April 12, 2024 | CodeRVA | Magnet School for Computer Science in Richmond, VA (2024)

Good afternoon, CodeRVA Families-

Hopefully you survived both the eclipse and the week after Spring Break! For all our families who observed Eid al-Fitr (which marks the end of Ramadan), a belated Eid Mubarak!

We have been full steam ahead to the end of Marking Period 5 (which is next Friday) and we have set our eyes to the end of the year. We have lots of information to share this week as a result!

First,we need all members of the Class of 2024 to complete thisSenior Exit Survey Class of 2024TODAY. Our Seniors also need to note that their Google accounts will be deactivated on June 30.

Second,PE Logs for students currently enrolled in Health and PE 9 and Health and PE 10 are dueTODAY.

If it’s spring, that means it’s testing season!We will send general testing updates in these emails and also follow up with specific voicemails/emails for families of students who are testing. If you have questions about your student’s testing schedule, please contact your School Counselor.Please see this week’s update below, and help your Raptor to arrive well-rested and ready to test. We like to brag that our school’s scores exceed state averages, so please help us keep that streak going!

  • Grade 11 Associate Degree and Applied + DE studentswill take their Reading SOL on April 15.

  • Grade 9 students currently in Algebra 1 who have chosen the Associate Degree pathwaywill take their Algebra 1 SOL on April 18.

  • Grade 9 students in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 will take their SOL tests on May 2.

Mark your calendars now, Raptors, for our annual College and Career Fair on Wednesday, April 24! This College and Career Fair is for all students in grades 9-12. At this event, each organization in attendance will have a designated table where they can share and disseminate information about their college, university, or organization. We look forward to welcoming our guests to CodeRVA to share with students some great opportunities and options they have after they complete high school. Please reach out to your student’s School Counselor if you have any questions.

Here is another note from Ms. Culbertson and our School Counseling team.Check out what our School Counseling Department has planned for this upcoming Flex Day:

  • Reynolds Career Coach, Ms. Young, will continue working with our 11th-graders on resumes and cover letters.

  • Afterward, Ms. Young will work on Career Exploration with our 9th and 10th graders.

We havethree items to pass along from our friends at the Virginia Department of Education:

  • TheSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program can help families buy groceries.SNAP benefits are based on how many people are in your household, income, expenses, etc. It’s easy to apply, and details are provided inEnglish,Spanish,Urdu,Arabic,VietnameseandAmharic.

  • Public Hearings for the Proposed DRAFT 2024 Computer Science Standards of Learning;Questions? Contact Keisha Tennessee, Computer Science Coordinator,Keisha.Tennesse@doe.virgina.gov

  • The Virginia Board of Education will hold public hearings on the proposed revised Computer Science Standards of Learning.The Standards of Learning identify the essential content, processes, and skills for grade levels and subject courses. They also identify academic content for essential components of the computer science curriculum at different grade levels for Virginia’s public schools

  • The most current information about the revision process, as well as public hearing dates and locations, is available on the Review and Revision of the 2017 Computer Science Standards of Learning webpage.

  • Public comment regarding the proposed 2024 Computer Science Standards of Learning may be offered through the public comment form or public hearings.

  • The public comment form will be available April 25, 2024 – May 31, 2024; Public hearings will take place April 29, 2024 – May 20, 2024.

  • Virtual public hearings will be held at a variety of times to accommodate the public. Pre-registration will be required for virtual public hearings. Registrants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the public hearing. Speakers will have three minutes to speak and are asked to submit copies of their comments electronically for the Board of Education.

  • The virtual public hearings will be held on the following dates and times:

  • Roundtable Discussions on the 2018 Science Standards of Learning;Questions? Contact Laura Casdorph, Science Coordinator,Laura.Casdorph@doe.virginia.gov

  • The Virginia Department of Education is hosting roundtable discussions to obtain feedback from educators, parents, and other stakeholders on the 2018 Science Standards of Learning. Feedback garnered from the roundtable discussions will inform the revision process for the 2025 Science Standards of Learning.Roundtable sessions will be available virtually at the times and dates indicated below. Feedback can also be provided through theComments on the 2018 Science Standards of Learningform or by emailing comments directly toVDOE.Science@doe.virginia.gov. Comments must be received by May 31, 2024.

That is quite enough for one day, I think.Please also check out the reminders below from previous Raptor Rundowns for information on our End of the Year Awards assemblies, Dual Enrollment schedules for next school year, and Summer Session.

Please note The Raptor Rundown will be on pause next weekas I am traveling to Finland to do a tour of their educational system. They are known for having some of the best schools in the world, and game recognizes game. I look forward to learning from them!

Have a great weekend, Raptors!


***23-24 CodeRVA: Raptor Scholarship Sheet

Previous Raptor Rundown Reminders

We will be holding our End of the Year Awards Assemblies using the schedule below. There is also a brief description of each of the awards we distribute at these short, informal ceremonies. Please note all Senior awards are distributed at Graduation.

  • Assemblies for grades 9, 10, and 11 will be held on May 30 in the 100s using this schedule:

  • Due to space restrictions we cannot invite guests to these ceremonies, but they will be streamed live using Zoom, and each ceremony will be recorded in case you are not able to watch in real time. Use this link to join:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89613817716?pwd=xaQQstDg5aU6HHwrowXSaSpyzDvdN4.1

  • President’s Award for Educational Excellence: this award recognizes academic success in the classroom.

    • Three students per specific course who have a 90% or above for a final grade for the current school year in the course for which they are receiving an award and has displayed high motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities and/or exceptional judgment.

    • For Dual Enrollment and fully online courses: World Languages, Economic and Personal Finance, and Health/PE 9 and 10 (due to the variability of the class sections and instructors), the student who has the highest grade in each content area in each grade level will be selected, unless no students with a C or higher in the course exist.

  • President’s Award for Educational Achievement: This award recognizes students that show outstanding educational growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects. Its purpose is to encourage and reward students who give their best effort, often in the face of special obstacles.

    • Three students per grade level.

    • Students will not be selected from fully online courses (World Languages, Economic and Personal Finance, Health/PE 9 and 10).

  • The top 5 students in each grade level with the most PBIS referrals.

  • Humanities Excellence in Writing Award: Any 10th grader who has received three perfect scores on all three LPAs/PBAs (24/24).

Here is an important scheduling update for RISING 11th and 12th Grade Families so that families can plan ahead for 2024-25:

  • All 11th grade students on the Associate Degree pathway should plan to attend in person during all marking periods except for Marking Period 3 (11/18/24-1/17/25). During MP3, students should plan to work virtually on their Physics course and any additional online electives. These students should also plan to attend for two weeks during Summer 2025 to complete a Dual Enrollment computer science course.

  • All 11th grade students taking Dual Enrollment classes through J. Sargeant Reynolds that are not on the Associate Degree pathway should plan to attend in person during all marking periods. During Marking Period 3 (11/18/24-1/17/25), students will be given the option to arrive late or leave early (depending on when their Dual Enrollment classes occurred during the day) if they have transportation available. More details will be shared during the fall about this option. Students who do not arrive late or leave early during this time will be assigned to a specific location to complete work. These students should not plan to attend during the upcoming summer for any Dual Enrollment courses.

  • All 11th grade students on the Web Design pathway should plan to attend in person during all marking periods. During Marking Period 3 (11/18/24-1/17/25), students will be given the option to leave early following Rotation 3 if they have transportation available. More details will be shared during the fall about this early release option. These students should not plan to attend during the upcoming summer for any courses required for the Web Design pathway.

  • All 12th grade students not enrolled in any Dual Enrollment courses should plan to attend in person through Friday, May 30.

  • All 12th grade students on the Associate Degree pathway should plan to attend in person all marking periods through the end of Marking Period 5 (4/16/25). At the conclusion of MP5, students on the Associate Degree will have completed all requirements for their high school diploma and Associate Degree (unless they are completing a world language course during their 12th grade year). These students should not plan to attend classes after MP5 concludes.

  • All 12th grade students taking Dual Enrollment classes through J. Sargeant Reynolds that are not on the Associate Degree pathway should plan to attend in person through Friday, May 9. Following the conclusion of their Dual Enrollment courses on April 16, students will be given the option to arrive late or leave early (depending on when their Dual Enrollment classes occurred during the day) if they have transportation available. More details will be shared during the spring about this option. Students who do not arrive late or leave early during this time will be assigned to a specific location to complete work.

  • All 12th grade students on the Web Design pathway should plan to attend in person through Friday, May 9. Following the conclusion of their Web Design courses on April 16, students will be given the option to arrive at the beginning of Rotation 3 if they have transportation available. More details will be shared during the spring about the late arrival option. Students that do not arrive late or leave early during this time will be assigned to a specific location to complete work.

  • All 12th grade students not enrolled in any Dual Enrollment courses should plan to attend in person through Friday, May 9.

Summer Session 2024

  • Summer session will begin on June 10 and end on July 18 for a total of six weeks. Each session will take place Monday-Thursday during regular school hours (no school will occur on June 19 and July 4). Transportation will be provided by a student’s home district if they are scheduled to attend. Students who are not scheduled for any of the offerings shown below will not participate in the summer session.

  • Students’ grades at the end of the school year, performances on LPA and SOL tests, and academic pathway decisions will impact if they are scheduled to attend one or more summer sessions. Students qualify for summer sessions through the following ways:

  • Students who receive 50-59% in a Computer Science, Humanities, Math, or Science course at the end of the regular school year will be required to attend Course Completion. Course Completion will run in person for one week and involve reviewing key skills and standards to receive a passing grade (60%). Families will not have an option to choose when to do Course Completion(s). Students cannot receive a grade higher than 60% during Course Completion. Students who receive 0-49% in their Computer Science, Math, or Science course will receive a final failing grade and will repeat the course when appropriate.

  • Students who receive 45-49% in a Humanities course at the end of the regular school year will be required to attend English Recovery to receive their English credit. English Recovery will run in person for one week in person and one week virtual and involve reviewing key skills and standards to receive a passing grade (60%). Families will not have an option to choose when to do English Recovery. Students cannot receive a grade higher than 60% during English Recovery. Students who receive 0-44% in their Humanities course will receive a final failing grade and will repeat the course when appropriate.

  • Students who are not successful on their LPA and/or SOL tests will be required to attend SOL remediation and retake their respective LPA/SOL test. LPA/SOL remediation will run in person for one week. Families will not have an option to choose when to do their LPA/SOL remediation.

  • Rising 10th grade students on the Associate Degree pathway taking Geometry will complete three weeks of summer session from June 10-June 27.

  • Rising 11th grade students taking Dual Enrollment (including students on the Associate Degree pathway) will complete a Dual Enrollment College Success Skills course (SDV 100) from July 10-13. This virtual course will include both synchronous (via Zoom) and asynchronous time. Students will be divided into two sections, one in the morning (8 AM-12 PM) and one in the afternoon (12:30-4:30 PM), based on last name. Students will meet with the professor on Zoom on these dates: July 8, 9, 10, and 11. Students will work asynchronously on their own on July 2, 3, 15, and 16. These dates apply to both groups of students. Students will receive their assigned section on Wednesday June 5 once all regular school year grades have been calculated and Dual Enrollment eligibility determined. As a reminder, Dual Enrollment courses for students in this grade level have a $20 per credit fee. SDV 100 (a 1 credit course) will require families to pay a $20 fee. This fee will be applied to your student’s account and families can pay either during summer session or with regular school fees in August.

  • Rising 12th grade students on the Associate Degree pathway will complete a two week in person Introduction to Discrete Structures course occurring from July 8-July 18. As a reminder, Dual Enrollment courses for students in this grade level have a $15 per credit fee. CSC 208 (a 3 credit course) will require families to pay a $15 fee per credit hour. This $45 fee will be applied to your student’s account and families can pay either during summer session or with regular school fees in August. Please also be aware of our updated attendance policy for summer Dual Enrollment courses, which you can find below:

  • Dual Enrollment summer courses are typically in increments of 1 or 3 or 4 credits. The guidance below applies to both in person and asynchronous/virtual courses.

    • 1 credit classes = 4 days of synchronous and 4 days of asynchronous learning

    • 3 credit classes = 8 days

    • 4 credit classes = 12 days

    • Students enrolled in a 1 credit course can miss a maximum of 1 day with prior notice and an approved reason.

    • Students enrolled in a 3 credit course can miss a maximum of 2 of 8 days with prior notice and an approved reason.

    • Students enrolled in a 4 credit course can miss a maximum of 3 of 12 days with prior notice and an approved reason.

    • Approvals of absences must come from Dr. Goranson or Dr. Ashworth.

    • Failure to meet attendance guidelines may result in students not receiving credit for a course and being unable to remain on their Dual Enrollment pathway.

  • Families who wish their students to take summer courses in their home divisions or with an online provider must obtain approval from CodeRVA prior to registering. Please send the name of the course and the reason for taking the course to your student’s school counselor via email no later than Friday, May 17. Students who take courses without CodeRVA’s approval may not be awarded credit on their transcripts.

  • World Languages courses will be offered through Virtual Virginia during summer session. To sign up for World Language offerings for the summer, please completethis formno later than May 3. Before signing up for a World Language course, carefully review the information that is shared in the form and reach out to your student’s school counselor with any questions.

  • Health/PE 9 and 10 and Economics and Personal Finance courses will not be offered during the summer session.

  • Here is alinkto a visual schedule for summer 2024. Please reach out to your student’s school counselor if you have any questions about summer. Students and families will receive their final schedule for the summer session via email on Wednesday, June 5.

April 12, 2024 | CodeRVA | Magnet School for Computer Science in Richmond, VA (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.