotes at end of table.

45 Ot/

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (53)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate

Public Public


Out-of-state Private




New York -continued

New York Freudian Society 1,250

(H) New York Institute of Technology-Central Islip 8,140 5,130 2,545 2,540 14

(H) New York Institute of Technology Manhattan Campus 8.140 5,130 2,540 14

(H) New York Institute of Technology Old Westbury Cam 8.140 5,130 2,540 14

(H) New York Medical College 7,200 4,200

New York School fa- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy@New York School of Astrology 8,000 3,000

(H) New York School of Interior Design 9,00(H) New York State Col of Ceramics at Alfred Univ 5,785 8,185 8,290 8,290 2,480 2,278 21

(H) New York Theological Seminary 5,970

(H) New York University 16,650 12,240 4,270 2,510 10

(It) Niagara University 9,523 5,188 2.184 2.182 19

(H) Nyack College 7,910 5,878 1,550 2,130 21

(H) Ohr Hameir Theological Seminary"(H) Ohr Somayach Institutions*

Ohr Somayach Institutions 2,000

(H) Pace University-New York 10.100 11,580 3,320 1,340 21

(H) Pace University-Pleasantville Briarcliff Campus 10,100 11,580 3,320 1,340 21

(H) Pace University-White Plains 10,100 11,580 3,320 1,340 21

(H) Polytechnic University 14,780 14,780 2,472 1,750 19

(H) Pratt Institute-Main 12,004 7,715 3,880 2,050 19

(H) Queens College 2,835 5,235 3,458 5,956

(H) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Seminary"(H) Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin**(H) Rabbinical College of Beth Shraga"(H) Rabbinical College of Bobover Bnei Zion"(H) Rabbinical College of Ch'San Sofer New York"(H) Rabbinical College of Kamenitz Yeshiva"(H) Rabbinical College of Long Island"

Rabbinical College of Tash"(H) Rabbinical Seminary of Adas Yereim"(H) Rabbinical Seminary of America 4.000 4,000 2,000 500

(H) Rabbinical Seminary of M'Kor Chaim"Rabbinical Seminary of Munkace

(H) Regents College, University of the State of NY@

(H) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 18,402 11,881 3,400 2,618 20

(H) Roberts Wesleyan College 9,232 2,210 1,156 21

(H) Rochester Institute of Technology 12,760 13,628 2,835 2,451 14

(H) Rockefeller University 0 2.604

(H) Russell Sage College Main Campus 11,270 8,880 2,240 2,260 14

(H) Saint Bonaventure University 9,284 5,220 2,310 2,514 21

(H) Saint John Fisher College 9,470 9,480 3,550 1,850 19

(H) Saint John's University New York 8,230 7,928

(H) Saint Josephs College Main Campus 8,700

(H) Saint Josephs College Suffolk Campus 8,912

(H) Saint Josephs Seminary and College 1,400 21

(H) Saint Thomas Aquinas College 7.350 2,800 1,700 12

(H) Saint Vladimir. Orthodox Theological Seminary 3,120 1,050 1,550 19

(H) Sara Schenirer Teachers Seminary"(H) Sarah Lawrence College 17,840 12,672 4,550 2,190 14

(H) School of Visual Arts 11,170 12,370 4,200

(H) Seminary of the Immaculate Conception 0 0

(H) Sh'Or Yoshuv Rabbinical College"

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (54)


Table 1.--Basic chargos for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required hoe

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









New York - continuedt7oitats ..

(H) Siena College 9.810 2,730 1,950 21

(H) Skidmore College 16,850 2,920 2,350 19(H) St Bernard's Institute 4.610(H) St Francis College 6,550(H) St Lawrence University 18.820 8,400 2,765 2,535 21

Sunbridge College 9,000(H) SUNY at Albany 2,883 6,783 4.141 7,457 2,810 1,250 20(H) SUNY at Binghamton 2,957 6,857 4,199 7,515 2,560 2,074 14(H) .SONY at Buffalo 3,073 6,073 4,330 7,648 2,528 2,050 21

(H) SUNY at Stony Brook 2,918 8,818 4,162 7,478 2,670 1,700 19(H) SUNY College at Brockport 2.915 6.815 4.265 7,581 2,440 1,620 14(H) SUNY College at Buffalo 2,835 6,735 4,075 7,391 2,380 1,300 19(H) SUNY College at Cortland 2,920 6,820 4,210 7,528 2,270 1,800 21

(H) SUNY College at Fredonia 2,926 6,828 4,222 7,538 2,190 1,790 19(H) SUNY College at Geneseo 2,955 6.855 4,125 7,441 2,364 1,420 21(H) SUNY College at New Peitz 2,921 6,821 4,271 7,587 2,450 1,790 19(H) SUNY College at Old Westbury 2,898 6.798 2,990 1,430 19(H) SUNY College at Oneonta 2,896 8,796 4,196 7,512 2,4,38 1,800 21(H) SUNY College at Oswego 2,930 8,830 4,105 7.421 2,530 1.700 21

(H) SUNY College at Plattsburgh 2,885 6,765 4,215 7,531 2,100 1,592 19(H) SUNY College at Potsdam 2,890 6,790 4,125 7,441 2,500 1,710 10(H) SUNY College at Purchase 2,911 8,811 4.261 7,577 2,814 1,530 15(H) SUNY College of Agriculture & Techn at Cobleskill 2,954 6,854 2,550 1,920 17(H) SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 2,937 6,837 4,243 7,559 3,000 2,920 19(H) SUNY College of Optometry 4.120 7.438(H) SUNY College of Technology at Alfred 2,912 6,812 2,480 1,760 18(H) SUNY College of Technology at Farmingdale 2,925 6,825 2,340 1,920 15(H) SUNY Empire State College 2,887 6,587 4,037 7,353(H) SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn 2.885 6,785 4.200 7,518 2,760(H) SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse 2,865 6,765 4,215 7,531 2,440(H) SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica-Rome 2.955 6,855 4,165 7,481 2,580 2,000 14(H) SUNY Maritime College 3,235 7,135 4,025 7,341 2,400 1,864 19(H) Syracuse University Main Campus 13.811 12,483 3,320 2,920 19(H) Talmudic& Institute of Upstate New York 4,250 4,250 3,300 '' 21

(H) Talmudical Seminary of Oholei Torah**(H) Teachers College at Columbia University 11,240 5,000(H) The College of Insurance 9.800 8,688 7,788 19

.(H) The Juilliard School 11,250 11,250 5,900 '' 14(H) The King's College 8,310 1,930 1,990 20(H) Toldos Yakor Yosef(H) Torah Temimah Talmudical Seminary"(H) Touro College 7,030 11,620 4,800

Training Institute for Mental Health Practitioner"Unification Theological Seminary 5,160 900 1,200 20

(H) Union College 16,748 6,965 2,990 2,745 19(H) Union Theological Seminary 10,857 3150

United Ger Institutions zeoo(H) United Talmudic& Academy"(H) University of Rochester 16,444 16,314 3,608 2,407 14(H) Utica College of Syracuse University 11,230 2,340 2,300 19(H) Vassar College 17,620 17,820 2,030 2,570 21(H) Wadhams Hall Seminary-College 3,790 1,600 1,800 21(H) Wagner College 11,250 9,240 2,710 2,290 19

See footnotes at end of table.

47 5

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (55)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required lees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students





Out-of -slate


Out -of-state

New Yak - continued


(H) Webb Institute of Naval Architecture 0 1,900 2,900 19

(H) Wells College 13,800 2,550 2,550 19

Westchester hit for Traing/Counsel/Psychoanal@William Alanson White Institute**Yeah Beth Hillel KrasnaYeah Beth Shearm Rab InstYeshiva & Mesifta Maharyatz Margareten

(H) Yeshiva and Kollel Harbotzas Torah'(H) Yeshiva Bais Yisroel

Yeshiva Bnei Torah *(H) Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim Radun'(H) Yeshiva Derech Chaim**

Yeshiva Eshei Yiroel 3,000 2,000 21

(H) Yeshiva Karlin Stolin 3,500 0 1,200 1,000 16

(H) Yeshiva of Mikdash Melech(H) Yeshiva of Nitre Rabbinical College(H) Yeshiva Ohel Shmuel

Yeshiva Serdahel**(H) Yeshiva Shaer Hatorah 6,250 0 0 21

(H) Yeshiva University*(H) Yeshivath Viznitz(H) Yeshivath Zichron Moshe'

North Catalina

State average+ - 7,221 1,251 6,980 4,322 1,251 8,803 1,557 1,709 20

(H) Appalachian State University 1,264 6,938 1,294 6,968 1,370 1,000 15

(H) Barber-Scotia College 4,200 1,242 1,370 19

(H) Barton College 6,720 1,500 1,497 21

(H) Belmont Abbey College 7,974 2,222 1,848 19

(H) Bennett College 5,725 1,300 1,475 19

(H) Campbell University Inc 7,672 1,800 1,070 1,520 15

(H) Catawba College 8,130 2,300 1,550 21

(H) Chowan College 6,280 1,240 1,880 21

(H) Davidson College 14,950 2,268 2,204 19

(H) Duke University 16,236 9,996 2,630 2,920 21

(H) Durham Regional Hsp Sch of Anesthesia for Nurses 1,000 1,000

(H) East Carolina University 1,246 6,918 1,248 6,918 1,410 1,620 14

(H) r:ast Coast Bible College 3,095 1,110 1,110 20

(H) Elizabeth City State University 1,184 6,202 1,460 1,220 21

8,110 3,330 1,560 1,925 19(H) Elon College(H) Fayetteville State University 1,138 6,810 1,138 6,810 1,250 1,050 21

(H) Gardner-Webb College 7,180 2,880 1,810 1,990 21

(H) Greensboro College 7,240 1,564 1,940 19

(H) Guilford College 11.734 2,429 2,355 18

Heritage Bible College 1,580 1,200 1,680 20

(H) High Point University 7,250 1,330 2,130 19

(H) John Wesley College 3,858 1.200

(H) Johnson C Smith University 6,138 1,056 1,135 19

(H) Lees-McRae College 6,898 1,252 1,650 21

(H) Lenoir-Rhyne College 9,500 3,600 1,815 2,050 21

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (56)

Table 1.--Basic charges fo; full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required foes

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students








Out -of-state

North Carolina - continued

(H) Livingstone College 5,200 1,400 2,000 10

(H) Mars Hill College 8,950 1,650 1,900 21

(H) Meredith College 8,020 3,260 1,500 1,470 21

(H) Methodist College 8,250 1,350 2,050 21

(H) Montreat-Anderson College 8,512 1,390 1,852 21

(H) Mount Olive College 7,100 1,350 1,350 20(H) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical St Univ 1,270 6,942 1,270 8,942 1,830 1,330 21

(H) North Carolina Central University 1,211 6,883 1,178 8,850 1,569 1,348 21

(H) North Carolina School of the Arts 1,830 8,080 1,830 8,089 1,488 1,675 21

(H) North Carolina State University at Raleigh 1,288 7,870 1,292 7.876 1.450 1.900 15

(H) North Carolina Wesleyan College 7,860 1,590 2,200 19

(H) Pembroke State University 948 5,966 948 5,968 1,210 1,200 20

(H) Pfeiffer College 7,730 3.060 2,010 1,270 21

(H) Piedmont Bible College 3,590 1,092 1,508 21

(H) Queens College 0,850 4,200 2,450 2,100 21

Raleigh School of Nurse Anesthesia 4.200

(H) Roanoke Bible College 2,984 920 1,520 18

(H) Saint Andrews Presbyterian College 9,415 1,655 2,500 21

(H) Saint Augustine's College 5,300 1,428 1,972 21

(H) Salem College 9,446 2,430 2,795 2,095 21

(H) Shaw University 5,272 1,260 2,114 21

(H) Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 1.100 1,100 1.280

(H) University of North Carolina at Asheville 1,150 6,168 1,150 6,168 1,610 1,600 19

(H) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1,249 7,833 1,244 7,828 1,798 1,700 19

(H) University of North Carolina at Charlotte 1,189 6,861 1,182 8,861 1,472 1,370 21

(H) University of North Carolina st Greensboro 1,540 8,124 1,540 8,124 1,715 1,760 20

(H) University of North Carolina at Wilmington 1,344 7,018 1,344 7,016 1,910 1,550 19

(H) Waite Forest University 12,000 12,000 1,765 1,785 14

(H) Warren Wilson College 9,150 7,150 1,426 1.428 21

(H) Western Carolina University 1,271 6,943 1,307 6,979 1,230 1,080 21

(H) Wingate College 6,740 1,500 1,450 1,600 21

Winston Salem Bible College**(H) Winston-Salem State University 1,094 6,112 1,420 1,342 21

North Dakota

State average+ - 5,616 2,013 4,582 2,104 5,287 898 1,483 18

(H) Dickinson State University 1,708 4,256 15

(H) Jamestown College 6,920 1,330 1,650 19

(H) Mayville State University 2,755 4,305 820 1,540 19

(H) MedCenter One College of Nursing :"..' 10 710

(H) Minot State University 1,710 4,260 2,256 5,724 724 1,188 15

(H) North Dakota State University Main Campus 2,032 5,140 1,682 4,287 870 1,612 20

St Alexius School of Medical Technology"Tri College University"

(H) Trinity Bible College 4,534 2,704 19

(H) University of Mary 5.900 1,050 1,440 20

(H) University of North Dakota-Main Campus 2,165 5,273 2,375 5,840 948 1,470 10

(H) Valley City State University 1,707 4,257 730 1,480 21

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (57)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and :natitution

Tuition and required km

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students








Out -of-date


State average+ - 8,901 2,888 8,711 4,981 3,954 8,381 1,889 1,928 19

Allegheny Wesleyan College 3,680 850 1.450 21

(H) Antioch College 15,277 1,312 1,712 19

(H) Antioch School for Adult and Experiential Learning 7,875 4,860

(H) Art Academy of Cincinnati 7,900

(H) Ashland University 10,583 2,256 2,301 2,066 19

(H) Athenaeum of Ohio 6,300 2,000 1,900 21

(H) Aultman Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia"(H) Baldwin-Wallace College 10,455 1.965 2,100 14

(H) Bluffton College 8,606 1,422 2,001 21

(I-I) Bowling Green State University Main Campus"(H) Capital University 11,810 1,610 2,230 20

(I-1) Capital University Cleveland Center 2,700

(H) Case Western Reserve University 14,618 14,510 2,550 1,850 14

(H) Cedarville College 6,234 1,704 1,875 21

(H) Central State University 2,879 5,895 2,070 2,223 20

Christian Union School of the Bible"(H) Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary 3,872 4.350 3,124 17

Cincinnati Christian College"(H) Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science 6,750

(H) Circleville Bible College"(I-I) Cleveland College of Jewish Studies**(H) Cleveland Institute of Art 11,970 2,540 1,850 21

(1-1) Cleveland Institute of Music"(H) Cleveland State University 2,978 5,952 3,771 7,542 2,430 1,455 19

(H) College of Mount Saint Joseph 8,740 5,472 2,080 1,960 21

(H) College of Wooster 14,380 1,980 2,320 21

(H) Columbus College of Art and Design 8,830 2,700 2,100 19

(H) Defiance College 9,386 1,480 1,940 19

(H) Denison University 15,640 2,280 1,940 21

(H) Devry Institute of Technology 5,249

(H) Dyke College 5,300

(H) ETI Technical College 5.180 1,860

(I-I) Franciscan University of Steubenville 7,990 5,280 2,100 2,100 19

(H) Franklin University 4,397

Gestalt Institute of Cleveland 2,980

(H) God's Bible School and College 2,900 850 1,550 19

(H) Hebrew Union Oollege-Jewish Institute of Religion(H) Heidelberg College 12,380 4,320 1,800 2,160 20

(H) Hiram College 12,897 1,900 2,220 21

(1-1) John Carroll University 10,440 5,850 3,000 2,450 19

(H) Kent State University Main Campus 3,598 7,192 3,830 7,428 1,984 1,410 21

(1-1) Kenyon College 17,080 1,460 2,110 21

(H) Lake Erie College 8,960 6,960 2,200 1,980 19

(H) Lourdes College 5,493

(H) Malone College 8.490 3.690 1,670 1,480 21

Marietta Bible College Inc"(H) Marietta College 12,370 1,880 1,740 20

McCreary Center for African American Rel Studies 750

(H) Medical College of Ohio 4,584 5,704

(H) Methodist Theological School Ohio"(H) Miami University Middletown 2,944 7,722

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (58)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and inadtution









Ohio -continued

(Ft) Miami University Oxford Campus 4,024 8,614 4.214 8,804 1,700 1,920 21(H) Mount Carmel College of Nursing 8,909 1,802(H) Mount Union College 11,200 1,340 2,050 21(H) Mount Vernon Nazarene College 8,230 3,672 1,710 1,380 21(H) Muskingum College 12,050 3,800 1,320 2,260 21(H) Notre Dame College 7.400 1,390 2,300 19(H) Oberlin College(H) Ohio Dominican College 7,370 3,930 " 20(H) Ohio Northern University 13,455 1,545 2,070 21(H) Ohio State University-Lima Campus 2,799 8,292 3,966 10,278(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus 2,799 8,292 3,968 10,278 2,804 1,815 19(H) Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus 2,799 8,292 3,966 11,278(H) Ohio State University-Marion Campus 2,700 8,193 3.968 10,278(H) Ohio State University-Newark Campus 2,799 8,292 3,968 10,278(H) Ohio University Chillicothe Branch 2,813 6,276(H) Ohio University Eastern Campus 2,813 6,278(H) Ohio University Ironton Branch 2,412 2,517(H) Ohio University Lancaster Branch 2,813 6,278(H) Ohio University Main Campus 3,234 0,897 3,683 7,328 1,875 1,941 20(H) Ohio University Zanesville Branch 2,613 6,278(H) Ohio Wesleyan University 14,644 2,596 2,534 21(H) Otterbein College 11,502 11,502 1,776 2.331 21(H) Pontifical College Josephinum 4,818 5,841 1,825 1,825 21(H) Rabbinical College Telshe(H) Saint Mary Seminary 5,650 7,300 " 21

Saint Thomas Institute**(H) Shawnee State University 2,409 3,945

Southwest General Hospital School of Med Tech 1,510Temple Baptist College

(H) The Union Institute(H) The University of Findlay 10,054 2,100 2,300 21(H) Tiffin University 6,500 8,000 1,830 1,698 19(H) Trinity Lutheran Seminary 4,799 882(H) United Theological Seminary*

University Hospital School of Medical Technology 2,000 2,000(H) University of Akron Main Campus(H) University of Cincinnati Main Campus 3,372 8,049 5,247 10,320 4,431 19(H) University of Dayton 10,210 3,640 1,960 1,970 15(H) University of Rio Grande 5.598 4,500 1,320 1,830 21(H) University of Toledo 3,073 7,378 4,341 8,648 2,145 1,050 8(H) Urbana University 8,075 3,950 * 19(H) Ursuline College 8,430 3,792 1,840 2,160 20(H) Walsh College 7.200 4,570 3,800 19(H) Wilberforce University 6,646 1,632 1,760 20(H) Wilmington College 9,100 3,850 19(H) Winebrenner Theological Seminary 3.724 3,724(H) Wittenberg University 14.376 2,022 2,022 21(H) Wright State University Main Campus 2,934 5,868 3,708 6,642 2,541 1,560 10(H) Xavier University 10,450 7,080 2,250 2,180 15(H) Youngstown State University 2,640 4,440 2,187 3,537 2,220 1.335 19

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (59)

Table 1.- -Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required Ares

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students










State average+ - 5,311 1,467 3,798 3,847 1,511 3,928 1,108 1,490 19

(H) Bartlesville Wesleyan College 5,950 1,300 1,800 20

(H) Cameron University 1,377 3,305 1,407 3,394 1,072 1,180 20

Comanche County Memorial Hoep School of Med Tech

(H) East Central University 1,411 3,339 1,078 2,585 680 1,284 14

Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College 3,100 1,200 1,760 20

(H) Langston University 1,360 3,490 1,380 3,387 898 1,484 20

(H) Mid America Bible College 3,640 1,198 1,398 12

(H) Northeastern State University**(H) Northwestern Oklahoma State University 1.423 3,587 1,371 3,357 668 1,196 20

(H) Oklahoma Baptist University 4,880 1,260 1,680 20

(H) Oklahoma Christian University of Science and Acts 5,280 6,172 1,480 tatio 15

(H) Oklahoma City University 5,700 4,400 1,850 1,920 19

(H) Oklahoma Missionary Baptist College 1,200

(H) Oklahoma State University Main Campus 1,768 4,950 1,839 6,167 3,020 20

(H) Oral Roberts University 6,900 3,895 3,838 19

(H) Panhandle State University 1,481 3,591 800 1,200 20

(H) Phillips University 8,516 1,834 1,000 1,820 18

(H) Southeastern Oklahoma State University 1,350 3,418 1,400 3,386 800 1.200 14

(H) Southern Nazarene University 5,335 3,390 1,598 1,701 21

(H) Southwestern College of Christian Ministries 3,354 2,500 " 19

(H) Southwestern Oklahoma State University 1.310 3.338 1,344 3,330 ,880 19

Torn S Gafford School of Medical Technology*(H) University of Central Oklahoma 1,342 3,270 1,380 3,388 2,150 20

(H) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1.009 4,982 2,079 8,228

(H) University of Oklahoma Norman Campus 1,788 4,959 1,838 5,138 3,358 20

(II) University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 1,316 3,345 640 1,280 19

(H) University of Tulsa 9,380 8,840 1,700 1,800 19

Valley View Regional Hospital Sch of Medical Techn 0


State average+ - 9,024 2.751 8,375 6,195 3.740 5,977 1,857 1,894 19

(H) Bassist College 7,910 2,750

(H) Columbia Christian College 6,270 1,200 1,730 20

(H) Concordia College 8,700 1,500 1,200 20

(H) Eastern Oregon State College 2,445 2,445 3,458 5,511 1,955 1,380 15

(H) Eugene Bible College 3,791 2,370 20

(H) George Fox College 10,040 4,100 1,800 1,820 21

(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,200

(H) Lewis and Clark College 14,285 7,200 2,229 2,810 19

(H) Linfield College 11,870 4,200 1,060 2,080 21

(H) Marylhurst College 8,180 4,008

(Ii) Mount Angel Seminary 3,700 3,700 1,100 2,200 21

Multnomah School of Bible 5,400 5,700 1,340 1,800 20

(H) Northwest Christian College 6,935 5,614 3.650 20

Oregon College of Oriental Medicine 7.000

(H) Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology 11.040

(H) Oregon Health Science University 3,928 8.143 4,888 7,021 2,485

(H) Oregon Institute of Technology 2,595 6,678 1,680 2,030 19

See footnotes at end of table.

52 5 7

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (60)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









°moon.« continued

(H) Oregon State University 2,691 6,972 3,665 5,832 3,606 21(H) Pacific Northwest College of Art 7,190(H) Pacific University 12,320 9,950 1,609 1.933 14(H) Portland State University 2,658 6,939 3,633 5,799 1,875 2,293 19(H) Reed College 18,190 4,920 2,436 2,544 19(H) Southern Oregon State College 2,487 6,988 3,423 5,487 2,527 727 15(H) University of Oregon 2,721 7,861 3,8e6 6,711 3,212 19(H) University of Portland 11,062 8,120 1,600 2,190 20(H) Warner Pacific College 7,532 2,011 3,800 14(H) Western Baptist College 7,900 3,500 20(H) Western Conservative Baptist Seminary 5,250(H) Western Evangelical Seminary 6,555(H) Western Oregon State College 2,481 5,982 3,417 5,481 3,186 15(H) Western States Chiropractic College-(H) Willamette University 13,030 11,085 4,150 19


Z.Ute average+ - 10.038 4,092 8,487 6,989 3,920 8,458 2,096 1,864 18

(H) Academy of The New Church 3,765 3,207 21(H) Albright College 13,960 2,250 1,885 21(H) Allegheny College 15,750 2.164 2,046 20

Allegheny General Hospital School of Medical Techn 2,388(H) Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales 8,590 5,780 2,285 2,095 21(H) Alvemia College 7,905 1.900 1.900 19(H) American College@(H) Annenberg Research Institute"(H) Baptist Bible College and Seminary 5,722 4,276 1,380 2,104 21

(H) Beaver College 11,710 12,640 4,900 19(H) Biblical Theological Seminary 3,380(H) Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania 3,088 6,482 2,958 4,428 1,634 1,220 19(H) Bryn Mawr College 18,885 14,760 3,575 2,675 20(H) Bucknell University 18,670 15,200 2,170 1,940 21

(H) Cabrini College 9,500 6,400 2,805 2,805 19(H) California University of Pennsylvania 3,384 6,778 3,258 4,726 1,700 1,760 14

Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary 2,790(H) Carlow College 9,190 2,300 1.800 19(H) Carnegie Mellon University 16,000 18,500 3,210 2,240 19(H) Cedar Crest College 12,940 5,110 19(H) Chatham College 11,080 2,515 2,515 19(H) Chestnut Hill College 8,950 3,000 2,002 2,447 20(H) Cheyney University of Pennsylvania 2,938 8,332 2,833 4,301 1,612 1,728 19

Christ the Saviour Seminary 2,100 500 700 18(H) Clarion University of Pennsylvania 3,328 6,830 3,263 4,800 1,610 1,176 20(H) Clarion University of Pennsylvania Venango Campus(H) College Misericordia 0,600 5,640 2,596 2,274 19

(H) Curtis Institute of Music 500 500(H) Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture 11,090 1,980 2,320 18

(H) Dickinson College 10,700 2,500 2,215 21

(H) Dickinson School of Law 11,400 2.020(H) Drexel University 11,035 13,557 3.311 2,290 14

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (61)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentlevel and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students









Pennsylvania -.00ndrlUsd


(H) Duquesne University 10,470 8,808 2,745 2,129 20

(H) East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 3,352 6,746 3,096 4,662 1,980 1,079 19

(H) Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary 3,050 2,020

(H) Eastern College 9,875 7,225 1,940 2.180 20

(H) Edinboro University of Pennsylvania 3,161 6,555 3,131 4,599 1,640 1,820 19

(H) Elizabethtown College 12,550 2,050 2,050 21

(H) Evangelical School of Theology 3,975 1,200

(H) Faith Theological Seminary**Family Institute of Philadelphia@

(H) Franklin and Marshall College SS 22.370 ' 21

(H) Gannon University 9,198 7,450 2,510 1,730 20

(H) Geneva College 8,204 5,760 1,920 2,080 21

(H) Gettysburg College 17,650 1,920 1,895 21

(H) Gratz College 4,200 4,750

(H) Grove City College 4,770 1,020 1,760 21

(H) Gwynedd-Mercy College 10,150 5,220 4,900 19

(H) Hahnemann University 8,260 9,160 4,800

(H) Haverford College 17,125 3,125 2,575 20

(H) Holy Family College 7,600 6,000

(H) Huesian School of Art 5,800

(H) Immaculate College 8,970 5,952 2,390 2,290 21

(H) Indiana University of Pennsylvania 3,157 6,551 2,959 4,437 1,624 1,210 20

International Sch for Mental Hlth Practitioners 1,200

(H) Juniata College 13,350 1,980 2,030 21

(H) King's College 9,770 4,080 2,100 2,400 19

(H) Kutztown University of Pennsylvania 3,160 6,639 2,880 4,385 1,900 940 20

(H) La Roche College 7,780 2.518 1,890 19

(H) La Salle University 10,970 7,992 2,840 2,830 15

(H) Lafayette College 16,795 2,670 2.520 20

(H) Lancaster Bible College 7,010 1,280 1,900 21

(H) Lancaster Theological Seminary 4,824 2,575 1.300 21

(H) Lebanon Valley College 12,875 2,100 2,225 20

(H) Lehigh University 18,700 15.600 3,020 2,220 21

(H) Lincoln University 2,960 4,380 4,375 6,275 1,450 1.350 21

(H) Lock Haven University 3,261 6,655 3,281 4,729 1,728 1,640 14

(H) Lock Haven University-Clearfield Campus(H) Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg 4,121 830 1,710 18

(H) Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia 4,155 900 2,600 20

(H) Lycoming College 12,000 2,150 1,950 21

Manna Bible Institute*(H) Mansfield University of Pennsylvania 3,168 8,682 3,028 4,494 1,656 1,165 19

(H) Marywood College 9,38O 7,870 2.100 2,100 19

0,' 7,082 1,749 1,794 20(H) Mercyhurat College

9,11 2,250 2.300 21(H) Messiah College(H) Millersville University of Pennsylvania 3,488 6,882 3,488 4,958 1,960 1,490 20

Montgomery Hospital School of Nursing Anesthesia 1.000 0 15

(H) Moore College of Art and Design 12,804 3,045 1,819 19

(11) Moravian Collage 13,6CU 2,354 1,910 21

Moravian Theological Seminary 6,358 2,168 1,910 21

(H) Mount Aloysius College 7,190 1,440 1,880 19

(H) Muhlenberg College 15.740 2,200 2,060 20

(H) Neumann College 9.186 6.292

Penn View Bible Institute 1,520 1,900 21

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (62)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



State or other area and institution

Undergraduate student* Graduate students









Pertney Wards .. continued

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts 6,450 9,925(H) Pennsylvania College of Optometry 8,8e8 3,150(H) Pennsylvania College of Technology 4,908 7,380 400 V(H) Pennsylvania State Univ Milton Hershey Medl Ctr 5,158 10,248(H) Pennsylvania State University Allentown Campus 4,474 9,844(H) Pennsylvania State University Altoona Campus 4,474 9,644 1,710 2,080 17(H) Pennsylvania State University Beaver Campus 4,474 9,644 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University Berke Campus 4.474 9,844 1,710 2,080 17(H) Pennsylvania State University Delaware Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Du Bois Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Erie Behrend College 4,818 9.644 5,158 10,246 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University Fayette Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Great Valley 5,158 10,248(H) Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg Capital C 4,818 9,644 5,158 10,248 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University Hazleton Campus 4,474 9,844 1,710 2,080 17(H) Pennsylvania State University Main Campus 4,818 9,644 5,168 10,246 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University McKeesport Campus 4,474 9,644 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University Mont Alto Campus 4,474 9,844 1,710 2,080 17(H) Pennsylvania State University New Kensington Cam 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Ogontz Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Schuylkill Campus 4,474 9,644 1,710 2,080 17

(H) Pennsylvania State University Shenango Cam 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Wilkes-Barre Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University Worthingtn Scrantn C 4,474 9,644(H) Pennsylvania State University York Campus 4,474 9,644(H) Philadelphia College of Bible 6,540 6,380 1,800 2,050 18

(H) Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science 10,320 10,000 3,000 1,868 15

(H) Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science 10,594 6,832 2,338 2,480 21

Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis 750Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Institute Inc 1,725

(H) Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 5,568 1,380(H) Point Park College 8,622 4,824 2,140 2,080 14

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 6,027(H) Reformed hesbyterian Theological Seminary 900 330 4

(H) Robert Morris College 5,940 4,728 2.048 1,760 19

(H) Rosemont College 10,265 4,2';5 1,405 19

Sacred Heart Hospital 350(H) Saint Francis College 10,384 7,548 2,130 2,360 19

(H) Saint Joseph's University 11,200 7,980 3,450 1,91(1 19

(H) Saint Vincent College 9,360 1,6e0 1,992 19

(H) Saint Vincent Seminary 6,240 1,898 2,040 21

Scranton Medical Technology Consortium 2,400(H) Seton Hill College 9,772 1,862 1,986 19

(H) Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania 3,388 6,782 3,258 4,728 1,714 1,486 19

(H) Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania 3,287 6,681 3,287 4,755 1,638 1,446 14

(1) St Charles Borromeo Seminary 5,545 5,500 1,200 2,300 19

St Tikhon Theological Seminary 1,970 1,480 550 1,050 21

(H) Susquehanna University"(11) Swarthmore College 17,646 17,00 2,922 2,922 20(H) Talmud Yeshiva of Philadelphia"(H) Temple University 5,008 9,222 5,828 7,340 3,230 1,638 19(H) The Medical College of Pennsylvania 6,910

The Philadelphia Institute 5,200 2,000

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (63)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and Institution









Pennsylvania - continued

(H) The University of the Arts 11,700 11,700 3,750

(. ) Thiel College 9,983 2,353 2,152 19

(H) Thomas Jefferson University 13,220 10,900 3,250

Transylvania Bible School 750 1,350

(H) Triangle Technical School Inc 5,554

(H) Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry**(H) University of Pennsylvania 16,238 17,584 3,110 2,354 15

(H) University of Pittsburgh Bradford Campus 4,920 10,064 1,880 1,830 19

(H) University of Pittsburgh Greensburg Campus 4,886 10,030 1,830 1.620 19

(H) University of Pittsburgh Johnstown Campus 4,966 10.110 2,048 1,496 19

(H) University of Pittsburgh Main Campus 4,922 10,066 6,516 12,706 2,528 1,602 19

(H) University of Scranton 9,920 7,490 2.996 2,058 14

(H) Ursinus College 13,330 2,400 2,400 20

(H) Valley Forge Christian College 3,926 1,052 1,600 20

(H) Villanova University*(H) Washington and Jefferson College 13,620 1,710 1,780 19

(H) Waynesburg College 8,120 5,760 1,590 1,610 21

(H) West Chester University of Pennsylvania 3,168 6,552 3,040 4,508 2,200 1,430 14

(H) Westminster College 11,210 8,880 1,450 1,835 19

(H) Westminster Theological Seminary 6,400 1,600 2,300 18

(H) Widener University Pennsylvania Campus 11,120 9,500 2,425 2,405 19

(H) Wilkes University 9,868 8,040 2,700 1,800 19

(H) Wilson College 11,001 2,438 2,500 20

(H) Yeshivath Beth Moshe"(H) York College Pennsylvania 4,645 1,650 1,610 19

York Hospital

Rhode Island

State average - 10,944 3,019 8,210 8,099 3,048 6.223 2,992 2,522 18

(H) Brown University 18,392 18,313 3,286 2,202 20

(H) Bryant College 11,653 8,000 3,246 2,541 19

(H) Johnson and Wales University 8,928 6,480 4,182 12

Memorial Hospital of RI School of Nurse Anesthesia 400

(H) New England Institute of Technology 8,865

New England Technical College 8,865

(H; Providence College 12,700 2,520 2,850 2,950 19

(H) Rhode Island College 2,498 6,457 2,514 4,926 2,380 2,600 19

(H) Rhode Island School of Design 15,075 15,075 3,025 3,100 19

(H) Roger University 10,900 2,620 2,710 19

(H) Salve Regina University 13,000 13,000 4,047 1,913 19

(H) St Joseph Hospital School of Medical Technology 1,000 1,000

(H) University of Rhode Island 3,640 9,974 3,682 7,520 2,684 2,158 20

South Carolina

State average+ - 6,963 2,549 5,361 3,830 2,440 2,286 1,626 1,617 19

(H) Allen University"(H) Anderson College 7,210 2,090 2,000 16

See footnotes at end of table.

56 f.;

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (64)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status. control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required foes

Room Board


State or other area and institution

Undergraduate students Graduate 'Wont,








South Carolina ... continued


Baptist Medical Center School of Medical Techn 175(H) Benedict College 5,484 2,892

Bob Jones University 4.010 4,010 3,420 " 21(H) Central Wesleyan College 7,500 5,770 1,000 1,930 21(H) Charleston Southern University 6,880 6,880 2,990 21(H) Citadel Military College of South Carolina 2,949 5,659 1.890 1.890 805 1,539 20(H) Clarin College 4,230 800 1,400 20(H) Clemson University 2,782 7,380 2,762 2,762 1,820 1,638 21(H) co*ker College 8,886 2,410 1,666 21(H) College of Charleston 2,650 5,100 2,650 2,050 2,000 1,150 21(H) Columbia Bible College and Seminary 5,850 0,000 1,458 1,798 21(H) Columbia College 9,190 1,844 1,616 21(H) Converse College 10,850 4,350 3,240 21

Cummins Memorial Theological Seminary 1.220(H) Erskine College and Seminary 10,125 4,050 1,600 1,016 21(H) Francis Marion University 2,440 4,880 2,375 2,376 1,480 1,528 10(H) Furman University 11,584 2,208 1,904 1,952 19

Glorytand Bible College 7e0Holmes College of the Bible 0 0 21

(H) Johnson and Wales University Charleston 9,048 2,620(H) Lander College 2,920 4,168 2,920 4,168 1,850 1,030 21(H) Umestone College 6,878 1,596 1,726 21(H) Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary 3,300 1,650

McLeod Reg Medical Center School of Medl Tech@(H) Medical University of South Carolina 2,330 3,180 1,100 1,100(H) Morris College 4,138 1,061 1,373 21(H) Newberry College 7,900 1,300 1,800 20(H) North Greenville College 5,900 1,540 1,860 21

(H) Presbyterian College 11,114 1,550 1,730 21Richland Memorial Hospital School of Nurse Anesth 1,600

(H) South Carolina State University 2,200 4,380 2,200 2,200 1,250 1,420 21(H) University of South C trolina at Aiken 2,120 5,300 1,686 1,180 10(H) University of South Carolina at Coastal Carolina 2,170 5,424 2,390 1,300 15(H) University of South Carolina at Columbia 2,818 7,046 2,948 5,896 1,672 1,278 10(H) University of South Carolina at Spartanburg 2,120 5,300 1,230 10(H) Voorhees College 3,950 1,086 1,438 19

William S Hall Psychiatric Institute(H) Winthrop University 3,112 6,512 3,112 3,112 1,900 1,232 21(H) Wofford College 10,490 1,910 2,150 21

South Dakota

State average+ - 6,190 1,995 3,331 6,358 2,281 3,814 1,204 1.345 16

(H) Augustana College 9,800 9,800 1,500 1,577 14(H) Black Hills State University 2,126 3,686 2,647 4,328 1,160 1,037 10(H) Dakota State University 1,653 1,653 1,080 1,190 10(H) Dakota Wesleyan University 6,700 0,700 1,040 1,490 20(H) Huron University 6,450 6,450 2,886 19

Huron University Sioux Falls Campus 3,965L I Institution of Science & Techn World Open Univ@

(H) Mount Marty College 7,078 7,198 2,870 19

Soo footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (65)

Table 1.--Basic charges for tull-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and raquirad face

Acorn Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPrivate








&outfit:Mkt:tot »continued

(H) National College 8,624 1,485 1,680 14

(H) National College - Sioux Falls Branch 5,716

(H) North American Baptist Seminary 5,470 1,400

(H) Northern State University 1,978 3,538 2,082 3,406 1,024 978 19

(H) Oglala Lakota College(H) Presentation College 5,995 2,920 19

(H) Sinte Gleska University 1,580 1,800

(H) Sioux Falls College 7,996 7,086 1,290 1,800 14

(H) South Dakota School of Mines & Technology(H) South Dakota State University 2,146 3,983 2,187 3,740 974 1,040 21

(H) University of South Dakota 2,073 3,795 2,228 3,781 1,084 1,314 14


State average+ - 5,840 1,749 5,470 5,137 2,212 5,935 1,470 1,838 19

(H) American Baptist College 2,000 2,000 2,034 " 19

(H) Austin Peay State University 1,728 5,328 2,192 5.704 1,310 1,180 15

(H) Belmont University 6,480 7.325 1,580 1,580 16

(H) Bethel College 5,250 2,650 20

(H) Bristol University 8,000 6,320

Bristol University 3,000 8,050

(H) Bryan College 7.080 1,650 2,080 21

(H) Carson-Newman College 7,090 3,480 1,140 1,710 21

(H) Christian Brothers University 7,990 7,000 1,280 1,800 19

(H) Crichton College 4,320 1,500

(H) Cumberland University 5,000 5,000 1,050 1,780 20

(H) David Lipscomb University 5,550 5,880 1,290 1,730 21

(H) East Tennessee State University 1,554 5,158 2,020 5,822 1,380 1,342 19

(H) Emmanuel School of Religion 3,420

(H) Fisk University 5,445 5,445 1.925 1,4.30 20

(H) Free Will Baptist Bible College 3,174 1.200 1,770 21

(H) Freed-Hardeman University 5,580 1,140 2,910 21

(H) Harding Graduate School of Religion 6,108 1,555

(H) Johnson Bible College 3,850 1,800 1.170 1,630 13

(H) King College 7,400 1,500 1,500 21

(H) Knoxville College 5,270 1,200 1,400 19

(H) Lambuth University 4,834 1,288 1,872 20

(H) Lane College 4,557 942 1,852 21

(H) Le Moyne-Owen College 4,200 4,200 3,800 V

(H) Lee College 4,282 1,410 1,500 21

(H) Lincoln Memorial University 5,250 5,250 970 1,800 19

(H) Maryville College 9,580 1,840 2.025 21

(H) Meharry Medical College 8,440

(H) Memphis College of Art 8,590 8.590 2.600

(H) Memphis State University 1,748 5,350 2,118 5,720 1,575 1,390 19

(H) Memphis Theological Seminary 4.725

(H) Mid America Baptist Seminary 900 900

Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesiology,Inc(H) Middle Tennessee State University 1,594 5.196 2,060 5,662 1,256 2,122 19

(H) Milligan College 7,110 2,160 1,372 1,502 20

Nashville Bible College 1,050

See footnotes at end of table.

58 6

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (66)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate students Graduate students

State or other area and institution









Tenrieides- continued

Nashville School Of Law**North Tennessee Bible Institute 0 0

(H) O'More College of Design 8,250(H) Rhodes College 13,950 2,898 2,012 21(H) Southern College of Seventh-Day Adventists 7,500 1,400 1,800 21

Tennessee Bible College 1,080 1,800(H) Tennessee State University 1,632 5,234 2,098 5,700 1,420 1,240 19(H) Tennessee Technological University 1,634 5.238 2,100 5,702 1,400 1,312 20(H) Tennessee Temple University 4,320 4,320 1,496 1,874 21(H) Tennessee Wesleyan College 5,990 1,200 2,020 21(H) The University of Tennessee Memphis 2.303 7,103 2,899 7,715 1,620 1,337 21(H) Tomilneon College(H) Trevecca Nazarene College 8,220 4.197 1,310 1,750 21

Td-State Baptist College"(H) Tusculum College 8,800 6.800 1.600 1,800 19(H) Union University 4,900 4,900 1.350 1,140 12(H) University of Tennessee-Chattanooga 1,870 5,270 2,158 5,758 1,878 1,750 21(H) University of Tennessee-Knoxville 1,898 5,498 2.308 5,008 1,527 1,827 20(H) University of Tennessee-Martin 1,728 5,328 2,170 5,770 1,390 1,390 14(H) University of the South 14,060 8.532 1,820 1,880 21(H) Vanderbilt University 18,274 16,274 5,784 15


State average+ - 5,388 1,279 5,245 4.843 1.059 3.844 1,580 1,873 18

(H) Abilene Christian University 8,900 6.900 1,310 1,700 20Ambassador College 2,420 750 2,000 21

(H) Amber University 4,500 3,000(H) Angelo State University 1,378 5,518 932 3,418 2,204 1,286 20(H) Arlington Baptist College 3,550 1,320(H) Austin College 10,085 10,080 1.675 2,204 20(H) Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary 3,845 810 1,701 14(H) Baptist Missionary Association Theological Sem 1,280 1,280 2,040(H) Bay Ridge Christian College 1,700 1,220 18(H) Baylor College of Dentistry 1,565 2,995(H) Baylor College of Medicine 5,853 4,100(H) Baylor University 8,590 6,340 1,840 2,165 20

Brackenridge Hospital Dept of Pastoral Service**Center for Advanced Legal Studies**

(H) Concordia Lutheran College 13,380 3,312 * 19(H) Corpus Christi State University 1,078 4,390 1,078 4,390 1,485(H) Criswell College 2,650 2.830(H) Dallas Baptist University 8,000 3,780 1,210 1,920 20(H) Dallas Christian College 2,790 2,840 14(H) Dallas Theological Seminary 4,970 2,850 18(H) Dewy Institute of Technology 5,249(H) East Texas Baptist University 4,930 4,410 1,040 1,600 20(H) East Texas State University 1.362 5.502 1,380 4,882 1,752 1.533 20(H) East Texas State University Texarkana 1,290 5,430 1,272 4,584(H) Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest 7,500 1,440(H) Hardin-Simmons University 8,180 3,860 1,200 1,510 18

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (67)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year1992-93--continued

Tuition and required less

Room Board




Undergraduate eh:lents Graduate students

State or other area and institution

Public Public



Out-of-state Private



Texas ... continued

(H) Houston Baptist University 4:833 4,715 2,340 10

(H) Houston Graduate School of Theology 4,500

(H) Howard Payne University 4,430 1,200 1.520 20

(H) Huston - Tillotson College 4,650 1.484 1,965 21

(H) Incarnate Word College 7,800 4,500 1,780 2,110 20

Independent College 2,210 990

(H) Institute for Christian Studies 900 1.600

institute /Eastern Orthodox 405 2,600

International Bible College 2,340 3,240 20

International Christian Institute & Graduate Sch@

(H) Jarvis Christian College 4,035 1,510 1,550 20

(H) Lamar University-Beaumont 1,814 4,780 1,086 3,270 1,514 1,380 14

(H) Laredo State University 744 3,338 744 2.502

(H) Letoumeau University 7,940 5,100 3,880 * 20

(H) Lubbock Christian University 6,450 3,800 2,700 * 18

(H) McMurry University 6.150 1,650 1,480 12

Memorial Hospital and Medical Center 0 0 1,000 5

Methodist Hospital School of Medical Technology 0

Miami Theological Seminary Oropesa**(H) Midwestern State University 1,474 5,612 1,185 4,487 1,536 1,532 12

(H) Northwood Institute 8,617 1,521 2,574 20

(H) Oblate School of Theology 3.195

(H) Our Lady of the Lake University San Antonio 7,584 4,794 1,784 1,732 18

(H) Parker College of Chiropractic '"(H) Paul Guinn College 3,835 2,975 20

Permian Basin Graduate Center@(H) Prairie View A& M University 1,316 5,456 578 2,234 1,500 1,800 21

(H) Rice University 8,500 9.300 2,800 2,400 19

(H) Saint Edward's University 8,376 5,324 3,500 21

(H) Saint Mary's University 5,000 4,628 2,150 1,732 15

(H) Sam Houston State University 1,398 5,538 1,192 4,504 1,390 1,490 15

(H) Schreiner College 7,975 2,570 2,830 21

Southeastern Paralegal Institute 4,000

(H) Southern Methodist University 12,888 9,522 2,308 2,524 20

(H) Southwest Texas State University 1,406 5,548 974 3,458 1,938 1,331 15

(H) Southwestern Adventist College 8,984 1,388 2,080 21

(H) Southwestern Assemblies of God College 2,900 1,857 1,105 21

(H) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 1,408 116 550 10

(H) Southwestern Christian College 3,874 1,116 1,314 19

(H) Southwestern University 10,300 1,930 2,328 21

(H) Stephen F Austin State University 1,338 5,478 1,128 4.440 3,424 20

(H) Sul Ross State University 1,108 4,420 891 3,375 1,350 1,510 21

(H) Tarleton State University 1,104 4,416 834 3.317 1,420 1,230 15

(H) Texas A & I University 882 3,474 714 2,858 1,700 1,118 19

(H) Texas A & M University 1,488 5,628 1,656 4,944 1,382 1,588 20

(H) Texas A & M University at Galveston 1,315 5,455 1,810 1,624 21

Texas Baptist Institute and Seminary 780 780

(H) Texas Chiropractic College@(H) Texas Christian University 8,570 5,498 1.730 1,400 12

(H) Texas College 2,930 850 1,450 21

(H) Texas Lutheran College 0,840 1,350 1,770 20

(H) Texas Southern University 1.004 4,318 923 3,335 3,320 20

(H) Texas Tech University 1,489 5,629 1,489 5,029 3,585 20

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (68)

Table 1.- -Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required bee

Roca Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students








Texas -,c0iitinucd

(H) Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 1,401 5,541 981 3,301(H) Texas Wesleyan University 5.850 5,850 1,150 1,930 20(H) Texas Woman's University 1.178 4,403 1.144 3,828 1.380 1,502 19(H) The University of Texas at Brownsville 1,228 5,368 1.012 4,324(H) The University of Texas-Pan American as. Edinburg 1,257 5.397 1,023 4,351 1,256 600 20(H) Trinity University 11,0e0 11,080 2,000 1,740 21

Union Baptist Bible College 620(H) University of Central Texas 2.997 2,529 3,780 21(H) University of Dallas 9,400 4,950 4,423 19(H) University of Houston-Clear Lake 1,136 4,448 1,384 3,416(H) University of Houston-Downtown 1,358 5.495(H) University of Houston-University Park 1.206 4,618 1,782 4,518 2,340 2,045 20(H) iniversity of Houston - Victoria 1,388 5,608 1,008 3,384

5,250 3,474 1,250 1,680 19(H) University of Mary Hardin Baylor(H) University of North Texas 1,190 4,508 927 3,411 1.803 1,704 20(H) University of Saint Thomas 7,442 4,880 1,930 1.520 10(H) University of Texas at Arlington 1,236 5.378 1.044 4,356 1.280(H) University of Texas at Austin 1,372 5,512 1,456 4,720 1,578 1,733 20(H) University of Texas at Dallas 1,096 4,408 1,108 3,556(H) University of Texas at El Paso 1,318 5.458 1.114 4,426 1,750 1,800 21(H) University of Texas at San Antonio L'.148 6,226 2,056 4,288 2,384 1,500 15(H) University of Texas at Tyler 1,008 4,320 759 3,243(H) University of Texas Health Science Center 1,480 7.9170 1.170 8,144(H) University of Texas Health Science San Antonio 841 4,982 750 4,482(H) University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston 1,512 8,036 868 3,082 1,550(H) University of Texas of the Permian Basin 1,275 5,412 801 3.285 1.350(H) University of Texas Southwestern Med Ctr Dallas 1,202 8,170 891 4,817(H) Wayland Baptist University 5,626 3,712 1,118 1,548 15(H) West Texas State University 1,353 5,773 918 3,402 1,370 1,981 19(H) Wiley College 3,948 1,218 1,454 19


State average - 5.277 1,741 4.883 3,759 1,598 4,453 1,205 1,904 19

(H) Brigham Young University 2,120 2,480 1,243 1,917 20(H) ITT Technical Institute 6,960(H) Southern Utah University 1,497 4,143 1,611 4,527 975 1,530 21

(H) University of Phoenix-Utah Campus 4,416 4,762(H) University of Utah 2.104 8.075 1.708 4,873 1,288 2,143 21

(H) Utah State University 1,821 4,983 1,485 3,938 2,925 15(H) Weber State University 1,542 4,332 1,578 4,478 1,260 1,600 19(II) Westminster College of Salt Lake City 7.620 4.044 1,280 2,430 15


State average - 12,158 4,266 9,349 9,437 3,995 8,836 2,354 2.105 19

(H) Bennington College 19,780 10,900 2,100 2,000 19(H) Burlington College 7,250(H) Calideton State College 3,538 7,448 2,574 5,508 2,450 2,012 21

See footnotes at end of table.

61 6 I ;

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (69)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-yoar students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by studentlevel andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

-Ali don and required fees

Room Board


Undergraduate Nudged* Graduate students

State or other area and institutionPmnte

Public PublicIn-


Out-of-state Private




Vermont- continued

(H) Champlain College 7,410 3,125 2,115 19

(H) College of Saint Joseph 7,450 7.450 2.170 2.250 21

(H) Goddard College 13,000 13,000 1,920 2.450 19

(H) Green Mountain College 10,425 1,470 1,400 19

(H) Johnson State College 3,556 7,468 3,656 7,468 2,450 2.012 21

(H) Lyndon State College 3,802 7,714 3,802 7,714 2,450 2,012 21

(H) Marlboro College 1,490 13,770 2,310 3,100 20

Medical Center Hospital Vermont School of Cytotech 1,000

(H) Middlebury College 22.900

(H) Norwich University 12,820 12,820 5,020 19

(H) Saint Michaere College 11,900 3,000 3,225 2,175 21

(H) School for International Training 10,454 12,954 1,712 2,324 21

(H) Southern Vermont College 7,920 2,030 2,150 19

(H) Trinity College 10,233 2,752 1,984 10

(H) University of Vermont and St Agricultural College 6,188 14,765 6,048 14,648 2,788 1,478 19

(H) Vermont Law School


State average+ - 7,918 3,309 7,992 4,905 3,456 8,004 1,970 2,056 20

Apprentice School Newport News Shipbuilding 0

Atlantic Baptist Bible College Inc 2,276 1,285 19

Atlantic University 1,890

(H) Averett College 9,000 2,105 3.900 19

(H) Bluefield College 5,940 1,420 2,440 21

(H) Bridgewater College 10,135 2,045 2,310 21

(H) Christendom College 7,985 2.700 700 20

(H) Christopher Newport University 2,800 6,852

(H) College of William and Mary 4,046 11,428 4,348 11,726 2,001 1,..0 19

(H) Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary 8,600 1.850 1.750 21

(H) Eastern Virginia Medical School 5,796

(H) Emory and Henry College 7,820 1,820 2,340 21

(H) Ferrum College 8,120 1,320 2,410 21

Fredericksbv%) Bible Institute(H) George Mason University 3,336 8,604 3,338 8,804 3,150 1,800 15

Graham Bible College 625

(H) Hampden-Sydney College 12,017 1,708 2,573 21

(H) Hampton University 7,006 6,496 1,720 1,400 21

(H) Hollins College 12,420 12,200 2,900 2,050 19

(H) Institute of Textile Technology**(H) James Madison University 3,576 7,240 2,784 7,584 2,290 1,994 20

(H) Johnson & Wales University 9,048 2,525

(H) Liberty University 6,150 3,690 4,170 21

Life Bible College-East(H) Longwood College 3.664 7,990 3,814 7,990 1,900 1.830 19

(H) Lynchburg College 10.900 3,420 2,800 2,450 19

(H) Mary Baldwin College 9,960 5,555 2,595 3,895 21

(H) Mary Washington College 2,896 6,752 2,554 1,998 20

(H) Marymount University 10.192 5,670 4,882 21

(H) National Business College 3,813 1,876

(H) Norfolk State University 2,530 5,760 2,980 8,740 2.000 1.400 20

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (70)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required less

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students









Virginia- continued9 .

Notre Dame Apostolic Catechetical Institute 2,810 600 21(H) Old Dominion University 2.828 6.932 2,714 8.818 2,813 1,410 19(H) Presbyterian School of Christian Education 5,000 1.300 2,050 15(H) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in VA 4,900 1.250 2,300 21(H) Radford University 2,746 6,270 2,884 5,284 2,068 1,854 19(H) Randolph-Macon College 11.400 2.090 2,610 19(H) Randolph-Macon Woman's College 12,570 5,500 19(H) Regent University 6.309

Richmond Virginia Seminary 2,000 2,000(H) Roanoke College 12.000 4,150 21

Rockingham Memorial Hospital School of Med Techn 550(H) Saint Paul's College 5,113 1,482 1,898 21(H) Shenandoah University 8,750 5,400 4,000 21(n; Strayer College 5.400 5,400(H) Sweet Briar College 13,342 2,040 3,385 20

Tabernacle Baptist Bible Institute**(H) Union Theological Seminary in Virginia 6,000 1,580 2,050 15(H) University of Richmond 12,620 12.720 1,300 1,740 19(H) University of Virginia Clinch Valley College 2,850 0,012 1,600 1,600 19(H) University of Virginia Main Campus 3,890 10.826 3.890 10,826 1,628 1,840 19(H) Virginia Commonwealth University 3,529 9,825 4,017 9,611 2,350 1,510 20

Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care 3.800(H) Virginia Intermont College 7,320 1,820 2,160 21(H) Virginia Military institute 4.640 10.290 905 2,785 21(H) Virginia Polytechnic institute and State Univ 3,538 8,986 4,084 5,794 1,194 1,682 19

Virginia Seminary & College**(H) Virginia State University 2,913 6,315 3,165 7,071 2.346 1,781 19(H) Virginia Union University 8.557 2.254 1,638 1.868 19(H) Virginia Wesleyan College 9,300 2,548 2,155 19(H) Washington and Lee University 12,485 1,861 2,400 20


State average+ 8,038 2,029 6,330 5,815 3,200 8,754 1,781 1,725 18

(H) Antioch University-Seattle Branch 7,845 8,310(H) Bastyr College 5,505 6.105

Caliendo Bible College'(H) Central Washington University 1.880 6.372 2,919 8,715 3,415 10(H) City University 8,080 5,040(H) Cogswell College North 7.600(H) Cornish College of the Arts 8,658

Deaconess Med Center-Spokane Sch of Med Tech 0 0 21(H) Eastern Washington University 1,785 8,297 2,844 8,640 1,590 2,028 14(H) Evergreen State College 1.785 6,297 2,844 8,640 2,370 V

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary"(H) Fuller Theological Seminary"(H) Gonzaga University(H) Griffin College 8,675(H) Heritage College 4,170 2,480

Laboratory of Pathology-Seattle Ir.; Med! Tech Prop 0(H) Lutheran Bible Institute of Seattle 2,470 1,035 2,385 20

See footnotes in end of table.

63 6,(3


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (71)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Stale or other area and Institution

Tuition and required lees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Gro lusts students





stateOut -al-





Northwest Baptist Seminary 4,710 1,245

(ii) Northwest College of Art 7,145

(H) Northwest College of the Assemblies of God 6,173 3.000 20

(H) Pacific Lutheran University 11,968 7,110 2,050 1,980 20

(H) Puget Sound Christian College 4,605 3,150 " 15

(H) Saint Martin's College 10,120 5,994 3,880 19

Seattle Bible Cohege 1,425 030

(H) Seattle Pacific University 11,301 8,370 4,278 20

(H) Seattle University 11,520 7,968 3,413 1,321 10

(H) University of Puget Sound 13,780 13,780 2,260 1,900 21

(H) University of Washington 2,253 6,345 3,537 8,860 2,064 1,788 19

(H) University of Washington -Bo ell Branch 2,253 6,345 3,537 8,850

(H) University of Washington-Tacoma Branch 2,253 6,345 3,637 8,850

(H) Walla Walls College 9,866 9.087 1,605 1.500 21

Washington Baptist College of Biblical Education 4,700 1.100 1.100 20

(H) Washington State University 2,264 6,345 3,538 8,850 1.810 1,920 20

(H) Western Washington University 1,785 6.297 2.844 8,640 1,806 1,888 21

(H) Whitman College 14,300 2,040 2,520 21

(H) Whitworth College 11.029 2,475 1,939 2,136 20

Week Virginia

State average - 7,351 1.871 4,075 4,943 1,828 4,927 1,552 1,785 19

(H) Alderson Broaddus College 9,200 7,030 1,400 1,600 19

(H) Appalachian Bible College 3,710 1,100 1,500 21

(H) Bethany College 12,647 1.708 2,6e0 21

Bluefield College of Evangelism 1,070 900 900 13

(El) Bluefield State College 1,729 3,996

(H) Concord College 1,736 3,866 1,374 1,644 19

(H) Davis and Elkins College 8.050 1,830 2,100 19

(H) Fairmont State College 1,e8e 4,000 1,400 1,640 21

(H) Glenville State College/ 1,006 3,820 1,360 1,568 19

(H) Marshall University 1,792 4,078 1,924 5,0132 1,800 1,810 19

(H) Ohio Valley College 4,994 1,320 1,790 20

(H) Salem-Teikyo University 8,194 3,016 1,000 2,352 19

(H) Shepherd College 1,954 4,474 1,790 1,790 19

(H) The College of West Virginia 2,712

(H) The University of Charleston 8,550 5,620 1,890 1,960 19

(H) West Liberty State College 1,690 3,600 1,250 1,400 21

(H) West Virginia Graduate College 1,422 4.338

(H) West Virginia Institute of Technology 1,784 3,954 1,922 4,524 1,800 1,000 15

(H) West Virginia State College 1,712 4,002 1,400 1,850 21

(H) West Virginia University 1,928 5.486 2,034 5,754 2,116 1,900 18

(H) West Virginia University at Parkersburg 864 2,880

(H) West Virginia Wesleyan College 12,035 3,150 1,550 1,800 21

(H) Wheeling Jesuit College 9,130 6,000 1,900 2,250 19

See footnotes at end of table.

64 6 3

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (72)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student levelandresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Slate or other area and institution

Tuition and requited fees

Room Board



Undergraduate nucleate Graduate students










State average+ - 8,466 2,074 6,444 6,041 2,509 7,752 1,444 1,594 18

(H) Alverno College 7,332 1,010 2,240 18(H) Bellin College of Nursing 8,340(H) Beloit College 14,250 14,250 1,650 1,770 20(H) Cardinal Stritch College 7,3150 5.760 1,250 2,020(H) Carroll College 11.432 1,780 1.780 17(H) Carthage College 11,525 1,500 1,970 14

Columbia College 11,447 1,970 1.190 21(H) Concordia University-Wisconsin 8,100 1,240 1,860 20(H) Edgewood College 7,500 4,500 1,500 1,980 19

Immanuel Lutheran College 1,920 1,170 780 21(H) Keller Graduate School of Management Inc 8,120(H) Lakeland College 8,500 1,575 1,875 20(H) Lawrence University 15,342 1,508 1,923 20(H) Maranatha Baptist Bible College Inc 4,690 3,750 2,500 21(H) Marian College of Fond Du Lac 8,120 2,310 1,500 1,940 14(H) Marquette University 9,900 8,030 4,383 14(H) Medical College of Wisconsin 8,085(H) Milwaukee Institute of Art Design 8,300(H) Milwaukee School of Engineering 9,900 9,380 1,890 1.155 17(H) Mount Mary College 7,300 5,760 1,050 1.800 15(H) Mount Senario College 7,056 1,224 1,800 19(H) Nashotah House"

Northland Baptist Bible College"(H) Northland College 9,190 1,510 2,110 19(H) Northwestern College 3,210 410 1,380 19(H) Ripon College 13,170 1,445 2,020 20(H) Sacred Heart School of Theology 5,900 1,800 2,700 19(H) Saint Norbert College 10,805 4,010 14(H) Silver Lake College 8.080 2,970 1,656 21

St Lukes Hosp Sch of Clinical Pastoral Education"St Martina College and Seminary 1,200 1,080

(H) University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire 2,034 6,219 2.432 7,360 1,460 1,370 19(H) University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 1,995 8,180 2,474 7,402 1.424 1.800 12(H) University of Wisconsin -La Crosse 2,076 8,25e 2,483 7,391 1,230 980 19(H) University of Wisconsin - Madison 2,346 7,841 3,239 9,825 1,897 1,500 21(H) University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2,301 7,677 3,284 9,870 1,798 1,800 14(H) University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh 1,927 6,112 2,406 7,334 1,326 830 20(H) University of Wisconsin-Parkside 1,990 6,174 2,397 7,324 2,114 1,110 14(H) University of Wisconsin-Platteville 2,087 8,271 2,461 7,389 1,150 1,310 19(H) University of Wisconsin-River Falls 2,024 6,209 2,4-38 7,366 1,282 978 10(H) University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2,078 6,263 2,488 7,416 1,470 1,280 20(H) University of Wisconsin-Stout 2.054 6,239 2,453 7,381 1,312 1,300 21(H) University of Wisconsin-Superior 1.917 6,102 2,396 7,324 1,280 1,200 19(H) University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 2,039 6.224 2.4156 7,398 1.350 898 14(H) Viterbo College 8,360 1,380 1,810 19(H) Wisconsin Lutheran College 8,280 8,280 1,650 1,700 19

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary"(H) Wisconsin School of Professional Psychology 8,460

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (73)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student Wei andresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year1992 -93-- continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required tees

Room Board



Undergraduate students Graduate students










(H) University of Wyoming 1,430 4,502 1,722 4,794 1,392 1,921 21

United States Service Schools

(H) Air Force Institute of Technology (OH)-(H) Naval Postgraduate School (CA) 0 0

(H) Uniformed Services Univ of the Health Sci (MD)(H) United States Air Force Academy (CO) 0 0 0 0 21

(H) United States Army Command & General Staff Col (KS) '."

(H) United States Coast Guard Academy (CT) 0 0

(H) United States Merchant Marine Academy (NY)**(H) United States Military Academy (NY) 0 0 0 0 21

(H) United States Naval Academy (MD) 0 0 0 0 21

Oult}ing Areas

American Brume(*)

Federated States of Micronesia(e)


(H) University of Guam 1,234 2,194 1,280 1,593 2.588

Marshall {elands (e)

Northern Mariana islandkill


Puerto Rico

Area average+ - 2,430 1,282 2,111 4,009 1,805 2,971 804 1,581 18

(H) American University of Puerto Rico 1,150

American University of Puerto Rico 1,150

American University of Puerto Rico 1,150

(H) Atlantic College 2,730

(H) Bayamon Central University 2,380 2,100

(H) Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies 1,750 5,828

(H) Caribbean University 2,500 2,740

(H) Caribbean University 2,500

(H) Caribbean University 2,500

(H) Caribbean University 2,500

(H) Center for Advanced Studies on PR & the Caribbean 1,830 1,830

See footnotes at end of table,


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (74)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by student level andresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academicyear 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



Slats or °that area and institution

Undergraduate ducked* Greduate students








Peieto Moo -continued.-Aktiews--

(H) Colegio Biblico Pentecostal de Puerto RicoColeglo Universitario Bautista de Puerto Rico 1,130 1,350 14

(H) Columbia College 2,400(H) Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico 390 390(H) Electronic Data Processing College of PR Inc(H) Escuela de Artes Plasticas ICPR 1,626 1,628

Escuela Graduada del SurEvangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico"

(H) Inter American University of PR-Aquadilla 2,608(H) Inter American University of PR-Arecibo zees(H) Inter American University of PR-Barranquitas 2,608(H) Inter American Univorsity of PR-Bayamon 2,608(H) Inter American University of PR-Fajardo 2,608(H) Inter American University of PR-Guayama 2,608(H) Inter American University of PR-Metro 2,608 2.434(H) Inter American University of PR-Ponce 2,608(H) Inter American University of PR-San German 2,608 2,434 780 1,300 15(H) Ponce School of Medicine 18,396(H) Pontifical Catholic University of PR-Arecibo Cam 2,620(H) Pontifical Catholic University of PR-Guayama Cam 2,520(H) Pontifical Catholic University of PR-Mayaguez Cam 2,520(H) Pontifical Catholic University of PR-Ponce Cam 2,620 1,921 580 1,912 21

Seminario Evangelic° de Puerto Rico 4,052 1,080The University of Phoenix-Puerto Rico Campus"

(H) Universidad Adventist* de las Antilles 2,850 875 1,530 21(H) Universidad Central del Caribe 2,700 1.934(H) Universidad del Turabo 2,940 2,850(H) Universidad Metropolitana 2,940 2,850(H) Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico 3,270(H) University of Puerto Rico Arecibo Campus 961 2,471(H) University of Puerto Rico Bayamon Tech Univ Col 1,482 2,800(H) University of Puerto Rico Cayey University College 1,335 2,400(H) University of Puerto Rico Humacao University Col 1,458 2,788(H) University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez 1,306 3,706 1,786 5,288(H) University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus"(H) University of Puerto Rico Ponce Tech Univ Col 1,458 1,458(H) University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus 1,458 1,458 1,998 1,998 550(H) University of Sacred Heart 3.245 2,570 1,200

See footnotes at end of table.


? C.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (75)

Table 1.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 4-year postsecondary Institutions, by student level and

residence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992 -93-- continued

Stets or other area and institution

Tuition and required lees

Room Board



Undergraduate saidents Graduate students









Virgin Wend

Area average - 1.140 4,140 2,160 4,320 1.300 3.000 21

(H) University of the Virgin islands-Kingshill 1.440 4,140 2.160 4,320

(H) University of the Virgin islands -St Thomas 1.440 4,140 2.160 4,320 1,300 3.000 21

Note: Data are not present in every column for responding natitutIons because the item was notapplicable or the data were not reported.

(H) Higher education institution, that Is, accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education.

Indicates that there Is a combined charge for room and board. The combined charge is listed in the Room column, but is not part of the

state average calculations." Nonrespondent - Institution did not provide Information on basic student charges.$$ Indicates that the tuition and required fees amount also includes room and boardcharges.

Indicates that the number of meals per week varies by meal plan.(if) No 4-year postsecondary institutions were identified in this state or area.

Indicates that the school has no MI-time students, thus tuition charges will be blank.

+ Indicates that the state average is the average of respondent institutions only. It will differ from the eats average for all

institutions to the degree that respondents are not representative of nonrespondente.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, IntegratedPostsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS),

'Institutional Characteristics' survey, 1992-93.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (76)

2-year institutions

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (77)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private


slatsOut -of-state

NOM*.. .

State average+ - 3,981 1,103 1,836 705 797 17

(H) Alabama Aviation and Technical College 1,200 .,012 1,140(H) Atmore State Technical College 1,200 2,010(H) Bessemer State Technical College 840 1,470(H) Bevil! State Community College 1,288 2.179(H) Bevil! State Community College-Brewer Campus 1,288 2.179

Birmingham College of Court Reporting 7,950(H) Bishop State Community College 993 1,700(H) C A Fredd State Technical College 1,104 1.956(H) Carver State Technical College 1.368 2,394(H) Central Alabama Community College 1,868 2,658(H) Chattahoochee Valley Community College 1,118 1,953(H) Chauncey Sparks State Technical College 1,318 2.303(H) Community College of the Air Force 0 0 0 0 21(H) Concordia College 3,541 1.100 1,600 21

Coosa Valley Medical Center School of Nursing 2,799Dch Regional Medical Center Sch of Rad Tech 600 500

(H) Douglas MacArthur Technical College 1,140 1,948(H) Draughons Junior College 4,525(H) Enterprise State Junior College 837 1,377(H) Faulkner University-Birmingham(H) Faulkner University-Florence(H) Faulkner University-Huntsville(H) Faulkner University-Mobile(H) G C Wallace State Community College 1,200 2,100(H) Gadsden State Community College 1,125 1,880 2,025 15(H) George C Wallace State Community College-Dothan 1,212 2,004(H) George C Wallace State Community Col-Hanceville 999 1,674 1,050(H) Harry M Ayers State Technical College 903 1,580

Herzing Institutes of Alabama(H) Hobson State Technical College 1,380 2,190

Humana Hoep- Montgomery Sch of Rad TechHuntsville Business Instit-Sch of Court Reporting 4,980Huntsville Hospital School of Radlologic Techn 500

(H) J F Drake State Technical College 1,056 1,776J F Ingram State Technical College 1,200 1,410

(H) James H. Faulkner State Community College 1,126 1,887 825 1,200 15(H) Jefferson Davis Community College-Brewton Campus 1,240 2,108(H) Jefferson State Community College 1,215 1,935(H) John C Calhoun State Community College 1,200 1,920 300(H) John PA Patterson State Technical College 983 1,733(H) Lawson State Community College 900 1,684(H) Lurleen B Wallace State Junior College 1,161 2,031(H) Marion Military Institute 5,800 3.790 21

New World College 2,250(H) Northeast Alabama State Community College 909 1,455(H) Northwest Alabama Community College 1,035 1,841 526

Opelika State Technical College 1,200 2,258(H) Patrick Henry State Junior College 1,035 1,811(H) Phillips Junior College at Birmingham 3,735(H) Phillips Junior College - Huntsville 4,590

Phillips Junior College - Mobile 3,560(H) Prince Institute of Professional Studies 3,870See footnotes at end of table.


7 5

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (78)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2 -year postsecondary institutions, by student

residence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and ingftution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, end institution

Tuition and requited fees

Room Board



Pub Nc



: AlabankiliC0116110601Y:::f.......*::

-." "*""

(H) Reid State Technical College 1,320 2,220

(H) BETS Electronic Institute 3,805

(H) Shelton State Community College 1,006 1,770

(H) Shoals Community College 1,1111 1.784

(H) Snead State Community College 060 1.613 600 1,043 16

Southeast College of Technology 6.300

Southeastern Business Academy 4,500

(H) Southern Technical College-Montgomery Branch **

(H) Southern Union State Junior College 1,116 1,109 160 1,200 15

Southern Vocational College 2,700

(H) Southwest State Technical College 1,435 2,511

(H) Trenhoim State Technical College 1,125 1,969

(H) Walker College 2,064 no 1,330 14

State average+ - 3,168 1.162 3,476 2,300

Aerotech Right Service IncAlaska Baptist Native School of Theology'

(H) Alaska Junior CollegeCharter College 4,995

Far North Bible College 1,320 3,150

(H) Prince William Sound Community College 1,162 3,476 1,460

Arizona ,;:. ... ,.:::,::, :::;::g:i::;:

State average+ - 7,119 1,700 3,614 1,075 1,339 16

ABC Technical and Trade Schools 5,975

Academy Business College 5,103

American Institute of Court ReportingArizona Institute of Bus & Tech - Phoenix "Arizona Institute of Bus & Tech-Phoenix 5,196

Arizona Institute of Business and Technology 5,296

(H) Arizona Western College 720 4,902 920 1,670 19

Art Center of Tucson 10,200

Aztech College 9,650

(H) CAD Institute Inc

(H) Central Arizona College 504 4,824 010 1.520 19

(H) Chandler /Gilbert Community College 3,202 3,706

Chaparral Career College 5,250

(H) Cochlea College 672 3,478 Len 1,860 20

Coconino County Community College 600 2,832

Cook College and Theological School 3,600

Denver Business College 7,900

Dwyer's Simplified Court Reporting Center

(H) Eastern Arizona College 828 3,752 850 1,790 19

Estrella Mountain Community College " 3,197 3,701

(H) Getaway Community Collage " 3,202 3,706

(H) Glendale Community College ' 3,197 3,701

High-Tech Institute 0,000

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (79)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: - -

State or other area, and institution

Tuitice and required tees_ _ _ _




stateOut -of-state

kizona (continued)Dollate

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Phoenix 11,968(H) ITT Technical Institute - Tucson 11.568

Lamson Business College 8,000Lamson Junior College 6,060Lamson Junior College 4,093

(H) Mesa Community College 3.197 3,701Metropolitan School of Court Reporting

(H) Mohave Community College 620 3,450(H) National Education Center-AZ Auto Inst Campus 7,760(H) Navajo Community College 620 620 1.120 1,620 19(H) Northland Pioneer College 600 2,000 1,400 840 8(H) Paradise Valley Community College ' 2,832 3,696

Paralegal Institute 0(H) Phoenix College 822 4,322

Phoenix Institute of Technology 7,050(H) Pima Community College 624 3,384

Pima Community College - NogalesPima Medical Institute - Tempe 4,800Pima Medical Institute - TucsonRefrigeration School

(H) Rio Salado Community College 3,202 3,706Ron Keyes School of Art

(H) Scottsdale Community College 3,192 3,696Scottsdale Culinary Institute 10.430 0 5

(H) South Mountain Community College 3,198 4,004South West Academy of Technology - Mesa 5,995South West Academy of Technology - Phoenix 5,905South Woe! Academy of Technology - Prescott 5,995Tohano O'Odham (Skill Center)Universal Technical Institute Inc 9,150

(H) Yavapai College 652 6,012 1,250 1,300 21


State average+ - 2,982 783 1,142 1.275 550 20

(H) Arkansas State University Beebe Branch 984 1,644 1,799 20Baptist Schools of Nursing and Allied Health 3,356

(H) Capital City Junior College of Business 5,926Central Flying Services Inc @Crowley's Ridge College 3,870 760 1,650 21Delta Technical Institute 600 600

(H) East Arkansas Community College 744 948Foothills Technical Institute 480 480Forest Echoes Vocational-Technical School 600 600

(H) Garland County Community College 888 1,704Jefferson Regional Medical Center-Sch of Rid Tochn 1,800Jefferson School of Nursing 1,135Mid-South Technical College MO 930

(H) Mississippi County Community College 864 1,i/20Morris-Booker Memorial College 1,235

(H) National Education Center-AR Coll of Tech Campus 7,500(H) North Arkansas Community College'" 888 1,704

es at MO Ot table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (80)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required lees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private



Arkansas (continued)


Northwest Arkaneas Community College 1,440 1,880

Ouachita Technical College 800 800

Petit Jean Technical College 648 848

(II) Phillips County Community College 1,008 1,920

Pines Technical College 312 312

Rice Belt Vocational Technical School 000 ' 800

(H) Rich Mountain Community CollegeSaint Edward Mercy Medical Center Sch of Rad Techn 1,100

Saint Vincent Infirmary School of Radiography 2 400,

(H) Shorter College 2,000 1,150 19

(H) South Arkansas Community College " 888 1,24-8

(H) Southern Arkansas University Tech 840 1,200 1,800

(H) Southern Technical College-Little Hock 4,950

Sparks Regional Medical Center Sch of Radiography 512

(H) Westark Community College "` 1,018 1,810


State average+ - 5,781 280 2.937 1,582 567 18

Academy of Court Reporting Inc 2,700

Acupressure Institute 975

Alexander Educational Center Teacher Training Prop

(H) Allan Hanco*ck College 201 2,697

(H) American Academy of Dramatic Arts West 7,645

(H) American River College 120 3,210

(H) Antelope Valley College *

(H) Bakersfield College 200 3,350 3,102 12

(H) Barstow College 120 3,030

Boston Institute Inc 8,000

(H) Brooks College 8,080 3,880 19

Bryan College of Court Reporting 3,840

(H) Butte College 277 2,495

(H) Cabrillo College 259 2,995

(H) California Academy of Merchandising, Art & Design 6,695

California Art InstituteCalifornia School of Court Reporting 4,910

California Technical University

(H) Canada College 209 2,921

Cancer Foundation Schools of Technology 400

Careercom College of Business 7,000

CDI-Career Development Institute 8,775

(H) Central California Commercial CollegeCentury Schools 7,947

(H) Cerritos College 180 2,808

(H) Cerro Coso Community College 120 3,240

(H) Chabot College 315 3,465

(H) Chaffey Community College 144 2,448

Children's Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 800

(H) Citrus College *(H) City College of San Francisco

Cladic SeminaryClark Business College 3,900

See footnotes at end of table.


7 6

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (81)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Stare or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board




Out -of-state

Ca MIDI* (continued)

(H) Coastline Community College 128 2,504(H) College of Alameda 794 3.717

College of Instrument Technology '(H) College of Marin 210 3,660(H) Collage of Oceaneering '''(H) College of San Mateo 197 2,909(H) College of the Canyons 255 2,655(H) College of the Desert 120 2,850(H) College of the Redwoods 144 3,491 1,973 2,208 19(H) College of the Sequoias **(H) College of the Siskiyous 209 2.750 1,350(H) Columbia College-Coumbla 150 3,150 1,920(H) Compton Community College

Concorde Career Institute 9.220(H) Contra Costa College 172 2,762

Copper Mountain Campus 305 305(H) Cosumnes River College 270 3.510

Court Reporter Training Center 4,800(H) Grafton Hills College 1,220 2,758(H) Guests College 267 2.763(H) Cuyamaca College *(H) Cypress College 80 110

Daniel Freeman Hospital School of Bad lologic Techn 500(H) De Anza College 17o 3,370(H) Diablo Valley College 252 3,612(H) Don Bosco Technical Institute 3,885(H) 0-0 University(H) East Los Angeles College 120 3,690(H) Educational Cultural Complex 509 4.859(H) El Camino College 240 3,120

Emmanuel Bible College 3,150Empire College School of Business 5.000Ernest Holmes College-Huntington Beach 3,000Estelle Harman Actors Workshop 4,115

(H) Evergreen Valley College 135 3.285(H) Fashion Mat of Design & Merchandising-Costa Mesa 10,640(H) Fashion Inst of Design & Merchandising-Los Angeles 10,640(H) Fashion Inst of Design & Merchandising-San Diego 10,640(h) Fashion Inst of Design & Merchandising-San Francis 10,640(H) Fashion Inst of Design & Merchandising-Shermn Oaks 10,640

(H) Feather River Community College District 159 2,799(H) Foothill College 584 3,284

Foundation College 8,055(H) Fresno City College 217 3,807(H) Fullerton College(H) Gavilan College(H) Glendale Community College 238 3,120(H) Golden West College '(H) Grossmont College(H) Hartnett College 120 2,640(H) Heald Business College - Hayward(H) Heald Business College -Oakland(H) Heald Business College - Sacramento(H) Heald Business College - San Francisco

footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (82)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weakState or other area, and institution Private




(H) Heald Business College - Stockton 5,850

(H) Heald Business College - Walnut Creek(H) Heald College

Heald Institute of Technology Sacramento -(H) Heald Institute of Technology-San Jose

Hollywood Art Center SchoolHumphreys College 1.458

Huntington Memorial Hospital School of X-Ray Techn 0

(H) Imperial Valley College 220 3,370

Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing 0Interlanguage Service System USA Inc

(H) Irvine Valley College 197 2,693

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Carson 7,402

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Sacramento 6,558

(H) ITT Technical Institute - San Bernardino 14,706

(H) ITT Technical Institute - San Diego 7,402

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Van Nuys 8,174

Jobs for Progress, Inc Ser 0(H) Kelsey-Jenney Business College 8,088

(H) Kelsey-Jenney College 8,088

(H) Kings River Community College 315 3,810 600 810 14

(H) Lake Tahoe Community College 230 3,740

(H) Laney College ' 1,350 3,719

(H) Las Positas College 315 3,405

(H) Lassen College 207 2,751 3,418 11

Lee Strasberg Theatre institute(H) Long Beach City College 180 2.736

(H) Los Angeles City College 120 3,690

Los Angeles County Harbor Hosp-Sch Rad Tech 0 0

Los Angeles County Medical Center Sch of Nursing 1,200 1.200 1,385 1,714 21

Los Angeles Culinary Institute Inc 17,500

(H) Los Angeles Harbor College 120 3,690

(H) Los Angeles Mission College 120 3.690

(H) Los Angeles Pierce College 120 3,6e0

(H) Los Angeles Southwest College 120 3,090

(H) Los Angeles Training Technical College 120 3,890

(H) Los Angeles Valley College 120 3,090

(II) Los Medan°. College 182 3,482

Lutheran Bible Institute in California 1,800 2,250

(H) Marymount College 11,024 5,800 14

(H) Mendocino College 257 2,846

(H) Merced College 225 3,345

Merit College b.880

(H) Merritt College * 1.350 3,719

(H) Mira Costa College 231 3.291

(H) Mission College 225 3,305

(H) Mc.lesto Junior College 160 3,160

(H) Montert:y Peninsula CollegeMontessori Teacher Educ Center/San Fran Bay Area 2,250

Montessori Training Center of San Diego

(H) Moorpark Gonne "(H) Mount San Jacinto College 212 2,540

(H) Mt San Antonio College 277 2,617

MT! College 6.600

See footnotes at and of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (83)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fess

Room Board





California (continued)Ddlrtrs

Nakumura Institute of Oriental Medicine(H) Napa Valley College 300 3,200

National Education Center-NIT ...;:mpus 7.315National Education Center-Sawyer tlampus 7,202National Education Center-Skadror. College of BusOakland College of Court Reporting 5,400

(H) Ohlone College 120 2,888(H) Orange Coast College "(H) Oxnard College "

Pacific Fashion Institute 4,575(H) Palo Verde College `(H) Palomar College 133 2,481(H) Pasadena City College 159 2,583(H) Phillips College Inland Empire Campus 3,930(H) Phillips Junior College 8,075(H) Phillips Junior College Condie Campus 5,250(H) Phillips Junior College L A South "

Phillips Junior College of Clovis 5,500(H) Porterville College 130 3,190

Primal Training Center 6,500(H) Queen of the Holy Rosary College 2,500(H) Rancho Santiago College 150 2,500

Rawhide Vocational College 1,200 650 21(H) Rio Hondo College 267 1,500(H) Riverside Community College"(H) Sacramento City College 1,500 3,800(H) Saddleback College 197 2,893

Saint Johns Hospital School of Radiologic Techn(H) San Bernardino County Medical Center "(H) San Bernardino Valley College 275 2,531(H) San Dlsgo City College 180 2,554

San Diego Golf Academy 9,600(H) San Diego Mesa College 340 1.278(H) San Diego Miramar College 218 3,180(H) San Francisco College of Mortuary Science(H) San Joaquin Delta College 120 2.568

San JoRquin General Hospital School of Rad Techn 275 2,957San Joaquin Valley College - Bakersfield 8,000San Joaquin Valley College - Visalia 6,000

(H) San Jose City College 136 3,285(H) Santa Barbara City College(H) Santa Monica College 335 3,935(H) Santa Rosa Junior College 225 3,855 1,600

Sawyer College 9,040School of Healing Arts

(H) Shasta CollsgeSierra Academy of Aeronautics, Technicians Instit 13,728

(H) Sierra College 225 3,135 3,768 16Sierra Valley Business College 4,650Skills and Business Education Center 200 200

(H) Skyline College 228 3,618(H) Solano County Community College District 240 2,808

South Coast College of Court Reporting 4,200Southern California College of Court Reporting 3,160

notes at end table.


8 I.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (84)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area. and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





California (continued)


Southern California College of Medical/Dental Care 5,350

Southern California School of Evangelism 460 2,200

(H) Southwestern CollegeSutter Community Hospitals School of Had Techn 600

(H) Taft College 170 3,290 800 1,500 13

The Salvation Army School for Officers' Training 1,800 1,600 * 21

Theatre of Arts "(H) Ventura College 210 3,300

Veterans Administration Med Ctr-Sch of Rad Tech 0 0

(H) Victor Valley College "Vietnamese Theological College @

(H) Vista College 1,350 3.719

Watterson College Pacific(H) West Hills Community College "(H) West Los Angeles College 120 3,890

(H) West Valley College 98 1,198

(H) Yuba College'


State average+ - 8,534 1,30e 4,003 1,204 990 18

(H) Aims Community College ` 1,384 4,338

American Diesel and Automotive College Ltd 7,730

(H) Arapahoe Community College 1,273 4,893

(H) Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology 4.475

(H) Blair Junior College 5,700

Colorado Aero Tech 13,498

(H) Colorado Institute of Art 8,405

(H) Colorado Mountain College *** 1,750 5.050 3,400 16

(H) Colorado Northwestern Community College * 1,030 3,110 1,130 1,920 19

Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4.550

(H) Community College of Aurora 1,198 4,618

(H) Community College of Denver 1,320 4,740

Consolidated Health Institutes of ColoradoDenver Academy of Court Reporting 3,800

Denver Academy of Court Reporting 3,700

Denver Automotive & Diesel College 7,30Q

Denver Business College 6,246

(11) Denver Institute of Technology 14,495

Denver Institute of Technology-Health Careers Div 11.945

Emery Aviation College 18,418

Emily Griffith Opportunity School 1,030 2,542

(H) Front Range Community College 1.231 4,651

(H) Lamar Community College 1,300 3,670 1,078 2,060 20

Memorial Hospital School Radiologic Technology 1,750 1,750

(H) Mile Hi College 3.900

(H) Morgan Community College 1,200 4,800

(H) Northeastern Junior College ' 1,324 3,106 1,404 1,980 14

(H) Otero Junior College 1.182 3,248 2,782 19

(H) Parks Junior College 5,040

(H) Parke Junior College - Aurora Campus 3,780

(H) Pikes Peak Community College 1.233 4.653

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (85)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and insfitudon

Tuition and required lees

Room Board





stateOut -of-date

COlered0(eOntirttleteDo NOM

Pima Medical Institute4,145

Platt College6,000

PPI Health Careers School7,350

Presbyterian/St Luke's Ctr Hith Sci Ed Sch Red Tec 1,100Pueblo College of Business & Technology 4.566(H) Pueblo Community College

1,312 4,696Radio logic Technology Academy1,800(H) Rad Rocks Community College

1,267 4.687St Anthony Hospitals School of Radio logic Techn 900(H) Technical Trades Institute - Colorado Springs 7.350(H) Technical Trades Institute - Grand Junction 7,350(H) Trinidad State Junior College

1,422 3,702 3,598 20


State average+ -4,335 1,344 3,963 1,550 1,200 21

Albano Ballet & Performing Arts Academy "(H) Asnuntuck Community College

1,276 3,820(H) Briarwood College7,900 2,296Bridgeport Hospital School of Nursing 2,566 1,100Connecticut Institute of Technology4,600

Dept of Educ Hartford Hospital Sch of Allied Hith '(H) Greater Hartford Community College

1,276 3,820(H) Greater New Haven Technical College1,610 5,018Hartford Secretarial School Inc 8,055(H) Hartford State Technical College1,610 5,018(H) Housatonic Community College1.276 3,820Institute of Children's Literature

Katharine Gibbs School7,415

Lawrence and Memorial Hosp Sch of Radiologic Techn 515(H) Lyme Academy of Fine Arts4,800(H) Manchester Community College

1,276 3,820Manchester Memorial Hospital School of Rad Tech 1,000(H) Mattatuck Community College

1,276 3,820(H) Middlesex Community College1,278 3,820(H) Mitchell College

10,200 2,300 2,400 20(H) Mohegan Community College1,278 3,820Morse School of Business

Mount Sacred Heart College500 0 21New Britain General Hosp Sch of RadiologicTechn 1,000 1,000(H) Northwestern Connecticut Community College

1,278 3,820(H) Norwalk Community Technical College1.276 3.820(H) Norwalk Community Technical College1,443 4,419(H) Quinebaug Valley Community College1,276 3,820Radiologic Technology Program/Windham Memorial Hos 3,000

Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing 5,717 1,200Saint Mary's Hospital School of Nursing5,473

School of the Hartford Ballet6,050(H) South Central Community College

1.276 3,820St Vincent's Modica, Centel School of Rad Techn 1,475Stamford Hospital School of Radiography 810Stone Academy

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (86)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required lees

Room Board


State or other area, and institution Private


Out -cl-state

. .


St. Vincent's College of Nursing 8.998 1,433

(H) Thames Valley State Technical College1,810 6,018

(H) Tunxis Community College1,278 3,820

Veterans Memorial Medical Center1,$60 300

(H) Waterbury State Technical College1,810 6,018

Westlawn Institute of Marine Tech Inc 2,475

(H) Wilcox College of Nursing 5,495 2,183


State average -2,868 1,044 2,810 900

Beebe Hospital School of Nursing 2.658 900

(H) Delaware Technical and Community College Sthn Cam 1,044 2,810

(H) Delaware Technical and Community College Terry Cam 1,044 2,810

(H) Delaware Technical Cmty Col Stanton-Wilmington 1,044 2,810

Mt:Jet of Columbia.

District average+ -2,300 1,680

Ardis School of Fashion Design1,790

institute of MoralogyfRice Japanese Program

National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts 3,750

Washington Hospital Center School of Rad Techn 300 1,500

Washington School of Psychiatry3,380


State average+ -8,184 872 2,983 1,568 1,704 18

Acupressure-Acupuncture Institute Inc 5,000

American Flyers College4,050 1.720

American Trades Institute13,995

ATI Career Training Center8,371

(H) ATI Health Education Center12,995

Atlantic Vocational Technical Center600 1.000

Barna College of Health Sciences 9,750

Bradford Union Area Vocational Technical Center 400 1,000

(H) Brevard Community College1,020 3,750

(H) Briarcliffe College5,745

(H) Broward Community College1,310 4,768

(H) Broward Community College North1,408 5,600

Career City College4,500

Central Florida Carpenters JATC ""

(H) Central Florida Community College1,345 4,788

(H) Chipoia Junior College900 3,650 1,100

Cooper Academy of Court Reporting, Inc 4,410

Countryside Christian Training Center840

0 G Erwin Technical Center **2,442 2,442

(H) Daytona Beach Community College982 3,732

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (87)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required ins

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private



DitlirtrsFi bride (=UMW)

(H) Edison Community College 970 3,482(H) Flag ler Career Institute *

Florida Career Institute 6,000(H) Florida College 3,975 1,150 1,750 21(H) Florida Community College at Jacksonville 990 3.600

Florida Hospital College of Health Science 2,700 1,800(H) Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine 6,333(H) Florida Keys Community College 960 3,570

Florida Programming and Educational Center, Inc 4,000Florida School of Preaching "Florida Technical College of Jacksonville, Inc 5,095Florida Technical College - Orlando 5,095Florida Technical College - Tampa 10,185Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts 17,500George Stone AVTC 495 2,178George T Baker Aviation School 380 2,000

(H) Gulf Coast Community College 824 3,293(H) Hillsborough Community College 848 3,165(H) Indian River Community College 80e 3,224(H) International Fine Arts College 8,220 2,515

International Technical Institute 3,900(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,402

Jackson Memorial Hospital-Sch of Rad Techn 900 900 1,200(H) Keiser College 10,000(H) Keiser College of Technology 5,200(H) Lake City Community College 900 3,360 1,114 1,657 15(H) Lake-Subiter Community College 1,050 3,750

Lee Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic TechnLeesburg Bible College 625Legal Career Institute - Fort Lauderdale 4,220Legal Career Institute - Riviera Beach 4,220

(H) Manatee Community College 930 3,240Martin Technical College 3,000Miami Technical College

(H) 4iami-Dade Community College 996 3,485(H) National Education Center-Bauder College Campus 6,825 1,908

National School of Technology Inc - Hialeah 6,882National School of Technology Inc - N Miami Beach 6,882

(II) New England Institute of Technology - Palm Beach 8,000North Florida Baptist Theological Seminary

(H) North Florida Junior College 772 3,000(H) Okaloosa-Walton Community College 933 3,429

Orlando Academy of Beauty Culture 5,000(H) Palm Beach Community College 999 3,496(H) Pasch - Hernando Community College 936 3,247(H) Pensacola Junior College 966 3,614(H) Phillips Junior College - Daytona Beach 9,400(H) Phillips Junior College - Melbourne

Pinellas Tech Education Centers St Pete Campus 610 2,500Pinellas Technical Education Center-Clearwater Cam 857 1,714

(H) Polk Community College 1,045 3,914(H) Prospect Hall School of Business 4,800

Radford M Locklin Vocational Technical Center 371 1,991(H) Saint Johns River Community College 864 3,456See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (88)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required Imes

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Mires




Florida (oonthalbed)

(H) Saint Petersburg Junior College 1,020 3,756

(H) Santa Fe Community College 990 3,825

(H) Sarasota County Technical Institute 575 1,800

Segal Institute of Court Reporting 5,440

(H) Seminole Community College 1,063 3,815

Sheridan Vocational Center 652 3,109

South College 4,500

(H) South Florida Community College 828 2,988 1,440

Southern Career Institute @Southern College 4,185

Stenotype Institute of Jacksonville, Inc. 4,200

Suwannee-Hamilton Area Vocational and Adult Center 375 750

(H) Tallahassee Community College 900 3,375

Taylor Technical Institute 387 774

The Career Center 5,100

The Romanian Theological Institute @

(H) Valencia Community College 1,043 3,749

Washington-Holmes Area Vocational-Technical Center 471 2,516

Webster CollegeWebster College Inc - Fort Pierce 3,050

Webster College Inc - Gainesville 6,400

Webster College Inc - New Port Richey -West Technical Education Center 496 992

William T Mc Fatter Vocational Technical Center 664 2,700

Winter Park Vocational Center


State average+ - 4,193 886 1,651 1,235 1,334 19

(H) Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 1.248 3.174 1,065 1,200 20

(H) Albany Technical !Istituto 555 915

Altamaha Technical Institute 540 1,080

(H) Andrew College 4.230 1,650 1,950 20

(H) Athens Area Technical Institute 555 1,110

Atlanta Area Technical School 504 828

(H) Atlanta Metropolitan College 1,137 3,063

(H) Augusta Technical Institute 574 933

(H) Bainbridge College 1,062 2,988

(H) Bauder College 6,120 2,250

(H) Ben Hill-Irwin Technical Institute 655 1,110

Brown College of Court Reporting & Medical Trans 6,290

(H) Brunswick College 1,152 3,078

(H) Carroll Technical Institute 558 918

(H) Chattahoochee Technical Institute 054 1,002

(H) Columbus Technical Institute 555 915

(H) Coosa Valley Technical Institute 573 933

(H) Crandall Junior College

(H) Dalton College 1,047 2,973

Dalton School of Health Occupations Practical Nur 540 000

(H) Darton College 1,092 3,018

(H) DeKalb College 1,120 2,768

DeKelb Medical Center School of Rad Techn 600

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (89)

Table Basic charges for full-time, MI-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required foes

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private


stateOut -of-state


(H) De Kalb Technical institute 615 1,230(H) East Georgia College 1,062 2,988(H) Flint River Technical Institute 740 1,480(H) Floyd College 1,017 2,943

Fulton DeKalb Hoep Authority Grady Memorial Hosp 800 800 900(H) Gainesville College 1,080 3,008

Georgia Baptist Hospital School of Rad Techn 625 200(H) Georgia Military College-Fort Gordon Center 2,215 2,215(H) Georgia Military College-Fort McPherson Center 1,765 1,765(H) Georgia Military College-Kings Bay Center 2,080 2,080(H) Georgia Military College-Main Campus 2,645 2,645 1,650 1,995 19(H) Georgia Military College-Moody Center 1,765 1,765(H) Georgia Military College-Robins AFB Center 1,440 1,440(H) Gordon College 1,137 3,063 915 1,215 19(H) Griffin Technical Institute 540 1,080(H) Gupton Jones College of Funeral Services 5,200(H) Gwinnett Technical Institute 816 1,200(H) Heart of Georgia Technical Institute 555 745

Kennestone Regional Health Care System Rad Prm 300Kerr Business CollegeLane School of Art 2,610

(H) Lanier Technical institute sea 948(H) Macon College 1,086 3,012(H) Macon Technical Institute 555 1,110(H) Macon Technical Institute-Milledgeville Center 732 1,464(H) Massey Business College 7,588(H) Meadows Junior College 2,825

Modica! Center of Central Georgia 1,200 1,200Medical Center Inc/School of Radiologic Techn 1,500

(H) Middle Georgia College 1,266 3,192 1,035 1,320 15(H) Middle Georgia Technical Institute 558 1,212(i) Moultrie Area Technical Institute 552 924(if) North Georgia Technical Institute 603 963 300 1,085 19

North Metro Technical Institute 570 1,080(ti) Ogeechee Technical Institute 587 927(H) Okefenokee Technical Irstitute 555 1,110(H) Phillips Junior College - Augusta 3,240(H) Phillips Junior College - Columbus(H) Pickens Tectoical Institute 549 909

Portfolio Center 9,725(H) Reinhardt College 4,140 3,375 21(H) Savannah Technical Institute 558 918(H) South College 4,525(H) South Georgia College 1,101 3,027 1,125 1,380 15(H) South Georgia Technical Institute 609 969 450 1.395 19

Southeastern Technical Institute 806 966(H) Swainsboro Technical Institute 555 1,667(H) The Art Institute of Atlanta 7,650 3,000(H) Thomas Technical Institute 591 951(H) Truett-McConnell College 3,825 1,305 1,200 18(H) Valdosta Technical Institute 612 972(H) Walker Technical Institute 655 555(H) Waycross College 1,107 2,958(H) West Georgia Technical Institute 564 924So* footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (90)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required Ws

Room Board


weekState cc other area, and institution Private




tile0111/0.30000414) ..

(H) Young Harris College 4,600 1,440 1,935 21

State average+ - 6,828 400 2,700 1,538 1,819 10

Air Service Flight AcademyCannon's International Business Col of Honolulu 8,828

(H) Hawaii Community College 490 2,730 1,498 1,819 10

(H) Honolulu Community College 450 2,60(H) Kapiolani Community College 455 2,895

(H) Kauai Community College 450 2.090

(H) Leeward Community College 455 2,605

(H) Maui Community College 458 2,898 1.576

Style Center School of Fashion Design "(H) Windward Community College 460 2.700

Idaho .

State average - 4,552 1,605 2,346 1,057 1.746 13

Aero Technicians Inc 6,960

Career Beauty College 3,495

(H) College of Southern Idaho 1,900 2,100 1,400 1,385 V

Eastern Idaho Technical College 1.010 2,597

(H) ITT Technical Institute 6,155

(H) North Idaho College '' 1,904 2,342 800 2,080 19

(H) Ricks College 1,608 970 1,790 19


State average+ - 4,611 2,881 4,375 789 0 21

Airgo Inc 19,950 200

(H) American Academy of Art 8,380

American Flyers-National Office-American Flyers Co 4,050 1,720

(H) Belleville Area College ** 2,740 3,940

(H) Black Hawk College Quad - Cities 3,210 5,480

(H) Black Hawk Community College East CampusBlessing Hospital School of RediologIc Techn 1,050

Bloomington Normal School of Radiography 976

(H) Carl Sandburg College 3,028 5,659

Centralia School of CosmetologyChicago College of Commerce 6.720

Chicago School of Violin Making 3,700

(H) City College of Chicago-Harold Washington '' 2,848 3,945

(H) City College of Chicago-Kennedy-King "" 2,082 4,020

(H) City College of Chicago-Olive-Harvey College 2,082 4,020

(H) City College of Chicago-Richard J Daley College 2,062 4,020

(H) City College of ChIcego-Truman College 3,068 4,183

(H) City College of Chicago-Wright College 2,082 4,020

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (91)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Roam Board






. ,. .

(H) City Colleges of Chicago - Chicago City-Wide College ` 2,082 4,020(H) City Colleges of Chicago-Malcolm X ' ' 3,287 4,900(H) College of Dv Page 3,264 4,580(H) College of Lake County 4,271 5,841

Cook County Hospital School of X Ray Technology 250 250 264(H) Danville Area Community College 2,938 4,583

Decatur Memorial Hoepital-Sorg & Rad Tech 1,500(H) Elgin Community College 3,422 4,390

Faith School of Theology @Freeman's Fashion Academy 7,800

(H) Gem City College 3.800Graham Hospital School of Nursing 3,960 650Heartland Community College 2,304 3,072

(H) Highland Community College 2,842 3,e00(H) Illinois Central College 3,486 4,389(H) Illinois Eastern Comm Coils- Frontier Comm College 3,236 4,314(H) Illinois Eastern Comm Celle-Uncoln Trail College 3,230 4,314(H) Illinois Eastern Comm Coils-Wabash Valley College 3,230 4,314(H) Illinois Eastern Community Colleges-Olney Ong Col - 3,230 4,314(H) Illinois Medical Training Center(H) Illinois Valley Community College 2,800 3,970

Insurance School of Chicago @(H) ITT Technical Institute - Hoffman Estates 7,602(H) John A Logan College 2,477 4,081(H) John Wood Community College 2,388 4,029(H) Joliet Junior College 3,516 4,491(H) Kankakee Community College " 2,093 5,673(H) Kaskaskia College - 2,184 4,580(H) KIshwaukee College 2,000 3,600(H) Lake Land College 2,389 3,972(H) Lewis and Clark Community College 2,653 4,412(H) Lexington Institute of Hospitality Careers 4,450 3,200 20(H) Uncoln College(H) Uncoln Land Community College 2,242 3,520(H) MacCormac College 0,300

McDonough District Hospital(H) McHenry County College 4,494 5,429

Memorial Medical Center - School of Red Tech 1,000Methodist Medical Center of Illinois School of Nur 4,290 1,200

(H) Midstatis College 4,500 1,475(H) Montay College 5.630(H) Moraine Valley Community College 3,802 4,362(H) Morrison Institute of Technology 6,230 $00(H) Morton College 3.476 4,423

National Barber-Styling College 4,625Northwest Community Hospital School of X-Ray Tochn 200Northwestern Business College 4,9110

Northwestern Business College-Southwestern Campus 5,880(H) Oakton Community College 3,198 3,848

Oakton Community College Skokie Campus 3,198 3,198(H) Parkland College "' 3,496 5,058(H) Phillips College of Chicago 6,400(H) Prairie State College 2,864 3,528

Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center 6,200 0See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (92)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Illinois (continued)


(H) Rend Lake College 2,385 4,850

(H) Richland Community College 2.895 4,430

(H) Robert Morris College-Orland Park Branch Campus 7,850

(H) Robert Morris College-Springfield Branch Campus 7,850

Rock Island Franciscan Hospital Soh of Red Techn 1,750

(H) Rock Valley College *** 3,853 5,860

Rockford Business College 4,675

(H) Saint Augustine College 4,120

Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing 5.695 1.034

Saint Mary Hospital School of Radio logic Techn 800

Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Seminary 0 0 21

(H) Sauk Valley Community College 2,411 3,491

(H) Shawnee Community College " 1,958 2,818

South Chicago Community Hospital Sch of Red Techn 1,388

(H) South Suburban College 2,187 7,747

(H) Southeastern Illinois College * 1,800 3,400

Sparks College 3,600

(H) Spoon River College 2,828 5,841

(H) Springfield College in Illinois 4,970

Springfield School of Court Reporting 2.520

St John's Hospital School of Medical TechnologySt Joseph School of Radlologic Technology 800

(H) State Community College 792 2,488

Swedish American Hospital School of X-Ray Techn 1,000 480

(H) Taylor Business Institute 8,800

The College of Office Technology 4,525

The Cooking & Hospitality Institute of Chicago 5,850

Trinity School of Nursing 3,250 750_(Ii) Triton College 3,893 5,637

United Medical Center School of Radiography 1,532 900

United Samaritans Medical Center Sch of Rad Techn

Universal Technical Institute Inc 9,750

Washburne Trade School " 8,500 6,500

(H) Waubonsee Community College * 4,078 4,898

(H) William Rainey Harper College 4,801 8,131


State average+ - 4,519 1,381 2,499 2,070 825 20

(H) Ancilla Domini CollegeAristotle College of Medical-Dental TechnologyBall Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 1,250

College of Court Reporting, Inc 3,780

(H) Commonwealth Business College-La Porte Br 4,080

(H) Commonwealth Business College-Main Campus 4,080

(H) Davenport College - Merrillville 6,118

(H) Davenport College - South Bend 5,818

Good Samaritan Hospital zoo 300

(H) Holy Cross College 4,700

Indiana Barber College 4,650

Indiana Business College - Andorson 6,200

Indiana Business College - Columbus 6,600

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (93)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





India$10.*ItitilIWKI)Dollam ..

Indiana Business College - Indianapolis 4,550Indiana Business College - Lafayette 4,850Indiana Business College - Marion 4,550Indiana Business College - Muncie 4,660Indiana Business College - Terre Haute 4,860Indiana Business College - Vincennes 4,850Indiana College of Commerce CO

(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Central IN 1509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Columbus 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-East Central 1,509 2,746(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Kokomo 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College- Lafayette 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-North Central 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Northeast 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Northwest 1,609 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-South Central 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Southeast 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Southwest 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Wabash Valley 1,509 2,745(H) Indiana Vocational Technical College-Whitewater 1,509 2,745(H) International Business College ''(H) International Business College-Indianapolis Br **(H) ITT Technical Institute 5,550

Lincoln Technical Institute *"Michiana College 4,700

(H) Mid-America College of Funeral Service 5,200Northern Indiana School of Radio logic Technology 1,915Porter Memorial Hospital School of Radiography 1,000 1,000Reid Hospital Hlth Care Service Sch of Red Techn 325 325Rudae's School of Beauty Culture 4,950Saint Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing 8,242 4,450 20Sawyer College - Hammond 5,900Sawyer College - Merrillville Branch 6,900St Joseph Medical Center School of Radiology 900Stenotype Institute of Indianapolis 1,733

(H) Vincennes University 1,898 5,108 2,070 1.250 19Wright Beauty College 4,950


State average+ - 3,230 1,800 2,608 1,417 1,240 15

Allen Memorial Hospital-Allied Health Programs 4,085 1.548(H) American Institute of Business 4,725 1,820

American Institute of Commerce 4,145Covenant Medical Center School :,-1 Rad Techn 500Davenport Barber College 5,100Dayton School of Hair Design 2,344

(H) Des Moines Community College 1,3511 2.512(H) Eastern Iowa Commuray College District 1,455 2,100(H) Hawker Institute of Technology 1,715 3,435

Hills College of Cosmetology 3,900(H) Indian Hills Community College 1,440 2,040 1,038 916 8See footnotes at end of table.

67 9i

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (94)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fess

Room Board


perweekState or other area, and institution Private



. . . . ... .. ..

(H) Wien Mils Community College-Centerville Campus(H) Iowa Central Community College 1,916 2,784 1,176 1.600 15

(H) Iowa Lake* Community College 1.632 2,382 1.080 1,120 16

Iowa Methodist Medical Center-Sch of Rad Tsch 400 1,060

(H) Iowa Methodist School of Nursing '(H) Iowa Valley Community College 1,500 2,910 1,560 1,240 19

(H) Iowa Western Community College 1,800 2,610 1,400

Jennie Edmundson Mem Hoop Soh Rediologic Techn 750 1,440

Jennie Edmondson Memorial Hospital Soh of Nursing 2,807 1,080

(H) Kirkwood Community CO11000 1,410 2,840

(H) Lincoln Technical Institute **Marian Health Center School of X-Ray Technology 1,060Mercy Hospital Medical Center. School of Nureing 2,278 1,280

Mercy Hospital Medical Center School of Rad Techn 500 1,820

(H) National Education Center - NIT Campus 8,833

(H) North Iowa Area Community College 1,533 2,343 070 1,454 20

(H) Northeast Iowa Community College - Calmar 2,070 3,880

(H) Northeast Iowa Community College - Peoeta '

(H) Northwest Iowa Technical College 1,829 2,328 475

Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital School of Rad Techn 600

Saint Luke's School of Nursing 8.338 1.806

(H) Southeastern Community College 1,308 1,923 1,400 902 9

(H) Southwestern Community College 1,500 2,285 1,152 1,248 16

Spencer School of Business 5,450 1,680

St Luke's Methodist Hoop Sch of Rad Tech 000 2,712

(H) Waldorf College 8,310 1,625 1,450 20

1,485 2,070 1,276(H) Western Iowa Tech Community nollegeYoung Cosmetology College "Young Cosmotology College "

Kansas .

State average+ - 4,983 870 3,089 1,013 962 1$

(H) Allen County Community College 902 2,448 2,400 17

Apostolic Faith Bible College 0 0 0 21

(H) Barton County Community College 840 2,205 1,080 1,080 17

Bethany Medical Center School of RadlologIc Techn

(H) Butler County Community College 885 2,302 1,402 1,350 20

(H) Cloud County Community College 000 2,176 900 1,440 15

Coffeyville Aircraft 3,000

(H) Coffeyville Community College 832 2,400 2,250 18

(H) Colby Community College 986 2,448 1,300 10 18

19(H) Cowley County Community College 810 2,266 750 1,800

(H) Dodge City Community College 975 2,250 1,320 1,280 10

(H) Donnelly College 2,600

Flint Hills Technical School 1,072 1,072

(H) Fort Scott Community College 324 972 2,334 19

(H) Garden City Community College 942 2,334 2,363 20

(H) Haskell Indian Junior College 45 45 25 19

(H) Hesston College 7,000 1,320 1,980 20

(H) Highland Community College 090 2,340 1,300 1,038 14

(H) Hutchinson Community College 806 2,256 1,200 1,100 20

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (95)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required Ws

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Pmtate



Itaneas (continued)

(H) Independence Community College 1,216 2,640 1,235 1,265 19Johnson County Area Vocational-Technical School 432 2,883

(H) Johnson County Community College 990 2,970Kansas City Area Vocational Technical School 894 5,776

(H) Kansas City Kansas Community College 840 2,190Kaw Area Voc-Tech Sch 885 5,918

(H) Labette Community College 690 2,490 2,100 17Liberal Area Vocational Technical School 016 5,972 900Manhattan Area Technical Center 745 4,784

(H) Neosho County Community College 700 2,155 910 1,400 19Newman Memorial County Hospital School of Nursing 1,320 1,320 990North Central Kansas Area Vocational Technical Sch 1,141 5,713 1,146 1,600 15Northeast Kansas Area Vocational Technical School 880 6,884Northwest Kansas Area Vocational Technical School 1,123 6,561 880 1,486 12

(H) Pratt Community College 900 2,340 1,040 1,550 19Saint Francis Regional Medical Gtr Sch of Rad Sci 1,860Salina Area Vocational Technical School 876 1,076

(H) Seward County Community College 896 2,400 500 1,900 19Southeast Kansas Area Vocational Technical School 847 5,648Southern Technical College 10,500Southwest Kansas Area Vocational Technical School @The Brown Mackie College - Overland Park 6,795The Brown Mackie College - Salina 6,820Wichita Area Vocational Technical School 864 5,724Wichita Technical Institute 6,285


State average+ - 4,108 674 1,730 1,757 920 20

(H) Ashland Community College 700 2,100Ashland State Vocational Technical School 650 1,285

(H) Careercom Junior College of Business 4,150Draughon's Junior College

(H) Elizabethtown Community College 700 2,100(H) Franklin College

Fugzal College 3,613(H) Hazard Community College 700 2,100(H) Henderson Community College 700 2,100(H) Hopkinsville Community College 700 2,100(H) Institute of Electronic Technology 4,800(H) Jefferson Community College 700 2,100

Kentucky Advanced Technology Center 550 1,085Kentucky Career Institute 4,500

(H) Kentucky College of Business 4,728Kentucky Dept for Adult & Tech Ed-Central KY AVTS 500 1,000Kentucky Tech-Bowling Green State Voc Tech School 600 1,000Kentucky Tech-Jefferson State Voc Tech School 600 1,000Kentucky Tech-Laurel County State Voc Tech School 650 1,080Kentucky Tech-Rowan State Voc Tech School 535 1,035Kentucky Tech-Somerset Campus 560 1,050Kentuu :y Tech -West Kentucky State Voc Tech School 650 1,080Kings Daughters Hospital, School of X-Ray Techn 350

See footnotes at end of table,


9 3

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (96)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fee.

Room Board





Kentucky (continued)


(H) Lees College 3,900 1,300 1,400 19

(H) Lexington Community College 1,938 5,178 2,752 ' 21

Lexington Electronic Institute, Inc. 4,950

(H) Louisville Tqchnical Institute 8,420 2,810

(H) Madisorreille Community College 700 2.100

540 1,300Mayo State Vocational Technical School

(H) Maysville Community College 700 2,100

Montgomery County Area Vocational Education Center 500 500

(H) National Education Center-KY Coil of Tech Campus 'Northern Kentucky State Vocational-Technical Soh 550 1,085

(H) Owensboro Community College 700--4


(H) Owensboro Junior College of Business *

(H) Paducah Community College 700 2,100

(H) Prestonsburg Community College 700 2,100

(H) BETS Electronic Institute 6,0e5

(H) Saint Catharine College 4,110 1,380 1,380 21

Saint Joseph Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 600

(H) Somerset Community College 700 2,100

(H) Southeast Community College 700 2,100

(H) Southern Ohio College 5,750

Southwestern College of Business 1,300

Steno-Type Institute of Louisville @

(H) Sullivan College 8,480

Vogue of Lexington Inc @

(H) Watterson College '


State average+ - 6,097 480 872 800

Acadian Technical Institute 305 605

Alexandria Regional Technical Institute 300 800

Ascension Vocational-Technical School 300 800

Avoyelles Technical Institute 300 600

Baton Rouge College 4,300

Baton Rouge General Medical Center School of Nuts 2,125

Baton Rouge General Medical Center-Rad Tech 1,500

Baton Rouge Regional Technical Institute 305 605

Baton Rouge School of Computers 8,300

Belinda Cambre Constant School of Reporting @

(H) Bossier Parish Community College " 700 1,200

Charles B Coreil Technical Institute 305 810

Claiborne Technical Institute 300 600

Concordia Technical Institute 300 600

(H) Delgado Community College 1,036 2,238 800

Delta Queer CollegeDelta School of Business and Technology 5,645

(H) Elaine P Nunez Community College 796 1,896

Evangeline Vocational Technical School 300 600

Fleeman Aviation *

Florida Parlance Technical Institute 305 805

Folkes Technical Institute 305 805

Franklin College of Court Reporting 3,000

See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (97)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private




Gulf Area Technical Institute 300 600Huey P Long Technical Institute 305 605Jefferson Technical Institute 300 600Junionville Memorial Technical Institute 305 605IGtchens College of Court Reporting @Lafayette Regional Technical Institute 300 600Lamar Salter Vocational-Technical School 305 005

(H) Louisiana State University Alexandria 913 2,100(H) Louisiana State University Eunice 960 2,100

Mansfield Technical Institute 305 605Natchitoches Technical Institute 300 000New Orleans Regional Technical institute 300 600North Central Technical Institute 300 600Northeast Louisiana Technical Institute 305 605Oakdale Technical Institute 300 000Our Lady of the Lake Coll of Nursing & Allied Hith 1,000Pelican Aviation Corp 25,000Phillips Junior College -- Marrero 4,500

(H) Phillips Junior College - New OrleansPort Sulphur Technical Institute 305 610Rapides General Hospital School of Radiologic Tech 4,500 4,500RETS Training Center 4,190Sabine Valley Vocational-Technical School 300 600Shreveport - Bossier Regional Technical institute 300 600Sidney N Collier Technical Institute 305 005Slidell Technical Institute 305 605South Louisiana Regional Technical Institute 300 600

(H) Southern Technical College 5,500(H) Southern University Shreveport-Bossier City Campus 010 2,140

Southwest School of Health Careers 9,500Sowela Regional Technical Institute 570 000Sullivan Technical Institute 305 805T H Harris Technical Institute 305 605Teche Area Vocational-Technical School 305 005Thibodaux Area Technical institute 300 000University Medical Center 350 350West Jefferson Technical Institute 300 000Westslde Vocational-Technical School 300 600Young Memorial Technical Institute 300 600


State average+ - 2,839 1,675 3,484 1,478 1,680 19

Air Tech Inc 4,800(H) Andover College 4,000(H) Beal College 4,370 2,000(H) Casco Bay College 5,005 2,400(H) Central Maine Medical Center School of Nursing 2,415 1,170

Central Maine Medical Center School of Red Techn 315 1,755(H) Central Mains Technical College 1,575 3,435 1,100 2,100 17(H) Eastern Maine Technical College 1,670 3,530 1,100 2,100 19

Faith School of Theology 0 600 21See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (98)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-yearpostsecondary Institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required tees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private




Maine 0011611U0d)

._._. ..


(H) Kennebec Valley Technical College 1,668 3,051

Mercy Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 1,350

Mercy Hospital-School of Anesthesia "Mid-Maine Med Ctr Sch of Radlologic Techn 1,000

(H) Mid-State College - Auburn 3,880 1.760

Mid-State College - Augusta 4,000

(H) Northern Maine Technical College 1,796 3,410 1,140 2,100 19

(H) Southern Maine Technical College 1,600 3,180 1,100 2,100 20

(H) Washington County Technical College 1,939 4,295 1,250


State average+ - 4,549 2,716 4,229 2,565

Aesthetics Institute Cosmetology 3,900

(H) Allegany Community College 2,159 2.909

(H) Anne Arundel Community College 2.452 4,564

Arundel Institute of Technology 10,000

(H) Baltimore City Community College 1,200 3,300

(H) Baltimore's International Culinary College 6,768 2,550

Carroll County Community College " 2,580 4,156

(H) Catonsville Community College "' 2,580 4,158

(H) Cecil Community College ** 2.640 3,870

(H) Charles County Community College `" 2,573 3,773

(H) Chesapeake College "" 2,651 4,591

(H) Dundalk Community College ''' 2,680 4,156

(H) Essex Community College *** 2580 4,156

Fleet Business School 6,400

(H) Frederick Community College 3,503 5,993

(H) Garrett Community College ** 1,770 3,270

Greater Baltimore Med Ctr-Radiologic Techn 750

(H) Hagerstown Business College 5.265 2,385

(H) Hagerstown Junior College 2,560 3,310

(H) Harford Community College ' 2,834 4,124

Harry Lundeberg Seamanship School, Inc.

(H) Howard Community College 2,934 4,374

Johns Hopkins Hospital School of Rad Tech 950 2,780

Le Millet Private Art School 2,450

L'Academle de Cuisine 10,500

MacQueen Gibbs Willis School of Nursing 2,919

(H) Maryland College of Art and Design 6,940

Maryland General Hospital Sch of Rad Tech 400

Maryland institute of Ultrasound Technology 5,000

Mercy Medical Center Radiologic Technology 500

(H) Montgomery College of Germantown 7,,291 4,578

(H) Montgomery College of Rockville 3,291 4,678

(H) Montgomery College of Takoma Park 3,291 4,578

(H) Prince Georges Community College " 3,864 5,760

Schuler School of Fine Arts ""TESST Electronics and Computer Institute 7,488

The Radio Electronic Television Schools, Inc 6,000

Washington Adventist Hoop - Sch of Radiography 50(1

(H) Wor-Wic Community College 3,300 4,380

See footnotes at end of table.

92,4 G

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (99)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year studentsat 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


State or other area, and institution Private



Do WsMaass OMAHA*

State average+ - 6,628 2,689 5,684 2,182 333 18

(H) Aquinas College at Milton 7,400(H) Aquinas College at Newton 7,050

Baptist Bible College East 2,500 2,400 19(H) Bay State College 7,425 5,900 14

Bay State Medical Center School of Nursing 5,546(H) Becker College-Leicester 7,715 4,075 '9(H) Becker College-Worcester 7,715 4,075 19(H) Berkshire Community College 1,898 5,780(H) Bristol Community College 2,054 5,870

Brockton Hospital School of Nursing 6,971(H) Bunker Hill Community College 1,800 5,822

Butera Scholl of Art 8,300(H) Cape Cod Community College 2,260 6,862(H) Catherine Laboure College "(H) Dean Junior College 9,155 3,700 2,000 19

East Coast Aero & Technical Park

Essex Agricultural-Technical Institute 5,200 5,200(H) Fisher College 9,540 5,800 19(H) Framingham Union Sch of Nursing-Merrowest Med Ctr 5,260 1,260(H) Franklin Institute of Boston 7,960 7,960(H) Greenfield Community College 1,826 5,708

Heritage Baptist Institute 1,000(H) Holyoke Community College 3,192 7,962(H) ITT Technical Institute 14,655(H) Katharine Gibbs School 7,595

Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 6,000 2,020(H) Marian Court Junior College 6,550(H) Massachusetts Bay Community College 2,122 5,882

Massachusetts School of Survey 4,500(H) Massasoit Community College 1,980 5,616(H) Middlesex Community College 2,495 6,317

Mount Auburn Hospital Radiography Program 1,500(H) Mount Wachusett Community College 2,620 6,402

Muscular Therapy Institute 7,000New England Baptist Hospital School of Nursing 7,254 2,310New England Flying School

(H) New England School of Acupuncture, Inc. "New England School of Art and Design Incorporated 8,850New England School of Photography

(H) Newbury College, IncNorth Bennet Street School 7,925

(H) North Shore Community College 1,962 5,784(H) Northern Essex Community College 2,070 6,840(H) Quincy College 1,850 1,850(H) Quinsigamond Community College 2,348 6,164

R ETS Electronic School 8,395(H) Roxbury Community College 1,830 5650

Saint Elizabeth, Hospital School of Nursing 2,200Somerville Hospital School of Nursing 3,665 1,600Southeastern Technical Institute 734 734

(H) Springfield Technical Community College 2,453 5,750Tew-Mac School of Aeronautics 4,200

See footnotes at end of table.


9 7

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (100)

Table a-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board

MealsperweekState or other area, and institution Private



Massachusetts (continued)


The New England Banking Institute @The Salter School 5,300

William J Dean Technical High Soh 5,815 5,815

Woburn Electrical School of Code & Theory @Worcester Technical Institute 2,000 5,794


State average+ - 4,008 1,914 2,393 1,489 799 13

Academy of Court Reporting 5,800

(H) Alpena Community College 1,508 2,158

Annapolis Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 1,100

(H) Bay de Noc Community College 1,964 3,148 1,806

(H) Bay Mills Community College 1,500 1,500

Bronson Methodist Hospital 2,905 2,300 14

Brooks Aero Inc(H) Delta College 1940, 2,890

Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology 2.520

Elsa Cooper Institute of Court Reporting 7,759

(H) Glen Oaks Community College 1,271 1,581

(H) Gogebic Community College " 1,300 1,300 1,113

(H) Grand Rapids Community College 1,870 2,290

Grand Rapids School of Bible & Music 3,130 1,705 14

(H) Great Lakes Junior College of Business 4,715

(H) Great Lakes Junior College of Business-Bad Axe 4,715

(H) Great Lakes Junior College of Business-Bay City 4,715

(H) Great Lakes Junior College of Business-Caro 4.715

(H) Great Lakes Junior College of Business-Midland 4,715

(H) Henry Ford Community College 2,209 2,209

Henry Ford Hospital School of Radlologic Techn 500

(H) Highland Park Community College 1,440 1,810

Hoffman Flying Service IncHurley Medical Center School of Nursing 2,277 2,277 1,500 540 5

ITT Technical Institute - Grand Rapids 7,452

ITT Technical Institute - Troy 7,402

Jackson Business Institute 4,740

(H) Jackson Community College 1,717 1,989

(H) Kalamazoo Valley Community College 1,860 2,728

(H) Kellogg Community College " 1,742 2,721

(H) Kirtland Community College ** 1,815 2,520

Krainz Woods Academy of Medical Laboratory Techn 5,480

(H) Lake Michigan College 1,470 1,770

(H) Lansing Community College 1,905 3,060

(H) Lewis College of Business 4,900

Macomb Academy of Court Reporting @

(H) Macomb Community College 2,170 2,635

Marquette General Hospital 2,310

Michigan Institute of Aeronautics 7,477

(H) Mid Michigan Community College " 1,889 2,385

(H) Monroe County Community College 1,330 1,330

(H) Montcalm Community College 1,878 2,042

(H) Mott Community College ** 2.075 2.757

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (101)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required has

Room Board


Sate or other area, and institution





D011areleahlgat (cxilititniad)

(H) Muskegon Community College 1,530 1,920New Tribes Mission Inc/New Tribes Bible Institute "

(H) North Central Michigan College 1,578 1,936 1,148 2,133 15(H) Northwestern Michigan College " 2,818 2,904 1,848 1,488 V(H) Oakland Community College 2,139 3,038

Oakwood Hospital School of Radiologic TechnRapid Air IncS J Williams School of Religion'Saint John Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 250Saint Joseph Hospital School of Radiography 300

(H) Schoolcraft College 1,518 2,176(H) Southwestern Michigan College ' 1,550 1,880(H) St Clair County Community College 2,139 2,945

State Technical Institute and Rehabilitation Ctr 8,000 8,000 5,100 21(H) Suomi College 8,330 1,720 1,420 19

The Educational Ind of the American Hotel & Motel @(H) Washtenaw Community College " 1,539 1,971(H) Wayne County Community College(H) West Shore Community College 1,792 2,242

William Beaumont Hospital 200


State average+ - 5,080 1,684 3,332 1,505 1,040 18

Abbott Northwestern Hospital School of Rad TechnAcademy of Accountancy 7,300Academy of Aviation

(H) Albert Lea/Mankato Technical College - Albert Lea 1,851 3,284(H) Albert Lea/Mankato Technical College - N Mankato 1,825 3,550(H) Alexandria Technical College 1.900 3,800(H) Anoka-Ramsey Community College 1,704 3,392(H) Anoka-Ramsey Community College-Cambridge Campus 1,800 3,800

Association Free Lutheran Bible School 1,300 900 1,280 20(H) Austin Community College 1,810 3.820(H) Bethany Lutheran College 8,835 2,000 940 20(H) Brainerd Community College 1.887 3,375(H) Brainord/Staples Technical College-Brainard Campus 1,725 3,450(H) Brainerd /Staples Technical College-Staples Campus 1,725 3,450(H) College of Saint Catherine-Saint Mary's Campus 9,015 1,260(Fi) Dakota County Technical College 1,752 3.504

Dearborn Financial InstituteDuluth Technical College 1,620 3,240Dunwoody Industrial Institute 3,453

(H) Fergus Falk. Community College 1.800 3,800Fond du Lac Community College Center 1,802 3,804Globe College of Business

(H) Hennepin Technical College . 1,628 3,244(H) Hibbing Community College 1,802 3,802(11) Hutchinson/Willmar Technical College-Willmar Cam 1,780 3,505(H) Hutchinson/Willmar Technical Coll-Hutchinson Cam 1.880 3,808(H) Inver Hills Community College 1,887 3,375(H) Itasca Community College 1,687 3,375See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (102)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentressdence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Pmnto



Minneecta (continued)Dollars

/(H) Lakewood Community College 1,687 3,375(H) Lowthlan College 5,400(H) Medical Institute of Minnesota 5,700

(H) Mesabi Community College 1,900 3,800Methodist Hospital School of Radio logic Technology 300

(H) Minneapolis Business College Inc `-(H) Minneapolis Community College 1,687 3,375

Minneapolis Technical College 0 0Minnesota Riverland Technical Col-Austin CampusMinnesota Riverland Technical Col-Farlbaurt Campus 1,595 3.200Minnesota Riverland Technical Col-Rochester Campus 1,800 3,600Minnesota School of Business 8,125

(H) National Education Center-Brown Institute Campus 5,365(H) NEI College of Technology 5,304

(H) Normandale Community College 1,732 3,376(H) North Hennepin Community College 1.688 3.375

North Memorial Med Center-Sch of X-Ray Technology 0 0 10

Northeast Metro Technical College 1,655 3,273(H) Northland Community College 1,687 3,375(H) Northwest Technical College- Bemidji(H) Northwest Technical College-Detroit Lakes 1,775 3,550(H) Northwest Technical College-East Grand Forks 1.e18 2.023(H) Northwest Technical College-Moorhead 1,726 3,451

(H) Northwest Technical College-Thief River Falls 1.773 3.547(H) Northwest Technical College-Wadena 2,300 4,600(H) Northwest Technical Institute 6,985

Palmer Writers School Inc @(H) Rainy River Community College 1,887 3,375 1.620(H) Range Technical College-Eveleth Campus(H) Range Technical College-HibtAng Campus 1,781 3,523

Rasmussen Business College - Eagan 7,200

Rasmussen Business College - Mankato 7,200

(HI Rasmussen Business College - Minneapolis 7,200

(H) Red Wing/Winona Technical College-Red Wing Campus *(H) Red Wing/Winona Technical College-Winona Campus *

Rice Memorial Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 375 375(H) Rochester Community College 1,700 3,400

Saint Cloud Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 450

Saint Cloud Technical College 1,640 3,258(H) Southwestern Technical College-Canby Campus 1.800 3,600(I-1) Southwestern Technical College-Granite Falls Cam 1,797 3,523(H) Southwestern Technical College-Jackson Campus 1.800 3.528(H) Southwestern Technical College- Pipeetone Campus 1,728 3,379

St Cloud Business College 7.200St Paul Ramsey Med Ctr Sch of Ophthalmic Med Techn 2,200

(H) St Paul Technical College 1,595 3,145(H) University of Minnesota Crookston 2,678 7,510 1,494 1,785 15

(H) University of Minnesota Waseca '(H) Vermilion Commucity College 1,800 3,600 1.755 1,215 15

Veteran's Affairs Medical Center Sch of Rad Techn 0 0(H) Willmar Community College 1,800 3,600(H) Worthington Community College 1,800 3,600

See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (103)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidonce status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

1 Tuition and required hoes

Room Board

laudsperweekState or other area, and Institution Private




State average+ - 3,794 991 2,333 729 1,071 16

(H) Clarke College(H) Coahoma Community College 1,310 2,810 779 1,138 20(H) Copiah-Lincoln Junior College 1,000 2,200 740 1,020 14(H) Copiah-Lincoln Junior College - Natchez Campus 1,000 2,200(H) East Central Community College 1,000 2,200 750 1,080 15(H) East Mississippi Community College 1,000 2,000 e40 1,200 21(H) Hinds Community College - Rankin Campus 1,070 3,276(H) Hinds Community College - Jackson Campus-Nahc 1,070 3,276(H) Hinds Community College - Raymond Campus 1,070 3,276 700 806 14(H) Hinds Community College - Utica Campus 1,070 3,278 700 808 14(H) Hinds Community College - Vicksburg/Warren County 1,070 3,276(H) Holmes Community College 1,004 2,004 500 900 14(H) ltawamba Community College 910 1,700 720 1,120 15(H) Jones County Junior College 792 2,102 534 1,206 21(H) Mary Holmes Collage 4,100 1,800 2,000 19(H) Meridian Community College 980 2,000 950 1,200 14(H) Mississippi Delta Community College 860 1,870 450 1,000 15(H) Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College 880 1,780 350 730 15

Natchez College(H) Northeast Mississippi Community College 970 1,840 730 990 15(H) Northwest Mississippi Community College 1,090 2,000 780 960 15(H) Pearl River Community College 850 1,600 1,800 15(H) Phillips Junior 0>Ilege - Gulfport 4,450(H) Phillips Junior College -Jackson 3,925(H) Southwest Mississippi Community College 870 1,900 800 1.050 15(H) Wood Junior College 2,700 864 2,076 21


State average+ - 5,118 1,619 2,216 1,099 1,305 20

Aero Mechanics School 8,000(H) Basic Institute of Technology(H) Burge School of Nursing of the Lester E Cox Med Ct(H) Cottey College 5,200 2,700 20(H) Crowder College 1,320 2,040 840 1,560 19

Eala Mar's Beauty College 3,500(H) East Central College 1,350 2,010

Electronics Institute 5,072Heart of the Ozarks Technical Community College 1,200 1,650

(II) Jefferson College 1,344 1,704Jewish Hosp of St Lcuis Schools of Allied Health 4,200 575

(H) Kemper Military School and College 7,800 1,200 1,400 21Linn Technical College 3.392 3,392

(H) Longview Community College 1,920 2,780Lutheran Medical Center School of Nursing 8,000 150

(H) Maple Woods Community College " 1.920 2,780(H) Mineral Area College " 1,280 1,500

Mineral Area Reg Medl Ctr-School r f Rad Tech 870Missouri Baptist Medical Center Ccnool of Nursing 4,815 1,400

(H) Moberly Area Community College 1.510 2.920 1,120See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (104)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Missouri (continued)Dollar*


Mountain Grove Area Vocational-Technical School 2,600 2,600(H) North Central Missouri College 1,433 2,460 1,100

(H) Northwest Missouri Community College 3,800

Patricia Stevens College(H) Penn Valley Community College 1,920 2,760(H) Phillips Junior College 3,498

(H) Ranken Technical College 4,025Research Medical Center School of Radiologic Techn 3,930 1,740

Rolla Area Vocational-Technical School 1,350 1.350

Saint Johns Mercy Medical Center Sch of Rad TechnSaint Johns Mercy Medl Ctr-Respiratory Care PropSaint Johns School of Nursing 5,280

(H) Saint Louis Community College-Florissant Valley '''' 1,410 1,740

(H) Saint Louis Community College - Forest Park 1,410 1,740

(H) Saint Louis Community College - Meramec * 1.410 1,740

(H) Saint Louis Conservatory and Schools for the Arts "(H) Saint Luke's College 5,320 1,800

(H) Southwest Missouri State University Wost Plains 1.172 2.324

(H) St Charles County Community College ' 1,560 2,550(H) St Johns Regional Health Center-Sch of Rad Tech 600

(H) State Fair Community College " 1.320 2.550

(H) Three Rivers Community College ' 1,375 2,170

Tri County Technical School 1,825 1,825

Vatterott College 9.618

Watterson College-Saint Louis Missouri 8,000

(H) Wentworth Military Academy 9,915 1,285 2,260 21


State average - 1,583 1,258 1,988 1,040 1,950 15

Billings Business College ::$35Billings Vocational Technical Center 1,320 2,594

(H) Blackfeet Community College 1,371

Butte Vocational-Technical Center 1,250 2,594

Columbus Hospital School of Radiologic Technology 400

(H) Dawson Community College 1,350 2,214 1,080

(H) Dull Knife Memorial College 894

(H) Flathead Valley Community College 1.512 2,160

(H) Fort Belknap College 1,494 1,494

(H) Fort Peck Community College 990 990

Great Falls Vocational Technical Center 1,250 2,594

Helena Vocational-Technical Center 1,250 2,594

(H) Little Big Horn College 550 550

(H) Miles Community College 1,416 2,016 1.000 1,950 15

Missoula Vocational Technical Center 1,078 2,422

Montana Daaconess Medical Center Sch of Rad Tech 0

Saint Patrick Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 240

Saint Vincent Hospital School of Radiography 200

(H) Salish Kootenai Community College 5,826

(H) Stone Child College 1,630 1,630

See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (105)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



State or other area, and institution Private




State average+ - 3,218 1.137 1,532 1,024 1,307 15

Archbishop Bergen Mercy Medical Center Radio Tech 1,250Bahner College of Hairstyling - Fremont *

Bahner College of Hairstyling - OmahaBryan Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 3,700 1,575

(H) Central Community College-Grand Island 980 1,440(H) Central Community College-Hastings Campus 980 1,440 640 1,120 14(H) Central Community College-Platte Campus Degree Div 980 1,440 040 1,120 14

College of Hair Design **David's Head College of Hair Design '

(H) Gateway Electronics Institute 8.800(H) Gateway Electronics Institute-Lincoln 6,600

Hollywood Beauty College 1,835Immanuel Med Ctr Sch of Rad Tech 1,750Lincoln School of Commerce 5,475 1,500Mary Lanning Memorial Hose Sch of Radiologic Techn 1,297 900

(H) McCook Community College 884 1,008 1,400 1,000 15(H) Metropolitan Community College Area 923 1,845(H) Mid Plains Community College 1,018 1,178 720

Nebraska College of Business ' '(H) Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture 1,508 2,892 776 1,704 14(IA) Nebraska Indian Community College 2,000 2,000(H) Northeast Community College 1,022 1,175 1,044

Omaha College of Health Careers 4,795Railway Educational Bureau @Regional West Medical Center Sch of Rad Techn 0Saint Joseph Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 1,200

(H) Southeast Community College Beatrice 1,083 1,333 996(H) Southeast Community College Lincoln Campus 1,398 1,758(H) Southeast Community College Milford Campus 1,048 1,318 784 1,225 14

Spencer School of Business 4,110 1,755(H) Western Nebraska Community College 1.085 1,095 580 1,670 19


State average - 5,205 781 3,883 0 0 19

Americcn Computer Institute 6,500Career College of Northern Nevada 7,500

(H) Community College of Souther n Nevada 780 3,780(H) Deep Springs College 0 0 0 19

Education Dynamics Institute 8,305(H) Northern Nevada Community College 1,000 5,000

Phillips Junior College 3,720(H) Truckee Meadows Community College 672 3,000(H) Western Nevada Community College 872 3,872

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (106)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





New Hampshire


State average - 5,299 2.305 4,935 2,870 947 18

(H) Castle College 4,250

(H) Helmer College 13,515 2,080 1,8'_ ./ 15

Lebanon College @(H) McIntosh College 3,480

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Berlin 2,125 4,700 2,080

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Claremont 2,355 4,983

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Laconia 3,173 4,983

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Manchester 2,075 4,923

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Nashua 2,155 5,003

(H) New Hampshire Technical College at Stratham 2,075 4,923

(H) New Hampshire Technical Institute 2,175 5.027 2,100 1,040 19

Saint Joseph Hosp Sch of Prac Nursing & Hlth Occu 6,350 4,420

(H) White Pines College 6,200 3,800 19

New Jersey

State average+ - 3,640 2,305 3,824 1,123 725 18

American Business Academy 5,950

Ann May School of Nursing-Jersey Shore Med Ctr 2,585 1,700 21

(H) Assumption College for Sisters 1,200 0

Atlantic City Medical Center School of X-Ray Techn 1,525

(H) Atlantic Community College 2,930 5,664

Bayonne Hospital School of Nursing 1,318

(H) Bergen Community College ' 2,827 5,203

(H) Berkeley College of Business 8,825 4,125

Bridgeton Hospital School of Radiologic Technology 516

(H) Brookdale Community College 2,887 5,527

Burdette Ton.: i Memorial Hosp Sch of X-Ray Techn 900 900

(H) Burlington County College "' 1,575 3,495

(I-I) Camden County College 1,406 1,408

Charles E Gregory School of Nursing @Christ Hospital School of Nursing 2,850 400

Clara Maass Medical Center School of Nursing 3,650

(11) County College of Morris " 2,838 3,858

(H) Cumberland County College 2,898 5,612

(H) Devry Technical Institute 5,249

Ducret School of Arts 5,700

Elizabeth General Medical Center-School Rad Sci 3,582

Englewood Hospital Medical Center Sch of Nursing 5,025 1,260

Englewood Hospite: 0. nod of Radiography 550

(H) Essex County College 2,838 4,158

(H) Gloucester County Collage 1,580 5,670

Hackensack Medical C inter School of Radiography 2,500

Helene Fuld Medical Center Program of Radiography 1,000

Helene Fuld School of Nursing 1,026 500

Helene Fuld School of Nursing in Camden CountyHoly Name Hospital School of Nursing 4,668 2,157

Hudson Area School of Radiologic Technology 3,425

(H) Hudson County Community College 2,514 3,642

Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic ArtSee footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (107)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidmce status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





. NOW Jeretty.(COritinued) .

(H) Katharine Gibbs School - Montclair 7.370Katharine Gibber School - Piscataway 7,370

(H) Mercer County Community College ** 3,054 5,004Mercer Medical Center School of Nursing *Metropolitan Technical institute 8,115

(H) Middlesex County College 2,688 2,888Monmouth Medical Ctr Sch of Rad Tech 750 380Mountainside Hospital School of Nursing 2,250 500Mountainside Hospital School of Radiography 1,000 1,300Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center School of Rad 5,450 1,400Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center-School of Nurs 4,800 1.400Newark School of Fine and Industrial Arts 1,350 1,350

(H) Ocean County College * 1,871 2,937Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing 3,445 950 1,450 15

(H) Overlook Hospital School of Radiography 1,750 800Pascack Valley Hospital School of Radiography 500

(H) Passaic County Community College 1,571 2.940Pennco Tech 11,360

(H) Raritan Valley Community College 2,896 5,204Riverview Medical Center School of Radiologic Tech 1,000Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing 2,000 800

(H) Saint Francis Medical Center School of Nursing 2,772Saint Michael's Medical Center Sch of Radiography

(H) Salem Community College " 1,770 1,770Solberg Flight Training Center 14,000Stat-a-Matrix institute "

(H) Sussex County Community College Commission 2,850 4,170The Cittone Institute 5.800The Hill Institute *

(H) Union County College 2,777 5,285Valley Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 500

(H) Warren County Community College 2,600 3,812West Jersey Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 800Winifred B Baldwin School of Nursing 2,000 900

New Mexico

State average+ - 4,540 704 1,454 925 1,351 17

(H) Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute 576 1,608(H) Clovis Community College 574 1,558(H) Eastern New Mexico University - Ruidoso 604 504(H) Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell Campus 636 1,740 1,000 1.388 15(H) Institute of American Indian Pais 1,915 1,915 1.470 1,716 15

international Business College 2,925(H) ITT Technical Institute 6.034

Luna Vocational Technical institute 600 1,272 620New Mexico Acad of Massage & Advanced Healing Arts 4,100

(H) New Mexico Junior College 740 860 1,450 1,750 19(H) New Mexico Military Institute 1,410 2,935 500 !,800 21(H) New Mexico State University - Alamogordo " 792 1,806(H) New Mexico State University - Carlsbad 792 1,896(H) New Mexico State University - Dona Ma Branch 816 1,020 1,416 1,402 17See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (108)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





New Mexico (continued)


(H) New Mexico State University - Grants Branch 720 1,824

(H) Northern New Mexico Community College 838 1,518 640 2,128 19

(H) Parks CollegePima Medical Institute "

(H) San Juan College 360 800

(H) Santa Fe Community College 508 1,108

Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute 80 80 0 0 21

The Art Center 5,100

Tucumcari Area Vocational School *** 429 1,129

(H) University of New Mexico - Gallup Branch 624 1.538

(H) University of New Mexico - Los Alamos 576 1,608

(H) Unive' ity of New Mexico - Valencia Campus 600 1,584

New York

State average+ - 4,947 2,054 3,742 2,021 1,01: 18

(H) Adirondack Community College 1,898 3,298

Albany Memorial Hospital Sch of X-Ray Technology 800 1,580 5

Alfred Adler Institute *

Allied Health Program in Orthoptics & Opth Tech 1,250

Alvin Ailey American Dance Center 4,500

(H) American Academy Mcalister Inst of Funeral Sery 5,135

(H) American Academy of Dramatic Arts 7,575

American Musical and Dramatic Academy 7.750 3,800

(H) Arnot-Ogden Medical Center School of Nursing 7,435 2,425 2,155 V

Arnot-Ogden Medical Center School of Rad Techn 2,345

Bayley Seton Hospital School Physicians Assistant 7,350

Bellevue Hospital Center School of Rad Techn 2,100 2,100

(H) Berkeley College 8.855 2,400 2,220 17

(H) Berkeley School of New York 9,150

(H) Gram son Ort Technical Institute 5,520

(H) Briarcliffe School 6.525

(H) Broome Community College 1,740 3,370

(H) Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Buffalo 6,255

(H) Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Albany 5,280

(H) Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Estn Hills 7,040

(H) Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Lackawanna 5,280

(H) Bryant and Stratton Business hist-Main/Syracuse 5,280 2,400

(H) Bryant-Stratton Bus lnst-Syracuse Penn Can Campus 5,280

(H) Bryant-Stratton Business Institute-Rochester Main 5,280

(H) Catholic Medical Center School of Nursing 3,610 1,200

Catholic Medical Center-Program of Radiography 2,000

(H) Cayuga County Community College 2,063 3,943

(H) Central City Business Institute 4,770 3,000 )5

Central Suffolk School of Radiologlc Technology 1,625

Circle in the Square Theater School 5,250

(H) Clinton Community College 1.708 3,308

(H) Cochran School of Nursing 8,390

(H) Columbia-Greene Community College 1,686 3,488

(H) Corning Community College 2.146 4,148

Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 4,216 1,800 1,000 10

(11) Culinary Institute of America 10,221 2,800 0 10

See footnotes at end of table.


1' 0

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (109)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





:NOW YOrk (ctint)nued}DcWrwis

(H) CUNY Bow of Manhattan Community College 2,182 2,768(H) CUNY Bronx Community College 2,204 2,780(H) CUNY Hostos Community College 2,178 2,764(H) CUNY Kingeborough Community College 2,195 2,771(H) CUNY La Guardia Community College 2,204 2,780(H) CUNY Queensborough Community College 2,202 2,778

CVPH Medical Center School of Radiologic Techn 3,000Dance Theatre of Harlem Inc 900Dorothea Hoofer School of Nursing-Mt. Vernon Hasp 6,050 2,200Drake Business School - Bronx 6,000Drake Business School - Flushing 6,000Drake Business School - New York 6,000Drake Business School - Staten Island 6,000

(H) Dutchese Community College 1,745 3,395Elim Bible Institute 3,526 3,200 21Ellis Hospital School of Nursing 3,032Elmira Business Institute 5,450Elohim Bible Mission Incorporated 540 3,000 V

(H) Empire State Baptist Seminary 2,920(H) 6,1/4) Community College City Campus(H) Er; a Community College North Campus *(H) Pile Community College South Campus

Febbraio School of Music -(H) Finger Lakes Community College 1,910 3,890

French Fashion Academy(H) Fulton-Montgomery Community College 1,997 3,897(H) Genesee Community College 1,950 3,760

Genesee Hospital School of Rediologic Techn 2,000 2,000Glens Falls Hospital Radiologic Technology Program 1,250

(H) Helene Fuld School of Nursing 5,750(H) Herkimer County Community College 1.840 3,E 0(H) Hudson Valley Community College 1,562 3,212(H) institute of Design and Construction 2,750

Interboro Institute 7,800Interfaith Medical Center School of Nursing 4,950 750Island Drafting and Technical Institute 6,200

(H) Jamestown Business College 4,925(H) Jamestown Community College 2,025 3,825(H) Jamestown Community College Cattaraugus County Br 2,025 3,825(H) Jefferson Community College 1,676 3,140

Joffrey Ballet School - American Ballet Center 6,000(H) Katharine Gibbs School-Melville 7,500(H) Katharine Gibbs School-New York City 7,750

Krissler Business Institute 5,350Long Island Business Institute 6,550Long Island College Hospital Sch of Rad 3,150

(H) Long Island College Hospital School of Nursing 5,399Machine Shorthand InstituteMachon Chana Jewish Womens College 6,000 4,000 21(H) Maria College of Albany 4,500Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance Inc 4,000

(H) Mater Del College 4,928 1,580 1,738 21Memorial Hospital Sch of Radiation Therapy Techn 1,250Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 3,200

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (110)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required lees

Room Board

MeshPerweekStale or other area, and institution Priwte



t110'4if-Y0fl'qC-antki9tKO:..' ::':'..:'..:.:' ':. :.::,..-?' .., ....,.,.


(H) Merce Cunningham Studio(H) Mercy College Peekskill Branch Campus 7,200

Mercy Medical Center School of Radiography 2,000

Mildred Elley School "(H) Millard Fillmore Hospital School of Nursing 2,099 1,000

Millard Fillmore Hospital School of Rad Techn 2,000 5,000 21

(H) Mohawk Valley Community College 2,111 4,111 2,212 1,000 14

(H) Mohawk Valley Community College Rome Branch 2,111 4,111

(H) Monroe College New Rochelle 5,040

(H) Monroe College-Main Campus 6.040

(H) Monroe Community College 2,200 4,176

Munson - Williams- Proctor Institute 4,400

(H) Nassau Community College 2,018 3,868

National Academy School of Fine Ms 5,760

Nei hborhood Playhouse School of the Theater 5,400

New York Institute of Credit @Newspapers Institute of America-Writers Institute @

(H) Niagara County Community College 1,780 3,480

Nikolais and Louis Dance Lab 1,500

(H) North Country Community College 1,905 3,705

(H) North Country Community College Malone Branch 1,905 3,705

(H) North Country Community College Ticonderoga Br 1,905 3,705

Northeast Center for Judaic StudiesNYU Medical Center Allied Health Education 8,500

(H) Olean Business Institute 4,280

On the Record School of Reporting 4,800

(H) Onondaga Community College 1,842 5,342

(H) Orange County Community College 1,835 3,585

Oswego County BOCES 4,900 6,497

Our Lady of Victory Secretarial School 2,985 2,300 ' 17

(H) Paul Smith's College of Ma and Science 9,410 1.975 2,190 19

Peninsula Hospital Center School of Rad Techn 3,000

(H) Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing 8,170

(H) Plaza Business Institute 4,710

Practical Bible Training School 3,830 2,800 19

(H) Pratt Manhattan: A Division of Pratt Institute 12,004 3,890 2,050 19

Queensboro Institute of Music 504

Rabbinical College of Queens "Richmor Aviation Flight School 20,006

Rika Breuer Teachers Seminary

(H) Rochester Sorriness Institute 8,400

(H) Rockland Community College 2,070 4,020

(H) Sage Junior College of Albany 6,620 2240 2,240 14

(H) Saint Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing 4,380 1,800 1,300 21

Saint James Mercy Hospital-School of Nursing 5,100

Saint James Mercy Hospital-School of Radiography 3,000

Saint Lukes-Memorial Hospital Center 2,400

Saint Vincent. Hospital School of Nursing 6,335

Salvation Army School for Officers Training 800 0 0 21

Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing 3,870 2,980 21

(H) Schenectady County Community College 1,853 3,803

School a Horticulture 4,500

Simmons Institute of Funeral Service, Inc 9,115

Simmons SchoolSee footnotes at end cf table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (111)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992 -93-- continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other wee, and institution Private

PublicIn- I


New York (continued)Dollars

Sisters of Charity Hospital School of Nursing 4,730Solidaridad Humana 0South Nassau Community Hospital Sch of X-Ray Techn 1,500Spanish-American InstituteSpencer Business Institute 5,200St Elizabeth Hospital Schne! of Radiology 2,000 1,800 21St Josephs Hopsital Health Center School of Nurs 3,450 1,650St Vincent's Med Center of Richmond-Sch of Nurs 2,740Stenograhic Institute-Western New York 4,835

(H) Stenotype Academy 8,000(H) Suffolk County Community College Ammerman Campus 1,988 3,818(H) Suffolk County Community College Eastern Campus 1,968 3,818(H) Suffolk County Community College Western Campus 1,988 3,818(H) Sullivan County Community College 2,000 3,850(H) SUNY College of Techn & Agriculture at Morrisville 2,915 8,815 2,450 1,880 19(H) SUNY College of Technology at Canton 2,919 8,819 2,480 1,690 19(H) SUNY College of Technology at Delhi 2,945 8,845 2,420 1,440 19(H) SUNY Ulster County Community College 1,884 3,614(H) SUNY Westchester Commmunity College 1,987 4,592(H) Taylor Business Institute 6,720(H) Technical Career Institutes 5,550

The Pace Business School "'The Sonia Moore Studio of the Theatre

(H) The Wood School 9.590(H) Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Careers 8,395

Tompkins Community Hosp Sch of Radiologic Tech 1,000(H) Tompkins-Cortland Community College 2,045 3,945(H) Trocaire College 5,350

United Hospital Medical Center Sch of Rad Techn 2,350(H) Utica School of Commerce 4,400

Veteran Admin Hospital Sch of Radiological Tech 500 500(H) Villa Maria College Buffalo 5,530(H) Westchester Business Institute 8,910

Winthrop-University Hospital School of Radiography 1,400Women's Christian Assoc Hosp Sch of X-Ray Techn 750Yeshiva Gedolah of Midwood 4,500 1,000 2,000 21

North Carolina

State average* - 3,747 592 4,484 1,951 1,483 21

(H) Alamance Community College 578 4,536(H) Anson Community College 577 4,538(H) Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College 578 4,538

Atlantic Aero 10,000(H) Beaufort County Community College 574 4,533(H) Bladen Community College 587 4,548(H) Blanton's College(H) Blue Ridge Community College 587 4,545(H) Brevard College 5,785 1,800 2,050 21(H) Brunswick Community College 581 4,539(H) Caldwell Community College and Technical Inst 578 4,538(H) Cape Fear Community College 575 4,634See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (112)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students 12-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other aro-, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required tees

Room Board


weekState or other area and institution Private



°OilersNorth Carolina (continued)

Carolinas Medical Center 150

(H) Carteret Community College 572 4,531

(H) Catawba Valley Community College 574 4,533

(H) Cecile Junior College 4,200

(H) Central Carolina Communry College 578 4,538

(H) Central Piedmont Community College 572 4,530

(H) Cleveland Community College 587 4.545

(H) Coastal Carolina Community College 577 4,536

(H) College of the Albemarle 585 4,543

(H) Craven Community College 583 4,542

(H) Davidson County Community College 579 4,537

(H) Durham Technical Community College 575 4,533

(H) Edgecombe Community College 574 4,533

(H) Fayetteville Technical Community College 588 4,527

(H) Forsyth Technical Community College 577 4,535

(H) Gaston College 575 4,533

(H) Guilford Technical Community College 587 4,546

(H) Halifax Community College 577 4,538

(H) Haywood Community College 577 4,536

(H) Isothermal Community College 584 4,543

(H) James Sprunt Community College 580 4,539

(H) Johnston Community College 577 4,538

(H) Lenoir Community College 590 4,549

(H) Louisburg College 6,044 1,525 1,415 19

(H) Louise Harkey Sch of Nursing-Cabarrus Mem Hospital 3,800 1,000

(H) Martin Community College 571 4,530

(H) Mayland Community College 581 4,539

(H) McDowell Technical Community College 575 4,533

Mercy School of Nursing 1.449 1,350

(H) Mitchell Community College 582 4,540

(H) Montgomery Community College 588 4,527

Moses H Cone Memorial Hose Sch of Rad Techn 125 625 21

(H) Nash Community College 577 4,538

North Carolina Ctr for Applied Textile Technology 559 4,515

(H) Pamlico Community College 572 4,530

(H) Peace College 4,890 2,940 1,220 21

(H) Piedmont Community College 577 4,536

(H) Pitt Community College 578 4,537

Presbyterian Hospital 1,200 1,800

(H) Randolph Community College 578 4,538

(H) Richmond Community College 584 4,542

(H) Roanoke-Chowan Community College 581 4,539

(H) Robeson Community College 574 4.533

(H) Rockingham Community College 583 4.542

(H) Rowan-Cabarrus Community College 580 4,539

(H) Saint Mary's College 6,350 3,440 2,105 21

Salisbury Business College 970

(H) Sampson Community College 587 4,546

(H) Sandhills Community College 577 4,536

(H) Southeastern Community College 585 4,544

(H) Southwestern Community College 577 4,535

(H) Stanly Community College 577 4,536

(H) Surry Community College 574 4,533

(H) Tri-County Community College 589 4,528

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (113)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, statecw other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


State or other area, and inatitution Private



North Carolina (continued)Dollars

(H) Vance-Granville Community College 583 4,542(H) Wake Technical Community College 585 4,524

Watts School of Nursing 1,400 1,400(H) Wayne Community College 584 4,542(H) Western Piedmont Community College 579 4,537(H) Wilkes Community College 582 4,541

Wilkes Regional Medical Center "(H) Wilson Technical Community College 577 4,536

North Dakota

State average - 1,270 1,575 2,022 918 1,302 17

(H) Bismarck State College 1,615 4,039 735 1,340 15(H) Fort Berthold Community College 1,580 1,580(H) Little Hoop Community College 1,400 1,400

Medcenter One 0 & R Radiologic Technology Program 1,500Minot School for Allied Health 1,300

(H) North Dakota State College of Science 1,599 4,023 700 1,480 21(H) North Dakota State University of Bottineau 1,628 4,052 750 1,344 15Saint Lukes Hospital Sch of Radiologic Tech 600(H) Standing Rock College 1,870 1,870(H) Turtle Mountain Community College 1,152 1,152

Turtle Mountain School of Para-Medical Technique 850(H) United Tribes Technical College 2,100 1,800 1,998 21(H) University of North Dakota - Lake Region 1,672 4,098 925 1,250 15(H) University of North Dakota - Williston 1,658 4,082 800 400 14


State average+ - 4,565 2,256 4,408 1,870 0 5

ACA College of Design 4,485Academy of Court Reporting-Akron 17,100Academy of Court Reporting-Cleveland 4,425Academy of Court Reporting-Columbus 17,100Akron General Med Ctr -Sch of Rad Tech 1,100

(H) Antonelli Institute of Art-Photography 7,100Art Advertising Academy Inc 5,6e0Aultman Hospital School of Nursing 4,600

(H) Belmont Technical College 1,440 1,844(H) Bliss College West 8,500

Bliss College-Columbus 4,600(H) Bliss College-Columbus '"(H) Blies College-Mansfield 8,100(H) Boheckers Business College 5,800(H) Bowling Green State University Firelands **(H) Bradford School 7,070 3,300

Brookville Air Park Inc **(H) Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-N Olmsted 5,280

Bryant and Stratton Business Institute-Richmond Ht. 6,815Cambridge Beauty College 1,500

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (114)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private




0100 f*ckillifed)

(H) Careercom College of BusinessCenterville Bible College 1,920

(H) Central Ohio Technical College 2,088 2,952 2,055

(H) Chatfield College 3,50e

ChIldrens Hospital Radiography School 2,200

Christ Hospital Dietetic Internship(H) Christ Hospital School of Nursing

(H) Cincinnati Metropolitan College 6,960

Cincinnati School of Court Reporting & Business 4,900

(FS) Cincinnati Technical College 2226 3,94.8

(H) Clark State Community College 1,999 3,984

(H) Cleveland Institute of Electronics @Columbus Para Professional Institute

(H) Columbus State Community College 2,397 5,133

Community Hospital School of Nursing 3,080 1,125

Community Hospital School of Radiologic Technology 500 500

(H) Cuyahoga Community College District 1,878 3,757

(H) Davis Junior College 5,232

Dayton School of Court ReportingEastern Hills Academy of Hair Design 4,000

(H) Edison State Community College 1,845 3,420

(H) ETI Technical College - Niles 4,050

Ell Technical College - North Canton(H) Fairview General Hospital School of Nursing 3,480

Five-K Flights Inc, Hanger W-10Ges-J Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing 6,035

(H) Hocking Technical College 2,344 4,688 520

Hondros Career Centers 2,025

Hondros Career Centers 2,025

Hondros Career Centers - ColumbusHondros Career Centers - Dayton 1,620

(H) International College of Broadcasting 5,350

(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,535

(H) ITT Technical Institute Har Branch 7,513

(H) Jefferson Technical College 1,710 2,250

(H) Kent State University Ashtabula Regional Campus 2,885 8,481

(H) Kent State University East Liverpool Regional Cam 2,885 8,481

(H) Kent State University Geauga Campus 2,885 6,481

(H) Kent State University Salem Regional Campus 2,885 6,481

(H) Kent State University Stark Campus 2,885 6,481

(H) Kent State University Trumbull Regional Campus 2,885 6,481

(H) Kent State University Tuscaraws Regional Campus 2,887 6,483

(H) Kettering College Medical Ails 5,136 3,224

(H) Lakeland Community College 2,055 4,225

Lawrence County Joint Vocational School 1,500 1,500

(H) Lima Technical College . 1,896 3,732

Lorain Business College-Lorain 5,233

Lorain Business College-Sandusky 5,233

(H) Lorain County Community College 2,452 5,197

Mansfield Business College 5,350

Mansfield General Hosp School of Nursing 3,665 900 5

Maranatha Bible College and Institute 530

Marietta Memorial Hospital Prog of Rad Techn 600

Marion General Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 425

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (115)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence &taws, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board



State or other area, and InstitutionPrivate



00444111ONO (contittUed)

(H) Marion Technical College2.430 4,014Marycrest College

5,412Marycrest College5,412Mar -Pet's Beauty Academy3,560

Medical Sonography Schools500Mercy School of Nursing

5,735 1.400(H) Meridis Huron School of Nursing **Metrohealth Medical Center School of Nursing

3,400 3,400(H) Miami University-Hamilton2,944 7,534(H) Miami-Jacobs Junior College of Business 3,519

Middletown Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 500MTI Business College

6,600(H) Muskingum Area Technical College1,950 3,300(H) North Central Technical College1.692 3,168North side Medical Center/Sch of X-Ray Tech 400(H) Northwest Technical College2,310 4,110(H) Northwestern College

5,240 2,160Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc @Ohio Diesel Technical Inst/Ohio Auto Diesel Tech 6,750 2,820Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology 7,380Ohio Real Estate Institution Inc

2,040(H) Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Mot2,700 8,193 2,115Ohio Valley Business College Inc

3,350(H) Ohio Valley Hospital School of Nursing 4,856 1,530(I-1) Owens Technical College1,744 3,208Owens Technical College Findlay Campus1,744 3,208(H) Penn-Ohio College

2,752Portage Lakes Career Center

3,400 3,400Professional Skills Institute4,124

Providence Hospital School of Nursing 6.253 1,890Providence Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 800 840(H) RETS Technical Center7,200

Robinson Memorial Hospital School X-Ray Technology 0 0Saint Elizabeth Hospital Medl Center Sch of Nuns 4,375Saint Thomas Medical Center School of Nursing 4,729Saint Vincent Medical Center School of Nursing 4,950 1,500Sawyer College of Business

4.980Sawyer College of Business-West6.005

School of Advertising Art Inc6,175

Scod College of Cosmetology4,674(H) Wnclair Community College ''

2,025 3,195Southeastern Business College - Chillicothe 4,560(H) Southeastern Business College - Gallipoli* 4,320Southeastern Business College - Lancaster 4.762Southeastern Business College - New BostonSouthern Ohio College

(H) Southern Ohio College - Akron6,080(H) Southern Ohlo College -Cincinnati6,080(H) Southern Ohio College - Fairfield6,680(H) Southern State Community College

2,336 4,218Southwest General Hoop School Radiologic Tech 2,050Southwestern College of Business - Cincinnati 3,900Southwestern College of Business -Cincinnati 3,000Southwestern College of Business - Dayton 3,900See footnotes at and of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (116)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by student

residence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continuedTuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private




Ohio (continued)


Southwestern College of Business - Middletown 3,800

(H) Stark Technical College2.048 1.948

Stautzenberger College - Findlay 4,538

Stautzenberger College - roledo 4,538

Stautzenberger College - Toledo 4,638

(H) St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical CenterSchool of Ra 500

Summa Health System School of Radiologic Technolog 1,428 1,300

Technology Education Center 8,000 2,400

(H) Terra Technical College1,950 4,850

The Stenotype Institute of Cincinnati 5,325

The Stenotype Institute of Columbus5,325

The Stenotype Institute of Lima @The Stenotype Institute of Springfield @

The Stenotype Institute of Toledo6,325

Timken Mercy Medical Center School of Rad Techn 500

Tri-State Bible College870

Trumbull Business College8,000

University Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 500

(H) University of Akron. Wayne College

(H) University of Cin,innati Clermont College3,027 7,488

(H) University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College 3,027 7,488

Victor George Beauty Academy

(H) Virginia Marti College of Fashion and Art 9,752

(H) Washington State Community College2,378 4.844

(H) West Side Institute of Technology

(H) Wooster Business College

(11) Wright State University-Lake Campus2,825 5,559

Yavne College for Women1,800


State average+ -4,881 1,289 2,134 838 1,293 te

(H) Bacon° College1,478 500 900 20

Caddo -Kiowa Area Vocational Technical School

(H) Carl Albert State College1.020 2,554 800 1,700 20

City College Inc7.000

(H) Connors State College974 2,584 544 1,292 21

(H) Eastern Oklahoma State College1,414 3,040 784 1,380 20

Francis Tuttle Area Vocational-Technical Center 1,000 1,000

Great Plains Area Vocational-Technical School 750 750

rice Presbyterian Hosp Sch of Rad Technology 1,350

Indian Meridian Vo-Tech School District#18 2,000 2,000

Kiamichi AVTS SD #7 - Atoka Campus2,040 2,040

Kiamichi AVTS SD #7- Durant Campus "" 2,040 2,040

IGamichi AVTS SD #7 - Hugo Campus1,020 2,040

Kiamichi AVTS SD #7 - McAlester Campus 2.040 2,040

Kiamichi AVTS SD #7 - McCurtain Campus 2,040 2,040

Kiamichi AVTS SD #7 - Poteau Campus2.040 2,040

Kiamichi AVIS SD #7 - Spiro Campus2,040 2,040

Kiamichi AVIS SD #7 - Talihina Campus2,040 2,040

Metro Tech Vocational Technical Center 1.800 1,800

Moore-Norman Area Vocational Technical School 1,080 1,080

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (117)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board

MealsperweekState or other area, and institution Private



Oklahoma (oolltinusd)Dollars

(H) Murray State College 945 2,535 640 1,578 14(H) National Education Center-Spartan Sch of Aero Cam(H) Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mech Col ON 2,664 753 1,350 20(H) Northern Oklahoma College 884 2,474 7e0 1,300 20

O T Autry Area Vo Tech Center 900 900(H) Oklahoma City Community College 993 2,683(H) Oklahoma Jr Col of Business & Technology - Tulsa 9,130(H) Oklahoma Jr Col of Business & Technology-Okla. City "

Oklahoma Northwest Area Vocational - Technical Sch ** 600 800(H) Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City 1,282 4,072(H) Oklahoma State University. Okmulgee 1,214 4,004 708 1,302 20

Platt College 4,500Red River Area Vocational- Technical School 1,060 1,080

(H) Redland Community College 960 2,550(H) Rogers State College 1,166 2,725 1,600 1,940 17(H) Rose State College 877 1.732(H) Saint Gregory's College 4,507 1,490 1,500 21(H) Seminole Junior College 992 2,635 1,880 17

Southern Oklahoma Area Vocational/Technical Center 1,200 1,200Tulsa Co Area Voc Tech Sch Dist 18 (Southeast Cam)

(H) Tulsa Junior College r 30 2,520Tulsa Lease-a-Plane r

(H) Western Oklahoma State College 1,160 3,155


State average+ - 4,861 1.152 3,588 1,058 1,472 16

Aurora Aviation(H) Blue Mountain Community College 924 2,364(H) Central Oregon Community College " 1.874 5.022 1,088 2,133 19(H) Chemeketa Community College 1,044 4,068(H) Clackamas Community College 1,026 3.600(H) Clateop Community College 1.008 3,600

College of Legal Arts 5,280Delta College of Business & Technology 4.600

(H) Lane Community College 828 3.168(H) Linn-Benton Community College 1,280 5,195

McCain Institutes 7,780Milwaukie Beauty School 4,700

(H) Mt Hood Community College 1.170 3,744Oregon City Beauty School 2,000Oregon Denturist College 6,000

(H) Oregon Polytechnic Institute **Oregon School of Arts and Crafts 7,385Phagans Grants Pass College of Beauty 5,959Portland Bible College 1,960 1,710 14

(H) Portland Community College 1,092 3,960(H) Rogue Community College 1,684 3,735

Salem Bible College 2,950(H) Southwestern Oregon Community College 972 2,916(H) Treasure Valley Community College 1,368 1,800 1,050 2,283 14(H) Umpqua Community College 1.008 3.444See footnotes at end of table.

1 1 1 1!_

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (118)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Stets or other area, and institution

Tuition and required tees

Room Board




Out -of-state


State average+ - 4,887 3,476 4,851 1,790 1,000 16

Abington Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 4,360 1,000

(H) Albert Einstein Medical Center 1,200

Aliquippa Hospital School of Radio logic Techn 1,316

Altoona Hospital School of Nursing 4,289 1,200

Altoona School of Commerce 4,050

(H) American institute of Design 6,000

(H) Anton° Ili Institute 6,850 2,500 900 14

Armstrong County Memorial Hosp Sch of Rad Techn 750

(H) Art Institute of Philadelphia 10,200 4,200 20

(H) Art Institute Pittsburgh 7,650 6,340 21

Automotive Training Center(H) Berean Institute 2,850

Berko Technical Institute 1,800

Bradens Flying Service 4,000

Bradford Hospital School of Radio logic Technology 1,400

(H) Bradford School(H) Bradley Academy for the Visual Ms 7,200

Brandywine Hospital Sch of Radio logic Techn 1,500

Brandywine Hospital School of Nursing 3,602

(H) Bucks County Community College 3,900 5,989

Business Careers IncButler Beauty School 3,895

(H) Butler County Community College 2,322 3,462

Cambria Rowe Business College 4,350

Carlisle Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 1,250

(H) Central Pennsylvania Business School 7,470 3,630

Chester County Hospital ..thool of Nursing 3,000 1,855

(H) CHI Institute 5,994

Churchman Business School 4,185

Citizens General Hospital School of Nursing 4,050

(H) Clarissa School of Fashion Design 4,960

Clearfield it.epital School of Radiologic Techn 1,075

(H) Community College of Allegheny County 2,8ee 4,288

(H) Community College of Beaver County 3,640 5,580

(H) Community College of Philadelphia 3,700 5,630

Community General Hospital School of X-Ray Tech 225

Community Hosp of Chester, Prog of Diagnostic Rad 675 0 5

Community Medical Center - Sch of RadiographyComputer Tech 6,800 3,000

Conemaugh Valley Mem Nov-Allied Health ProgConemaugh Valley Memorial HospitalConsolidated School of Business- Lancaster 4,500

Consolidated School of Business - York 4,500

Court Reporting Institute of Orleans Tech Inst 5,400

Crozer-Chester Medical Center-Allied Health Prog 2,208

(H) Dean Institute of Technology 6,346

(H) Delaware County Community College 2,680 3,880

Douglas School of Business 3,900

Doylestown Hospital-School of Radiologic Techn 2,025

(H) Du Bois Business College 1,500

Duffs Business Institute 5,250 1 .

Eastern Montgomery County Area Voc Tech School 8,205 8,295

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (119)

Table 2.--- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board

MealsperweekState or other area, and institution Private



Penns)* Nelda (continued)Dollar*

(H) Electronic Institutes(H) Electronic Institute-Harrisburg

Episcopal Hospital-School of Nursing 11,235 900(H) Erie Business Center 7,020 2,850 1,950 17(H) Erie Business Center South 4,040(H) Erie Institute of Technology In- 5,400

Fayette Institute of Commerce and Technology Inc 6,000Frankford Hospital School of Nursing 4,800 4,800Free Gospel Bible Institute 350Gateway Technical Institute 6,050Geisinger Medical Center 5,700 1.450

(H) Harcum Junior College 7,070 2,150 2,150 19(H) Harrisburg Area Community College-Harrisburg Cam 3,000 4,500(H) Harrisburg Area Community College-Lancaster Camp 3,000 4,500(H) Harrisburg Area Community College-Lebanon Cam ' 2,880 4,320

Holy Spirit Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 826Horizon House Clerical PreparationICM School of Business 5,955

(H) ICS -Center for Degree Studies @(H) Indiana University of PA-Punxsutawney Campus(H) Indiana University Of Pennsylvania-Armstrong Cam(H) Information Computer Systems Institute 3,800(H) Jameson Memorial Hospital 5,928(H) Johnson Technical Institute 4,820 225(H) Johnson Technical Institute-Moshannon Valley 2,465(H) Keystone Junior College 7,784 2,332 2,332 19(H) Lackawanna Junior College 5,827

Lancaster General Hospital-Education and TrainingLansdale School of Business 4,680Laurel Business Institute 4,500Lee Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 100

(H) Lehigh County Coatrnunity College 3,120 4,740Lehigh Valley Hospital 700

(H) Lincoln Technical institute - Allentown "(H) Lincoln Technical Institute - Philadelphia

Lion Investigation Arwiamy 0Louise Suydam McGlintic School of Nursing 2,504

(H) Luzerne County Community College 3,030 4,470(H) Manor Junior College 6,478 1,778 1,341 15

Martin School, of Business 2,600McCann School of Business 5,850 1,200McCann School of Business 4,950

(H) McCord@ Schools of Health Sciences & Techn Inc 5,915Mercy Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 500Methodist Hospital School of Nursing 7,450

(H) Monroeville School of Business "(Ii) Montgomery County Community College 3,690 5,490

National Education Center-Allentown Bus Sch Cam 5,074National Education Center-Thompson Institute 7,014 2,400National Education Center-Thompson Institute Cam 5,060

(H) National Education Center-Vale Tech Mat Campus "New Castle School of Trades 9,328New Kensington Commercial School 5,300

(H) Northampton County Area Community College 3,600 5,460 2,000 1,340 14See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (120)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Pennsylvania: (continued)Dollars

Northeast Institute 6,300(H) Northeastern Christian Junior College 5,602 1,598 2,218 21

Northeastern Hospital School of Nursing 5,300 1,200 1,000 21

Northwest Med Cntr-Franklin Camp Radiol Tech Prop 1,100 1,100 600Oakridge Academy of Arts 5,410Ohio Valley Hospital School of Nursing 10,078Ohio Valley Hospital School of Radiologic Tech 9,500 5,700 ' 21

Pace Institute 4,000

(1-1) Palmer Business Institute(H) Peirce Junior College 6,200 2,800(H) Penn Technical Institute 8,420

(H) Pennco Tech 5,805 3,600Pennsylvania Business Institute 4,980Pennsylvania Commercial Business School 9,000Pennsylvania Gunsmith School 4,200

(H) Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts 8,345 3,300(H) Pennsylvania Institute of Technology 8,860

Pennsylvania School of Art and Design 5,920

Philadelphia Wireless Technical Institute 7,000(H) Pinebrook Junior College **

Pittsburgh Beauty Academy - CharleroiPittsburgh Beauty Academy - GreensburgPittsburgh Beauty Academy - Pittsburgh 4,859

(H) Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics 5,544

(H) Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science 6,900

(H) Pittsburgh Technical Institute 7,950

Pottsville Hospital 5,000

(H) Reading Area Community College 3,240 4,800

Restaurant SchOol(H) RETS Education Center 7,200

Rosedale Technical Institute 5,475

Roxborough Memorial Hospital 6,400 1,500

Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing 7,024

Saint Joseph Medical Center HazeltonSaint Vincent Health Center 4,785

Savonarola Theological Seminary of Polish National 2,000

(H) Sawyer School 5,700 3,180 7

Schuylkill Business Institute 4,600

Sewickley Valley Hospital Sch of X-Ray Techn 1,085

Sewickley Valley Hospital School of Nursing 5,915 1,298

Shadyside Hospital School of Nursing 5,300

Sharon Regional Health System School of Nursing 4,914 1,800

Shenango Valley School of Business 3,983

Shenango Valley School of Business-New Castle Br 3,963

South Hills Business School 5,685

St Francis Medical Center School of NursingSt Lukas Hospital School of Nursing 0,388 990

State Beauty School 4,000

(H) Thaddeus Stevens State School of Technology 3,845 3,645 1,325 1,945 19

The Chubb Institute /Keystone SchoolThe Craft Institute 4,350The Germantown Hospital & Med Ctr Sch of Nursing 7,390 882 1,080 21

The Germantown Hospital & Medical Ctr-Sch of Rad 1,500

The Reading Hospital and Medical Center 3,907

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (121)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private



Pennsylvania (continued)Dollars

(H) Triangle Tech - Dubois(H) Mangle Tech - Erie 8,500(H) Triangle Tech - Greensburg "

Tri-State Business Institute 5,400Uniontown Hospital School of Nursing 6,978

(H) University of Pittsburgh at Titusville 4,790 9,726 2,040 1,740 19Upper Bucks County Area Voc Techn School ''' 5,183 5,632

(H) Valley Forge Military College 12,025 3,970 21Washington Hospital School of Nursing 4.500Washington Hospital School of Radiography 1,450 1,920Washington Institute of Technology 6,000Welaer Training and Testing Institute 4,995West Virginia Career InstituteWestern Pennsylvania Hosp Sch of Nursing 5,527 1,575Western Sch of Health do Bus Careers-Monroeville 5,000Western Sch of Health & Bus Careers-Pittsburgh 8,000

(H) Westmoreland County Community College '' 2,512 3,682Westmoreland Latrobe Hospital School of Anesthesia 0Wilkes-Barre General Hospital-School of Anesthesia 300Wilkes-Barre Gen Hospital-Sch of Nuclear Med Tech

(H) Williamson Free SchoolWilliamsport School of Commerce 3,940York Technical InstituteYorktowne Business Institute 6,118

Rhode Island

State average+ - 3,000 1,406 3,684 19

(H) Community College of Rhode Island 1,496 3,684Hall Institute of TechnologyNewport School of Hairdressing-Branch 5.000Rhode Island Hospital Sch of Rad TechSt Joseph Hospital School of Nursing 4,000Zion Bible Institute 0 3,585 19

South Carolina

State average - 2,291 1,221 2,077 1,290 1,039 20

(H) Aiken Technical College 720 1,020Anderson Area Medical Ctr Sch of Rad Tech 500Baptist Medical Center School of Radiologic Techn 250

(H) Central Carolina Technical College 846 1,170(11) Chesterfield-Marlboro Technical College 1,125 1,575

Clinton Junior College 1,355 540 1,400 21(H) Columbia Junior College of Business 2,940 1,350(H) Denmark Technical College 1,757 2,297 1,470 1,716 20(H) Florence Darlington Technical College ' ' 1,735 2,074(H) Greenville Technical College 972 1,440(H) Horry-Georgetown Technical College 900 1.800(H) Midlands Technical College ' 1,238 1,980See footnotes at ena of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (122)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-vear postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





South Cardin* (continuad)Daiiart

Museum School of Art 1,575 1,575

(H) Nielsen Electronics Institute 3,000 1,800

(H) Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College ** 1,500 1,800

(H) Piedmont Technical College * 1,800 1,825

School of Clock Repair and Restoration @

(H) Spartanburg Methodist College 5,700 3,650 19

(H) Spartanburg Technical College "" 1,410 2,250

(H) Technical College of the Lowcountry 918 1,318

(H) Trident Technical College ** 1,485 2,307

(H) Tri-County Technical College 750 1,440

(H) University of South Carolina at Beaufort 1,400 3,800

(H) University of South Carolina at Lancaster 1,400 3,600

(H) University of South Carolina at Salkehatchie 1,400 3,800

(H) University of South Carolina at Sumter 1,400 3,600

(H) University of South Carolina at Union 1,400 3,800

(H) Williamsburg Technical College 800 600

(H) York Technical College 738 1,230

South Dakota

State average+ - 3,240 1,945 1,945 900 840 21

Cent Ind Bible Col of the Assemblies of God Inc 2,286 900 840 21

Cheyenne River Community College 1,583 1.583

(H) Kilian Community College 8,995

Lake Area Vocational Technical Institute 1,620 1,820

McKennan Hospital School Radiologic Technology 500

Mitchell Vocatioal-Technical School 1,980 1,980

Nettleton Junior College 3,450

Pioneer Bible InstituteRapid City Regional Hospital School of Radiography 1,250

Sacred Heart Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 600

(H) Sisseton - Wahpeton Community CollegeSoutheast Vocational Technical Institute 2,320 2,320

Stenotype Institute 5,800

Western Dakota Vocational Technical Institute 2,220 2,220


State average+ - 4,708 580 1,829 1,263 400 19

(H) Aquinas Junior College 4,310

Baptist Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 5,065 1,300

(H) Chattanooga State Technical Community College 924 3,524

(H) Cleveland State Community College 916 3,518

(H) Columbia State Community College 900 3,500

Court Reporting Academy 5,670

Court Reporting Institute of Tennessee 5,400

Dickson State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

Draughons Junior College 3,120

(H) Draughons Junior College of Business 3,120

(H) Dyersburg State Community College 918 3,518

See footnotes at end of table.

115I 14. i)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (123)

Table Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic 1992-93--c

State or other area, and institution


Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Tfitineelllist tikotimieli- .'

... .....

East Tennessee School of Preaching and Missions ""(H) Electronic Computer Programm Ind of Chattanooga 3,936

Erlanger Medical Center-School of Nurse AnesthesiaFort Sanders School of Nursing 2,230Fugazzi College 4.432Hartsville State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

(H) Hlwassee College 4,200 1,100 1.600 21(H) ITT Technical Institute - Knoxville 7,402(H) ITT Technical Institute - Nashville 7,453

Jacksboro State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292(H) Jackson State Community College 856 3,286(H) John A Gupton College 7,040(H) Knoxville Business College 4,800(H) Knoxville College-Morristown Campus 5,100 1,600 21

Knoxville Legal Education Center ""Knoxville State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292Livingston State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

(H) Martin Methodist College 4,800 2,800 * 19Mc Kenzie State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292McMinnville State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292Memphis School of PreachingMethodist Hospital School of Nursing 1,788 1,290Miller-Motte Business College 8,085

(H) Modow State Community College 922 3,522Nashville Auto Diesel College Inc 10,200 1,859 15Nashville Mem Hosp Sch of Practical NursingNashville Metro C.. ' Hosp Sch Red Tech 0 0Nashville State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

(H) Nashville State Technical Institute 908 3,508Newborn State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

(H) Northeast State Technical Community College 910 3,510Nossi College of Art 5,475Oneida State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

(H) Pellissippi State Technical Community College 944 3,544Pulaski State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292Ripley Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

(!-I) Roane State Community College 916 3,516Saint Joseph Hospital School of Nursing 3,155 1,260

(H) Shelby State Community College 900 3,500Shelbyville State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

(H) State Technical Institute of Memphis 900 3,500(H) Tennessee Institute of Electronics 3,314(H) Volunteer State Community College 900 3.500(H) Walters State Community College 010 3,600

Watkins Institute 2,500Whdeville State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292William Moore School of Technology 400

notes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (124)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence siatus, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

nate or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board



stateOut -of-state


State average+ - 5,645 875 1,987 1,122 1,407 18

(H) Alvin CcnmunIty College 720 1,560(H) Amarillo College "' 022 1,551(H) Angelina College ` 868 1,226 2,840 16

Arlington Court Reporting School 5,700

(H) Art Institute of Dallas 8,340

(H) Austin Community College "" 1,420 4,822Baptist Memorial Hosp System-Inst of Health Ed 5,040

(H) Bauder Fashion College 5,990 1,580 1,400 17Baylor Univ Med Ctr-Sch of Rad Tech 0 3,000

(H) Bee County College * 680 3,880 1,060 7,220 18

(H) Blinn College 816 2,448 800 1,499 18

(H) Brazosport College 610 2,110(H) Brookhaven College * 800 1,910

Capitol City Trade and Technical Careers(H) Cedar Valley College 800 1,910(H) Central Texas College 504 1,672 672 2,136 21

Christ for the Nations Institute 2,125 1,500 1,870 20(H) Cisco Junior College *** 790 1,098 500 1,600 20

Citizen Medical Center School of Radiological Tech 1,000

(H) Clarendon College " 480 502 600 1,000 17

(H) College of the Mainland ` 496 1,048(H) Collin County Community College " 600 1,440(H) Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Service 6,075

(H) Cooke County College 660 960 1,750 14

Cothron Aviation IncCourt Reporting Institute/Wheeler Institute of TX 6,000

Dalfort Aircraft Tech 12,000

Dallas Institute of Funeral Services 5,200(H) Del Mar College ` 504 1,224

(H) Eastfield College " 800 1,910(H) El Centro College 800 1,910

(H) El Paso Community Cofiege 820 2,808

(H) Frank Phillips College 562 610 600 1,300 20

(H) Galveston College 538 874Goble Aviation

(H) Grayson County College * 936 2,232 760 1,524 21

Hallmark Institute of Technology 12,984

Hendrick Medical Center School of Radiography 1,132

(H) Hill College 885 1,285 700 1.800 19

Houston Bible Institute 1,885

(H) Houston Community College System " 912 2,040

Houston International University 0

Houston Technical College 3,650

(H) Howard County Junior College District 636 992 850 1,590 20

International Aviation and Travel Academy 3,490 1,105

International Business College 4,200

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Arlington 7,680

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Austin 7,535(H) ITT Technical Institute - Garland 7,635

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Houston 7,202

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Houston 7,222

ITT Technical Institute - San Antonio 6,998

See footnotes at end of table.

118 4,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (125)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and Institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board






Iverson Institute of Court Reporting 5,760(H) Jacksonville College 2,370 898 1,598 19

KD Studio 8,905(H) Kilgore College 552 936 1.000 1,200 20(H) Lunar University- Orange 1,536 5.738(H) Lamar University - Port Arthur 1,090 4,402(H) Laredo Junior College 1,888 2,958 1,800

Latin American Bible Insitute 1,700 800 1,200 18(H) Lee College 871 1,055(H) Lon Morris College 4,354 1,320 1,878 21(H) McLennan Community College * 720 2,490

Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic Technology 400Methodist Hospital School of NursingMethodist Hospital School of Radiologic TechnologyMicrocomputer Technology Institute - Friendswood 7,300Microcomputer Technology Institute - Houston 7,300

(H) Midland College 638 1,223(H) Miss Wade's Fashion Merchandising 4,735 1,870(H) Mountain View College 800 1,910

National Education Center 3,433National Education Center-Bryman Campus 8,400National Education Center-Bryman Campus North 5,300National Education Center-NIT Campus Dallas 5,400National Education Center-NIT Campus San Antonio 5,015

(H) Navarro College 880 924 1,134 1,806 18Navarro Junior College at Waxalutchle 800 800

(H) North Harris Montgomery Community College District 904 1,144(H) North Lake College 800 1,910(H) Northeast Texas Community College 689 909 1,300 1,400 14(H) Odessa College 626 730 820 2,059 19(H) Palo Alto College 820 1,450(H) Panda College 410 800 500 1,490 20(H) Paris Junior College " 930 1,228 995 1,746 19(H) Phillips School of Business & Technology "

Professional Court Reporting Inc 4,455(H) Ranger Junior College 548 872 900 1.397 20(H) Richland College " 800 1,910(H) San Antonio College 640 1.210

San Antonio Court Reporting Institute Inc 5,700San Antonio Training Division 4,442 4,442

(H) San Jacinto College Central Campus 776 1,512(H) San Jacinto College North Campus 750 1,450(H) San Jacinto College South Campus "A 1,552

Scenic Mountain Medical Center School of Rad Tech 400Shirley Baker School of Court Reporting 7,350

(H) South Plains College 550 1,100 930 1,240 21Southwest Bible Institute IP

(H) Southwest Institute of Merchandising and Design 3,850Southwest School of Court Reporting 8,500Southwest School of Electronics 12,320

(H) Southwest Texas Junior College 1,270 2,038 1,980 14(H) St Philips College 020 1,450

Stenograph Institute of Texas 3,960SW College Institute for the Deaf 550 2,100 650 1,722 19

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (126)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of Institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required toes

Flown Board



stateOut -o(-state

15WOOSiOC.4800001 ": . ..

(H) Tarrant County Junk*. College District 500 2.924

(H) Temple Junior College 774 1,513 1,018 1,612 15

(H) Texarkana College 564 884

Texas Mro Tech 13,290

Texas Bible College 1,551 2,657 17

(H) Texas Southmost College 1,228 3,328

(H) Texas State Technical College - Amarillo Campus 1.560 5,620 1,240 1,680 8

(H) Texas Slate Technical College-Harlingen Campus 1,256 4,424 1,560 1,868 15

(H) Texas State Technical College-S,veehvater Campus 1,540 5,500 1,920 2,720 21

(H) Texas State Technical College-Waco Campus 1,632 6,458 1,780 2,240 19

The Art Institute of Houston 7,660 2,805

(H) Trinity Valley Community College 740 1,940 630 1,496 19

(H) Tyler Junior College 770 1,160 980 1,100 19

Universal Technical Institute Inc 9,150

(H) Vernon Regional Junior College 703 773 585 1,275 15

(H) Victoria College 750 2,010

Wadley Regional Medical Ctr-Sch of Rad Tech 350

(H) Weatherford College 'Western Technical Institute - El Paso 7,704

Western Technical Institute - El Paso 8,124

(H) Western Texas College 818 978 994 1,242 15

(H) Wharton County Junior College * 1,290 2,070 600 1,450 18

State average - 4,718 1,158 3,616 1,793 450 14

Bonn Louse Academy of Hair Artistry 4,600

Certified Careers institute - Ogden 5,835

Certified Careers Institute -Salt Lake City 11,550

(H) College of Eastern Utah 1,084 3.082 2,340 14

(H) Dixie College 1,244 3,802 1,100 1,350 10

Hairitage College of Beauty 4,000

Hairitage Hair Academy 4,000

Intermountain College of Court Reporting 3,840

(H) Latter Day Saints Business College 1,790 1,320

LDS Hospital School of Radiation Therapy Tech 600

Phillips Junior College - Salt Lake City 4,725

(H) Salt Lake Community College 1,382 3,826

Sevier Valley Applied Technology Center 925 2,776

(H) Snow College 1,068 3,903 2,602 19

Stacey's Hands of Champions 4,240

(H) Stevens-Henager College of Business -Ogden 7,950 2,150

(H) Stevens-Henager College of Supine*. - Provo 7,960 2,000

(H) Utah Valley Community College 1,323 3,711

Utah Valley Hospital School of Radiogic Technology 350

See footnotes at end of table.

120 12,-;

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (127)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-yearpostsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required Ws

Room Board






State average - 12,118 3,046 5,782 1,930 1,843 19

(H) Community College of Vermont 1,918 3,766(H) Landmark College 21,050 2,600 2,600 19

New England Culinary Institute 13,770 1,250 1,150 16New England Culinary Institute at Essex 13.770 1,450 955 16Rutland Regional Medical Center 500

(H) Sterling College 11,500 1,900 2,500 21(H) Vermont Technical College 4,174 7,798 2,450 2,012 21


State average+ - 4,269 1,257 4,086 1,493 590 18

ATI Hollywood 4,620(H) Blue Ridge Community College 1,230 4,260

Career Training Center - Lynchburg "`Career Training Center - Richmond

(H) Central Virginia Community College 1,250 4,280(H) Commonwealth College - Hampton 6,720 3,300(H) Commonwealth College - Norfolk 5,720(H) Commonwealth College - Richmond 5,720(H) Commonwealth College - Virginia Beach 5,720 3,300(H) Community Hospital of Roanoke Vly Coll of Hlth Sci 2,568 1,130(H) Dabney S Lancaster Community College 1.240 4,282(H) Danville Community College 1,230 4,26v

De Paul Medical Center School of Nursing 3,000De Paul Medical Center School of Radiologic Techn 800Dominion Business School "

(H) Eastern Shore Community College 1,257 4,287(H) ECPI Computer Institute Capital Center 4,296(H) ECPI Computer Institute Main Campus 4,296(H) ECPI Computer Institute Peninsula Center 4,296(H) ECPI Computer Institute Roanoke Center 4,296

Fischer Technical Institute 5,760(H) Germanna Community College 1,248 4,278

ITT Technical Institute 5,552(H) J Sergeant Reynolds Community College 1,257 4,287(H) John Tyler Community College 1,244 4,274(H) Lord Fairfax Community College 1,254 4,284

Louise Obici School of Nursing 2,619 420Lynchburg GonlMarshall Lodge Hosp Sch of Nursing 3,000 1,350 21Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 3,600 1,200 675 15Memorial Hospital School of Radiologic Tech 800 720 800 21

(H) Mountain Empire Community College 1,230 4,280(H) New River Community College 1,230 4,200

NNPS RRMC School of Radiologic Technology 975(H) Northern Virginia Community College 1,230 4,260(H) Patrick Henry Community College 1,236 4,266(H) Paul D Camp Community College 1,230 4,260

Phillips Business College 3,600(H) Piedmont Virginia Community College 1,230 4,260(H) Rappahannock Community College . 242 4 272,

See footnotes at end of table.

121 f ?,

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (128)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Virginia (continued)Dollars

Reporting Academy of Virginia - Richmond 5,200

Reporting Academy of Virginia - Springfield 5,200

Reporting Academy of Virginia - Virginia Beach 4,500

(H) Richard Bland College of William and Mary 1.720 4,950Richmond Memorial Hospital School of Nursing 2,903 900

Riverside Regional Medl Ctr-Sch of Prof Nursing 4,215 990

Roanoke Memorial Hospital School of Rad Techn 800 1,800 1.475 15

Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Sch of Rad Tech 1,750

Sentare Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing 2,828

Sentare Norfolk Hospital School of Anesthesia 21.000

(H) Southern Virginia College for Women 8,800 4,950 19

Southside Regional Medical Center 2,082 3,279 1,166

(H) South side Virginia Community College 1,246 4,276

(H) Southwest Virginia Community College 1,240 4,270

St Mary's Hospital School of Radio logic Sciences 1,000

TESST Electronics & Computer Institute 7,588The Catholic Home Study Institute 600

(H) Thomas Nelson Community College 1,243 4,273

(H) Tidewater Community College 1.230 4.260

University of Virginia Hosp-Sch of Rad Tech 650 650

(H) Virginia College 4,975

(H) Virginia Highlands Community College 1,230 4,260

(H) Virginia Western Community College 984 3,408

Winchester Medical Center Inc 1,500

(H) Wytheville Community College 1,245 4,275


State average+ - 6,230 1,029 3,590 2,091 1,071 18

(H) Art Institute of Seattle 7,766 3,132 1,328 14

Bates Technical College 1,277 1,277

(H) Bellevue Community College 1,044 3,948

Bellingham Technical College 998 996

(H) Big Bend Community College 999 3,939 3,282 19

Capitol Business College(H) Centralia College 999 3,939

(H) Clark College 1,051 3,991

Cliff Howard Aviation(H) Columbia Basin College 1,038 3,978

(H) Edmonds Community College 999 3,939

Emil Fries Piano Hospital and Training Center 4.750

(H) Everett Community College 1,028 3,966

Executive Flight(H) Grays Harbor College 999 3.939

(H) Green River Community College 1,017 3,957

(H) Highline Community College 999 3,939

(H) Holy Family Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 875

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Seattle 3,558

(H) ITT Technical Institute - Spokane 7,203

Lake Washington Technical College 1.225 1,225

Lakeside Court Reporting Tutoring Inc @(H) Lower Columbia College 1,026 3,966

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (129)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required Ws

Room Board


weekState or other area, and inalltution Private



Dollars. Wiehtnatin(COOlineelp

(H) North Seattle Community College 978 3,918Northwest Indian College "

(H) Northwest Institute of Acupuncture &Oriental Med 5,522(H) Olympic College 999 3,939(H) Peninsula College 999 3,939 1,145 2,229 19Perry Technical institute 5,800

Phillips Junior College 11,000(H) Pierce College 1,029 3,989

Pima Medical Institute(H) Renton Technical College 1,295 1,295

Resource Center for the Handicapped 8,072(H) Seattle Central Community College 978 3,918(H) Seattle Community College South Campus 978 3,918

Seattle Midwifery School 8,750(H) Shoreline Community College 987 3,927(H) Skagit Valley College 999 3,939(H) South Puget Sound Community College 999 3,939(H) Spokane Community College 098 3,938(H) Spokane Falls Community College 998 3,938(H) Tacoma Community College 996 3,938(H) Walla Walla Community College 999 3,989(H) Wenatchee Valley College 999 3,939 3.240 19

Western Business College "(H) Whatcom Community College 990 3,930(H) Yakima Valley Community College 999 3,939 1.995 1,800 19

West Virginia

State average+ - 4,059 1,284 1,939 1,470 1,730 19

Cabot! County Vocational Technical Center 2,500 2,500Clarke Memorial Hospital School of X-Ray Techn 1.000 1,000Computer Tech "

(H) Huntington Junior College 3,375James Rummy Vocational Technical Center 1,100 1,200Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing 1,300 1,300Mineral County Vocational-Technical Center 1,000 1,000Mountain State College 4,600

(H) National Education Center-NIT Campus 11,250Ohio Valley General Hospital School of X-Ray Techn 540 540

(H) Potomac State College of Went Virginia University 1,472 4,278 1,470 1,730 19Raleigh County Vocational-Technical Center 1,800 1.600Saint Marys Hospital School of Nursing 3,734Scott College of Cosmetology 4,550

(H) Southern West Virginia Community College 1,000 2.850United Hospital Center School of Radiologic Techn 1,000Webster College

West Virginia Career College - Charleston "West Virginia Career College - Morgantown 6,425

(H) West Virginia Northern Community College 1,128 3,120West Virginia University Hospital Sch of Rad Techn 1.100Wheeling Hospital Program of Radiologic Technology 500

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (130)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Roan Board


PerweekState or other area, and institution Private




State average+ - 3,619 1,588 8,064 1,150

Acme institute of Technology - Greenfield 6,825

Acme Institute of Technology - Manitowoc 6,825

Beloit Memorial Hospital School of Rad Techn 300

(H) Biackhawk Technical College 2,200 8,500

tii) Chippewa Valley Technical College 1,426 9,400

Columbia Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 400

(H) Fox Valley Technical College 1,571 10,529

(H) Gateway Technical College 1,530 11,550

(H) ITT Technical Institute 7,679

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College 2,590 2,590

(H) Lakeshore VTAE District 1,425 8,200

Luther Hospital School of Radlologic Technology **(H) Madison Junior College of Business 4,075

(H) Mid-State Technical College -Maln Campus 1,290 10,200

(H) Milwaukee Area Technical College 1,700 8,454

Milwaukee College of Business 6,850

Milwaukee County Medical Complex Radlologic Techn 0 0

Milwaukee County Medical Complex School of Nursing " 3,740 3,740

(H) Nicolet VTAE District 1,670 5,800

(H) Northcentral Technical College 1,440 10,400

(H) Northeast Wisconsin Technical College 1,425 9,783

Saint Catherine's Hospital School of Rad Techn 972

Saint Marys Hospital School of X-Ray Technology 450

(H) Southwest Wisconsin Technical College "(H) St Francis Medical Center Sch of Nurse - Anesthesia

St Luke* Hospital/St Mary's-School of Rad Tech 300

(H) Stratton College 6,400

Theda Clark Regional Med Ctr/Sch of X-Ray Techn 1,000

(H) University of Wisconsin Centers 1,529 5,009

(H) Waukesha County Technical College 1,476 9,660

(H) Western Wisconsin Technical College 1,425 10,269 1,150

(H) Wisconsin Area VTAE - District Number fa*g 984 7,703

(H) Wisconsin Area VTAE - Moraine Park 1,385 9,783

(H) Wisconsin lndianhead Technical College 1,374 11,645

(H) Wisconsin School of Electronics 5,976


State average - 8,940 806 2,059 1,131 1,445 17

Career Development Center 792 2,040

(H) Casper College 744 1,992 860 1,300 20

(H) Central Wyoming College 900 2,148 1,012 1,584 17

(H) Eastern Wyoming College 816 2,064 1,200 1,200 17

(H) Laramie County Community College 792 2,040 1,576 1,660 19

(H) Northwest Community College 852 2,148 1,340 1,350 10

(H) Sheridan College 792 2,038 950 1,500 19

(H) Western Wyoming Community College 756 2,004 990 1,620 18

(H) Wyoming Technical Institute 8,940

See footnotes at end of table.

124 12S

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (131)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-yearpostsecondary institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required teas

Room Board


weekState or other area, and institution Private


Out -of-state


Outlying Welt

Arnariciart Samos.

(H) American Samoa Community College "

. Fedetaimi Mato* of A fiCtOnallia

(H) Community College of Micronesia 2,310 2,310 728 2,184 21


(H) Guam Community College 325 326

Mendwil Wand* . .

(14) College of the Marshall Islands 2,310 2,310 728 2,184 21

Northern Marianas Iolanda

(H) Northern Marianas College 1,853 3,053


(H) Micronesian Occupational College 2,e00 2,000 728 2,184 21

Puerto RAO

Area average+ - 2,820 1,185 1,185

Centro Carlbeno de !studios Postgrad-San Juan Cam 855(H) Colegio Tecnologlco del Municiplo de San Juan 710 710Cri) Coleglo Universitario del Este 2,940

Columbia College -Rio Grand. Campus 2,400Columbia College -Yauco Campus 2,400

(H) Electronic Data Processing Col of PR Inc-San SbstnEmory Cap, of Puerto Rico 4,000

(H) Huertas Junior College 2,495Humacao Community College 2,400Humacao Community College-Fajardo Campus 2,400

(H) ICPRJunior College - Arecibo 2,448(H) 1CPR Junior College - General Institutional 2,448(H) 1CPR Junior College - Mayaguez 2,448

Institute de Educacion Universal - Rio PiedrasInstitute de Educacion Universal - Sabana Seca 3,200

(H) Institute Tecnico Comercial Junior CollegeInstitute Tecnologico de Pr Racinto de San Juan 1,900 1,900Institut° Tecnologko do Puerto RicoInternational College of Business and Technology 3,629

(H) National College of Business and Technology 2,635Ss* footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (132)

Table 2.-- Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at 2-year postsecondary Institutions, by studentresidence status, control of institution, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area, and institution

Tuition and required fees

Roan Board




Poetic Moo (continued) .Dollars

(H) Ponce College of Technology 3,031

Puerto Rico Institute of Technology-Ponce Campus 1,190 1,190

Puerto Rico Technical Junior College Inc. 3,900

(H) Ramirez College of Business and Technology 2,200

San Juan City College 2,415 1,942 ' V

San Juan City College-Juana Diaz Branch 2,415 1,942 ' V

San Juan School of Interior Design 1,350

Technical and Vocational SchoolTool & Die Training School 0 0

(H) University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla Regional Col 1,212 1,212

(H) University of Puerto Rico Carolina Regional Col 1,824 1,824

(H) University of Puerto Rico La Montana Regional Col 1,458 1,458

Virgin !dentist.)

Note: Data are not present in every column for responding institutions because the item was not applicable or the data were no reported.

(H) Higher education institution, that is, accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S. Departmentof Education.Indicates that there is a combined charge for room and board. The combined charge is listed in the Room column, butis not part of the state average calculations.Nonrespondent - Institution did not provide information on basic student charges.Tuition and required fees for In-district students are at least 10 percent lower than the charges shown for in-state students.

V Indicates that the number of meals per week varies by meal plan.

(#) No 2-year postsecondary institutions were identified in this state or area.

@ Indicates that the school has no full-time students, thus tuition charges will be blank.+ Indicates that the state average is the average of respondent institutions only. It will differ from the state average for all

institutions to the degree that respondents are not representative of nonrespondente.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

(IPEDS), institutional Characteristics" survey, 1992-93.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (133)

Public less-than-2-year institutions


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (134)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public less-than-2-yearpostsecondary institutions,by student residence status. state or other area, and Institution: Academicyear 1992-93

Tuition and required leas

Room Board


PerweekState or other area and institution




. . .

West Central Alabama Skills Center 0 0


State average - 2.587 2,507

Alaska Vocational Institute 3,000 3,000Alaska Vocational-Technical Center 1,200 1,200 4,200 ' 19Elmendorf Aero Club 3,500 3,500


State average+ - 2,772 2,772 413 5

Maricopa Skill Center 2,772 2,772 413 5Phoenix Job Corps Center"


State average+ 861 816

Arkansas Valley Technical Institute 600 600Black River Technical College 698 1,704Cossatot Technical College 840 640Cotton Boll Technical Institute 600 600Crowley's Ridge Technical School 480 480Gateway Technical College 000 800Great Rivers Vocational-Technical School 600 800Northwest Technical Institute 800 800Ozarka Technical College 098 696Pulaski Technical College 870 870Quapaw Technical Institute 720 720Red River Technical College 798 726Twin Lakes Technical College 898 1,704White River Technical College"


State average+ - 879 879

Abram Freidman Occupational Center 0 0Capistrano Laguna Beach ROP@Central County Regional Occupational Program 0 0Clovis Adult Education@Colton Redlands Yucaipa RCP 10 10East Los Angeles Occupational Center"East Los Angeles Skill Center 35 35Foothills Adult Education Center'Hacienda La Puente Unified Sch Dist-Valley Voc Ctr 3,485 3.485Harbor Occupational Center 103 103Lynwood Adult School ' 1,000 1.000

See footnotes at end of table.

129 I344

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (135)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





California - continuedliollara

Mann Regional Occupational Program@Martinez Adult School 800 800

Maxine Waters Employment Prepartion Center 0 0Mt Diablo Adult Education Lorna 1,000 1,000

North Valley Occupational Center 200 200

Pacoima Skills Center/LAUSD 40 40

Pomona Unified School District Adult and Career Ed 35 35

Regional Occupational Program - El CajonROP Career Center - Chula Vista`San Bernardino County ROP'San Pedro Wilmington Skills Center"Sierra HI-Tech 8,775 8,775Simi Valley Adult School"Southeast Regional Occupational Program - Cerritos 0 0

Southeast Regional Occupational Program - Norwalk 0 0

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Sch of Med TechWest Valley Occupational Center 40 40

Westhills Community College 300 300


State average - 1,570 3,783

Boulder Valley Area Vocational Technical Center 1,118 3,900Delta-Montrose Area Vocational Technical Center 1,084 2,420

MTA School 3,495 3,495

San Juan Basin Area Vocational School 1,025 2,100

San Luis Valley Area Vocational School 1,375 5,500

T H Pickens Technical Center 1,320 5,280



Wilmington Skills Center 0 0

MOW Of Columbia (0)


State average+ - 468 1,408 980 910 15

Apopka Community School"Charlotte Vocational-Technical Center"Dr Phillips Community School"H W Brewster Technical Center 500 2,000James Lorenzo Walker Vocational Tech Center 460 2,280

Jones Community SchoorLake County Area Vocational-Technical Center 615 2,645

Lee County Vocational-Technical Center 406 812

See footnotes at end of table,


1 3

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (136)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-yew students at public less-than-2-yearpostsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992 93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





Florida 4-continuedDo lire

Lewis M Lively Area Vocational-Technical Center 483 2,009 980 91C 15Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center 477 477Manatee Vocational-Technical Center 472 2,427Maynard A Travis Voc-Tech Ctr 403 781Miami Lakes Technical Education Center 474 948Miami Skill Center 174 174Mid-Florida Technical Institute**North Technical Education Center 488 2,538Orlando Vocational-Technical Center"Ridge Vocational Technical Center 344 888Robert Morgan Vocational Technical Center 474 474Saint Augustine Technical Center 570 3,053South Dade Skill Center 524 524South Technical Education Center 488 2,538Thomas P Haney Vocational Technical Center 618 818Westside Vocational Technical Center"Winter Park Adult Vocational Center-Lee Rd Campus 432 884Withlacoochee Technical Institute 475 950Wymore Community School "

Bloom la (0)


State average+ - 1,800 1,800 412 5

Employment Training Center UH Community Colleges 1,800 1,800 412 5Pacific Maritime Academy"'

Idaho (M)


State average - 3,074 3,074

Belleville Barber College 4,875 4,875Capital Ares School of Practical Nursing 2.480 2,480Chicago Public Schools Practical Nursing Program*** 5,276 5,278Columbus Hospital-Emergency Medical Techn Prog@Decatur School of Practical Nursing 1,800 1,800F W Olin Vocational School of Practical Nursing 1,784 1,784Jacksonville School of Practical Nursing 2,700 2,700Joliet Twee H S Practical Nursing 3,000 3,000


State average+ - 2,933 2,933

Anderson Area Vocational-Technical School 4,800 4,800Charles A Prosser Vocational Center@

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (137)

Table 3.--Basic charges for tall -time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status. state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area and institutionIn-



ifigiliM14410.1*lid .


Fort Wayne Reg Vocational Sch/Cont Er""J Everett Ught Career Center 3,800 3,800New Castle Area Vocational School 200 200

.: :1068 (0)

State average - 748 3,457

Central Kansas Area Vocational Technical School 795 6,214Kansas School of Floral Design 700 700


State average - 474 911

Adult Learning Center 80 80

Harry Sparks Area Vocational Education 550 1,050Kentucky Tech-Davies. County Voc Tech School 500 1,000

Kentucky Tech-Elizabethtown State Voc Tech School 500 1 "00Kentucky Tech-Hazard State Voc Tech School 550 ;,085Kentucky Tech-Madisonville State Voc Tech School 585 1,080Letcher County Vocational Center 550 1,095


State average - 304 604

Bastrop Vocational- Technical Institute 300 600

Delta-Ouachita Regional-Technical Institute 305 605Hammond Area Technical Institute 300 600Jefferson Davis Technical Institute 305 805Northwest I oulsiana Technical Institute 305 805River Parishes Technical Institute 305

305810605Ruston Technical Institute

Tallulah Technical Institute 305 805

Maine (0)


Springfield Hospital Center School of Prac Nurs 850 850

See footnotes at end of table.

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (138)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public lees-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and Institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required bee



PlyweekState or ethos area and institution

in-state °IWIf

State aysirage+ - 2,833 2,904 276 1,328 15

Assabet Valley Regional Vocational Technical Sch 5.845 6,845Blue Hills Regional Technical School 2,860 2,850Diman Regional Technical Institute 4,000 4,000Lemuel Shattuck Hoop Sch of Practical Nursing 1,200 1,200 1,328 15Massachusetts Career Development Institute 2,750 2,750Massachusetts Soldiers Home Soh of Prac Nreg 960 960 440Tewksbury State Hospital Sch of Practical Nursing 2,236 2,736 110Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical Sch"

State average - 1,005 1,005

Detroit Health Department Nutrition Division 326 326Muskegon Area Skill Training Center@Port Huron Hospital School of Radiologic Techn 750 750Saint Joseph Beauty College 2,750 2.750Transitions School of Cosmetology 196 196

State average+ - 1,754 3,608

Anoka Technical College'Pine Technical College 1,754 3,508



State average - 2,726 2,732

Boonslick Area Vocational-Technical School 3,221 3,221Cape Girardeau Area Vocational-Technical School 3,330 3,330Carrollton Area Vo-Tech School 3,400 3,400Chillicothe Area Vo-Tech School 2,300 2,300Columbia Area Vocational Technical School 2,750 2,750Davis H Hart Mexico A V T S 2,300 2,300Excelsior Spring Area Voc Tech School 3,000 3,000Four Rivers Area Vocational-Technical School 3,800 3,800Hannibal Area Vocational Technical School 3,110 3,110Kansas City Board of Ed Nog of Practical Nurs 4,015 4,115Kennett Area Voc Tech School 2,615 2,616Laclede Area Vocational Technical School 2,835 2,835Lamar Area Vocational - Technical School 2,990 2,990Lex La-Ray Technical College 2,850 2,850Macon AfINI Vocational School 1,980 1,980Mexico Nblic School Practical Nursing 2,450 2,450New Madrid County R-1 AVTS 1,500 1.500

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (139)


Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required fees

Room Board





&linseed - oonthessdDONN

Nichols Career k.`".tter 2,200 2,200Northwest Missouri Area Vocational Technical Sch 2,900 2,900Perryville Area Career and Technology Center 1,800 1,800Pike/Uncoln Tech Center 3,545 3,646Poplar Bluff School Dist. Practical Nurse Program 2,780 2,780Sikeston Area Vocational Technical School 1,900 1,900St. Louis Board of Education-Practical Nurs Prop 3,317 3,387Waynesville Area Vocational School 1,280 1,280

&fontana (I)

Nebraska (#)

Nemidi (#)

New Hampshire*

New Jamey

State average - 2,480 2,480

Adult & Cont Ed-Bergen Co Tech Schools 5,000 5,000Bergen Pines Co Hospital School of Practical Nurs 4,050 4,050Monmouth County Vocational School District 200 200

Morris County Voc School District 1,000 1,000

Salem County Vocational Technical Schools 2,160 2,150

New Marko (N)

New York

State average+ - 2,307 2,387

Education Opportunity Center 0 0

Education Opportunity Ctr of Manhattan of BMCC@Educational Opportunity Center* *Erie II Chautauqua - Cattaraugus BOCES 3.800 3,800

Lewis Wilson Technical Center@Madison Oneida BOCES - Continuing Education 3,500 3,500

Norris Carolina

Wildlife Enforcement Officers Basic Training Sch@

North Dakota(I)

See footnotes at end of table.


1 3 7

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (140)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year studentsat public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992 -93-- continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area and institution




State averages - 2,895 2,902

Akron Adult Vocational Services 3,202 3,202Akron School of Practical Nursing 4,185 4,185Apollo School of Practical Nursing 3,460 3,480Ashland County-West Home Joint Vocational School@Ashtabula County Joint Vocational School 4,795 4,795Auburn Career Center 1,995 1,996Bowling Green Area School of Practical Nursing 2,922 2,922Buckeye Joint Vocational School 1,761 1,751Butler County JVS Dist/D Russel Lee Career Ctr 2,790 2,790Canton City School Practical Nurse Program 3,290 3,290Choffin Career Center 3,000 3,000Columbiana County Career Center 2,000 2,000Community Services Division, Alliance City 2,400 2,400Cuyahoga Valley Vocational School 250 250Ehove Career Center 1,800 1,800Ehove Sch of Practical Nursing /Ehove Career Ctr 2,900 2.900Fairfield Career Center 2,350 2,350Gallia Jackson Vinton JVSD 3,250 3,500Greene County Joint Vocational School District 2.085 2,085Hannah E Mullins School of Practical Nursing 3,000 3,800Health Occupations Program Columbus Public School 4,330 4,330Knox County Career Center 2,800 2,800Madison Local Schools-Madison Adult EducationMedina County Career Center 3,200 3,200Mid East Ohio Vocational School District 2,115 2,115Parma School of Practical Nursing 4.200 4,200Polaris Career Center 2,114 2.114Queen City Vocational Center 3,800 3,800Toledo School of Practical Nursing 2,700 2,700Tri-County Vocational School 2,250 2,250Tri-Rivers Career Center 3,949 3,949Upper Valley Joint Vocational School 1.485 1,485US Grant Joint Vocational School 2,300 2,300W Howard Nicol School of Practical Nurs 4,040 4,040Wayne Adult School of Practical Nursing 4,235 4,235


State average+ - 1,827 1,827

Central Oklahoma Area Vocational Technical School - 2,100 2.100Central Oklahoma Area Vocational Technical School - 1,050 1,050Chisholm Trail Area Vo-Tech Center 1,500 1,500De Marge College'Gordon Cooper Area Vo Tech SchoolHigh Plains Area Vocational Technical School**Pioneer Area Vocational-Technical School' 800 800Pontotoc Skill Development Center' 1,800 1,800Southwest Area Vo-Tech Center' 3,938 3,938Tulsa Co Area Voc Tech Sch Dist 18 (Peoria Cam)-W P (Bill) Willis Skill Center 1,800 1,800

See footnotes at end of table.

136 1 38

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (141)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-tIme, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


weekState or other area and instituticm



.. . - .

PatInfilMinilit ..:''''''. ::::.:

State average - 4,144 4,271

Center for Arts and Technical School 2,000 2,000

Centre County Vocational Technical School 6,000 6,000

Erie County Technical Institute* 3,640 6,310

Erie County Technical School 3,982 3,962

Fayette County Area Voc Tech Soh of Practical Nurs 2,400 2,400

Franklin Co Area Voc Tech Sch Prac Nurs Prop 3,938 3,930

Lawrence County Vo-Toch School Practical Nursing 6,563 5,683

Mercer County Area Vocational Technical School 4,088 4,608

Practical Nursing Prog of Lackawanna Voc Tech Sch 6,200 6,200

Practical Nursing Program - Erie 4,600 4,600

Schuykill County Area Vocational Technical Sch 3,780 3,780

Warren Co Area Voc Tech Sch Practical Nurs Prog 6,000 5,000

Western Area Vocational Technical Sch of Prac Nurs 4,800 4,800

Wilkes-Barre Area Vo-Tech School of Practical Nurs 3,070 3,870

Rhoda itilind V) .:-..,.

South Carolina OD

South NitOtIl (0)


State average - 499 499

Athens State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

Covington State Area Vocational Technical School 300 300

Crossville State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

Elizabethton State Area Vocational Technical Soh 292 292

Harriman State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

Hohenwald State Area Vocational - Technical School 292 292

Jackson State Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

Memphis Area Vocational- Technical School 272 272

Metro Nashville Gen Hoop Sch of Prac Nurs 3,000 3,000

Morristown State Area VocatIonal-Technical School 292 292

Murfreesboro Area Vocational Technical School 292 292

Paris State Area Vocational-Technical School 292 292

Savannah State Vocational Technical School 292 292


State average+ - 1,500 1,600

Ft Worth Skills Center ISDJasper Memorial Hospital School of Vcutional Nuns 1,500 1,500

Mansfield Business School*

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (142)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full -time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary Institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992 -93--continued

Tuition and required fees

Room Board


PerweekState or other area and institunon





State average - 1,126 2.946

Bridgerland Applied Technology Center 1,158 3,474Davis Applied Technology Center 1,115 2,787Odgen-Weber Applied Technology Center 762 2,247Salt Lake Community College-Skills Center 1,870 5,499Uintah Basin Applied Technology Center 725 725


State average - 3,560 5,925

Fanny Alien School of Practical Nursing 3,220 5,585Putnam Memorial School of Practical Nursing 3,761 0,120Thompson School for Practical Nurses 3,698 6,063


State average+ - 2,409 2,433

Central Sch of Pract Nurs at Norfolk Tech Voc Ctr 1,160 1,325Employment Training Program"Job Training Center@Norfolk Public Schools Skills Center"Petersburg Public Schools Practical Nursing Pgm 3,160 3,160Richmond Public School of Practical Nursing 2,442 2,442Southside School of Practical Nursing 4,500 4,500Southside Training Skill Center Nottoway County 0 0Twin County School of Practical Nursing 1,701 1,701Virginia Beach City Pub Schs-Sch of Prac Nurs@Wash Co Adult Skill Center 3,900 3,900Wise County Manpower Training Skills Center@


Clover Park Technical College 801 801

Welt Virginia

State average+ - 1,197 1,212

Ben Franklin Career Center 1,080 1,080Bluefield Regional Medical Center*" 1,400 1,400Boone County Career & Technical Center 1,500 1,500Fayette County School of Practical Nursing 2,000 2,000Marion County Vocational-Technical Center 1,400 1,400McDowell County Vocational Technical Center"Mercer County Vocational-Technical Center 1,200 1.200Monongalia County Technical Education Center 1,040 1,080Mountain CAP of WV Inc 0 0Roans-Jackson Technical Center 1,400 1,400Wood County Vocational School of Practical Nursing 910 1.0e0

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (143)

Table 3.--Basic charges for full-time, full-year students at public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions,by student residence status, state or other area, and institution: Academic year 1992-93--continued

State or other area and institution

Tuition and required teasIn-


state Room Board




Nuclear Medicine Technology Program/Milwaukee Co 650 650

w (#)

Outlying Areas

American Samoa (I)

Federated Grates Of Micronesia (#)

Guam (#)

Marshall {stands (#F)

Northern Marian* Islands (#)

Palau (#)

Puerto Rico (IN

Virgin islands (#)

Note: Data are not present in every column for responding institutions because the item was either not applicable or the data were not repIndicates that there is a combined charge for room and board. The combined charge is listed in the Room column, but Is not part of

the state average calculations.Nonrespondent - Institution did not provide information on basic student charges.

' Tuition and required fees for in-district students are at least 10 percent lower than the charges shown for in-state students.(#) No public less-than-2-year postsecondary institutions were identified in this state or area.

@ Indicates that the school has no students, thus tuition charges will be blank.+ Indicates that the state average is the average of respondent institutions only. It will differ from the state average for all institutions to

the degree that respondents are not representative of nonrespondents.SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPE"Institutional Characteristics" survey, 1992-93.

138 14i

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (144)

First-professional programs

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (145)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, stateor other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93

First - professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees


(H) Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles CA Nonprofit 12,180(H) Life Chiropractic College-West CA Nonprofit 9,450(H) Los Angeles College of Chiropractic CA Nonprofit 12,333(H) Palmer College of Chiropractic-West CA Nonprofit 13,600(H) Southern California College of Chiropractic CA Nonprofit 10,125(H) University of Bridgeport CT Nonprofit 10,300(H) Life College GA Nonprofit 10,900(H) Palmer College of Chiropractic IA Nonprofit 11,814(H) National College of Chiropractic IL Nonprofit 8,380(H) Northwestern College of Chiropractic MN Nonprofit 12,570(H) Cleveland Chiropractic College MO Nonprofit 13,725(H) Logan College of Chiropractic MO Nonprofit 7,860(H) New York Chiropractic College NY Nonprofit 11,430(H) Western States Chiropractic College OR Nonprofit 10,179(H) Pennsylvania College of Straight Chiropractic PA Nonprofit 8,120(H) Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic SC Nonprofit 8,256(H) Parker College of Chiropractic TX Nonprofit 12,000(H) Texas Chiropractic College TX Nonprofit 11,061


(H) University of Alabamaa At Birmingham AL Public 4.125(H) Lorna Linda University CA Nonprofit 21,080(H) University of California-Los Angeles CA Public 3,457(H) University of California -San Francisco CA Public 3,127(H) University of the Pacific CA Nonprofit 38,830(H) University of Southern California" CA Nonprofit(H) University of Colorado Health Sciences Center CO Public 6,550(H) The University of Connecticut Sch of Med & Dental CT Public 9,000(H) University of Connecticut CT Public 9.000(H) Howard University DC Nonprofit 9,731(H) University of Florida FL Public 7,166(H) Medical College of Georgia GA Public 4,506(H) University of Iowa IA Public 4,886(H) Loyola University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 18,590(H) Northwestern University IL Nonprofit 20,112(H) Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville IL Public 4,329(H) University of Illinois at Chicago IL Public 5,584(H) University of Kentucky KY Public 4,968(H) University of Louisville KY Public 4,850(H) Louisiana State University Medical Center LA Public 5,738(H) Boston University MA Nonprofit 23,990(H) Harvard University MA Nonprofit 20,834(H) Tufts University MA Nonprofit 21,462(H) University of Maryland Baltimore Professional &ha MD Public 8,932(H) University of Detroit Mercy MI Nonprofit 15,500(H) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Mi Public 10,833(H) University of Minnesota Twin Cities MN Public 7.721(H) University of Missouri-Kansas City MO Public 8,593(H) University of Mississippi Medical Center MS Public 4,505(H) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC Public 2,445(H) Creighton University NE Nonprofit 18,200(II) University of Nebraska Medical Center NE Public 6,000(H) University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey NJ Public 11,550

See footnotes at and of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (146)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first- professional programsIn postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992 -93 -- continued

First-proiessional program and institution State

Control ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

Dentistry- conentakt

(H) Columbia University in the City of New York NY Nonprofit 18,882

(H) New York University NY Nonprofit 26,980

(H) SUNY at Buffalo NY Public 8,803

(H) SUNY at Stony Brook NY Public 10,371

(H) Case Western Reserve University OH Nonprofit 20,890

(H) Ohio State University Main Campus OH Public 6,321

(H) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center OK Public 5,480

(H) University of Oklahoma Norman Campus OK Public 2,702

(H) Oregon Health Science University OR Public 6,634

(H) Temple University PA Public 15,524

(H) University of Pennsylvania PA Nonprofit 25,413

(H) University of Pittsburgh Main Campus PA Public 15.108

(H) Medical University of South Carolina SC Public 3,390

(H) Meharry Medical College TN Nonprofit 15,950

(H) The University of Tennessee Memphis TN Public 5,674

(H) Baylor College of Dentistry TX Nonprofit 5,580

(H) University of Texas Health Science San Antonio TX Public 6,846

(H) University of Texas Health Science Center TX Public 8,437

(H) Virginia Commonwealth University VA Public 9,879

(H) University of Washington WA Public 5,748

(H) West Virginia University WV Public 3,984

(H) Marquette University WI Nonprofit 10,730


(H) Faulkner University AL Nonprofit 4,125

(H) Samford University AL Nonprofit 12,700

(H) The University of Alabama AL Public 2,798

(H) University of Arkansas at Little Rock AR Public 2,468

(H) University of Arkansas-Fayetteville AR Public 2,702

(H) Arizona State University AZ Public 1,590

(H) Nova University" AZ Nonprofit

(H) University of Arizona AZ Public 1,528

Bernadean University CA Nonprofit 0

California Northern School of Law CA For-profit 3,000City University-Los Angeles and School of Law CA Nonprofit 2,475

(H) Golden Gate University CA Nonprofit 6,084

(H) Humphreys College CA Nonprofit 4,290

(H) John F Kennedy University CA Nonprofit 7,452

(H) Loyola Law School* CA Nonprofit

(H) Loyola Marymount University CA Nonprofit 15,208

Monterey College of Lave' CA Nonprofit

(H) National University CA Nonprofit 8,132

(H) New College of California CA Nonprofit

(H) Pepperdine University CA Nonprofit 18,790

(H) San Joaquin College of Law CA Nonprofit 6,015

(H) Santa Clara University CA Nonprofit 14,204

(H) Southwestern University School of Law CA Nonprofit 15,100

(H) Stanford University CA Nonprofit 18,645

The Simon Greenleaf School of Law CA Nonprofit 3,100(H) University of California Hastings College of Law CA Public 3,560(H) University of California-Berkeley CA Public 3,888

(H) University of California-Davis CA Public 3,643

(H) University of California-Los Angeles CA Public 3,873See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (147)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsIn postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

----Dollars---Law - continued

(H) University of Laverne CA Nonprofit 9,080(H) University of San Diego CA Nonprofit 15,600(H) University of San Francisco CA Nonprofit 14,700(H) University of Southern California' CA Public(H) University of the Pacific CA Nonprofit 14,098(H) University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law CA Nonprofit 14,138(H) University of West Los Angeles** CA Nonprofit

Ventura College of Law CA Nonprofit(H) Western State Univ. Col of Law-Irvine CA For-profit(H) Western State University College of Law Orange Co CA For-profit 10,960(H) Western State University College of Law San Diego CA For-profit 10,960

Whittier College School of Law CA Nonprofit 14,850(H) University of Colorado at Boulder C) Public 4,014(H) University of Denver CO Nonprofit 15,525(H) OuinnIplac College CT Nonprofit 12,555(H) University of Bridgeport CT Nonprofit 12,095(H) University of Connecticut CT Public 7,978(H) Yale University CT Nonprofit 18,860(H) American University DC Nonprofit 16,990(H) Catholic University of America DC Nonprofit 17,283

District of Columbia School of Law DC Public 2,990(H) George Washington University DC Nonprofit 18,140(H) Georgetown University DC Nonprofit 17,800(H) Howard University DC Nonprofit 9,131(H) Widener University School of Law DE Nonprofit 13,330(H) Florida State University FL Public 2,845(H) Nova University FL Nonprofit 15,430(H) Saint Thomas University FL Nonprofit 12,630(H) Stetson University FL Nonprofit 13,200(H) University of Florida FL Public 3,530(H) University Lt Miami FL Nonprofit 15,428(H) Emory University GA Nonprofit 16,250(H) Georgia State University GA Public 2,388(H) Mercer University GA Nonprofit 12,600(H) University of Georgia GA Public 2,590(H) University of Hawaii at Manoa HI Public 2,197(H) Drake University IA Nonprofit 12,700(H) University of Iowa IA Public 3,584(H) University of Idaho ID Public 1,928(H) Depaul University IL Nonprofit 13,317(H) Illinois Institute of Technology IL Nonprofit 12,800(H) John Marshall Law School IL Nonprofit 12,210(H) Loyola University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 12,702(H) Northern Illinois University IL Public 4,427(H) Northwestern University IL Nonprofit 17,288(H) Southern Illinois University-Carbondale IL Public 3,392(141 University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 18,495(H) University of Illinois Urbana Campus IL Public 5,008(H) Indiana University-Purdue Univ Indianapolis IN Public 3,928(H) Indiana University Bloomington IN Public 4,100(H) University of Notre Darn. IN Nonprofit 15,240(H) Valparaiso University IN Nonprofit 12,280(H) University of Kansas Main Campus KS Public 2,178(H) Washburn University of Topeka KS Public 4,920(H) Northern Kentucky University KY Public 2,980

otes at end of table.

143 14 5

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (148)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary Institutions, by program, Institution, state or other area, and control of Institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

----Dollars-.Law - 0(100,1+16d

(H) University of Kentucky KY Public 2,284(H) University of Louisville KY Public 2,960(H) Louisiana St Univ & Agrl & Mech & Hebert Laws Ctr LA Public 3,684(H) Loyola University in New Orleans LA Nonprofit 10,655(H) Southern University and A & M Col at Baton Rouge LA Public 2,788(H) Tulane University of Louisiana LA Nonprofit 18,185(H) Boston College MA Nonprofit 16,640(H) Boston University MA Nonprofit 16,750(H) Harvard University MA Nonprofit 17,309

Massachusetts School of Law MA Nonprofit 9,750(H) New England School of Law MA Nonprofit 10,370(H) Northeastern University MA Nonprofit 15,750

Southern New England School of Law MA Nonprofit 9,738(H) Suffolk University MA Nonprofit 13,160(H) Western New England College MA Nonprofit 11,140(H) University of Southern Maine ME Public 6,064(H) University of Baltimore MD Public 4,600(H) University of Maryland Baltimore Professional Schs MD Public 6,963(H) Detroit College of Law MI Nonprofit 11,100(H) Thomas M Cooley Law School MI Nonprofit 9,487(H) University of Detroit Mercy MI Nonprofit 10.500(H) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor MI Public 10,553(H) Wayne State University MI Public 4,312(H) Hemline University MN Nonprofit 11,987(H) University of Minnesota Twin Cities MN Public 6,418(H) William Mitchell College of Law MN Nonprofit 11,994(H) Saint Louis University Main Campus MO Nonprofit 12,400(H) University of Missouri-Columbia MO Public 5,435(H) University of Missouri-Kansas City MO Public 5.835(H) Washington University MO Nonprofit 16,750(H) Mississippi College MS Nonprofit 7,464(H) University of Mississippi Main Campus MS Public 2,785(H) University of Montana MT Public 3,064(H) Campbell University Inc NC Nonprofit 10,772

(H) Duke University NC Nonprofit 17,400

(H) North Carolina Central University NC Public 1,175

(H) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC Public 1,315

(H) Wake Forest University NC Nonprofit 12,850(H) University of North Dakota-Main Campus ND Public 2,585(H) Creighton University NE Nonprofit 11,156(H) University of Nebraska at Lincoln NE Public 3,142(H) Franklin Pierce Law Center NH Nonprofit 11,435

(H) Rutgers University Camden Campus NJ Public 7,105(H) Rutgers University Newark Campus NJ Public 6,596(H) Seton Hall University NJ Nonprofit 15,204

(H) University of New Mexico-Main Campus NM Public 2,244(H) Albany Law School NY Nonprofit 15.595

(H) Brooklyn Law School** NY Nonprofit(H) Columbia University in the City of New York NY No:iprofit 18,522

(H) Cornell University-Endowed Colleges NY Nonprofit 18,132

(H) CUNY School of Law at Queens College NY Public 5,274(H) Fordham University NY Nonprofit 15,100

(H) Hofstra University NY Nonprofit 15,200

(H) New York Law School NY Nonprofit 15,638(H) Now York University NY Nonprofit 19,140

See footnotes at end of table.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (149)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first - professional programsIn postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or *her area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992 -93 -- continued

First-proissalonal program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired foes

- Dollars -.1-=*, Continued

(H) Pace University-White Plains NY Nonprofit 15,480(H) Saint John's University New York NY Nonprofit 14,300(H) SUNY at Buffalo NY Public 5,332(H) Syracuse University Main Campus NY Nonprofit 16,224(H) Touro College NY Nonprofit 13,650(H) Yeshiva University NY Nonprofit(H) Capital University OH Nonprofit 11,180(H) Case Western Reserve University OH Nonprofit 15,880(H) Cleveland State University OH Public 4,828(H) Ohio Northern University OH Nonprofit 15,700(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus OH Public 6,876(H) University of Akron - Main Campus OH Public(H) University of Cincinnati Main Campus OH Public 5,337(H) University of Dayton OH Nonprofit 12,410(H) University of Toledo OH Public 4,288(H) Oklahoma City University OK Nonprofit 9,800(H) University of Oklahoma Norman Campus OK Public 2,178(H) University of Tulsa OK Nonprofit 8,930(H) Lewis and Clark College OR Nonprofit 13,050(H) University of Oregon OR Public 5,952(H) Willamette University OR Nonproft 12,038(H) Dickinson School of Law PA Nonprof : 11,400(H) Duquesne University PA Noriproll 9,958(H) Temple University PA Public 7,010

The Philadelphia institute" PA For-profit(H) University of Pennsylvania PA Nonprofit 18,384(H) University of Pittsburgh Main Campus PA Public 9,520(H) Widener University Pennsylvania Campus PA Nonprofit 12,450(H) Widener University School of Law PA Nonprofit 13,330(H) University of South Carolina at Columbia SC Public 4,400(H) University of South Dakota SD Public 3,382(H) Memphis State University TN Public 2,678

Nashville School of Law TN Nonprofit(H) University of Tennessee-Knoxville TN Public 2,606(H) Baylor University TX Nonprofit 6,609(H) Saint Mary's University TX Nonprofit 11,488(Ii) South Texas College of Law TX Nonprofit 11,400(H) Southern Methodist University TX Nonprofit 16,715(H) Texas Southern University TX Public 3,464(H) Texas Tech University TX Public 3,800(H) Texas Wesleyan University TX Nonprofit 12,555(H) University of Houston-University Park TX Public 3,030(H) University of Texas At Austin TX Public 3,992(H) Brigham Young University UT Nonprofit 4,020(H) University of Utah UT Public 3,363(H) College of William and Mary VA Public 4,548(H) George Mason University VA Public 5,474(H) Regent University VA Nonprofit 8,809(H) University of Richmond VA Nonprofit 13,020(H) University of Virginia Main Campus VA Public 6,170(H) Washington and Lee University VA Nonprofit 13,021(H) Gonzaga University" WA Nonprofit(H) University of Puget Sound WA Nonprofit 11,437(H) University of Washington WA Public 3,537(H) West Virginia University WV Public 3,384

ootnotes at end of table.


1 4 7

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (150)

Table 4.--Tultion and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary Institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First - professional program and institution State

Control ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired Ws

--,-Oollare.*-Law - continued

(H) Marquette University WI Nonprofit 11,600(H) University of Wisconsin-Madison WI Public 3,875(H) University of Wyoming WY Public 1,972(H) Inter American University of PR-School of Law PR Nonprofit 5,899(H) Pontifical Catholic University of Rr-Ponce Cam PR Nonprofit 4,205(H) University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus PR Public 1,998


(H) The University of Alabama AL Public 5,281(H) University of Alabama at Birmingham AL Public 5,331(H) University of Alabama in Huntsville AL Public 5,797(H) University of South Alabama AL Public 8,388(H) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences AR Public 8,342(H) University of Arizona AZ Public 6,580(H) Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science CA Nonprofit 2,579(H) Loma Linda University CA Nonprofit 18,750(H) Stanford University CA Nonprofit 20,885(H) University of California-Davis CA Public 4,289(H) University of California-Irvine CA Public 4,032(H) University of California-Los Angeles CA Public 3,833(H) University of California-Riverside CA Public 3,584(H) University of California-San Diego CA Public 2,838(H) University of California-San Francisco CA Public 3,503(H) University of Southern California*" CA Nonprofit

Yuin University CA For-profit 4,800(H) University of Colorado Health Sciences Center CO Public 9,621(H) University of Connecticut CT Public 9,400(H) The University of Connecticut Sch of Med & Dental CT Public 9,400(H) Yale University CT Nonprofit 19,450(H) George Washington University DC Nonprofit 27,990(H) Georgetown University DC Nonprofit 22,500(H) Howard University DC Nonprofit 12,031

(H) University of Florida FL Public 8,144(H) University of Miami FL Nonprofit 19,970(H) University of South Florida FL Public 8,152(H) Emory University GA Nonprofit 15,900(H) Medical College of Georgia GA Public 4,506(H) Mercer University GA Nonprofit 18,188(H) Morehouse School of Medicine GA Nonprofit 15,518(H) University of Hawaii at Manoa HI Public 5,357(H) University of Iowa IA Public 7,484(H) Loyola University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 16,750(H) Northwestern University IL Nonprofit 22,118(H) Rush University IL Nonprofit 20,188(H) Southern Illinois University-Carbondale IL Public 9,801

(11) University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 18,885(H) University of Health Sciences-Chicago Medical Sch IL Nonprofit 28,604(H) University of Illinois at Chicago IL Public 7,170(11) Indiana University-Purdue Univ Indianapolis IN Public 6,940(H) University of Kansas Medical Center KS Public 7,488(H) University of Kentucky KY Public 5,848(H) University of Louisville KY Public 5,730(H) Louisiana State University Medical Center LA Public 6,776

See footnotes at end of table.


.1 4 6

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (151)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professionalizogram and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

--Dollars-Medicine- continued

(H) Tulane University of Louisiana LA Nonprofit 24,120(H) Boston University MA Nonprofit 26,400(H) Harvard University MA Nonprofit 20,834(H) Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA Nonprofit 20,250(H) Tufts University MA Nonprofit 25,950(H) University of Massachusetts Medical Sch Worcester MA Public 9,948(H) Johns Hopkins University MD Nonprofit 18,500(H) Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences MD Public(H) University of Maryland Baltimore Professional Sche MD Public 10,405(H) Michigan State University MI Public 10,023(H) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor MI Public 12,843(H) Wayne State University MI Public 8,225(H) Mayo Graduate School of Medicine MN Nonprofit 0

(H) Mayo Medical School MN Nonprofit 9,325(H) University of Minnesota Duluth MN Public 7,528(H) University of Minnesota Twin Cities MN Public 7,642(H) Saint Louis University Main Campus MO Nonprofit 20,510(H) University of Missouri-Columbia MO Public 9,289(H) University of Missouri-Kansas City MO Public 10,240(H) Washington University MO Nonprofit 19,8C0(H) University of Mississippi Medical Center MS Public 6,705(H) Montana State Universitr MT Public(H) Duke University NC Nonprofit 17,500(H) East Carolina University NC Public 2,292(H) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NC Public 2,195(H) Wake Forest University NC Nonprofit 15,500(H) University of North Dakota-Main Campus ND Public 8,465(H) Creighton University NE Nonprofit 18,504(H) University of Nebraska Medical Center NE Public 9,015(H) Dartmouth College NH Nonprofit 21,486(H) University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey NJ Public 11.550(H) University of New Mexico-Main Campus NM Public 3,682(H) University of Nevada-Reno NV Public 5,586(H) Albany Medical College NY Nonprofit 19,850(H) Columbia University in the City of New York NY Nonprofit 20,290(H) Cornell University Medical College NY Nonprofit 20,510(H) Mount Sinai School of Medicine NY Nonprofit 19,625(H) New York Medical College NY Nonprofit 22,900(H) New York University NY Nonprofit 21,70001) Sackler School of Medicine NY Nonprofit 16,000(H) SUNY at Buffalo NY Public 8,803(H) SUNY at Stony Brook NY Public 8,725(H) SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn NY Public 8,670(H) SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse NY Public 8,885(H) University of Rochester NY Nonprofit 19,897(H) Yeshiva University** NY Nonprofit(H) Case Western Rennie University OH Nonprofit 19,420

(H) Medical College of Ohio OH Public 11,204(H) Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine OH Public 9,074(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus OH Public 7,710(H) University of Cincinnati Main Campus OH Public 9,630

(H) Wright State University Main Campus OH Public 8,535(H) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center OK Public 5,805(H) University of Oklahoma Norman Campus OK Public 2,857(H) Oregon Health Science University OR Public 8,173

See footnotes at end of table.


1 4 ":-)

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (152)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of Institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired Imes

----Oollare---Medicine -continued

(H) Hahnemann University PA Nonprofit 20,488(H) Pennsylvania State Univ Milton Hershey Medl Ctr PA Public 15,010(H) Temple University PA Public 17,920(H) Thomas Jefferson University PA Nonprofit 20,650(H) The Medical College of Pennsylvania PA Nonprofit 18,800(H) University of Pennsylvania PA Nonprofit 21,720(H) University of Pittsburgh Main Campus PA Public 18,449(H) Brown University RI Nonprofit 21,445(H) Medical University of South Carolina SC Public 4,760(H) University of South Carolina at Columbia SC Public 5,165(H) University of South Dakota SD Public 8,260(H) East Tennessee State University TN Public 9,108(H) Meharry Medical College TN Nonprofit 14,801(H) The University of Tennessee Memphis TN Public 8,182(H) Baylor College of Medicine TX Nonprofit 7,250(H) Texas A & M University TX Public 7,395(H) Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center TX Public 7,284(H) University of Texas Health Science Center TX Public 8,945(H) University of Texas Health Science San Antonio TX Public 8,791(H) University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston TX Public 6,833(H) University of Texas Southwestern Med Ctr Dallas TX Public 8,924(H) University of Utah UT Public 5,871(H) Eastern Virginia Medical School VA Nonprofit 11,500(H) University of Virginia Main Campus VA Public 7,944(H) Virginia Commonwealth University VA Public 9,315(H) University of Vermont and St Agricultural College VT Public 12,700(H) University of Washington WA Public 5,748(H) Washington State University WA Public 5,356(H) Medical College of Wisconsin WI Nonprofit 9,200(H) University of Wisconsin-Madison WI Public 10,274(H) Marshall University WV Public 8,856(H) West Virginia University WV Public 8,734

Eecuela de Medicina San Juan Bautista PR Nonprofit 9,700(H) Ponce School of Medicine PR Nonprofit 16,396(H) Universidad Central del Caribe PR Nonprofit 16,780(H) University of Sacred Heart" PR Nonprofit


(H) University of Alabama at Birmingham AL Public 3,348(H) Southern Callfoma College of Optometry CA Nonprofit 12,900(H) University of Crflifornia-Berkeley CA Public 3,248(H) Southeastern University of the Health Sciences FL Nonprofit 8,900(H) Illinois College of Optometry IL Nonprofit 16,687(H) Indiana University Bloomington IN Public 4,217(H) Indiana University-Purdue Univ Indianapolis IN Public 7,471

(H) New England College of Optometry MA Nonprofit 10,800(11) Ferris State University MI Public 8,201(H) University of Missouri -Saint Louis MO Public 8,732(H) SUNY College of Optometry NY Public 8,570(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus OH Public 6,321(H) Northeastern State Universit OK Public(H) Pacific University OR Nonprofit 14,314(H) Pennsylvania College of Optometry PA Nonprofit 16,785

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (153)

Table 4.-- Tuttlon and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state s: ether area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and Institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

..........Opitata....«.Opt Ornetry-continued

(H) Southern College of Optometry TN Nonprofit 11,500(H) University of Houston-University Park TX Public 2,504(H) Inter American University School of Optometry PR Nonprofit 11,714

Osteopethic Medicine

(H) College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific CA Nonprofit 17,280(H) Southeastern University of the Health Sciences FL Nonprofit 12,950(H) University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sci IA Nonprofit 17,715(H) Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine IL Nonprofit 14,532(H) University of New England ME Nonprofit 17,600(H) Michigan State University MI Public 10,023(H) Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine MO Nonprofit 18,680(H) University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey NJ Public 11,550(H) New York Institute of Technology Old Westbury Cam NY Nonprofit 10.270(H) Ohio University Main Campus OH Public 8,163(H) The College of Osteopathic Medicine of OSU OK Public 8,170(H) Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine PA Nonprofit 19,920(H) Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine TX Public 7,075(H) West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine WV Public 6,948


(H) Auburn University Main Campus AL Public 2,148(H) Samford Univerity AL Nonprofit 8,480(H) University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences AR Public 2,880(H) University of Arizona AZ Public 1,528(H) University of California-San Francisco CA Public 3,127(H) University of Southern CA Nonprofit(H) University of the Pacific CA Nonprofit 22,320(H) Howard University DC Nonprofit 7,921(H) Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University FL Public 2,824(H) Southeastern University of the Health Sciences FL Nonprofit 8,400(H) Mercer University GA Nonprofit 10,050(H) University of Georgia GA Public 2,445(H) Drake University IA Nonprofit 12,370(H) University of Iowa IA Public 2,834(H) Idaho State University ID Public 2.104(H) University of Illinois at Chicago IL Public 3,500(H) Butler University IN Nonprofit 12,340(H) Purdue University Main Campus IN Public 2,620(H) University of Kansas Main Campus KS Public 1,798(H) University of Kentucky KY Public 1,908(H) Xavier University LA Nonprofit 8,300(H) Massachusetts College of Phar & Allied Hith Sol MA Nonprofit 10,560(H) Northeastern University MA Nonprofit 11,243(H) University of Maryland Baltimore Professional Schs MD Public 4,171(H) Ferris State University MI Public 6,201(H) University of Michigan-Ann Arbor MI Public 8,149(H) University of Minnesota Twin Cities MN Public 4,880(H) St Louis College of Pharmacy MO Nonprofit 8,030(H) University of Missouri- Kansas City MO Public 4,917(H) University of Mississippi Main Campus i MS Public 2,421

notes at and table.


1 5

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (154)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First - professional program and institution State

Control ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

400Iiit11.*Phannacy- continued

(H) Campbell University Inc NC Nonprofit 8,967(H) University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill NC Public 2,186(H) North Dakota State University Main Campus ND Public 1,682(H) Creighton University NE Nonprofit 10,170(H) University of Nebraska Medical Center NE Public 4,015(H) Rutgers University New Brunswick NJ Public 5,136(H) University of New Mexico-Main Campus NM Public 1,656(H) Albany College of Pharmacy NY Nonprofit 8,400(H) Saint John's University New York NY Nonprofit 16,184(H) SUNY at Buffalo NY Public 6,063(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus OH Public 4,684(H) University of Cincinnati Main Campus OH Public 6,247(H) University of Toledo OH Public 4,341(H) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center OK Public 3,370(H) Duquesne University PA Nonprofit 8,808(H) Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science PA Nonprofit 10,e50(H) Temple University PA Public 6,828(H) University of Pittsburgh Main Campus PA Public 7,326(H) University of Rhode Island RI Public 3.682(H) Medical University of South Carolina SC Public 2,200(H) University of South Carolina at Columbia SC Public 2,818(H) The University of Tennessee Memphis TN Public 3,407(H) Texas Southern University TX Public 923(H) University of Texas at Austin TX Public 1,744(H) University of Utah UT Public 1,495(H) Virginia Commonwealth University VA Public 4,019(H) University of Washington WA Public 3,637(H) University of Wisconsin-Madison WI Public 3,239


(H) California College of Podiatric Medicine CA Nonprofit 18,869(H) Barry University FL Nonprofit 17,800(H) University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sci IA Nonprofit 15.775(H) Dr William Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine IL Nonprofit 15,560(H) New York College of Podiatric Medicine NY Nonprofit 18.642(H) Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine OH Nonprofit 15,800(H) Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine PA Nonprofit 18,981


(H) Samford University AL Nonprofit 5,200(H) Selma University AL Nonprofit 5.560(H) Southern Christian University AL Nonprofit 4,065(H) Fuller Theological Seminary' AZ Nonprofit

Western Seminary-Phoenix AZ Nonprofit 2.400(H) American Baptist Seminary of the West CA Nonprofit 6,046

Armenian Bible College CA Nonprofit(H) Azusa Pacific University CA Nonprofit 3,204

Bsrnadean University CA Nonprofit 0Bethel Theological Seminary West CA Nonprofit 5.760Bethesda Christian University CA Nonprofit 1.705

(H) Biola University CA Nonprofit 6,024See footnotr,s at end of table.

150 I"

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (155)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students In first-professional programsIn postsecondary institutions, by program, Institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992 -93-- continued

First-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired firm


Booker T Crenshaw Christian Col & Sch Ministry Inc CA Nonprofit 1,106Chong Shim College & Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,800Christian Witness Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,800

(H) Church Divinity School of the Pacific CA Nonprofit 8,800(H) Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology CA Nonprofit 5.040(H) Franciscan School of Theology CA Nonprofit 5,320(H) Fuller Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 7,296(H) Golden Gate Baptist Seminary CA Nonprofit

Great Commission Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,880(H) Hebrew Union College California Branch CA Nonprofit 8,000

Institute of Buddhist Studies, Inc CA Nonprofit 3,040International Christian Education College CA For-profit 2.550

(H) International School of Theology CA Nonprofit 5,870International Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,400

(H) Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley CA Nonprofit 8,200K P C A Presbyterian Theological Seminary** CA NonprofitKernel University CA Nonprofit 4,000Logos Evangelical Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,880

(H) Mennonite Brethren Bible Seminary CA Nonprofit 5,355(H) Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 3,800(H) Pacific School of Religion CA Nonprofit 5.895

Reformed Presbyterian Seminary CA Nonprofit 1,800Saint Johns Seminary CA Nonprofit 8,400

(H) Saint Patrick's Seminary CA Nonprofit 5,250(H) San Francisco Theological Seminary CA Nonprofit 5,250(H) School of Theology at Claremont CA Nonprofit 8,830(H) Sierra University CA Nonprofit 4,400

Son Ught School of Theology CA Nonprofit 0

(H) Starr King School for Ministry CA Nonprofit 5280(H) The Master's College CA Nonprofit 5,818

University of Metaphysics CA Nonprofit 1270Vision Christian University CA Nonprofit

(H) Westminster Theological Seminar CA NonprofitWorld Evangelism Bible Cot & Sern CAWe d Mission TY: --ological Seminary CA Nonprofit 2,400Yuin University CA For-profit 2,300

(H) Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary CO Nonprofit 5,328(H) iliff School of Theology CO Nonprofit 8,888(H) Saint Thomas Seminary CO Nonprofit 0,210(H) Holy Apostles College and Seminary CT Nonprofit 3,e50(H) Yale University CT Nonprofit 9,980(H) De Sales School of Theology DC Nonprofit 4,040(H) Dominican House Studies DC Nonprofit 4,000(H) Howard University DC Nonprofit 7,921

(H) Oblate College DC Nonprofit 4,050(H) Wesley Theological Seminary DC Nonprofit 0,990

Evangelical Bible Sominary FL NonprofitFlorida Baptist Schools FL Nonprofit 1,310Gulf Coast Seminary FL Nonprofit 1,e431

International Seminary FL. Nonprofit 1,800Reformed Theological Seminary FL Nonprofit 4,000

(H) Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary FL Nonprofit 5,500St Petersburg Theological Seminary FL Nonprofit 1,050

Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College FL Nonprofit 4,500Zoe College Inc FL Nonprofit 1,320

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (156)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of Institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

Rrst-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

-..0ollarty-.--Thee y- continued

(H) Columbia Theological Seminary GA Nonprofit 5,2ise(H) Emory University GA Nonprofit 8,000

Immanuel Baptist Theological Seminary* GA Nonprofit(H) interdenominational Theological Center GA Nonprofit 3,855(H) International College and Graduate School of Theology Hi Nonprofit(H) Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary IA Nonprofit 4,304

Mid-America Reformed Seminary IA Nonprofit 1,230(H) University of Dubuque IA Nonprofit 5,410(H) Wartburg Theological Seminary IA Nonprofit 3,100(H) Bethany Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 4,808

Brisk Rabbinical College IL Nonprofit 3,100(H) Catholic Theological Union at Chicago IL Nonprofit 7,470(H) Chicago Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 4,725(H) Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 8,300

Hebrew Theological College** IL Nonprofit(H) Lincoln Christian College and Seminary IL Nonprofit 3,350(H) Loyola University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 8,848(H) Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago IL Nonprofit 3,100(H) McCormick Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 5,105(H) Meadville-Lombard Theological School IL Nonprofit 11,715(H) North Park College and Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 5,585(H) Northern Baptist Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 3,980(H) Seabury-Western Theological Seminary IL Nonprofit 7,880(H) Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago IL Nonprofit 7,300(H) Trinity Evangelical Divinity School IL Nonprofit 6,915(H) University of Chicago IL Nonprofit 11,709(H) University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Sem IL Nonprofit 9,025(H) Anderson University IN Nonprofit 4,890(H) Christian Theological Seminary IN Nonprofit 3,990(H) Concordia Theological Seminary IN Nonprofit 3,630(H) Eariham College IN Nonprofit 4,125(H) Goshen Biblical Seminary IN Nonprofit 3,844(H) Grace Theological Seminary IN Nonprofit 6,080(H) Mennonite Biblical Seminary IN Nonprofit 3,844(H) Saint Meinrad School of Theology IN Nonprofit 13,473

Trinity Theological Seminary & Coll of the Bible IN Nonprofit 1,405(H) University of Notre Dame IN Nonprofit 14,530(H) Central Baptist Theological Seminary KS Nonprofit 4,280(H) Asbury Theological Seminary KY Nonprofit 5,870(H) Lexington Theological Seminary KY Nonprofit 3,770(H) Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary KY Nonprofit 6,327(H) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary KY Nonprofit 550

Louisiana Baptist University LA Nonprofit 2,200(H) New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary LA Nonprofit 1,000(H) Notre Dame Seminary Graduate School of Theology LA Nonprofit 5,151

Union Baptist Theological Seminary LA Nonprofit 287(H) Andover Newton Theological School MA Nonprofit 5,820(H) Boston University MA Nonprofit 6,880(H) Episcopal Divinity School MA Nonprofit 8,860(H) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary MA Nonprofit 7,092(H) Harvard University MA Nonprofit 11,124(H) Pope John XXIII National Seminary MA Nonprofit 11,700(H) Weston School of Theology MA Nonprofit 6,300(H) Mount Saint Marys College MD Nonprofit 6,585(H) Ner Israel Rabbinical College MD Nonprofit 7,200

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (157)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsIn postsecondary Institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

FIrst-profeesional program and institution StetsControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

..».;05.*(i.4,4......:.:'::-:: .',...:::.::.,,,...f:,::-ki::: ::..:- :':'..... .::::::7b00110Wp!'etetlintilid..::'.....::.i,::::::-::::::::':': '.' ' '

(H) Saint Marys Seminary and University MD Nonprofit 6,830(H) Washington Bible College MD Nonprofit 4,434(H) Washington Theological Union MD Nonprofit 7,000(H) Banpor Theological Seminary ME Nonprofit 0,041(H) Andrews University MI Nonprofit 3,436(H) Calvin Theological Seminary MI Nonprofit 4.142

Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary Mi Nonprofit 1,000(H) Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary MI Nonprofit 4,068(H) Sacred Heart Major Seminary MI Nonprofit 4,630

Ss. Cyril and Mothodius Seminary MI Nonprofit 4,635Theological School of the Protestant Reform Church MI Nonprofit 1,200

(H) Westarn Theological Seminary MI Nonprofit 4,309(H) Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbinical College MI Nonprofit 2,800(H) Ethel Theological Seminary MN Nonprofit 4,320

Central Baptist Theological Seminary* MN Nonprofit(H) Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary MN Nonprofit 3,600(H) Saint John's University MN Nonprofit 8,425(H) United Theological Seminary MN Nonprofit 5,400(H) University of St Thomas MN Nonprofit 8,700(H) Aquinas institute of Theology MO Nonprofit 6,400(H) Assemblies of God Theological Seminary MO Nonprofit 4,246(H) Calvary Bible College MO Nonprofit 3,090(H) Concordia Seminary MO Nonprofit 5,385(H) Covenant Theological Seminary MO Nonprofit 4.500(H) Eden Theological Seminary" MO Nonprofit(H) Kenrick Glennon Seminary MO Nonprofit 8,830(H) Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary** MO Nonprofit(H) Nazarene Theological Seminary MO Nonprofit 1,953(H) Saint Louis University Main Campus MO Nonprofit 3,840(H) Saint Paul School of Theology MO Nonprofit 7,480(H) Reformed Theological Seminary MS Nonprofit 4,275(H) Wesley Biblical Seminary MS Nonprofit 3,810(H) Duke University NC Nonprofit 7,000(H) Livingstone College NC Nonprofit 2,800(H) Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary NC Nonprofit 1,100(H) Beth Modraoh Govoha NJ Nonprofit 2,300(H) Draw Univehry NJ Nonprofit 8,162(H) New Brunswick Theological Seminary NJ Nonprofit 6,510(H) Princeton Theological Seminary NJ Nonprofit 6,490(H) Seton Hall University NJ Nonprofit 4,795

All Saints University of America, Inc. NY Nonprofit 1.500Academy for Jewish Religion NY Nonprofit 5,500Bnai Arugath Haboeem NY Nonprofit 2,400

(H) Christ the King Seminary NY Nonprofit 4,682(H) Colgate Rochester-Boxiey-Crozer NY Nonprofit 6,332(H) Darks' No'Am Rabbinical College NY Nonprofit 4,100(H) General Theological Seminary NY Nonprofit 9,059(H) Jewish Theological Seminary of America NY Nonprofit 7,860(H) Maryknoll School of Theology*" NY Nonprofit(H) Mesivta of Eastern Parkway-Yeshiva Zichron Moilech NY Nonprofit 4,200(H) Masivta Torah Vodaath Rabbinical Seminary NY Nonprofit 4,465

Mid - America Baptist Theological Seminary NY Nonprofit 900(H) New York Theological Seminary NY Nonprofit 6,970(H) Nyack College NY Nonprofit 5,876(H) Rabbinical Seminary of America NY Nonprofit 4,000

See lootnotos at and of table.

163 55

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (158)

Table 4.-- Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

Ant-professional program and institution State

Control ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired foes


(H) Saint John's University New York NY Nonprofit 7,928

(14) Saint Joseph:. Seminary and College NY Nonprofit 1,100

(H) Saint VladimirsOrthodox Theological Seminary NY Nonprofit 3,120

(H) Seminary of the Immaculate Conception NY Nonprofit 7,335

(H) St Bernard's Institute NY Nonprofit 6,130

(H) Talmudical Institute of Upstate New York NY Nonprofit 4,250

Unification Theniogical Seminary NY Nonprofit 5.160

(H) Union Theological Seminary NY Nonprofit 10,857

Yeshiva Eshol Yiroel NY Nonprofit 3,000

(H) Yeshiva Shur Hatorah NY Nonprofit 8,250

(H) Ashland University OH Nonprofit 3,960

(H) Athenaeum of Ohio OH Nonprofit 6,300

(H) Cincinnati Bible College & Seminary OH Nonprofit 4,350

Payne Theological Seminary OH Nonprofit 3,000

(H) Pontifical College Josephinum OH Nonprofit 5,841

(H) Saint Mery Seminary OH Nonprofit 5,650

(H) Trinity Lutheran Seminary OH Nonprofit 4,700

(H) United Theological Seminary** OH Nonprofit

(H) Winebrenner Theological Seminary OH Nonprofit 4,104

(H) Oral Roberts University OK Nonprofit 3,940

(H) Mount Angel Seminary OR Nonprofit 3,700

Multnomah School of Bible OR Nonprofit 5;220

(H) Western Conservative Baptist Seminary OR Nonprofit 5,250

(H) Western Evangelical Seminary OR Nonprofit 6,555

(H) Academy of the New Church PA Nonprofit 3,584

(H) Baptist Bible College and Seminary PA Nonprofit 4,008

(H) Biblical Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 4,185

Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 2,700

Christ the Saviour Seminary PA Nonprofit 2,100

(H) Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 5,8e0

(H) Evangelical School of Theology PA Nonprofit 3,975

(H) Lancaster Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 4,824

(H) Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg PA Nonprofit 4,121

(H) Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia PA Nonprofit 4.885

Moravian Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 6,358

Philadelphia Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 4,020

(H) Pittsburgh Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 6,688

Reconstructionlst Rabbinical College PA Nonprofit 6,027

(H) Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 2,550

(H) Saint Vincent Seminary PA Nonprofit 6,410

Seminary of the East PA Nonprofit 5,400

(H) St Charles Bonomso Seminary PA Nonprofit 5,500

St Tikhon Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 1,970

(H) Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry PA Nonprofit 3,385

(H) Westminster Theological Seminary PA Nonprofit 7,445

Bob Jones University SC Nonprofit 4,010

(H) Columbia Bible Collo::: and Seminary SC Nonprofit 8,000

Cummins Memorial Theological Seminary SC Nonprofit 1,220

(H) Erskine College and Seminary SC Nonprofit 4,050

(H) Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary SC Nonprofit 3,320

(H) North American Baptist Seminary SD Nonprofit 5,470

(H) Church of God School of Theology TN Nonprofit 3,035

(H) Emmanuel School of Religion TN Nonprofit 3,420

(H) Harding Graduate School of Religion TN Nonprofit 8,108

(H) Memphis Theological Seminary TN Nonprofit 4,725

See footnotes at end of table.



DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (159)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students in first-professional programsIn postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired lees

lam-.--DoiTheology- continued

(H) Mid America Baptist Seminary TN Nonprofit 900(H) Tennessee Temple University TN Nonprofit 2,840(H) University of the South TN Nonprofit 8,532(H) Abilene Christian University TX Nonprofit 1,500(H) Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary TX Nonprofit 4,742(H) Baptist Missionary Association Theological Sem TX Nonprofit 1,260(H) Criewe'l College TX Nonprofit 2.830(H) Dallas Theological Seminary TX Nonprofit 4.970(H) Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest TX Nonprofit 7,500(H) Houston Graduate School of Theology TX Nonprofit 4,500

Institute/Eastern Orthodox TX Nonprofit 405(H) Oblate School of Theology TX Nonprofit 5,475(H) Southern Methodist University TX Nonprofit 8,448(H) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary TX Nonprofit 1,408(H) Texas Christian University TX Nonprofit 5,498

Union Baptist Bible College TX Nonprofit 520(H) University of Saint Thomas TX Nonprofit 5,000

Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond VA Nonprofit 3,500(H) Eastern Mennonite College and Seminary VA Nonprofit 3,980(H) Liberty University VA Nonprofit 2,080(H) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in VA VA Nonprofit 4,900(H) Regent University VA Nonprofit 8,309

Richmond Virginia Seminary VA Nonprofit 2,000(H) Union Theological Seminary in Virginia VA Nonprofit 5,250

Virginia Seminary & College' " VA Nonprofit(H) Virginia Union University VA Nonprofit 4,008(H) Fuller Theological Seminary** WA Nonprofit

Northwest Baptist Seminary WA Nonprofit 4,710Immanuel Lutheran College WI Nonprofit 950

(H) Maranatha Baptist Bible College Inc WI Nonprofit 3,760

(H) Nashotah House" WI Nonprofit(H) Sacred Heart School of Theology WI Nonprofit 6,100

Saint Francis Seminary WI Nonprofit 5,200Evangelical Seminary of P.R.*" PR NonprofitSeminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico PR Nonprofit 4,052

Veterinary Medicine

(H) Auburn University Main Campus AL Public 2,235

(H) Tuskegee University AL Nonprofit 7,580

(H) University of California-Davis CA Public 3,257

(H) Colorado State University CO Public 7,399

(H) University of Florida FL Public 6,124

(H) University of Georgia GA Public 2,817

(H) Iowa State University IA Public 4.888

(H) University of Illinois Urbana Campus IL Public 6,392

(H) Purdue University Main Campus IN Public cose(H) Kansas State University of Agriculture and App Sci KS Public 3.971

(H) Louisiana St Univ & Agri & Mech & Hebert Laws Ctr LA Public 3,400

(H) Tufts University MA Nonprofit 22.830

(H) Michigan State University MI Public 8,458

(H) University of Minnesota Twin Cities MN Public 7,181

(H) University of Missouri - Columbia MO Public 6,204

(H) Mississippi State University MS Public 4,066See footnotes at end of table.

1155 "

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (160)

Table 4.--Tuition and required fees for full-time, full-year students In first-professional programsin postsecondary institutions, by program, institution, state or other area, and control of institution:Academic Year 1992-93--continued

First-professional program and Institution StateControl ofinstitution

Tuition andrequired fees

Veterinerylkidiairtai"coldifilled:: ::,,, :..',i'.. :::'?::::::::: .::::: '

(H) North Carolina State University at Raleigh NC Public 2,228(H) Cornell University-NYS Statutory Colleges NY Public 11,032(H) Ohio State University-Main Campus OH Public 6,321(H) Oklahoma State University Main Campus OK Public 4,218(H) Oregon State University OR Public 6,781(H) University of Pennsylvania PA Nonprofit 17,170(H) University of Tennessee-Knoxville TN Public 3,766(H) Texas A & M University TX Public 5,556(H) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State linty VA Public 7,116(H) Washington State University WA Public 5,748(H) University of Wisconsin- Madison WI Public 7,526

Other Or. U11011Mid Piegt4,061***.P090017"%:.... i

Bernadean University CA Nonprofit 0Booker T Crenshaw Christian Col & Sch Ministry Inc CA Nonprofit 1,036Shasta Abbey CA Nonprofit 0

(H) National College of Naturcpathic Medicine OR Nonprofit 0,672(H) Memphis Theological Seminary TN Nonprofit 1,575(H) Bastyr College WA Nonprofit 10,330

(H) Higher education institution, that is, accredited at the college level by an agency recognized by the Secretary, U.S.

Department of Education.Nonrespondent - Institution did not provide Information on basic student chzges.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education DataSystem (IPEDS), "Institutional Characteristics' survey, 1002-93.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (161)


Academic year. The period of time generally extending from September to June and usually equatedto two semesters or trimesters, three quarters, or the period covered by a 4-1-4 plan.

Board charge. The charge for an academic year for meals, for a specified number of days (or meals)per week. (In this report, when a combined room and board plan is offered at an institution, the costis reported under "Room," and an asterisk (*) is found under "Board." The combined charge is not partof the calculation to determine average charges.

Full-time student.

Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits, 12 or more quartercredits, or 24 or more contact hours a week each term.

Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits, or 9 or more quarter credits.

First Professional: As defined by the institution.

Full-year student. A student who attends an institution for a full academic year (see Academic year).

Graduate student. A student who holds a bachelor's or first-professional degree, or equivalent, andis taking courses at the postbaccalaureate level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduateprograms.

In-district student. A student who is a legal resident of the locality in which he or she attends schooland thus is entitled to reduced tuition charges if offered by the institution. (In this report, institutionswith a triple asterisk (***) to the right of their name charge tuition and required fees to in-districtstudents that are at least 10 percent lower than the charge to in-state students.) This code is found inthe 2-year and public less-than-2-year tables only, since 4-year schools generally do not have separatein-district charges.

In-state student. A student who is a legal resident of the state in which he or she attends school.

Meals per week. See Board charge.

Out-of-state student. A student who is not a legal resident of the state in which he or she attendsschool.

Private, for-profit institution. A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in controlreceives compensation other than wages, rent or other expenses for the assumption of risk.

Private institution. An educational institution controlled by a private individual(s) or by anongovernmental agency, usually supported primarily by other than public funds, and operated by otherthan publicly elected or appointed officials.

Private, nonprofit institution. A private institution in which the individual(s) or agency in controlreceives no compensation, other than from wages, rent, or other expenses for the assumption of risk.These include both independent nonprofit schools and those affiliated with a religious organization.


5 ;-)-

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (162)

Public. An educational institution whose programs and activities are operated by publicly elected orappointed school officials and that is supported primarily by public funds.

Residence. A person's permanent address determined by such evidence as a driver's license or voterregistration. For entering freshmen, residence may be the legal residence of a parent or guardian.

Room charge. The charge for an academic year for rooming accommodations of a typical studentsharing a room with one other student.

Tuition and required fees.

Tuition: Tuition is the amount of money charged to students for instructional services. Tuitionmay be charged per term, per course, or per credit. (Note: the tuition charges shown in thispublication are for a full academic year.)

Required fees: Required fees are all fixed sum charges to students for items not covered bytuition and that are required of such a large proportion of all students that the student who doesnot pay the charge is an exception. This figure does not include such items at- books, lab fees,or transportation expenses.

Undergraduate student. A student enrolled in a 4- or 5-year bachelor's degree program, in anassociate's degree program, or in a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate.


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles ...· DOCUMENT RESUME ED 365 261 HE 027 054 AUTHOR Broyles, Susan G.; Morgan, Frank B. TITLE Basic Student Charges at Postsecondary - [PDF Document] (163)

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